�95- �.(�'78��
<br /> Grant�oe shati have the dgb�t at any tirnc, ta re�a�te„ add, � uFB� � P'�� +�b�ities acd
<br /> .
<br /> a�Pw�n�oo�mec��,in,uPoa.abov�.►alc�ag,ova�,acro�s.m�da�or throngb thc asar�t
<br /> azxf right�f-way heneia ganted. Aay s�h �tblic utilities auil appuro� Pl�d �4 uP�. sbovR aloog,
<br /> �
<br /> over,across,n+�erne�.�r duou8h su+c,�tract of lazd shaU rcmain tbc pt+opetty of GtattL!!!,aad m=y be tdnc�vod
<br /> or reptaoed at aay time. .
<br /> It is furtl�r agreed that Graat�r has lawfi�l poa�uion of said reat estato,good right aod 1�wf�i anthOrity
<br /> . ,,
<br /> to rnalce s�ch oonveyaao� and tlmt(3raator, on behatf of i't� all6eirs, e�cea�tor�� a��mmis�oe�r, �c�o� �
<br /> aad a�i�.lxrebY oov�anb tlmt tbe rigbts aad privilegr�6ereia gra�ed ahali rm arith the titk w such tract of
<br /> iaad►�be biodiag upoa Gra�o�,aI1 beirs,exxutors,a►lrniaistraLors,suc�ssc�rs,aad assigru. .
<br /> In co�idaation of tbe for�,Grantee agt+�ts for its�lf aad its wo�aon and assigas tbat it will sav�e ,
<br /> t'rr'aator, its agenLt aad sen+S.�ts, hattnkss St1d fot�ever ir�decrttlify� eaci� Of them flo�ff ot agaiast sny liabilitid,
<br /> P��a' �0�. �8'�. ��s• �p�nses, suits.ju�sa�ts, li�ns aad encacnbranoes, or aay or all cvf tbem,
<br /> arisiag ont of or in aay way 00000cxed with tbis Agreanent, or any iastallati�+�s within or tbe�se or ma�mec of
<br /> nse of tbe Fasaneat Arr,a,and wheaever made or irx�, iaclud�ng any mud atlliability i�osod b3'iaw,aad/�
<br /> coatract,and/or custam,uPon Graator,its ageats,serva.-ns,or azry src all of than,accept where due to Graator's
<br /> negligenct or miscondud,aad in atry case Grantor s6all irdve the rigbt to demand�t Graatee shall undatake to
<br /> defend with attocneys rpsonabtY s�s�a�Ory to Craator,as t6a case may 1�aaY aad all suib,aod to investigst�e :
<br /> at�d ddrnd any aad all claimi, �vhtther just�Sed or tw� Providin$ an1Y thai tbe claitn or suit shall be sgait�tt
<br /> Graator,iis agarts or servanis,aaccxpt r�6ene due tr�Grantor's negligeaoe or mis000dud.
<br /> n�coa ci— �� — S �` • .
<br /> "�l�l�,���� • �/�- P
<br /> PARTNER5HIP,Grsntor• '
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