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Ut l��� tit'1\�� i,'�' . I.. ���\��y�._ c+. � ---^-T--o-.-.� ....��- <br /> r fi 1 1.�I1�.,�<-t.i ��4 ..1;�-�jC.�� �„t:Yl'1•.?'.:`l-,:� _. � ,�,.� .'t� �.`t:.: <br /> t �,.— _t-_r. <br /> j- .: � : . :�;` , , ' ; -� . - ---.��i� <br /> x,��;>�� �� , • , . "?�"� � <br /> `�:;�:;'t'•-—�*,.� ,. . �. .----��-- -�wi��`.. <br /> ., <br /> h� �- `� �_..`•- . .. .. _ " = . - - , -,- <br /> .. „ , . , �, <br /> ..{-kY�-o._ ' . ` t> • ,. „ ..,. � ' � �, . -._ : ,:�1�� <br />_ .��T.i�i���:�.sn .,. �3-._..-... - -�_...�T`:..w..........�__-ii__ , .,.- -'"--� �L_----�.. ... _ ..--- � - <br /> . ...._.-. ..a�v� <br /> t���• �t�pl��i� � <br /> 17.'llrue�9frr��=the 1'��opeMy or u Hcneficlul I�ricn�t fn I1nYiY1tYQY. If idS ur nny�p�ni ul'�hc 1'ruprrry ar m►y intrr�rt In it <br /> i�Md�l�►e iranvCcnc.�l ti�r iP u Iki►etielul I��ter��:t in Flnm►wrr Iw ti��ld.+r�r:uiwierrc�t nnd 141►r�•���+•er Iv��at n natua�)�;�r�un)�vltl�uut _ <br /> I.rnder's prlur written r�msent. t.endcr �uuy. lU Il9 U�llI11i1, rE�ulrc immcdtiUc payntent in Iu11 �,f ull ht+m+ �tlY11Y:lI M�' II119 <br /> �crurity Imtn�ment. Nuwcvcr,thty np�iun�tu+ll nut hu��xcr.�ltr.l�y t.cudrr if rxcrcise�x pnd►iMtrd hy I�vlcrul luw ur�►i'�ho Jut�; <br /> ut'Ihi�Srru�by In.u�uut.nt, <br /> 11'Lc'nder cx�rriycti thly upUan, I.cndcP t.haU�,ivc Hurruwrr nnti�r��f�,crcirratiun. '1'hi�nutlru�dsdl truvi�l�u p►`rl��d uP nut <br /> Ic�r �h��n :�ll duyy fn�m thu di�te thc nuUcc iti dciivcnvt i►r muilal williin whicl� Hurru�vcr mu+� puy ul� ��m5 e��.ur�d by thts <br /> Sccurity t�strununt. If f3orm��cr f:�ily ta h.�y ihese.r'ums prior t��d�>rxj�ieiqb,n uf�hir�uri�ut, t.��n�lcr nu►y ineuAc uny nmtcvlies <br /> �uriutttui by this Ses:urit�tn5trumrnt�vithrut Il�rt{�rr nuti�ti ur�lrmanFl un li�►rruwcr. <br /> l8. NoPI'OlYCP'8 �luht te Rcluylutc. 11 Hurruwcr mv�.te�.:rtuin rondiUonv, Harn+wcr ;+I►up havc �hL ri�;ht ta huva _ <br />• raii+��i�unt ul'�hiti Scri�riry in���umcat dixc�mdnucd ut uny te���c prl�ir tu thc rurllcr ut: (i�l S dny.r (�►r �u�h ulhc� peri�xl u�+ <br /> upplic.►bto ti►�v mny �pcc'ify f�r rci��tutcmrnll hcii+rC yui� ��f' ihz Rri��nY {}uesuant t�► a�tiy �u,ur.r �l!' �le ct�ntulneti ln thls = <br /> Sccurity I��htrunicnt;nr(h)cntry uf u Judgmcnt cnfi�rcing thls Suurity lns�rununt. 7 ha�c rundUirn�x nrc thiu i�arm�v��r:tul payx <br /> l.cndev uti �;ums�vhich Ihen wautd bo duo urtde�thix Secu�ity Instrwn�nt m��l tt►e Nutc ar il'na ncrelrmtiun Itiu�l uccu�red;(hl -- <br /> rurcr i�ny dcti�uU uF imy athee rcwcnants ur ugrccmcnty; (cf piiyN ull cxpen�ev incurrcd in antim�ing this Sccurity In.trurncnt. <br /> includin , hut nnt 1{aiitcJ to, mii.r•nnahlo iitti�rnCy�' fcc�;n��d(.i)tukes nuch acdun i�r lAndcr muy �ru�ani►hly roqulrc tu nvvurc <br /> 4•• Zti:.�3:.0;t::�(�v�.��..lty. ly,�� 1 nn�lPr'u r{vh�q Itt �h�� Pm*mhv und I�„�ruwcr'v nbli�;uUun tu ruv lhc �umr���varcd by <br /> inu� ° <br /> thiy Sccurity Imt�umcnt hhull candnuc unrhnngc�. I1p�m rcin.r•tatcu�cnt by @urruwrr. tMiw Sccurity Instrumcnt and tho <br /> ��bNguticros hecured hercby Khall remain Qdiy efl'ective uq�i'nn uar.Ie�uNon hu�l u�cun•ed. H�����ever, thi+ri�{ht t��reintitiUC xhull <br /> nut upply in tho casc oP iurcicruti�m undcr pa�agmph 17. <br /> 19. Sulo ot Natei Cha�Re af l.oun Servtcer. 7'he Natc��r a piudal interc�t in thc Natc (t��bcthrr with this Srcu�ity <br /> ln.rin�mentl muy be sold ane�ir mure dmcs withuut prior n��dce tn Bnrcawcr. A!:i�lc muy result in i�chun�te in thu cnUry(k�wwn <br />- us the"l.aan Servirrr")thr�t callects mnmhiy paymc�nts due undcrthe Ns�te nnd this Srcurity Instrumcnt.There uls��may bc ane <br /> ur more chan�qcs of the Li�un Scrvicer unteluted ta u sule of tho Nate.lf'iherc iy u change af the I.uun Serviccr, &�nawer wiU be <br /> given written nutico af tho chungu in ucconlunce�vith punigrnph 14 ubnve und appliruble In�v.The n��tice wlll stute the namo und <br /> i�ddretis af the new l.oan Servicer und the udd�c�.ti m �vhich puyments rhould be mude. The nuttee will c�isn c�mtuin i�ny uther <br /> infarnuUiun rcyuired by upplicabic luw. <br /> 20. Ha�ardaus Sub.ctances. Borrower shull not cuuse ar psrmit tho prerencc, u�e. dispnuil, storaga or rcleuse of any <br /> Hazurdous Subswnccs un or in tho Property. Bnnowcr tihnll nut du. �ar allaw nnyonc clu; to da, anything uffectinu tha <br /> Pmperty that is in violutian i�f'any �nviromncntul l.uw. Tho prcccding tw�►�entences shuil nat opply t�th� prescncc, usu,ar <br /> starage an the Propeny of smnll quimtides uf Ha�.�niaus Substunccy thut are generully recognized to be uppropriate t��normul <br /> retiideatitd uscs und to maintenunce af'the Pmpe»y. <br /> Barrower shull prc�mptly give Lender wriuen natico ��f i+ny invcstigutinn,claim. demund, lawsuit ar rnher uctlan by any <br /> g�wcrnmontnl �r regulatory agcncy c�r privute purty invalving the Praperty and any Hiuiircious Substnnce�r Hnvimnmentul Luw <br /> of whirh Horrwvcr hns iictuid knowledge. If Rarrawcr leurns, or is notiflcd by nny�overnmcntal ar regulutnry nuth��rity.thut <br /> nny rcm�val ar othcr rcm�diatian of w�y Huzurduu�Substuncc uffecting the Praporty is neceswury,Barrawcr ahull pnnnptly tako <br /> nll necessury mme�li:d uctiu»ti in uccardnnce with�nviranmentul l.uw. <br /> As used in thi�parugruph 20, "Nnzurdous Suhstitncev"u�o thase substunces def ned u.q toxic or hi�urdous subsu�nces by <br /> finviranmental Lna� �►nd tha follawing substunccs: gusoli�e. kcr�seno. ��thcr flammable or toxic petraleum prc�ducts, tnxic <br /> peaticidex und t►erbiridew,vnlutile salvc�ty. materiuls cnntaining��bestnti ur furmuldehyde, and rudiauctive materiulY. As usaf in <br /> ti�is puragraph 20. "8nvlronmental [.aw" meana federal IA�vs and luwti oF the jurisdiction wherc the Prnneny iw lc�catcd thut <br /> �iate R�it�ititi,ia�ty nr eisv#ra�cnsa!p�atsctiun. <br /> hON•UNIFQkM CaV�NANTS. Borrowcr und Lender Purther covenant i►od u�reo us foliowa: <br /> 21.Aceelerntian;ltemedles.l.ender shull�Ive natico ta&�rrower prtor to accelerntion Pollu«i�R Borrawer•e breuch <br /> oP Any cave�ant �r u�reement in Ihis S�urity laytrumenZ (but not priar to acccicratlon undzr pu�uRrapb 17 unl�.v <br /> aPP�fiosfitc iaw proviueq oti�crwise).ii�c noiieo enuii ap�ii'j: ta3 ti��-t��asii; t�3 ii�:.tilu�i�"�t:::�i�s�ssQ!:�sS��ss==: <br /> (c)u dute,nat i�ss thnn 30 da�s l�om the s3�to the natice 1.9 glven ta Aarrnwer,by which the dei'auit muqt be c�rcd;and <br /> (d) that fi►iluro to cure the deSa�ult on ar befare ihe duto specitied in tho natlrn muy rc.sult In uccelerutlan of tha sums <br /> secured by thts Security lnssrument und�ule oP the Property. The natico shall iwMher infarm Borrower af the ri�ht to <br /> reinstute aPier acc�icrs�tlan und the rlght ta bj•ing n cuurt uctian to aksert the nan-exlatence of a detault or uny oiher <br /> defense at Borro�ver to acccleratian und snte. IP the defuuit is nut curcd on ar befam the dnte e�eci�led !i� the nolice, <br /> I.ender. ut (t�o aptian, utay requlre imsnr�3atc puyment In full ot All sum.q securcd by this Securlty Instrument �vithout <br /> fb�ther dcmand and moy iovoke the po��er of Kole and uny other rcmedics permitted by uppfirAble Inw. l.ender ehutl R�e <br /> entitled ta callect all expeascw Incurred in pureuing the remedles provided in this�uraAr�ph 21,includins.but not limited <br /> to,reasona6le attorneyH'tc�and ca4te uf Utte evldence. <br /> It thepa wer at sule Is invoked� Trus3er shull rccord a nottce oS defuult!n euch caunty tn which uoy pnrt at the <br /> pmperty is l�ted nnd Aholl mAll copi�of�uch rtutice la tho man�cr ptr.cerObed by applicx�ble law to fla�rower And to <br /> the uther pensons prescribed by Appilcuble luw.After thr time myuired by npp8cable law,Trust�r shaQ�Ive public notice <br /> oY r+ale to the person9 nnd In tho munner prescribed by pp,piicuble law.Trustec,wtthaut demand an Baem�ver,ahull Kell <br /> tire Praperty at publlc auctlun to the bidder nt tbe i�me and piace pnd under the terms dc.wignuted in the natice at <br /> ssdle in ane ar mare purcets and tn any order Trus�tee determinc.w. Trustee mu�postpune nale oP AI�ar any pa�rel ot t�ee <br /> Property by pub!!c announcement ut the time and pince af any pre�iaualy scheduled�nle. Lc��cr or itx d�iRnee may <br /> purchase tho Pro�.v�rly ut uny�le. <br /> Fo�m SG28 8/90 <br /> PoQo 8 0l O <br /> -'�,. ;�tp''c"'7'`y�-,�[ �c�a.--- <br /> -�-���1,;,_1 ' � .�t �, •���+.=:''�.' ,�'. . Y�1{ y�ie_ �� � <br /> .�:.�'. •:�. ;e.a: ,Yl'hk- <br /> ��rr,��..��'-� r.,tr+�? ,r.,rr"s '_ , f�}. , , _— _ - <br /> 'n_s�w.� ti • - s. -1 - • , � y :a7.GA `� ._ <br /> ��)a.•f � , A il u r3YM]-, <br /> ����,�.-_� 7�; \- �- . 7� . H,' �'' ����"'. <br /> -"J, I'�l't , _ _ _ s -. <br /> i t' , ir� 1� -__ <br /> r ,4 , �♦. . . . . . . . i .�;y + �'N > rv:+'}�r��M,,�j�y. �.r -- <br /> � . . . � ` . .' . . 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