,�9 5-- 1U'7894
<br /> Beginnitig at a poiM Eighty(80.Q')fe�t��'est of t�e East line of
<br /> the Nort6east Quarter of d�e Nocthwest Quarter
<br /> (NEl/4NWlf4) of Section Thirtaa (13), Towaship Elevea :
<br /> (1 I},Raage'I'ea 110)a�i'Il�irty.'fhree(33.0')fcxt South of the
<br /> North li� of Section Thirtcea (13),.Township Elevea (11),
<br /> Range Tea (10); t�tmcx South Eighty (�0.0') f�eei�f/est of and
<br /> parallel to saad Eas: li:,e of Seciion 'L`Eiirteea (13), Tovvnship
<br /> Etevea (11), Raage Tea (IO) a distaace.of One Huudrod
<br /> (100.0') fetfi tbeacx West Thirty Eigbt (38.0� feet on a line �
<br /> Oae Hundred Thirty Threc (133.0') fett South of aad parallel ,
<br /> to the North Wae of Sectioa 'I1�irtxn (13), Township Elevea 4 :
<br /> (11), Range Tea.(10); thence North One Hundred(100.0')fat :
<br /> on a line One Hundrtd Eightxn (118.0') fat We�t of and ` . :
<br /> paralltl to the East line of' the Nor�ea.st QuaYter af the � _
<br /> I�ior�st Quarter (NE1/4NW1/4) of Sectian Thirtcea (13), �
<br /> To�vnship Elevea (11), Itange Tea (F4); t�nCx Fasi Thirty
<br /> Ei�t (38.0') feet on a Iine Thirty Three (33.0') feet South of .
<br /> and parallel to the North tine o': Section TEurtear (13), -
<br /> TowaLShip Elevar �11), Raage Tea (10) ta the Poiat of
<br /> �.-¢icuvng,containin�0.09 ac�es r�re or less, as showa on t�
<br /> plai dae� 2/15/95, mazked Exhibit "A; aitached hereto and ,
<br /> inc�rporated ht�eia�by refereac�,
<br /> togethe�r with the following rig�ts:
<br /> : Grantee shall l�ve unrestricted ingress and egress to the above-descrit��.easanent a�right-of-way for
<br /> �3'Pu�� D�ss�'for the survcying, coustructioa, insPection, maintenancx, rapair, rePlacxstteat, relocation,
<br /> extension, removal, and operation of such public utiliri�s and appurtenanc�s. Such rights of ingress and egress
<br /> shall be exercised ia a reasonable manner.
<br /> Crrantee shal!have the right to excavaie and refill ditches and trenches nece.ssary for such public utilities
<br /> and appurtenances;to remove,clear,and keep clear,tnoes, bushes,bedges,undergrowth,and/or acry obstructions
<br /> iat�rfering wi� th�surveying, cc�astruction, i�spection, maia+.enance, repair, replac�nt, relocation, extension,
<br /> removal,anc�operaiion of such public utiIities and appurtenaaces.
<br /> _ Grantor shall have the right to use the r.asaneRt and right�f-way for pucposes not inconsisDeat with
<br /> Grantee's fulf enjoyment of the rights herein BranLed, provided thai Grantor shaL not allow any struchires,
<br /> buildings, combustible materials, rir other properiy of airy kind whatsoever, to !ie erected, constructod, Placed�
<br /> stored, or accumulated in, tapon, above, along, over, across, w�derne�h, or through the easanent and right-of-
<br /> way herein granted. ,
<br /> •
<br /> � ,
<br />