<br /> .�9 5.� 1.t�'7886
<br /> tne Prope►ty►a sa taken or damaged,le�der shali have Ma oprion,in ib sole and abaolute discrstlon,to epply all such Proceods,
<br /> atter deducting tt�erahom aN coab and expenses incurr�d by it tp conneCtfon with auch ProCeeds,upon any indebted�ess sscu�ed
<br /> hereby and in such ordar as Lender mav detsrmine,or to apply sll such Prxeeds,aftsr auch dsductlona,to tt►e re�Uoradon ot the
<br /> Prop9rty upon suc!►cenditions as Lender may determ�ne,Any applkallon at Proceeda to Indebtadness ahall not extend o�poatpone
<br /> the dus dete of any paymenca under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unepplied funda shail be pald to
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> 8. P�Aormanc�br L�ndK.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Detault hereunder,or H any act fs takan or�egal prxeediny
<br /> commenced which materially aHecta lender's intereat i�Me Property,lender may in lta own discratlon,but wlthout obll�ation to do
<br /> so,and without noUce to or demand upon Truator and without reteasing Trustor from any ubliflatlo�,do�ny�pct which Truator ha�
<br /> agreed but fai[�to do and may also do any other ect it deema necessary to protect tha secunty hereof.Trustor shall,immediatey
<br /> upon demand Meretor by Lender,pay to Lender all cosb end expenses incurred and aum�axpended by lender in connection with
<br /> the exercise by Lander ot the toregoing righNs,together w'!h fnterest tfiereon at the deieult rate prov(ded in Me fVote,which�t�all be
<br /> edded to the {ndebtedness securod he�eby. Lender shall not incur any liability because of anything it may do or omk to do
<br /> hereunder. �
<br /> 9. HazsMa» MstKiab.Trustor ahatl keep the Property in compliance with eil applicable laws,ordinancea and reS,�utadona
<br /> relating to industrial hygfene or environmantai protection(collecttverly reterred to herein as"Envlronmental Lt�ws'�.Truator shall
<br /> keep the Property free from ali substances deemed to b.�hazardous or toxic under any Environmental lawa(collecNvely reteRed to
<br /> herein as"Hazardoua Materials"�.Trustor hereby warrants end represenb to Lender that there are�o Hazardaus Materialy on a
<br /> under the Property.Trustor hereby aflrees to indemnify and hold harmlesa Lender,ib directors,officers,emptoyees and agents,and
<br /> any successoro to Lender'a interest,f�om and against any end all cisima,damages,loasas e�d Iiabilkies erlainy in connecdAn with
<br /> the presenca, use, d(apoaal or Vansport ot any Hazardous Materials on, undar, f�om or about Me Propsrty.7HE FORE301N0
<br /> t Q. AssF�nment ot R�nts.Trustor he�eby assigns to Lender the rents,issues and proflb ot the Property;provided that Trustor
<br /> sha11,untii the occurrence of an Event oi Detault hereunder,have the right to cof�ect and retain such renb,ia�ues artd protits as they
<br /> become due end payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Oetault,Lender may,either in peraon or by afle�t,wlth or wl:hout
<br /> bringing any action or prxeedtng,or by a receiver appointed by a court and wiMout regard to the adequacy of ita security,enter
<br /> upon and take possession o!the Property,or any part thereof,in its own name or in the name oi the Truatee,a�d do eny acts whkh it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable to preserve the vatue,merketabtlity or rantabiliry of the Property,or any part thereoi or tntere�t Meretn,
<br /> increase the income therehom or protect the security horeof and,with or wtthout taking posseasion of the Property,sue tor or
<br /> otherwise coilect the rents, issues end profits thereof,inciuding those past due and unpaid,and apply the same,less co�s and
<br /> expenses ot o�.eration and collection including attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender
<br /> may determine,The entering upon and taking possession of the Property,the collecUon flf such rents,issues end profib and fhe •
<br /> application tfiereoi as aforesald, shall not cure or waive any detault or notice of detautt hereunder or invalidate any act done in
<br /> responae to such default or pursuant to such notice of de(ault and,notwithstanding the conUnuance in possesslon of the Property or
<br /> the collection,receipt and application of renta,issues or protits,and Trustee and Lender ahalt be entided to exercfse every right
<br /> provided tor in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of DeTault,including without Iimitation Me►iyht
<br /> to exercise tt►e power of sale.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph�hell be cumulative with,end in no way a
<br /> limitation on,Lender's righs and remedies under any assfgnmen4 ot Isases and renb recorded against the Propert�r.Lender,Trustee
<br /> and the receiver shali bs liable to account only for those rents actualiy received.
<br /> 11. Evenb oi Dciault.The following shail constitute an Event of Defauit under this Deed o(Trust
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any inataltment ol principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when sfue;
<br /> (b) A breach ot or default under any provision contafned in the Note,this Deed o(Trust,any ot the Loan Instruments,or eny
<br /> �ther iien or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c) A writ ot execution or attachment or any similar proceas ahalt be entered against Trustor which shall become e lien on
<br /> the Property or any portlon thereof or irtterest therein;
<br /> (d) There shall be lited by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any prasent or tuture federal,atate or other
<br /> statute,law or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other retief for debtors;or there ahall be appointed any truatee,
<br /> rece�ver or liquidator ot 7rustor or 2orrower or ot all or any part of the Property,or the rents,issuea or pro}Ita thereof,or Trustor
<br /> or 8orrower shali make any gener2l�ssignment for the benefit ot crediturs;
<br /> (ej The sale,transfer,lease,assignment,convejance or turther encumbrance ot ail or any part of or any interest tn the
<br /> Property, either votuntarily or involuntarily, without the express written consent of Lender, providad that Trustor shall be
<br /> permitted to execute a I�ase af the!'roperty that does noi contain an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed
<br /> one year, '
<br /> �� Abandonment oi 7►e Property;or
<br /> (g} If Trustor is not an individual,the issuance,sale,transfer,assignmen�conveyance or encumbrance of more than a totat
<br /> of percent ot(it a corpo�ation)its iasued and outstanding stock or(ii e parfierahip)a total of perce�t oi
<br /> partnership interests during the pe�lod thls Deed ot Trust remains a lien on the PFoperty.
<br /> 12. RemedtK;Atc�leratlon Up�DMsuR.In the event ot any Event ot Detault Lender may,without notice except es required bN
<br /> law, declare a11 indebtv_dnesa secured hereby to be Aue and payable end the sama shatl therauport become due snd payable
<br /> withosit any preseMmen�demand,protest or notice ot arry kind.ThereeRer Lender mtiy. '
<br /> (a) Demand that Truatee exercise the POWER OF SALE grented herein, and Trustee shall thereaRer causa Truator's
<br /> intereat in the Properry to be aold and the prxeecls to be distributed,all in the manner provided in the Nebraaka Truat Oeeda
<br /> Ac�
<br /> (b) Exercise any and eU riqhta�provlded tor In any of the Loan Instrume�ts or by law upon occ�rre;►ce of any Event of
<br /> Detauiti an�
<br /> (c) Commenca an ection to!orecloae tf►is Deed of Truet as e mort�ape,appolnt A recsiver,or apeciflcally er►fo�ce any o(Ma
<br /> covenants he�eof.
<br /> , No rer??edy h;�rein coMerred upon or raserved to Trustee or Lender Ia Intended to be exc�ua've ot ar.y other romedy hsrain,in the
<br /> Loan tnstruments or by law provided or parmftted,but each ahell be cumulative,ahalt be in addition to every other remody piven
<br /> M�r�under,in the Lo�n In�trumente or naw or hereaR�r exl�tinp et law or In equly or by�tutuN,�nd may b�exercl�ed concurrNntly,
<br /> Independently or succesalvety.
<br /> t3 Trust�es. The Tru�tee may roaign at any time without cause, and lendar may et any time end without ceuae appoin! a
<br /> successar or��ets�tftute��ustee.Tru�tee Rhail not be linblo ta any party,IncludinQ wlthout Iimttation l.ender,BOrrower,Truator o�I1ny
<br /> purch�s�er o1 tha Properry,for eny loss or damafle unlesa due to rookleu or wltltul misconduct,a�d ehall not be requlrad to tsks�ny
<br /> actfon fn conn�cden with tho ontorcement of this Deed ot TruAt uniess Indemnitlod, In writlnp, br all co�b, oompe�s�pon a►
<br /> axper►ses which mary be sssociated therewtth.In sddiNon,7rustes mey becomo a purehak►et any sals of the Proparty Qudlclel o�
<br /> under the power o��als pranted hereln); postpone Ms u,te ot all or any portlon ot ths Propsrty,aa p►ovlded by i�w;o� eetl th�
<br /> Properry as a whale,or fn eeparate parcels or lota a!Tru�t�ee's dlscr�don.
<br /> t a, FMr and Exp�ns�s,In the event Trustee aeus the Properry by exsrciss ot power of�I�,TruttN�hall bs�nNtl�d to�pply
<br /> arry gale Rroco�s riroi to payment o1 aH costs end expense�ot sxe►cleln�powa�r of uN.Includlnp aN TrustN'�fe�s,�nd l�nder'�
<br /> and Trustee's attorn�iy's lers,actuslly incurrsd to�xter►t�permltted by eppllcsblo)aw.in the evsnt Borrowa pr Trusta�xerCl�s�ny
<br /> r�QM pfovided by law to cu►e en Event of Defsuit,Lsndar ehsil be�ntltled t0 reCOVer Irum Tru�to►ell cOtb 1�nd�xpMtlt��Ctu1111y
<br /> (nCUrred 80 a result Ot 7luttOr',�delautt, includin� without Ifmitatlon a11 Truste�'s and at�rn�y'f hero,� the ext�nl pNm11tW by
<br /> eppffca�ble law.
<br /> 15. Fvlu�e Adrsnees. Upon request at Borrow�r, Lender m�y, a�t Its optlan, maks�dd�tlonel �nd futuro advanc�s�nd ►t-
<br /> advancee to Borrower.8uch advances and►sadvana�rs,with lnMrqt thereon,ehQif 6�e ss�ursd Dy this Deed ol T►ust Af no dm��MII
<br /> the prtncipal amount of the indebte��ess eecu�ad b��this Dsed of True�not Inoludin�eums�dvnnced to proh�ct th�pCtjtlty�Of thl�
<br /> Qeed ot T►uAt,axceed the a►Iflin�l prin�ipal emoun4 etated harsU,vr 5..�,.,�.�.^.,_...,,,whlchevsr le�rNtsr.
<br />