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<br /> a�y rental aeeeeamente wtagn due, car iP any attert�t ba made to
<br /> dfepose a� or xemova e�id proporCy Pram a�id La� �, or iP �t ax�y
<br /> time the eocured par�y ehail daP..m the eaid dobt un�taPe ar i.nedcura,
<br /> the eeaured party ie h�reby suthorized Co onter upon the premiaea
<br /> where eaid �roperty may be anol thQr�aPtex retrieve a�,l renka ko
<br /> ap ly upon eai� debt, or to eell e�id �roperCy at publ3o or priva�e
<br /> ea�e v�ritDa or without notice, ar�d out o� t2io praceecAe of auch eale _
<br /> r.etain the amoun� th�� owing cn aaid debt, wAth expensee �CCaohe�i
<br /> to the a�me, randering to tho �lebCore the eurplue, aftar the whole
<br /> o� eaid de�it ehall have boen paid, wiCh chazgea aforeeaid.
<br /> WITN898 our oigna�uree tt��.s ��i day oP �rr� �_ , a99S.
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<br /> 9 N _ — S$ S�l{1 - G,�� 155�ln FT
<br /> (Secured partiee� (Debtore)
<br /> ) ee.
<br /> On thie �� day of � Q✓ , 1995, beto�re ma, tho
<br /> undersigned, a nota�cy pubiio W th n and gor eaid caunt�, peravna�.ly .
<br /> a�.me LARRY J. RA9TWOOD an� MARY i,. 8A8T6dA0D, hueD�nd aad wi�E, wk�o �
<br /> ase krxown ta me an�d knowrs �.� me to bd the identical poreone �chaee
<br /> name� are eo a�Pixsd �o Che foregoing i�eaurity Agreement and
<br /> Fin�aing Statemen�, anc9 thoy acknowledge their execution thereof
<br /> to be tk►eir volun�azy aat and deed Por the purpoee� khere�.n set
<br /> forth,
<br /> WTTt�E�9 my hand and no�ar�.al �e�al �he date laet above wriCtRn.
<br /> �c�1ERAt No1Mr•swi a w1n�h �
<br /> ARTHUA C.PMYER ppt� pqbl f]
<br /> wry Comm.ExR i��,1�30 , 1"Y
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