-�C�'iVT�ti�..�c_.a ':7:P,F7 � ' . ;P Lr�-Y � -:4'. . � i y_ -
<br /> :t..v'xiiT•�-4 J.a' �_ . t,y•• . ��_. +•T'�. �
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<br /> �SLis. -t t. �< `^� �' _'� �� T5.� � � r �='S�-r_� .�t�;c� `� t c � .� �..�t.i�� .� r�.
<br /> � - `�'. c t tG_ T4, £r � a u -f cE- ti���
<br /> A-'�'e��tt �f���sy�i t T �_G�) . } .'a �.c�.. Gt�, � �. x��za.-- ._. c �, c �p c d -.t:.- �. � � -h � -c.
<br /> a' �,,,�}� ,t�Ti"�{544+. 3 ,��.'`"� t� L '�. .F�`r �F�`rb_,t�"�!.�.t'.G `E .� ��� � �4�E, � -''YG cr` °��;C�*��x . st C£.�F"`r 4' X.,r ' .
<br /> LQ T�" � 'P. ..�. �`�c �i 52f Y.[t.,'' �f� � t.o�.0 �', '�t.��-�'c' 4 � � c(_� t ..�r� ,f ``to. - .�s�� ��- 4_�1 .na��
<br /> .rL r' �•s's��,�.,�y 'c'rr'_-.-'2 4 =c'T =s��-�;—.c:``� � �"� s-� - - -
<br /> r� ..�r� _ _ - - r� dY���U� ��qr.s,'��
<br /> �ii ����MV2T$�E'/�A t11C aII10tt[!t SI1d fOT t�1C�t� ���`>`::
<br /> X C�-� i�.
<br /> �_� p�yiue�+mrajr nu tv,�g�.`�s �. at i�tc�aa Of L�.ff�°
<br />`•;_�_`G:;:_=`�_:,: tbai le�tder teqaites)�tavided by an inwrer ayproved by leadea again b�mes avaifable s�d is obtained. Sunower sha!!pay �`�
<br /> ..:-F-,�.L z.��' .
<br /> -.. �p..°`�' the gremimas neqnirEd to maiatain mortgage u�swance tn effeet�or w provtde a toss reserve.�til the requiremene for mortg�e.
<br /> < ` Y'; insttrana�eeu�s ia eocurdaaoe with aay writteu agteemeai berneen Bormw�r and Lender or appticable taw. > :.
<br /> us
<br /> 4 `�<�_;�:: 9.i�oa.i�er or its age�nt u�Y ma&e reasonaDle�tries ugon and inspectians vf the Property. I.eader sl�all give ��•.
<br /> .�
<br />::�°=�':.�-`}4'' BarnmNer natice at the time of or prios to ssn uispectiQn s p a i E Yiag reas o a a b le cause for t h e i n s p e t t i o n. '�:� .
<br />::�r,�:..:;.::.::�� -a.>
<br /> ;�`<;:�u°�ti.� 10.Coud�on.The proaeds of any awffi+d or claim for damages.diroct or co n s e q a e n t'r a l. in wnne�tion wlth a a y "�Y
<br /> �¢;.,
<br /> :A� zt �r r��
<br /> .,.o .. <� oondenmadon or othea takiag of any part of the Properry.ar for oomrcyance ia li�of ooademmtion.are h�sy assig�d and
<br /> �_.K..�- �t b� to l.�. � �-. �:
<br /> r-�_;',•':�-.` � In the event of a mtat taging of We Property.the pnx�ds s'bsiU be a�splied w the swnc seca�ed by tbis Searity Uistmme�u.
<br /> �n wt�ct�the fair ��t',�,
<br /> .. ''� atiei6er ar tmt th�due.witb�eny exc�ss paid to�orrower. in tae event of a partiai aking of tbe Froperty' -.-�
<br /> �- ._:�:�-�� �` :`
<br /> �. �� �-° �-� � mar�cet Kahte of the Ptoperty imme�iately befoie the takiqg is equal to or gieater than the amnwu of the suau secaied by tlils
<br /> ��,., � .<r.t .:r4"
<br /> ,-.�.::... :..:.:
<br />;',f�:;`.•i��• : Security ias�meAt immediaiety befora t6e taking.unless 8ormwer acd i�der otherwis$�ree ip writing,the sums sewred by
<br /> ;��T�,;�;� this�r instraaient shall be reduced by the amawu af the prooeeds multiplied [ry the foftowing fcac�ion: (a) the mtal . ;`� -
<br /> SaWtmt of the sar�seaaed imm�dlatety bCfoR the tsidug,dlvIded 6y(b)d1e fair market vslue of the Pmperty immedi3lEIY : a
<br /> .,.;_ ..::<' ��'�,�
<br /> ���`�'���:�•..�t,; : � beforr the t�inS. AnY baf�c�shall be paid to Borrower. In the eveIIE of a paniai talcing of tAe Pr�sperty ia which the fair .
<br /> mark�value of the P�apecty+�iatety trefore tt�ee tatdng is less than the amaani af the ssu�s secuied i�ttediately befor�'the
<br /> ` �,�s , taking,ua�tess Borrower mW Leader otherwise�rae in wnting or aniess appficabIc iow�tLerwise pmvi�s.d►C pr��sb�f =.�:
<br /> .-�..__ . ,�.: .
<br /> -:��i:G=::>.� � 6e applied ta tbe suubs securod b3+this Seca�ritY inst��t whether or nnt the sums are thea dae. - -
<br /> ''`�.: �-�r ::, � If thc Pmpercy is abarutoned Dy Burrowpr.or if.aRer natio�by Leader w BormwerthaII the oondea�or affe�s w make aa ='��-:
<br />=,.�1��_.=.��, : t a i:..
<br /> t��
<br />'..�,t�;:����.�._' •. � awaN or settte a claam for damag,es. Bomawer,fails to�esQand w Lendei wItli�30 days a ft e r the&te the notioe is given, �
<br /> `i �.t, :=:�:
<br /> - ::�--:�<,r.:.' �.ender�s antherized w coltect�td opply the praceeds.at its optioa.eithcr w reswratioa or rr,pa�r of tde Prapritjr or to the sumR --
<br /> ��;•,;;--:.: by 'ty wh�her or aot thea dae.
<br /> =;k' :t;::' ses.�ed this Secun Insa�� :
<br /> -`°';:u�. tidess I.ender and Bonower othe�wise a�ree in writin�, suy applicatioa of proceed.s w prtncipal shall aot extend or
<br /> � �. � - postpone tHe due date of We monthly papc�ts referred to in parageaphs i aud�or c6ange thc atmnaE of�ch� . - -
<br /> :f...�,�;,,
<br /> :i:;y:,::-=_--,,s: : 11.Barrawer Not 1teleas�d;Farbearanoe By I.�der Nat a V1/aiver.Extengion of.the time fm payment ur modifu�on
<br /> ��r.�''��=- << of aiaartlzatian af the stuns sea�red by this-Se�uity Instsumen!granted by i.ertder w any s�ccessor in isuerest of Bottawet shait • �,'
<br /> ��.:::,.� .
<br />-a�:`':.,.��-;.�ti; =1 aot aperate to:etease tlie liability o�the orlgioal Sorrower or Bormwer's saqoessors ia interest.IRader sball not 6e requit+ed w "
<br /> _,,.,,. � -
<br /> '�`"= commence.pm�e�a�iust aaY satcessar in iaterest or refose w eatend time for paymeat ar utttetarise mad�fy maott�iva �-^;':.
<br /> ��..��:.r)G.�.,:.�f�,.�.. i, � ."
<br /> ..�. ,,.. �� of ttte sams secured by this Sop�ty I�t by reason of�ny demasad made by the orighml$arraarei or Borrowe�s �.;:...
<br />;;u:'.::`��-_�_::- i� • saooqs.go�s In iatecest.Any forbearaACC by Lender in exerctsing any right or reuwdy shal{aot 6e a waiver af or p�ectade the _ �-
<br /> +u�= ° e�c�seof a�r stght ar�nedY• —1
<br /> 1Z.Su�sws asW As�sig�ns�ound;Joini and Severat Uabittty: Co�sigaers.T6e covenaats and a�of t1�s , � _
<br />,:1-.',;;:!`%�<_'.'.: -; � aq �,_:
<br /> r..�,F:., >' S e a�r i t y I a s a u m a u s d a i i 6 i n d�d b e a�C i t t h e s a c c c�o r s a n d a s s l g a s o f L e n d e r a n d B orrawer,s a b}e c t w t h e P r o v i s i a a 4
<br /> �ir;'.
<br /> �`'�' ;`;:v''° `4 pazagraph 17. Bor[ower's covermnts and agreeu�eats shaU 6e ioiut and seveial. Auyr �osrawer who oo-signs�his'Seauity� _
<br /> �� `` Insorameat btrt dacg not eaecute the IVote: (a)is co-si8uin8 this S�rItY tnswment anly to mottgage,gant and corneyr that �::;
<br /> .•.� ..r i,
<br /> `"•' � Bamuwer's 3n�erest in the�perty tmder the terms of tlils Se�ty Iastrument:(b)is aot pernot�atty ob�igated w pay t6e sams -_
<br /> _ "....�.�_�..r .. ..? �ad by tLis Securii7►Ir�ut�;and tc)agrees that T►ender and�y other Borrowcc sasry,ag�ee ta e�.s�it'Y.�orbear m --
<br /> ���``�`'�;�:-::� :; m2tce any ao�modations wltL n�gard to the term4 af t6is Secnrlty Instrarnent os�he Note withopt that Borcowe�s consent.
<br /> ,� �;. .,�; ; r; erm
<br /> ,;,. ;::_
<br /> ..,�::,..�_�::.. ;t !3.I.oau Gtatges.If the loan secaned by tpis SccurItY Irtsuumeqt is salr�ect to a law which seta ma�rimiam toan charges, � --_
<br />;" �•. "� . ;, :;' that tasv is fma11Y irttergreted so thaat the lnteiest ar other toan charges collected or m be ooltecxed ia conA�an with the � =-
<br /> t
<br />�."-.�•.•.:,r.- .1;c- : .5: �� . —_
<br /> ;� �OQD CE��IC FClIAi�I�IU118.lflCll:(8)Sifjl SpCfl jQ3II C�AI$6 8�18��bEE IOdUCCd�t 1}!B B�IIt QOCC&R�►t0!�la�Yll'CC�I6 C�C , .
<br /> _---�:+.r; .; '� . •t°tbe PermItted limit:and(b)any at�ms atmady colte�from Bormwer whicb eaaaeded permiued limits ddil tie refaaded to -
<br /> �: ��� '�� Borraa+er. I.�der may choos�w make this refunA Iry�reducjng tt�princlPat owe�uader t�Nate os byr matdng'a diorea ---
<br /> - x�a � �� P�Y�t . —-
<br /> .r_�:�.�r�t,; paymem w B��rawer. If a refund red�s principal. the redocxio�r wtq be treated as a wlWout mry
<br /> - � prepayrmeat chatge itnder the.Noie. � , . . , � . • � • .
<br /> ���"=� '� ' 14.Notices.Aay n�to Borr�wer provlQed for�in thts Secaritp Instrameb�r�aall h$given by deUveriq�ct or Es�t�� . —
<br /> . :,;;�,:�:�.. . ea —..
<br /> ---- �_:'���� . . . it 1ry t`irsE'ctass matl uatess a�pltcab2e taw re�Nlres use of aacther methad.7�e na��e ahal!be dlroc��to the Fropeny Addtess :
<br /> ''r::'-j=��/��s: Ar aayr other address Boriower desi�ates by nottce to i,cader. A�r notiae w Leicdet sLaU.be given by fi�st cl�ss r�il to . ,
<br /> �.Ltf. ��,::'�P .$ -
<br /> _^� 1,eas�( i.: � . Leadcr's addre,as stat�herein,or aay ather address lxnder designates by nutice to Sor�awer. My nottce pravtdod for in tLfs _
<br />:*�;,�'� ;:U� ���` ::' `.SeWrity Insinumernt shaU be deEmed to Aave been given ta Bmrawer or Leader when given as Qrovided h►thtsparagraph. _;;:
<br /> . .. . . �.
<br /> --- '.::,;L'.:;� ;;: IS.Gavetatag �.atis;•:Severability. This Seaidty Inswment shaU be ga�emed by federal law and the taar of tUe �;.�
<br /> ��' �`���risdIcdon tn whicli tiree LrzvFertY is tocated.In�he ev�nt that aaY Pravislon or daase of thls Se�arlcy iavtr�isssenc os the Nate -
<br /> �� _ �
<br /> -� s �� conflic�s wit�i upplicable law,suclt coriiltd a6a11 aot affect other pmvlsions of tLis 3e�ulry Instrament or tlte Note which can be
<br /> . - - given eftect.svithanu the cantlicting pro 'v�ion.To this end the prov�s£ons of ehis Secarity Iasb'Qment and the Note are dec}azed ���r.'
<br /> `: to be severabte. ���
<br /> ;'` 16.Soraawes's Co�y.Bormwer ahall be givea one conformed oopy of the Ncrtte and of tfis Securriy Iast�ment. ,°
<br /> �: e
<br /> �, -'~
<br /> `;:; =;� � � � � �aoss s�so ;
<br /> ',�.' :3 vapmaafs � , �-�
<br />� � .-�i:.i;7;��-'., �.} • � .
<br /> :.+_ _ .F �,� . .k .,:
<br /> .p�:.� _
<br /> � �-hr:-�.a sv�,-`,�.-.-aa4`_,� , 'riar�ii�' ?`rz' � .
<br /> 7�_ � t .� .� � vsrt rw?_ .r_ '.'C:.� ..Fi - s � �"�' - `� .
<br /> .i ±s- .Y � � t
<br /> T - � � � _ 1 hi'.�� _ _.,:
<br /> �� Cj:�, t- . .. . '•T t � _} .-i. . � _ � .'ti:.
<br /> -i .rt - �. t • . �. �. �i '�i:. .: � .
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<br /> , � ` , i-t2. - . . Il. , u i: �3�1' , r . , J .� •
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