16. Mbc�aetow Provtsto�. ,'"� �`= ��/�Q�r!
<br /> ta) Bo�sa..ref liot RsNsa�d.Extensia�ot the ttmr ioFpaymen;cx;nodiBcation of amortizatlon ot the eums secursd by this
<br /> Deed ot Trust graMecf by Lender to eny aucceasor fn inxeroat of Borrower shall not operate b r�leaae,in any manner,ths Ilability
<br /> of the original�orrower and Borrower'a succeasors In In:srest.Lenaer shell not be required to commence prxeedin�a a�alnst
<br /> such successor or retuse to extend tlme to�Fayment or otherwise modity amortfzatlon of the sums aecured by thts Debd of Trust
<br /> by reason of any demands;:iade by the orighal Bo►rower and Bonow�'s succeaaoro in infsrest
<br /> (b) L�+dK'a Pow�s.Witf�out affectlng !he liabiliry of any other pe►aon Ifable!or the peyrt►ent oi any obliyadon herein
<br /> menrioned,and without affecdng the 1!en or checge of Mia Daed oi 7ruat uaon any portion of!he Property�ot then or theretofore
<br /> releasad as security lor;he fult amount oi all unpafd obliyallons,lendbr may,irom tlme to Ume aMJ without notice p}rolea�e ar�y
<br /> peroon ao Ilabie,(i�axtend the maturiry or attar any of tha terms of any auch obllyaUons,pH)grent other Indulpen�es,(iv)release
<br /> or reconvey,or cauae to be re{eaaed or rocon.�s•yed et any dme at Lender's optlon any percel,porUc,n or all�i Me Property,
<br /> (v)take or release any other or eddttlonal securtty fo►any obifgedon herein mentloned, or{v� maka compoa�tlona or other
<br /> arrangements with debtoro in relation thereta.
<br /> (c) Forb�aranc�by L�td�r Not a W��.pny forbearance by Lender tn �4xercising any riqht or remedy hereunder;or
<br /> otherwise afforded by eppticable law, ahell not be e waiver ot or preclude th� exerciae oi any auch right or ramedy. Tha
<br /> prxurement oi Insurance or the payment ot taxes or other Hens or char�es by le�der ahnll not be e wafver of Lender'a ri�ht to �
<br /> accelerate the mahxi�r of the indebtedness secured by thla Deed ot Trust •
<br /> (d) Succ�s�ors snd Assl�ns 8ound;Joln!and SwKal Ll�b�r;G'aptlons.The covenanb and agreer�enta hereln co�-
<br /> tr;ined shafi bind,and the righb hereunder shali inure to,the respective succe�sors nnd asaigns ot Lender snd Trustor.All
<br /> covens�b and agreemenb at Tnastor ahall be Jaint and several.The caprions and headings of the pe�flrsphe of this Deed of
<br /> Tn1st a�e for convenience oniy and aro not to be used to interpret or deflne the provisians hereof.
<br /> (e� R�qwN tor Notkts.Ti�►e partlea hereby request that a copy of eny notice ot default hereunder and a copy ot any noUce
<br /> of sale hereunder be malted to each perty to this Deed of Trust at the address set torth above in+.he menner prescribed by
<br /> ap�licable law.Except for erry oMer notice required under applfcable law to be given in another manner,any noUce provided
<br /> f�r in this Deed oi Trust sheil be 9ive�by mailing such notice by certifled mail addressed ta the oth�er parties,at the address set
<br /> torth above.Any no�ce provided for ir this Deed ot Trust ahail 6e eftert+ve upon mailiny in ihe mannor des(gnatad heretn. If
<br /> Truatof is more than one pe►aon,notice sent to the eddreas set forth above shall be notice to ritl such persona.
<br /> (� Inspoctlon.Lender may make or�,ause to be made reasonabie entries upon end insper,tions ot the Propery,provided
<br /> !hat Lender shali give Trustor notice prior to any such insptictlon specifying reasonabie ca�se theretor related to Lender's
<br /> ir�terest in the Pmperty.
<br /> (g) Rseomrerance.tJpon payment ot all sums secured by this Deed ot Trust,Lender shal!request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property and shaii surrender this Deed of Trus!and ali notes avidencing indebtedne;�s secured by tMs Deed of Trust to Truatee.
<br /> Trustee shali reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge t�o the p�atson or persons leyaliy entltled thereto.
<br /> Trustor shall �y ail costs of recordatlon, it any.
<br /> (h) Petsonal Propert�r; Secu�ft�r A�reem�nt. As additionat security tor the payment of the Note. Trustor hereby grants
<br /> Lender under�e�tebraska Unitorm Commercial Code a s�3curity interest in al1 fixtures,equipment,a�d other peraonal property
<br /> used in connection with the real estate or improvements Ic�cated theraon,ar�d not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part ot
<br /> the real esiate secured hereby.This instrument shall be construed as a Security Agreem��r±t under said Code,and the Lende�
<br /> shait heve a!i the rights and remedfes of a secured party under said Code In addition to the rtghta and remedies created under
<br /> and accorded the lender aursuant to this Deed of Trust;providod that Lender's right�ar,d remedfes under this paragraph ahalt
<br /> be cumutatfve with,and in no way a limitatian o�,Lender's righb and remedies under nny other security aflreement signed by
<br /> Borrawer or Trustor.
<br /> (i} L,l�res snd Encumbrane�s.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provisions o(any
<br /> mortgage,deecf�t trust,lease or purchase contract describing all or any part of thc�Property,or other co�tract,inatrument or
<br /> agreement constituting a Ifen or encumbrartce against all or any part of the Proptrty(collectively,"Uens"),ext�ting as of the
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all exfsUng Uens rematn unmodified except as disctosed to:ender In Trustor's
<br /> written disctosure ot lferts and encumbrances pravided for herefn. Trustor shall timely perform �tl of Trustor's obli�atlona.
<br /> cavenarr�,representatlons arrd warranties under any and all exfsiting and tuture Uens,shall promptly forvverd to Lender coples
<br /> flf ati notices o!detauft sent irt connection with any and ali existing or future Li�ns,and shati not without Lende►'s prbr w►itten
<br /> cortsent in arry manner modify the provisions of oG aliow any future advances under any exfaUng o�tuture Uens.
<br /> G) ��+�P�y�b.Unless otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,including wlthaut Iimitetlon
<br /> payments ot Nri�cipa6 and interest,insurance proceeds,candemnation proceeds snd ronts and profib,ahall be applfed by
<br /> l.erMer to the amo��iue and�awing trom Trustor and Borrower ir►such order as Lender in its so�e discretion deema desirable.
<br /> {k) S�renbi�. N any prwislon oi this Deed of Trust conilicts with appiicable la�v or is declered invaUd or otherwiae
<br /> unertfarceable,such conflict or invalidity shatl not aKect the other provisons ot this Deed ot Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> given eflect without the conflktlnq provislon,end to thia end the provisiona of this Deed ot Truat and the Note ere deciarod to be
<br /> severable.
<br /> (n T�rtns.The terms"7rustor".and"Borrower"shali include both aing�lar and plural,and when the Tnaator end 8orrowsr
<br /> are the same person(a),thoss terms tta useo In thls Deed ot T►ust shall be Inbrchan9eabb.
<br /> (m} �3orsmtnq l.�v�r,This OeeQ at Trust sha{I be governed by the lawe of the Stete of Nebraake.
<br /> Trustor fuis exeCUted thiu Deed Of Trust es ot the dete written ebOVe. ..
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