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<br />_q R'� A Hall C�uaty, NebrAeka __
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<br /> �- 1�NON ALL 11Bti 8Y T8g8S PRSE)�NTBt
<br /> That LARRY J. EASTWOOD and MARY L. S�13TWOOD, Debtore, for the
<br /> purpose o� aocuring the paymenC oE $40,000.00. amd intereet at 7��
<br /> _ per an�sum, oomputsd upon the unpaid prinaipal balance, acco���.ng Ca
<br /> - a Nate deearibed ae fQllOi�it3 S
<br /> �i • Dated the ��'� c�ay of � �. 1995, in the origiaal
<br /> amount oP 840�000.0� ear ng nCereet at 7�1� per annum,
<br /> -= oompu�ed upon the u�pai.d principai bt�lance, and payable in
<br /> � — �quai monthly �netallm�t��e oE �3�l2.40 per month, wlaiah w�Aa
<br /> ap�a ly Piret upon intereat a+n a cne ma lan�a in r�tluation oE t�
<br /> pr inaipai, the fireti euch monthiy i�sta i lmant pr�yment pa yabie
<br /> on trie 5th day ot DecemHer, ]�g95, �v�.rh a balloon pa�yment ae to
<br /> -----� euuy bala=ta6 uiiv a6 t'ii ?3�Y"�3�� �, 3L�L�3 j _
<br /> An eale or ahanga oE ownexehip ehali cauee Che entire unpaid
<br />----.-- pr�isa�.pai balance Co be �arkha��th due and payable unle�e
<br /> � waived by the Seauxed� Party.
<br /> � � . which note waa given to COLLFFN M. CAVENBI3 and RICHAR� g• C�1VBN���
<br /> the Seour�d Part�ee. The Debtore, LARRY J. 8A9TWOOA and MARY L•
<br /> BA�'I'W'�� hereby grant, n�ortgage and ase�.gn unCo eaid oecured party
<br /> Che re�idence hous�, be�ng an im�ravement upon a le�eehold arid ail
<br /> � appurterxaacee tkaereto, eai8 reaidenao riouee b��nag eituated upon:
<br /> Lot Two (2) , having a lake �ront footage o� 100 f$et•, situe�ted
<br /> - --�--� on the �ae� eicYe oE the We�t �a�ttion oP Kuegtox Lake, and
<br /> — being on a part oP the F�4.4W3i in BEC�ion �.3, �a'owr►ehiP 11. �tAnge
<br /> 9, in Hall Cc►unty, Nebraskm j boundec� on t�ne Ea�teriy eide by
<br /> the COIiIrttAY1 roadj such lot ae ie shown on a plat in ��e
<br /> poea9eoion aP the Lesear.
<br /> -- i.ncluding �ny aaaeeaione, aaceeeoriea, �aarte and equigmen� now ar
<br /> --- hexeaPter aQf3x�8 the�eto.
<br /> The Debtore a�arrant the above deecribed property ia Pree and
<br /> alear of aii liene and encumbranaea; that thay will pay aii
<br /> -y, p�x��6i�e�1 takes ba�ara ths �ame k�eeem�? ds�i��uQne s �ha� they �ill
<br /> -- maintaix► �nb pay the premiume �or �ire and extended covarage
<br /> --° inaurance on eaid property in an amount not� lees than the unpai.d
<br /> balancp of the indebtedneee. Tha� iP they Pail to pay any such
<br /> — taxes or premiuma, that the �eaured party may pay the eamo arid any
<br /> auah payment� by the ee�aured party ehall be a past of thie
<br /> -� indebtec9neos, payment oE which ehali be secured bX this Einancing
<br />—.-��'� etat�ment and inGazeat thereon ek�aii accrue at the rate oP intereeC
<br /> '=-'-�� provided in the noCe oP even �iate herawith, paymenC aP which tlnia
<br /> =�� Pinancix�g e�atemont eecuree.
<br /> _ �u
<br /> ��,�`� It ie her�by aflreed that iE deEault be made in the payment oE
<br />_-;���g.�l aaid note or any part thereof when due, or if debtore fafi ta pay
<br /> -_���� eaid taxea bafora the eame become dalinquent, ar said premiume or
<br /> _�i•�
<br /> :;,:.: ;#'
<br />•-h.'Ur1.', .l
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