r�+ar�.; - r Sw ti�,}� .',�. �c EE F'-r ^' F' � - � ��r: ' . , �
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<br /> ��?�' lt'_'. _ .. . T. �.
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<br /> �s.n.r t X�a.�� 8 't � ,<�� .. b �: � 4� c �-. c-:F i�s-�'2"S' F'i� .. _.- - .-ac U, .: �
<br /> r 'tR, "P"'.- .r'".•'""'T7���r' r"EF�" � ,.'.tt- � Y� .�t 5'f,r.,�,.�'::� -'rF"-�
<br /> . 4L `.}af L � f -f C { ,. k �� T.L . .�.:�6 C:�� .�. _ �.J�- � l[„
<br /> � -�'1<`F- ��•'��'{ .4 S �`" a s �d""�:r:c�'YF'•—.+'h�• - -E'p�. �3'_`_ ,F��
<br /> =���t ��_--�rr;+2:.?._ _�6�._ r:. r.�• u,.lz_.�-.f�. ...n.:•= �'. _ G _ r.�, t
<br /> � '� y
<br /> t
<br /> � �`1•c.� . e�� ��A ���.
<br /> �
<br />_ r'_-^- _ .n;-�.=c-.x'y ~x ,F.
<br /> R r;,y: '�:'.'•'�:.�-:�•' 'jb���8u�1C IID(1IO�fP.IILS IIOW Or Q�llOCtCd OII tllC(7IOp2ity.&A�811 62SCQIQi�� � :;•
<br /> �Y`� �'w`;�.� fixttu+es now ar hereaRer a part o� the propeny. All �Imoements an� additioas shalt also be oQVered by thIs Serauity gf� :
<br /> Q �< z �«` ° �
<br /> h-�� _ .� �.4!!t t f t�f s�t�i�i s r?f e r�r�s i n e h i x S e�n s i t y t�a�n e�a s�h e'P m p e rt y. ,,
<br /> ' , - ... BORROWBR O�VFs�'VAN?S tfi�at Bonawer is lawfntty seisod of t�e essate Ive�hY conveyod and h�the right w g�t�md �y
<br /> °.��'�.:: °,:Y��;:_. ootaey the�opetty ai�1ha!the P�a p e�t y is anenauntrere�.eacept far e�cvmbranaes of tecatd. Bo:sower wasanis�d wtU
<br /> � r°" ��": defatd P,eae�ailY t�e dtte w tlte Fraperiy agaimst ail daims a n d d e m a�s d s.su b3ea w any e a c u m btauces o f�r d. � c�`
<br /> F�Y U:;�.�f `s .; ,
<br />;..;� . .. .trF::;�,:.
<br /> -...�,�:,...; r�:..:: THIS SECURPrY INSTRUNIENP oombiaes�mifonn wvenants faa narionat use aad aoa�uniform oov�ants ahtit limited '':�_
<br /> ���.=-`��`�- °`-_ ' vs�rlarions by�nn w c�amstiw�e a unifoim sea�rity iasuument aovering teat pm�esty � ��
<br />.�-^cuF;.�..0�. .c.,,o:,",?�-.� �.r<
<br /> : .:b-��`.-:�;.� [JNIFORM COVENAAiTS.Borroner aad irender ooveoaat aad a��s foltows: �f�'��:
<br />_ � -�.-..:
<br />:,'�F•4••` -•'�:r�•�..`��,4� 1� P�ym�t aY Sein�t!and tni�ti �9�t�I.ate Ctiuiges. Bosrower shaU P�P�S+ PaY ahen dae the 4-:'_1
<br /> :� r r2��- principal of aad inierest on the debi evideaced by the Note and anY PRPeY�and tate charges dne under the Note. �, :
<br /> r_� �R
<br />:.,,:„,� �.�iar Tazt�aad tt�ts�e.Sul��ect tn a�litabic law or to a w�itten waiver by L�ender,Bnrrower shall p�y tfl � _ :
<br /> .. + _��Y.r'-"" '�" ^
<br /> _�.�.,• are due untter the Note.unti7 dte Noie is m fnll,a sum(°Funds')for:ia)Y�t�c� '�;�°4.
<br /> ':��`•'::4_,�.:�s-. l.a�et tm the day me�thlY PaYmeats F�� �._
<br /> ? ° -.'' aad assessments wh[�may suain�riazity over this Sea�rity Is�sitwa�nnt as a lien an the Property:N)Y�Y leasehatd paymenYS �:.
<br /> r:�.�-`Kx:=`�<,::�� or gmuad tents on the Pr�npeRy.if airy:(c?Y�Y��ar pr�npaty im�uaace pte�a�iurng:(d)Year1Y fland insuraace pmmiums.
<br /> �� �� r Y �r:: if aay:(e)Yearly awrtgage iasaranae premi�s,if any:sud(t?�Y�PaYabte by Barmwer to Lender. in aooarda�e with �t ;
<br /> - '--�`�:-L-''' '� the pcovisioas of�gh 8,in liees oF We payment of aiurtgage:n�,•S►TM��.T6sss items aie caltod'Escrow It�s.'
<br /> `' ~-. •,. iender may. at any time.aoltcxt aad botd Fnnds in an amount aat w eaceed the maximum�ount a[eader for a f e d e r a l l y
<br /> 't '� �` -�" relared ma�age I�n may require for Borrawec's essraw aoornmt�der the federat Res1 Lstate S�ttYemeat Proadu�es A�af �' ::�
<br /> 1 ' ! `
<br /> _ 'a`:.:t" 4'�'�r_..}r� � -.-
<br /> `:;.:�-, _�:,. . .. . 1�4 8S 3ID�dC�fl0m UIIIC t0 f1iIIC• 12 V.$.C.SBCLtOt! �I d 1eQ( R�SPA ).UnIeSS BIIOibCi IaVr E�i 3jlj!!!CS W ttiC�II�S .
<br /> -- __�-.�`=��`�<-: sets.a t�ser amo�mi.If so.ixader may. at�yt t�e.anitect and ho2d Funds in aa amoBnt Qot w exc�d th�a tcsser amnant. ``"
<br /> }` { `'.. l�nder may estimate ihe a�i of F�mds due on the basis af au�eat dffiat and rwsonable�ma�of e�adii�ues af fu0ue � ,'-�
<br /> '�. «r �� `��:t
<br /> _, �c �,.,�_ < Fscnow It+ems o�athe�aris�ia anoard�se wtth applicable laa.� .,r
<br /> ,,:,�� . .
<br /> --.�.�t-.
<br /> --: r�::�.":•�..:.;:�.:,. 'ihe F�s!�!1 be hetd in an institniion whnse de�rosits are insuced by a fed�ral a�ency. auuumeaiality. or eatIty -
<br />::-�':a.. '..�....W..` .�..��'-. .,�.f:;.-;
<br /> . �. _:_F;,:.ti. �.�.;. . r�g��.if Leader is s�rh an insdwtion)as in aay Fede�af Home Luan Baak.lendes s5all apply the Fands to pay the
<br /> ` ° " `` Fscc+pw Ite�ns.Lender may aot charge Bortawgr for boiding aud applyht�ttte F�ds.anuuaitY am�ly�ng the escmw acooant.os .�
<br /> )._ '! ���__ , -'
<br /> - `` � 'i; veNying tt�ee Fssmw Itan9.uNess L�ender pays Bonower inter+ast on the Fuuds and applicable!aw pecmits l.eadei to make s� , �`�'
<br /> •. .. 9
<br /> . :.��.::�13.�:�iC- . :... c-rT
<br /> , .,< -- ;- a cba�g�.However.I.eader may teq�e Borrower to pay a oQe�ne d�arge for�ta�eadeat ceal cstate tas scaviae ,
<br /> '��` - 4>:;::;.- °. �°� �t��`=
<br /> :•ti"�' "'�',T �, asea by Leader in�aroa adtb tbds loan, uNesa,applieable laar pravides ottreiwlse. llnless an ag�e�eat is �ade ar �,;;
<br /> `k��'�.::�:.".: ' epplicabie!aa�ses inte�e.st ta 6e p�id,LEnder shall ant be�eqoired to pay Borrower a�r imc�est or earnia�on the Fauds. �f
<br /> '°=r= •= . SO!lOWCt 3Dd I�A�ECf 2l18�/a$iEC ID WflnAgs(IOWCVCis tQffi MtC�ES[SIffiI)(!e�O11 E�tC F4m[IS.�+CttdCF SbBI�g1Y6[O HQifOWCi�. �'
<br /> �=},`f.,T � __:f:; f . r?•-�
<br /> ���..�r..:F.�:>.a —-
<br /> y �.`, `<•y.. wittwat cdarge,an aAnual.a000uating of Ihe Funds.showiag �and debita m t�e Fuuds artd the patpose for wtt�c�h ach _.
<br /> ..`l,��.,fl L��°"'..'.:�:.C�d�_.°--� �tO We Fw�ds was made.'14�e Faads ace p2edgad as additim�al sewriry for ali su�s sew�ed by thfis�Ey tnsorumeut. m-.u
<br /> ��,�� �; �f the Fuads held by l.eader eaaeed the amounts pe�snitted ta be he2d by apptiwbie lacv.Leader sUaU acma�w Bonawr,r
<br /> �-` -•�:r,---�L`,- far We excess Pands la aeoaidaaoe witb We requirememts of applicabte faa►: If the mnotwt of tde Fuads heM try Leader at any =_-
<br /> . . . .L ,�2F.6�_� .
<br /> � .'.. . _. date is not saffic3eat to pay the Escraw Ite�as wheo dae,I.eader may so aotify Borrower in wrIting,atzd.in sucb.wse Borrawer � _:
<br /> ��- .�.'7'.''.. '�"'- .
<br /> ._,,.:h r:�,:: shaU pay to�.e.ndet the amoimt neressary w make up the defiieienc.y.Bomower shall matce ttp the defideucy In na mos+e than
<br /> �-k�y�
<br /> " rt S;. �/ ttYC,IY6 tIIdII1�Y�1'dSIR1C�Ss 8i LCRQC['B SO1L'dISCfCt�011. •
<br /> �i' —
<br /> :.:,y;;`-,�,..,:;_�::,::.�• tTpon paymeat�n fati of ell sams secared i�y ttus Sec�ity Y�ument,L�der shall pzamptly refnnd w�Bomswer aay -_-
<br /> ';::`''_;�.'' : ';r,�� Fouds Aeld bY Leuder.I�ander�21.Leadea sLalt acqoire or seU the Ptvpetiy,Lender,prior m the aeqnisidon or ssle -
<br /> =i�s?:.�.��:�-._!_a_'�J,: . _
<br /> �� '�,;�-':� T�x=;t` of the Properfty,,,.s�h,�aD.,,�apply sny Funds hetd by l.ender at the time of soq�risiteaa or sale as a credit against the sams secdr�d Isy �---
<br /> _...il..` 'rr'r�..yL,*. •�„�.,,,,,.3"1J7�UYllLFI�. • � � . . ' •
<br /> . ',':t:.' ��,.5�..;��:.`•. Wa�7RWi► •
<br /> _ .f: : ,: :.. .�f�� +. 3.�lppli�iuu of PlaymeaRs.Unless appllcable law provides otheiwise.a�l paymeats�eived by Le�er�uder Fa�hs �_-
<br /> ���.��'•�'"�. �� �, �aad 2 st�be:�ppfied:�s�,w anY P�Ym�n char8es dae�ad�the Nat�se�d,co a�o�s payable etader�gr�C 2:
<br /> _�-���' t�!L.'.t
<br /> _-�-=�-:'��_,�_ � d�isd:co inie�esi dae:fawdi.W psiacipal du�and tast,ta a�r late cdarges due unda We Note. —
<br /> rt-�:,��.:�, � ;.� ' . . . .A.�u�;Idem.Bam�wer shall Day all taaes.assessmems,charges,fines anb isnp�itemjs ator�ntab2e to the Fr+oge�ty
<br /> - °=�--_��- v�d►maY ai�a►,�ority ov�this Seciuity It�Wme�.and kasedp2d paymems ar grountd reats.if aay. Batmwer sUaA pmy
<br /> �s=r;.:":"`;�; ---- Wese abligatitssiss in the mauner pmvided in�ragraph 2.or if�mt paid in tbat manner,Bomower shail pay theu�oa ti�e di�ctly - -
<br /> �__..�
<br /> �.,,ti:..._:_.,:,, � g
<br /> �,,.��::;�.�;n " to the�persan owod yaynte�t.Hormwer shaU prmnpdyr famish to L+wder sU aottces af amuunts to 6e paid uader this paragapft. .
<br /> .-�.,-�'��'-" � If�Borrower makes t6ese payr�sa►ts dirertty.Borrower shall pramptly fbmish�w i.enAer readpts evldaccing the papmeats.
<br /> :_..._..y."I;'/.—.� .
<br /> =`�=s. Bonawet shaU prois��discharge mry liea wh4d�has priority over this Sesaiity L�trua�erit unless Bore�wer:(a)a�r�es ia
<br /> ��;.,.'�;.'.=.::;'., • aU
<br /> �:;<,...,.,;-.,..,:, ,_�.�,;:,, wrfttng w�he payme�t of dte obl��ation s�by the tIen in a manner soceptab2e m Leader;(b)aontests ip good fahh t6e lien . —
<br /> r :' . �;� :: b!►. or deferWa egaiast�foreettu�►t of the lien In. leg�l Pmce�dfinga wbich In the•LetWer's opitdon oDaste to prevent the � _
<br /> - � z=.�:_� � enfosoement af the Hen;or(�)sewres from the holder of tha lien�n agr�aemem sat�sfacwry to L�ndcr sa6ordinating tl�e I�ea tm . -�-_
<br /> -.::}•-:.``ri'�..::.'.....:_ �:__�
<br /> ., 4` :.- , , ti�is SaCt�ItY Insunmeni.If d.ender d�ermines tdat a�r�act of U�e Propeny is sn6ject w a Nen a�c8 may auain prlority aver .
<br /> �,7'.a,.�_.- .�,�i. -'
<br /> -- '•• '', ::'-_': - thla Seiauity Inswment.l.ender�nay give Borrower a maefoe ideai�fying tbe lien.Ea�rawer shall satisfy the iien vr take oas as _
<br /> _'`; '. - - .- , more vf the sct�oaq set forth above wittun 10 days of t6e giviag of aottce. • -°'°_
<br /> �::
<br /> '�'_,'.` ��' -_r;` Fatm 8018 Bl80 — '-
<br /> .. ,�:,
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