, �.,., 1.(�'7L��3
<br /> wITNESSETH, That the Trustor, far good an�valuab3.e considera-
<br /> tion, including the debt and trust hea�einafter ,:.��tioned and ,
<br /> createsi, and the sum of one do3.��r to 'him paid by the �aid Tru�tee,
<br /> the reeeipt and sufticiency af which is hereby acknorr.►ledged, does
<br /> by these presents, irrenocably qrant,.. b��qain and �ell, convey,
<br /> assign and c�nfirm unto the said Trustee; I3�1 TRUST, �i�ITB POWBR OF
<br /> SAI,E, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under and
<br /> subject to the terms and condition of this Deed c�f Tr�tst, the ,
<br /> follcv��.ng described real property situated in Hall C��unty, Nebras-
<br /> ka, to-wit:
<br /> •
<br /> SeE Bxhibit "A"; , �
<br /> TOGETHER with and including all and singular the tenements, '
<br /> heTeditaments, appurtenaaces and privileges theteunto belonging or :
<br /> in anywise appertaiaing, whether now or hereafter acquired, which
<br /> shall include, withaut limitinq the generality of the foregoing, ,
<br /> the following: :
<br /> AI1 of the rents, issues and profits, including all rents,
<br /> royalties, bonuses a�d benefits under any existin� or future ,
<br /> oil, gas or mineral or other leases; all easenfents and righ�s
<br /> of way; all ra.ghts of homestead and homestead ex�mption and :
<br /> any surviving spouse's marital or distributive share, and all
<br /> other contingent rights in and to said premises; and
<br /> All �ixtures, improvements, buildi.ngs, and the plumbing,
<br /> : heating, ventilating and lighting systesa and equipment �
<br /> thereon; all of which shall be cons�rue�d ar�d cotisidered as
<br /> affixed to a�d part of the real estate.
<br /> Al1 of the forego3.ng estate, property and interest hereby conveyed
<br /> to the said Trustee is hereinafter collectively referred to as the ,
<br /> "Property". :
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said Trustee, his
<br /> successors and assigns, forever, IN TRUST HOWEVER and WITH POWER OF .
<br /> SALE hereby expressly granted unto the said Trustee, his succes-
<br /> sors, and assigns fo� the purpose of secuzing:
<br /> (a) The payment of trustor's just indebtedness to Beneficiary
<br /> in the principal swn of Sev�n Thousand Dollars ($7,000) for money
<br /> borrowed, with interest the=eon, all as evid�nced by and in strict ,
<br /> accordance with the terms of that certain promisso.ry note,
<br /> hereinafter called the "Note", be�ring even date herewith ma3e .
<br /> �ayable to the arder of Beneficiary, exec�xted by Jamea P. Thomas
<br /> and Deborah S. Tjaden, and providing for the payment of said
<br /> indebtedness in instal.lments, subject to acceleration of maturity
<br /> on default in the payment of any installmen� af principal or :
<br /> interest or iri t�ie performance of any covenant, aqreement or
<br /> warranty contai_n�d in this Deed`of .Trust; .
<br /> � -
<br /> (b) The F>erformance of each agreement, covenant and warranty
<br /> of Trustor he;rein contained or set forth in the Note or any
<br /> , agreement or i»strument executed by Trustor in connection with the
<br /> indebtedness h�ereby secured; and
<br /> (c) The payment of any sum or sums of money with interest
<br /> thereon which may be hereafter paid or �dWanced under the terme of .
<br /> this Deed of Trust. .
<br /> Trustoz does for hintselF/herself and for T=ustor's heira, represen-
<br /> tatives, vendees, successors and assigns, the ownera of eaid
<br /> Property, hereby expressly covenant, agree and warrant to and with
<br /> the �rustee and Beneficiary, and their suacessors, vendees and
<br /> ae�signs: :
<br /> FIRST: That the Trustor hereby covenante and agreee, to the
<br /> extent permitted by law, as £nllows: (a) to pey promptly when due
<br /> the principal and inte=est and other eumg of money provided for in
<br /> the Note and in this Deed of Trustf (bj ta promptly pay before
<br />