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<br /> ���� �n a`�'��E'
<br /> puymcnty muy�t��lutiycr bc re�uircd,ut thc npUun�d'l.cudcr. 1i'umetf;nl,�insurauec�nven��e t n ie umu►►nt und ur thc p►:ri�ui
<br /> thnt l.rndrr m����i����+1 pc��vld�d hy nn insumr uppr�+��.d by I.endcr u�aln hr���mew uvi�ilnhlo und i.r��iitulec�. li�ti��«�r�.hull pay
<br /> tttc pmmiumr rcyuired ta niedntuin mortza�;c Imurnncc In effcct.ur tu�1P��YII�C Il It►tis RsCrvC�u�ull�hc i�quiremant ti�r mt�rtl;u�ta
<br /> ins�unnre rndv li�ur.yn•d+mee with any writtcn iit�rccmcnt hct�vrcn I3urn��v�r nnd I.e�tder�n•anplic.�hlr luw.
<br /> 9. luv�x�tlon. I.endrr ar ity agrnt may tnakc musunnhlc en�rl�'N U��tlll iltlll III�`�Cl'II1111ti 11��lI1C 1'n►pcny. t.rndcr shall E;Ivr
<br /> Huriuwcr u��ilcc nt thc tDnc aP���prfor t+�un impecN�,n ti}xtiilying mn���nahlo rau�o tbr tiw in�p���luu,
<br /> lQ. CottdemnuUon. The pn�eccal.r uP uny u�YUrd ur��ti►iu�ti,r dnmz�Fc.r•, tI�PC�t OY C�f1�Cyt1@It1�Ni, in 4�um�xtic�tt wld� uny
<br /> ranQcmnatian ar��1hcr tnking a!nny pne c�f tNr Pt�+�iY,u�•I��r c�Hivey�+�k° in liru ►�I'�u�utsttlnation,uc�c hCt�hy nrvi��tetl atx!
<br /> ahull be pul�tu I.cndcr.
<br /> in tNr rvent u�'c�t��tal taking�f she Pr�+��rty,the pra�ti��ds shstl k+e a�+pli��t�+the�u��u�ccure�l by tl�is Sertu�ity Instrw�ient.
<br /> whcihcr��r n��1 ihen duo, with any cxresti pald tu B�irruwcr. In the cvcnt uf i�pnMiad talcin�;ui titt F'n�p+:ny iu �vhich ihe fnir
<br /> miukct vuluc of thc Pr��peny immedintcly bcti�rc thc ti�king is equal to ar�rcutcr tl�un the imu�unt ut'thc sumy�u�ed by thiti
<br /> Sccueity Inrtrument immcdiutcly brforc thc taking, unlc,s Hur�uwcr imd Ixndcr��thcr�visc i��;rc��in writin�;, thc tiums+ccurcd by
<br /> this Security lasttument yhi►11 be rcduced by ihe iimount uf ehe pruceeds muUipUcd by the ti�Uuwing 1'ructiun: (u) thc auai
<br /> AIItOUItI U�lllr RUI11V SCCqiCI� IIYl111C��UICIY bMll(C 1I10 lilklll�`,111VIQCa Oy lnt 1i1c iui� uiu�n�i vuiuu ui iYi:.T�.��:.� ::T��i.�:=:�;��;s
<br /> befare the tukia�. Any balunro shall bc pai�i ta B��rr�wer. ln thc cvcnt af u pitrtiul tuking ul'thc P�ape��ty in �vhich d�c fnie
<br /> muekct vnlue uf ihc Property immcdiately befi�m the tuking is Icss thnn the nmount c�f thc su�ny sccurcd immr�lintety befi�rc thc
<br /> u�king, unlcss Hano�vcr und Lcndcr��thcnviso ugrce in w�idnII ur unless upplicahlc Imv athenvihc pravides,ilic pn�rcccl� �hull
<br /> be upplial t��Mc sumo�ecureJ by 1hi�Se�:urlty Instrument whrther m nnt the sums aro then duc.
<br /> It'thc Nro�ny is ubundancd hy Rorr���vcr,ur il'.uft�► �iutiw by Iwendcr ta D��rre�wcr thut thc candcmnor affers ro make an
<br /> n�vard or �:ctde i�cluim fur dun�u�cs, Bormwev fuils ta rcsp��nd to l.cnder within 3U dnys i�ftor the dutc ihc natico is bivcn.
<br /> L,cnder is uuthorizccl to c��llcet und upply the prarccds,iit its opdcm,cither to restorattan ar rcpair nf the!'mperty ar to the sums
<br /> securcd by thi�Security lnstrument,whtthce ae nnt thcn duc.
<br /> llnle�.a L,ender and �ormwer nthenvir.e ngr� in wddng, any uppUcnUnn af proceeds to principul shall not extend i��
<br /> po�tpone the duc�lute of tt►e manthiy paymcnts rcfcrrcd to in pacagn�phY 1 and�or rhan�c the umount af'�uch paymenty.
<br /> 11.aorroHCr Nat Released;Furbearance By Lender Nut a Wuiver. B:ctensiun aF the Nme fbr pnymeat 1Tr moditicntion
<br /> af umartitatian oi'the sums seruR�d by thir 5��curitv Inslrumcnt grunted by l.c�ndcr ta uny ruccessur in interest af 8orrowcr shall
<br /> nut upemte to relcasc the IiUhility of'the originul Barra�ver ar BaROwer's successnrs in interest. I.cnJer hhull nas be requircd ti�
<br /> n►mmence prcxec�dingr agi�inst any succcssor in interest ar rcfuse ta cxtend lime i'or payment ar atherwisc modii'y amoriizution
<br /> af tho sun�.v sc�ured by this Secu�ity lnstrument by rei4�im of any demund mude by the ur)ginul Borrawer ar Ranawer's
<br /> succes.�ars in interest, Any farbcarance by L.ender in exercising uny right���rcmedy+hull nat be n wniver af�+r prccludo the
<br /> exercise af uny dgt►t or rcotedy.
<br /> IZ. Successors and Asslgns ��nnd; JoE�t and Severu! Liab111ty= Casipncrx. The rnvenants xnd u;;recments of this
<br /> Securi�y lnstrument Fhall hind und h�:neft thc succcss��rs auid i�ssigns af Lcndcr and Barmwer, subJect t�the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Barrawcr's co�cnan�s and agreements shull be Julnt und seveml. Any Sarrowcr �vho casigns this S��cutity
<br /> fistramem firt�aai execu�c tiK i•tNic: tai is��-►-�i�misg this�.�usity lst�tram.�t�ssly sei sunci�oe.prant�t1 epr,vey that
<br /> barrawer's interest in the Pmperty under thc terms oY thiy Securiey Instrument; (b)�s m�t persvu:lly abliguted ta pay the sums
<br /> secumd by this Secudry Instrumont;and(r)asrces thnt Lender and u�y uthcr Borro�vcr muy ugnr tu axtend,madify,forbear ar
<br /> �.,;�;.�}�ur�t3a�•�}:h s�ss�!e!!�s�rnL�f�s���!r4�����r-?a�ni or ilee Notc wlthout that Dorro�vc�'s cansent.
<br /> 13.I.os�n Charges. �f the laan secured by chis Security instrum�.mt ia subJect tu a la�v wMch sct�maaimum lwu►charge9.
<br /> und that luw is finully interpreted so that thc interest or athe�laun charges cv�Ucct��1 or to be coltected in cannectian �Yith tho
<br /> laan exceed tho permittcri limits, then: tn)any such la�n chuege�shall be miucal by tho umou�t neccssury ta reduca the chtuge
<br /> ta thc pernuUcc!limit;und(b)uny sums�Iprudy callected fram Borra�vcr which excecded permitted limits wi11 be refundexl ta
<br /> Bormwer. 4ende� may chooso to make this rcfund by r�clucing the principid owod undor the�Nato ar by making u direct
<br /> paynxn� to Barrawer, lf u retimd reduces princ1p.11. the reduction will tw treated as a purtial prepAyment without uny
<br /> pmpayment chasgc under the N��te.
<br /> 14.Natices.A�y natice to Dorcu�vor pravided for in this Sccu�ity lnstn►ment sMll lw givcn by deliveeing it ar by muiting
<br /> it by G�st cla.gs muil unles�opplirable luw mquires usc af unathcr methad.Th�notico ahnil be dir�ted t�tho Properiy Addresa
<br /> or any ather addr+ess Borrawer de�ignutes by natice t� I.ender. Aoy notice ta Lender shall he given by G�t clas9 muii ta
<br /> l,endcr'�c nctdres.g stuted hcrcin or an� ather address L.cnder desifinates by natice tu Horra���er. Any natice pmvidwi for in this
<br /> Security lnsuument shnl)he dec�ncd ta huve been given ta Barro�ver or Lendcr whcn givea as pravided in this parugraph.
<br /> IS.Gover�tng Luw; SevemAl{ily. This 5e�:urity Inst�urt►e�t shaU tw gavemrd by federal law and the law uf tho
<br /> jurisdiction in�vhtch the Pmpeny is locatecl, ln the event that any provision ar ciuuse af this Secutity Instrument or ll►r Nute
<br /> canilicts with applicablc luw.suct�canflict shall nai uffect other pruvi�ians ai'this Security lmtrument or the Note which cun be
<br /> �ivcn cffcct without the ainiliciing pravisian.Ta this end ihe pravisiuns of this Sccuri�y Instrument und the Nate ure declu�cd
<br /> to be scvcmble.
<br /> 16.Rormwer's Copy.Ban•a�ver shall bo�iven on����nfomicd copy of the Nute und of this Securlty Ins�rumcnt.
<br /> Fonn 9028 8I90
<br /> Pn�o 4 ul 6
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