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<br /> D�ED O�TRIJ�T
<br /> THt8 O�HD OF TRUST,med�thli 13th day ot, Novemtier , 19 95.
<br /> byar,danonp Chriotapher T. Daoke and Janell M. Tiaake, huabAnd and trife _ ___�
<br /> (hu�M 4ru.tor'):and .JQrry J. �111ner - Q —
<br /> ,whos�mnilinp uddrost u 1SQ3 et�t ?.nd St.. Crand Xaland �
<br /> E 688U1 \
<br /> (horetn•T�uste��: an Asaociatea FinAncial Servicea Company of e raa a Inc.
<br /> whos�maiunp RddrMS�b wrence ane. ran s an
<br /> _._.._
<br /> _ (hmfn•Wn�!{ct�ry'�
<br /> ��
<br /> FOR VAtUA81�CON9ID�RATION�TtU1t0i hf.,rocaby ora►n.aamr.re.aonvsyt and ategn�to Tru�ta,IN TR11L1'�W�TH
<br /> POWER OF SALH.tor tF►o Mrtofit and acurlty ol Bsnotictap�,k�ia and�uDj�d to th�t�m+�end condiUon�of thi�Owd of Trua;tM
<br /> (oltowlnp d�:an'brd rod Nt�{wity.bcntod in tial Gaunt�/,N�6raaloc
<br /> Lot Nine (9)� Black E�ightesn (16) Halcers Additian �a tha City of Grand Isl�nd.
<br /> Ht�ll County, Nebraaka.
<br /> ' • -
<br /> TOCiET11ER WITH,aA nnts,profM.�oyud�w,Incom��nd oth�r Mmfib d�rN�d hom th�nal pra�thr>nil Nitsa or st+bf�asa�
<br /> cow�r►p th�nni prop�Ay a any poAlon tMnot,aow ar h�naR�r�xt�tinp or�ntand Inta and�a r�.'�t titN and int�t�nt o!T�u�inr
<br /> lh�r�und�r,�II Int�n�Es.atRt�or o1Mt cMMs,bath k�t�w�nd In�quky,whkh Trustor now hu or msy hsndter aequko In th�n�l
<br /> P�M�:�I�m�enbi,�ht�oWray�t�n�m��U.h�wditam�nb snd appud�nanc�s th�not�nd Ih�nto:aY oN�nd�u�ipM�uM
<br /> ptoRb.w�Ur tiphtt wY3 w�r�tock;v�Ipht,tkN aod k�ht�at of Ttuttcx�eow ownitr�ru h�t�t�tequhd,�n.nd�,.r�y w►a y�n0
<br /> withM th�tiphtoiw�Y o1�ny�tnN ar Aiphw�y sdjoNUnO th�t�+d prop�Hy:�►�mml�II Aulldinp�.lktu►N,knpn�wn+�nb. �nd
<br /> �ppu�f�nuwN now or h����1t���rictd th�non a E�bnpinp th�r�ta(��rin�Nrrad 10�•Imp�wm�nt"ot'ImprowKn�nU7:�nd
<br /> �ny�nd�II awuds mad�1ot th�taktnp by�min�nt domRk�,a hy ru►y proc��ttinp or purat�b liw tMrwf.af thr whc�a�nY P�
<br />— of Ue t�l prop�riy.AO o1 th�br�poln0 sslete,p�o�w�ry a����L��.:�w cartiv�Y:d to T�taa haraln calla�L'vary cat�tr�d tu iw��
<br /> •prup�tty�
<br /> FOR THE PURPOB�OF fiECURINQ: Thirty�aix
<br />— TM � 1 ot�,d�bt�d sa�vkt� cad by ?tustor' n�t ot wn dah h�awph M a pt4t4�pd�s� pf�..�
<br />— ��oue n`��ne l�undre�-r�iE!1t�v fiva anc�OU�lO����Nnn(i 36 a..
<br /> top�tt�i with Int�n�i a1 tM r�t�or rat��provld�d thmin, or th�ptincip�l and Inb►�tt on wny Mur�sdvufa��vfd�ec�d 41y
<br /> promhwry not��statln�th�y+u�s�cund h�r�6y,(h�rol��'Not�•or'Not��t�+uid any and sM nnswab,modHicatbn��nd�xt�nsbna
<br /> 01 suoh Not�.both pii�acip�J�nd inf�rnt on lh�NoLs Miny pnyabl�in acoorGu�a w�:l th�hrm�e�t lortt�tbmin.nbnnc�to whkti
<br /> M h�r�by msd�.
<br /> (b)Th�p��iotm�of otch�qrNment wnd ea�waant of Y�ustor hank�eontalmd;�nd
<br /> (a�Th�paymsn!01 any�um or sucn�o!mwasy wlttt+M�nat ths»on whkh may b�h�r�aR�r p�W w�dvanad unrl�t N�hrmo of thN
<br /> — �{�O�TfYL1.
<br /> 1. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTERE9T.Trutto�tha4 promptty p�y whsn du�th�prinaip�l of ans int�rat o»th�
<br /> Ind�bt�dn�ss�v{d�ne�d by tfio Noh,and aq olhtr charpa and Mq as ptovtd�d 4�t��NoN,�nd th�principal of and int�r�st oo�ny
<br /> Futun Advanas e�cur�d by thl��d o1 Trutt
<br /> �. WAFlR11NTY OF TRI.�.Tntttor N t�wtuly atr�d attd post�tud of pood ltnd ind�lutsfblo titi�aad sstat�W fh�Prop�Ay
<br /> a h�nby conwysd and hn th�tfpM to at�nl and conv�y lh�Prayorty:th�Prop�rty a trN�nd cMa o!a�li�ns�r�d�ocumbTanus
<br />_� exc�pt(Ies�s now of ncoM:and Tru�tot wi9 watptnt and d�hnd t!�fitt�W ttt�Pwp�rty�palntt aY etalmo�nd d�mandR
<br /> � 9. MAIIJTENANCE AND CQMPUANC�WiTH LAWB.Ttuttor�hdl k��p th�Piop�riy M pood ropAk and co�dRbn snd shaY not
<br /> y commA watt�ot p�rmN impakmsat o�d�hfioratbn of th�Rrop�rty�nd aha�cornAN w���ProvlNom oi any F�as�H lhw ONd ot
<br /> � Trust M on�Naahotd.No Improv�mmt now w Mr��1tN�nctrd upoa tM Propety�Iu�N bt�dt�t�d,nmowd a d�moi�h�d wi�ltiout
<br /> il th� prfw wrNt�n cons�nl 01 B�n�flctary.Tntstot th�!oPmpy wih a11 Uwa�ordtnarecs. ��putatto�u. cown�nU,candi�ans�nA _
<br />_� ratrictbns sff�ct�np th�Prop�rty and not commiL tuthr or p�rmN ary�c!W b�dcn�in or upon tM Pray�tty in vbWbn pt any I�w. _,
<br />,_�� ordintrsci,��pulatt011,COWilAT1R COtlddiOD Ol n�Uietian.Tnittor sh�eompMt�or nrton prompily and In poo0 workm�nlike mannvt _
<br />-_� pny Imptowm�nt on th�Prop�riy whleh m�y 6�d�m�q�d or d�tUOy�d and pay,whm du�.�Y cidm�to�laboi p�►tortn�d�nd
<br />— matsdtN turnkh�d Ih�ntor��nd 1or�ny�R�ratbn*Ih�r�o1.
<br />'� OIIIWtiIL(1)
<br /> eo7011 REV.1o3N�br�W /ORIMW[IICOPY(1) o07s�A.w
<br /> � II�1tMTWNCO!'V 1)
<br />