'_'�,s � - �z;.� . ,�,�Y . . - �-��-
<br /> -�t:az.irC ..:r,'' .2 � ' F-- ; L �,.:£ 44 '�:i;. ., . � - lr `•'�y _
<br /> Ycy- �. " c��°�".�'�::2 _ Sk-� -r 'a� �_� ,c�`'t ' . '� • .,:.i`i _
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<br /> _�'"°�c�..,. . ,T"s"'—�--�-c— .— �- S':<�'F`�--.�..-'...-� -�s s. .
<br /> ' ^, `�- '._;£...t - i`'r�'4rz-`._k�'. i
<br /> �....'1. =o-...--- _ _ '" +c,. 'X _
<br /> . -a - rc.. � a.- � U - - � v - � � � �.�.�C aE . . �c-�. ,�+�-a,vrwxr'c"t'°j�-"�-c� �}+,,^_"t...
<br /> ':..�......x . � - n _1_ . . . . }..i6 ' .'4-•c 5.���`�.:.,�r3'�.r.t-•-'t,•sc¢�"`�`.t•-��� _ 4 Y-c..�Z-��- �w'��
<br /> .'.��.:--�� _� _.. � ,r � -C.k s-�:�`� `v ±" �� �` -.. � .� � -_�vi �f- C, $b� �� �`.<'.."t __��Fr,'7 �y� `
<br /> .' f�.6 v t�,�� �, .� k,. -.r. s:r� e� `.t -n r �:_�.� _t cr ;�.+..¢ �r �, i r � . zC ...�. c .m.�.
<br /> r''�- .��•���s-1�, �Yci+ �F ;`c{. �saf. Y, t d' , '� a '4'' s�u'k"L'C'.. "��y" _`'� "�'y-�., t,-7r`- ,��i.y,-.�, F .
<br /> xi.�t a_ .�dt`� F•'Lr;�' `�:nf�.Sn,.-r. ��.4 . ..t F�sr _ .�t- - �. -.5�� �`' � s �`..y�.�K .t. t...'_`ti .``�• .3c rJ`•`.
<br /> �L. c..n '�� ' ' ' .k�._ ' '
<br /> � rk
<br /> , � ` � ,+ ?` • ��� w4,�
<br /> _=�� ���� ��;�1:
<br /> ;``.�..`4 �3 1T.Traasf�of tne Fnsp�4y or a Beneftsial int�est in�oteows.If aII or any part of the Pmperty or aa�y iuoaest!n it
<br /> -�:<:�::.;�. �_:��:::� � �`�
<br /> �Y is sold or u�nsfe�d tor if a 6eaef'tcia{intem.st ia�arr�ec is sa�d or tra�iaso�i�iu:�:.�r�a:x a�rrrs!�.n.�u�*�
<br /> �" ' Ir�der's prtor writDen�nseErt. Lw� may. at its op�on.. imacediate paymeat in full of all sumc secured by this
<br /> �<�?:��c r�:�--r.� Sewrfty Lutramem.Nowever.tltis option shall aot be exenisei�I,euder if execcise is prolubited by federa!taw as of the date
<br /> `�, ...:�;�.:.'���_:^�._ of titis Securtty Insuum�ut- . .:_aY�
<br /> eu
<br /> - ,�'..t��`��• If Laider�aecc�sea this o on.Le�de�r si�aU e 8otmwer florite of aooele�ation.The notice st�aU piavide a pertod of not �
<br /> ` � '� te�s t6an 30 days from t6e date the notice is dcdiv�ered or ma�ed within widdi Bmrower must pay a{1 swas secvned by this �`.
<br /> :..,�-,-:,F�.�F.u"t Sec.viity It�rtwaeut.Vr Eormwer faifs to pay the.se s�prior W tde e��piratiot+of t�is period.Le�er maY invoke aay na�dies � �,�.
<br /> . :.,. �-`;.:�'�" pr�miued t►�r ttiis Sec�riry Inst�ame�t witpeout fnrthet notice or demand on Bonower. �_u;
<br />.�-.a:�.`:�..�t..:;��
<br /> ���.��;>R;;�,.'` 18. Borrow�'s Right W �ptncwrp_ If Sar�wer rxeets oeriain ooaditions. Eorrower shaU have the rlght to have .�.
<br /> "t "'' � -� eaforcemert of ttus Seauity Mstrnmeat discorttimud at any time prior w tde 4arlier af: (a)5 days tor such ath�period as t:
<br /> �`;`. ` `��= sppiirable taw may specify for reirutatement) before sale of the Property Psusuant w any power of sale ooatained in this
<br /> r �esvrity lastrum�t;or(b)entry of a jactgmwt eufar�ing tlris Sea�rity InsEnsment.'i'ltase oo�inons are i�Borrawer:{a}pdys �, �
<br /> :_?�Ja._��"z:�"" Leader all sams whid�then won2d be due naQer this Secvrity Inmument a�the Not�as if no a+xeteration had occurred;lb) •'-.
<br /> v.r � t .` :�:.
<br /> � �� � ca�es a�+def�ilt of aay other ooveqants ar ageeeme.nts: (c)PaYs all exP� ina�rned in enforcing this Socurity Instn�mwt. < -
<br /> -- �`�`. <..�.�:• inchtdia�.6ut aot limited to.�sonable attomeys'fees;and 1d)takss sucb acaon as LaWer may reasonably require w assare �-
<br />. ._ .Y. Fr� /�5.
<br /> -:a'-:.�:'=�;:�•;-: tdat the tien of this Security tnstn�ment, Leader's reght�in tde Property and Borrowei s obligation to pay the sumq secored by _
<br /> `�:_-:=°�' - this Instrama�t sdall co�inue un U n reim�tatemem b Borrower. Wis Seaui InSnument and the -�,.
<br /> , - r ��Y �- Pa Y rY
<br /> '' ; s ; obligsHons seau+ed hex+eby shaQ remain futly effective as if n�accele�atiots Uad ocwrm�:Howe�rer,this right to reinstat�s5all �
<br /> a ��` not apply In tbe case of a�neieration ander pffiagraph 17. � -:
<br /> ' �n
<br /> .:r.,•-.'_':. .:.�.' I4 Sale oY Not� C�e ot Loan Sea�vFcer. Tbe Note or a part€al interest in the Note (togetder witD this Securiry `� �
<br /> . ,�`:::;``' ta�rameat)maY be sold ane ar mon timea withont�ar mtice to Hornawer.A sale may r�ilc in a ch�ge in the auety(knuwa ,•..,.
<br /> $ `�: -`- due nnder the Note and t6is Seamry I�t.T6ete also may�oue � :
<br /> ;F- .� ; as the'Loaa Seaoeoer°)that colte�xs manthly payweats a
<br /> r-.:._�;u,._;`.��. ur more changes of the Loan Servioer anrelazed w a sale of the Not�.If t6ere is a c�sge of the Loan Savioer,Bormwer a�!be . � `:
<br /> _'---:F.`�",`•:�:: �ven writteu motive of tke d�ange in aceordance witb paragiapb I4 abave sad e�pticable law.Tke aotice wil!state the aaute and �`'�
<br /> _�W���:�.�._.•�
<br /> address of the aear Loan Servioer and the address to alucL paymonts shanld be made.The nodce will aLso cou�sin anY ot�er .,•
<br /> 't� i; uI
<br /> - ``°'��" '``"�- ' iafommtioa e�equi�d by spplicable lew. . -
<br /> ..�t\�yY� •�.�G��:,h.-
<br /> 4: - 1A.Ua�ardo[�3abs�a�. Borrower sbatl nat ca�or pemnt the pcesence. nse. disposal• stora8e.or t+elease ag aay
<br /> ,..?,.Js---'1.�= � • �+ddss Sni�uces on or ia the Pr+ogerty. Boaower shall not dv. cnaz a12uw anyoas else to do, affeaing the
<br />=<�,`.�.:.; - Fropecty that is in viotation of aay Eavironmental law. 1�e pr�a$t�seritencts shaU not appty so�r�ce,use.os "
<br /> °' , =:j staiage on the of small qaantities of Hazandous Substances that are generally recognizod w be apprqpriate to namral
<br /> st a perty
<br /> <�+�¢, `��;�..._ � reslderrtiai uses�and nta mmnteaaace of tlte Pmperiy. � .°
<br /> ` :4 .�, Bonower shall P�mPUY 8ive Lender written notioe of�y u�vestigation,ctaim.demaad,lawsuit or other actcqn b3+aa!► � �:
<br /> `,-__y'�`",� govemmerual or iegWatoty ageacy or psivate patty imrolviag the Property aad any Hazardous Sabstance at 8avironmeattat Ltw �.,�,
<br /> �„ ;•� of wbicb Barn�wex i�as actual Imowl�ge.IP Bornowet teata�,ur is notif�d bp mry govemmartat ar iegofa�ry�thoritst.t�t u.
<br /> ' Y ,��`,� suy mamval or oWer remedtatlon af auy►Ha�ac�dous Sabstanoe affecxtng tke Pcopeny is necessary,Barmcver shaU pmmptty take �� =-
<br /> • �� � �' ali necessa�yt reutedlal aeriona ia eoodrdanee whh Envjranmeosal Law. . '.
<br /> _�.`-_�-�_=4_ � ' As usod in thisparagraph Z0.`Hazardons Sobstancea'8�'.�OSC 611bS�81ICCS�AC�'dS WX(C dT I1�0114 9��I � tT
<br /> � w.�_,f� .
<br /> L � �;,_r.,� F.nvitvnmeatal Law aad the foltowing substaaces:_ gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or wxic�euc�lenm pmducts. to�c .�` .J
<br /> - pesticides and heibic�des,volatlle sotvents,mateaials contaiuing as6esws os formaldehyQe,aad tadioa�iv�materials.As n s e d I n
<br /> ,, � �F��Ph�11. "Envimmnattal I.aw"me�ns federal laws and Iawa of tbe jarisdiction where ti�Pmperty is located that- � �?
<br /> r rk'.�' l218iC LO h?s'l�tl!•Si�Ctj►Ol C(IVIPOII��Itl�jtlOiE'dL0Y1. ' .'
<br />- ;;�;:r NOIWUNIFORM DOVENAN7S.Horrower and i�et[derf�utbes coveaant and agree as foltaws: `:��
<br />- �`--.�;. � ZI.At�deraNm+:Ranedles.E.+�eda s6a�give nolke to BorrowcF prlor to aviceleratlon foDowtn$Basowei'$bseach -
<br /> � �` o!aay eovwant os agreemau in this 9e�rity Insar�cnt (6at not p�or W acod�ation onder �apb 17 qni� � _
<br /> ` � {ti' appllc�Die taw pmvidcs utherwtsel.T6e aa�'ce s3mli speclfq: (a)t6e ddaulg:lb)the adIun svrgufre�l to core the deEaWt; . � -
<br /> ° �� :
<br /> , � • �..&: (c)a dat�nat tesv_tt�an 3�days fmm the�.e the uottce is�iveo to Ba�zower,try wbicb the detautt mast be cared;ead
<br />'r �: :-.,�:•,., • ' (�that faQum to cme tke detanit on or.befare the date sp�lfied in tbe aot�ce may resalt in acC�Ieraiton of t6e s�s. �z:�-
<br /> r ' �;� F. s�aeed Dy ti�Sewsitg Insirumeat aad�te of We Prop�ty.7Yce notioe sTmll ftrrt���fuform Bo�owec of the rtg�ht to � , -=
<br />. ._�;__:.,�.:�;,_°.:::,, � rdnstAte atter aa�eteratton arid the dgM to brtng a cawt adtan to assseR the aont�dstence of a detaolt as arry otber �=_-_
<br /> d�emse of.Bormwes ta a�atton�nd sate.If the det�ntt ig not em+ed on or 6efo�We date s�dfieA in tbe�tices
<br /> ' � I:etzd�.at its opttaa,may reqW�hnmodlate papmeat tu tTaD af all s�s s�n+�d by ttds Se�eity Insbemaeat wl4hout_ -__-
<br /> a '� �_; ita�her denwnd ana msy Urvo&e tlie�wer af saie and maq aW�r��1cs�eA bY aPWia�te taw.Lendes sbaD be _—.
<br /> -- _..;�:-.�,�; e a t t i t e m t o w i[�t e t t e x p�s c s�tu p m s u i�the r�a p r o v id�ia tNs p�r a g e+a pl��I.i�d a d l n$,bae ao!f�nited.
<br /> � = ' �t- to.e�ouBbteIIUormeys'fces an�ca4tsuttltleevideace. � _--
<br /> : ,,;_ ,, ,y ; If t8e aawer ot saie is invoged, Tmst¢e sball remrd a nottse af de�aWt in each�m�ty in whtcD any part a�the _ __
<br /> :.�::,f:,;�,.• Property L�iacate�l end sleait malt oopts.w ot snch aati�e in ti�e maanrs pr�i6ed by appitca�ie taw to Borrocvet�ud to • . __
<br /> ?�--� _.�' tUe athw peesons�D y appHcabte law.Aiter t�e tiuie ceqai�ed by a�yfleable ia�►,Tr�tee s6a4 give pnbik�ntioe • --
<br /> �:' .r,:.,...,,. ' :� �0 _
<br /> � � � � of sate to the�perauns aad in t�e mawuer presa�ibed hy�appllca6le law.7tu�stee.wlWont demaacl on Bors�awer,s b a l l s 4 i 1 �,:
<br /> , .' `` : the Propeety at puibllc aaMton ta tde hl$hat Didder at the dme�d ce and ander the tetms destgasted in the n�tt�e aY
<br /> -. •- - .. � �a . sate in one or mare�e1s ana ta a�ry order Tn�stee detamlaes.�may ga4tpaae sate of al1 ar any�asret�oY ihe
<br />- --=��-,���:-: .;; peope�ty bq�pe�bltc eamoune�r.N at the ttme en�place of aay prevtonsiy schaTnted sate. Lender or its desig�aee may �j�f
<br /> -'>.- �;,°•°• �` . pumLase the Pl+�ty at any�2e. � �-,;
<br /> _ ,.�. ,a=. i�
<br /> �:.,_
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