i.�v°rT�ol:.r'!v•�.�.�r.'1(; . . . _. .�_. „� .��^_.
<br /> . ��r. .
<br /> . - '����.', ''�-:�i`'' - _ . .�..`%' _ . ' . .
<br /> x.'. ..
<br /> < .
<br /> � J
<br /> . . ..� —h.. ., -'..:�[L..�. i:.. . .
<br /> _... . I'_.^..:\.�_ ......_.�.._�...._.._-..__.__.'"'_.�.'""'... �• ..
<br /> ' 4, IN9tlRANq�'. Y�usior, el Its oMpenaa,witl maintatn wM tneurat�eppreved by Denefictary,inauranco with ronpact to tha � � ' - -.
<br /> Imp+awm�nh und ptnonal propa�ty,cc►natrtutlnp lho�roperry,nga6�tt toao Cy Pro,linhtninp,tomada,anA othor podl�nnd heaarQe ,
<br /> cavand by standarcl�xtended cpwrapo endore�m�nt,In an amuunt�t�ual to a Na�t on�hundrod parcant o}Iho(uil taptacsment � �• •� :
<br /> ' vntu�th�nal ertd In�utsnce apAln�t�uch atAe►haaerde and In�unh amounu ne te cuetomnNry c�rriod by ownoro and opa��tors ul
<br /> • elr�l!er ptopsAfes ar a�Elenqtictary mey rsqulre for tts proteetton.Tn�etot�wil compy wlth euch othe►requ�ramente es ponot�cinry ma�► ' ,
<br /> hom Ums tu tim�aqu»1 tor tn�prot�ci�n Oy U�uran�v ot th�Intor�eto af the�oapacUve pedlae.All Ineuranca pallcloa maintamod
<br /> ur�uaM to thu Oaed o1 Ttuq�hell oem�T�a�tor and F3�ne0ctary e�Inauradt,af lh�U ro�►poctlw Intonete may appeer,and ptovida :
<br /> ` _ , at Ihoro oRaA ea no enncetl�on o�modiffcntton w�thout no hae Men 19 daye prlot vrtttMn ntfNikeHor►ta Tnr�teo auM tlonaltrlary�M _ , _-, .-..
<br /> -- -- � e wani any aoti�y hor�under i�nat ronc��ti�od an or E►atarp 1�daya pHx ta tta axgtr.st:on datg,l'ruatea or @eneNds►y�nny�►c+�u�a � - -- ,
<br /> .- � aueN uu�urne�tn acr�rdance wllh the Qrovl�lona of p�rnpreph A.G hereot Truetor�hnll d�Uvs►to Den�ttclnry tho adg�nnl policle�of ' . _
<br /> " �Insurana end ronew�tv thtnof ar memo captua ot euch pollNes and nnavnle th�reof,Rallu�o to turnleh euch Inourance by Uuetor,
<br /> 1"'�or n�new�ls a�►sautred her�undor�hel�at th�opUan o4�en�0alery,coneUwte e detautl.
<br /> _ .� � 8. TN(E8,A88E88MENT8 AND CNARaEB.Trwtor�hall pay atl tnxu, aoueem�nh nnd other chargoe,Includlnp,without ' '
<br /> .� LL�, Iimltcttao,flnee and fmpoaRlone ettrl6utable to ths Propetty,and leas�hold pnymonto or ground rente, It Any, botoro lho oamo •
<br /> � bacom�GaQnQu�nL TruKor�hNl promplij iurnbh to B�nefl�lary at1 notleea of amounto due under thie parapraph,and In th�ov�nl
<br /> " T�uetor eh�.�mek�peymonl dlnctty,T�uetot ehell promptry Nml�h to Henellclary tecelpt��Wdoncinp auch paym9nt�.T�u�tor sheil
<br /> , pny NI taxes end a9�oaamonta w�tch may be tovtod upon 8onoticlay'a mtorost hareln or upon lhla Oood af Ttuot withoul rope+rd to
<br /> , any Iaw that may b�a�aet�d Unposlnp paym�n!ol tha tvhalo or ar►y paR theteof upon th�8ane11elary. .
<br /> 8, ADDlTIOIVAL UENB AND PAOTEOTION OF BENEFIQtARY'8 BECURI7Y.T�uetor ehatl make all payma�te of Interut and `
<br /> ,. princlpnl and paym��d� at any other charpai, f��a and�xp�ntee contractad to b�pald lo any oxlsting Ilen hotdors or ptiot
<br /> � boneflciaras under any pMor de�d of truet or mortgapo�efors the data th�y aro dellnquenl and piomptry pay nnd diccharfl�any and `��'``��'`�.
<br /> nD o1h�r p�n�,elnlm�or charp��whkh may joopard��M�secutily flrantod Mnln.lf Truntor taila to make any�4ch paym�nl or tail� _
<br /> ; to p�rtotm any of tA�cownnnts and apra�m�nh contninod in thb Oosd of Trwt,or In any pdor mortgnga ot daed af uuat,or N nny , - -
<br /> ', actfon ar p�acssdinp 1�comm�ncnd whfch matarMlly allocto 8m�flctary'a Intoroat In Iho P�apody, inc�uding, but not Iimftod t�, . •��,..._�.
<br /> �min�nt dometn proceading�,ot preesed(nps Involvinp a decedont,or N Trwtor tait�to pay T�uator'a debia gonotaiy ae t7�oy bacams .
<br /> du�,thon E3�n�tick►ry.al Bm�ftctary'�optton and without notta�to ot demand upoe Y►uetor and wilhout roleneinn Tniator ham nny .. . ;',.•,�`"`�';,
<br /> ' , obll�at�n htround�G may msko �uoA app�aranc�s, dlaburw wch wm� nnd tak� tuch action ae is nec�scary to ptotoct � '�.
<br /> 8srn�cHry'�Int�nat, Uctudinp, Out no! timk�0 to, di�buro�m�nt of nasonabt�attora�y'a teas, peymenL puraht�ao, contast or ;•� -'_
<br /> compromise o}any o�eumbranc�,chnry�o�INn,and entry upon th�Prop��ty to mak�npnin.In th�ev�nt that Troato�ohell fall to �^-��
<br /> ,� procur•m�urenw or to pay�ca,asae�m�nte,or any other cha�gn or to mak�any paym�nt�to any�xlstinp prtor Usn hotd�ro or � • _=_. _
<br /> ° bsmikiatl�s,Bsneflciary may procun�uch Imurenco and mek�such pnymt�A Any amounto dtaburo�d by B�noticlary purouant to � =
<br /> thia Parepraph A.8�hall b�com�addiqonal hdobtednos�of Truator��cured by thla Daed of TruaR BucA amounte ahatl be payabls , , �
<br /> � °�, upon notle� from 8an�ticlary M Tru�tor nqu��Unp payment thareof,and�hall best Inter�st hom ths date ot disbureement at tho _., i;
<br /> �'�'ti� ret�pnya�l�hom tlm�to tlm�an ouUtnndlnp ptlncipal undar the Note wteaa paymeM of Interest al wch rats wauld be contrery ta —
<br /> • �,,� eippl�abl� ktw, in which evsnt tuch nmounta�hail boar interest at t3�0 hpheat mte parmiaalbl�under applicabls I�v, NotAlnp �`1��
<br /> y�, contain�d in thts Paraaraph A.8 shnll nqulre B�n�ftclary to ineur anp�;�a�ae ot tafcs any actton herounder. -�_;�•f
<br /> ,€ 4
<br /> , , • ;
<br /> _. , t. AF381�NMENT OF REMB,BOnoficlary ehall have tho deht,po�vat ttnd authority durinfl the continuanee of thl�Oeod of Truet
<br /> `� to wtt�et th�nnb,taaup and profiU of th�Pioperly and of nr►y poraonel proporly beaUd thonon with or wilhout tnkinp poaeeaelon � `
<br /> ;= o!1h� prop�dy �ct�d h�roby,and Trostor h�roEy a0so�uriy and uneondiNonally ae�l�es all auch �ants,t�aua�and p�ofita ro �
<br /> ` � B�n�flelary.Benatlelary,how�wr,h�rody connants to th�Truatar's cofle�tion and nUnUon of such nnb,isaua nnd profits eta thsy
<br /> � �t���__._s��;•!�••�••!��•Tt!�!t�r!e!u±*��a,e�tun.,�d.dwq wqh�.a,eaet to 4+sym�nt o!nny 6�daEt�dnaae tacund
<br />_=��`� hs»by,ar la Ute po►iotr�atr�ot iu►y spraamam h�raunAar.Upon anyr auch daftsulL 8ano1lclary rrwy a!any d.fia,ekfier in pereon,by
<br /> ' H� a�ont, or by a ��c�Mar to bs appointed by a couA. wiU�out nottce end wkhaut ropard to ths adequacy of c�ny security fo�th�
<br /> Irtd�bitdn��o h�nby R�cumd,(��ntar upon and tuk�pois�ttlon o1 th�P�opnrty o�any pnn thotao��d tn 12�own nam�auo br or
<br /> oihenvt:�callect ouch re�b,i�auss�nd protite,lnetuding thos�pant du�and unpald,and appy th�tame,lea�aoate and axpensa �
<br /> " 01 op�r�tbn artd aollaodon,Inctudin8 reaaonabN attornoy�bn,upon any indabtadnos�saaund h�toby,and In such order as _ '_
<br /> . B�mRciary may d�tarmin�;(b)portorm such nah of�apalr or protectlon a�may bo necvaoary or prop�r to con�onro tho vatu�ot the =--
<br /> Prop�rty;(c)Na:�th��am�ot any paA thanof Por such nntal,t�rm,nnd upon such conditb��as ft��udDment may dlcteta ot ���
<br /> ��� ° � t��minab,o�adJuit tt»t�rms and aonditioia ot�xtatinp Masos.Unt�ss 1'tuitor and 8an�ticiary thm�of aproa oth�rvria�in wrKinp,
<br /> �.•,,�s any spptkatlon ot n�tt,Iau�s ar profits to any indsbadnsst s�cund he»by�hall eot�xt�nd ot postpon�th�du� dat�of th�
<br />.-`� f� Instaflm�nt paymmt�t►s providad In �ak1 prombfory oot� ot chanps th� amount of tuch inatalimsnts.Tho �nbriny upon nnd —
<br /> :,;•:: taklnp po�sestbn ot tM Prop�riy,th�eolNetlon of�uch nntw Isaues aed profib,and th�applfcaUan thanof na atonsaW,thail not
<br /> • wM�or cur�any d�fsull or e�ile�of d�tauh horeund�r or ini�lidat�any a�t don�puauent to such no!{c�.T�ustor atso auipns to
<br /> . ' B�n�fieiary,af tuAh�r��curity tor th�p�rtormanc�01 tho obllpatbns s�cirai h�r�by,ali pr�pald��nta and atl monl�s whkh msy
<br /> ' hav�ban or may MnaR�r b�dspoitt�d wilhh aald T�ustor by�ny t�uN di th�Prop�Ay.to s�eun th�paymont of any nnt or
<br /> ` � dame�ea,or upon dafw4!In the peAormanc�e of Any at ths provi�bn�h�nol,Tnutor egr��s to d�llwr tuch anU and d�pasit�to c_�___
<br /> B�n�flciary.Oe1Mry o!wrkhn notta of 8�noticlary'a�xorcls�ot thi N�hts pranted horoln,ta any tenent oecupying�uid premtaaf
<br />_,=L=°,y F� �h�l b�sutfki�nt to�aquh�sald unant to pay ronl to th�Beneftelary unUl fudher notiee. —
<br />_ - :�;�xY.� �, CONOEMNATION.N titla to any parl 01 th�Ptopvdy�hall b�tnkvn in condamnaUoo prowodlnpa,by�Igh!ot�minant domatn
<br />--- ' os�6nifar actlon.or�hail E�sold und�r thn�t uf cond�mnatbn,all eward�,da�r:apes emd pr�cwds an hQnby nast�ned and thNl b� �"��T
<br />=;�:; : pafd ta B�nsOeiary who�ha�appy aueh awsrd�,d�mayo��nd proeo�do to tha tum tocur�Dy thb Dwd of Trust,wfth th�ucceao, -
<br /> �,.:�''''� � M any.pald to 1'runor.lf T�uAtor nceNss any noUc�or other informatk,n nparding such ae:ons or proc�odinpa,Trustor ehnil plw ,�,�.,,_
<br /> _r��'„ . promp!written notk�th�r�of to B�n�ficiary.B�n�flciary�Aall b��n�tled,at ih option,to commanco,appaar in and proa�cuta In ks �+�;g�,
<br /> �,,,,,,.����...��� own nams�ny such aeUon a proc�odirtgs end�hall b��ntitl�d to mak�any eomp�omtap or��ritement in connteWn with any auch ---- ---�
<br /> `,+ #g adbn orprocNdlnQ�. ----- -��_
<br /> 7 9. FUTURE ADVANCEB.Upon��quaot of Tn+iwr,Bmeflc4uy N 8�na11ciary'o opUon,prbr to aeonr�yane�01 th�Prop�riy to �- w�
<br /> ���
<br /> � • � Truttor,may malt�tutun�dvancts to T�ustor.8uch tutur��dvanea,with intonst thoroon,�hall b�s�eund by thb Trust Ond �Yr:
<br /> .�.-,�-.
<br /> _-— �n_.�lde!!��b;promise�Y t�o��Et�!t4n�th■���not!e�!le�te�Mtl�r,graVld�d th�at nc tim�ahaU ttu aocutad ptirteipeL � .'�"'•r•+�••y�. _
<br /> � futuro advnnas,no1 includlnp tums advtmcad to protact lh�ucudly,ucco�d Tko Hundrod p�rconl(200%)01 th�orlpinal p�incipal ;4.:,�, . �
<br /> amount���cund h�roby. �;•�� �_.•, `
<br /> i ��� � 4. REMEDlEB NOT EXCW81V8. Tru�� and Bsnsfkiary, �nd�aeh o1 th�m, thsU b� �nYai�d ro antatc� paymont and f��!� -�
<br /> p�dotm�neo of�ny ind�bbdn�ss or obli�atlon�s�cutod h�nby and to unrcta�aB riphb and pow�n und�r thls O��d of Truat or ' ��`�°' �r`
<br /> �' . und�r eny oth�r apn�m�nt�xauhd in con000tlon h�r�wUh or any lawi now ot hu�att�r in torc�,norivdhotandln��om�o�ail ot thw �. ;�`,��""�`�,`s;"•:
<br /> _ �t-._ .
<br /> ,,,G wch Ind�bta�inea�and ohli�attom sacund htt�by mey now or haneftor De othtrwis�toeut�d,whdhnr by mortpaa�,daod of trwb _.�' �,,
<br /> pkdp�,Ikn,scsiynmont or othotwiw,N�lth�t lh�acaplarta of thla Oo�d of 7rust nor Its enforawmant whoth�r by coud actton a . •
<br /> � �• ,. purouant to tho power o1 onte or athor powon harain containod,aha0 pra1udteo ot In any mannsr ettac!Trustoo'o or Benofleipry'o ' .
<br /> riyht to nnlizo upoo or a�toru any othar tacuriry eow or horontter held by Truatao ar 8enaflclary.M baing ay�Qad thnt Truetoo end �
<br /> Bonof�tny.and onch ollhem,ahall ba ontitled to ontorce thia OeQd o1 Trust And any other aocurity now or hotoeRor hold by •
<br /> ' • 8�nalklary or TruatQO 6i auch ordat dnd mannot aa they or eiiher of them may In thelr nbsotuto dt�erotion dotermino.No remady
<br /> harein wntorred upon or rosorved W Trusteo or 6�enaflciay la Intandecf lo bo�xclueNa ot eny othor romady h�reln or by IaN
<br />. providod ot pormMvd,bul oach chNl bo cumulntivo and cheU 6o In addAbn to overy othar tomody plvon horoundo�oi now or , '
<br /> .• .. haroettu Ncistlna nt�aw or in aqufry or by atatuto. Evory power ot rame�y provtde�h�roundor tAla O�od of Yrust to TtustQO ot
<br /> ' Ban�iklary or to whleh afiAor o1 them may b�oihorwis�antifl�d,may bo oxorcisod,coneuaonlry or Indapondonty,hom nms ta umo
<br /> nnd ns oRQn as may b�dnmsd�xp�di�nt by Truet��or Ben�tieiary and oahsr o1 lham may pursu�inconntat�nt��m�dia�.Nothlnp •
<br /> h�nm thaN b�cnnstruod as prohiblUnp Bonofleiary hom�wkinp e doticiancy judpm�nt apaintt th�Ttusto�to tho auunt ouch actwn
<br /> ti p�rm�tad Ey{aw. .
<br /> ., E01011 N�Dnalu 007520.0.7
<br /> 1 ,.
<br />