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<br /> aT �17�.Y. :l r.•
<br /> Hortawar dn�lpnatns by nnttco to lcndcr, Any�otico to 4endcr ohall bo pNc�n Qy Orot elaoo mall ta�un��s�ddress slatad harctn ar any •
<br /> othc�addross Lendcr de�lpnuta9 by nMico to 8orto�ver. Any nottca�rovidod lor In thin 8eauriry instrumenl ehatl ba daemad to haro becn
<br /> _ �tvan to BanawGr or Lendcv when gNen ae provtdod In tfils psraareph. •
<br /> -_-- -=j 1�. �4VOYOlif(� 0.9W; �i6Y8R8b11f�. mrs accumy Mam,m�m ennu ae ooven►cd ey tec��►�w gpa ine�w o�t���dicuw�m -_ :_
<br /> � whlch tho 1'ropcny lo Incatod. 1�tho avonl t�al any provlstan or ctau�o ai this �acutity inshumani oi tha Nob confticto r�1th aPp�`�8
<br /> '� � - - ta�v.euah aanttict ehali not o�oct o:hcY pr�visto�►a of this Sa�.urliy Innrivm�t ar!h�Nale�:htch csn he 9t�u►�tteei ar�tAe��t thn cnnNct'ng _ _
<br /> provislon. To thls end Iho provislona ot thts Sooudy Inatrumc�t and tho Noto aro dactarad to bo srno�abto.
<br /> ^ _^:�, " 16. Borrowe�'e Copy. Qortnwar ohall bo(�Nen ono contarmad copy oi tho Noto and at thto Socudy instrumonl.
<br /> --• 17. S�Ansfer of the P�operty or a 6eneficlaf interoe! ih Barrowor. If ail or any paA of tho Properiy or any Intaroat
<br /> ' ��""' � In II i� aold or tronafaRCd(or it o Denntiel�l Intero�t In Bairower Is eotd or tmnafonod and Borrawe►Is aot u nnturoi pnroon)withoul lcnd•
<br /> er'e prior wdtten conaenL Lendcr may,al It�optlon, raqulro Irnmadiato nuyment In full 01 all eums encurad by thle 8ocudry Inatromc��d.
<br /> Ho�vavar,tht9 ootloo ahnll not bo oxa�clsod by Lendor il oxerciso 19 prohibitad by tadoml Iaw as oi tho dato ot thls 3acurity inetmmonf.
<br /> If Lender exarclsas thls optlo�,Lendm shott flNo Borrower notico of ncec�orotion. Tho notico ehall provido o poriod of not lass than 30
<br /> � dayo hom tho data tho notico ts dalivered or mailed wlthln whioh BoRnwar must pay utl eums eocurod by ihis Socudty Instn�maal. H --
<br /> � . � 8ortowa tait9 to pay thoao auma pdor to tho oxpimtlon ot ihis porlod, londcr mc►y Invoko nny romadins parmittal by thls Security Inotru•
<br /> - � mont witAout Nnher notico or damund on Borrowar. :
<br /> ,,� � 18. Borrovirar'e Rlaht to Rolnstne� It Borrowar maots certain condlpone,Bonowar ehall hnvo tho dgM to hnvo anloraorrtent �;��Y,.
<br /> - of thls Socudty Inatrumam diaconUnued et any ttmo pdor to tho oarNor ot:(u)8 days(or auah othar pedod as opplicabto law may opaalty ���'_
<br /> � tor�elnatatement)botoro oc�o ot tho Prop3r�!pu►suunt to any powor ot aalo contalned In this Socurfty Inshumant; or (b)ontry ot a Judpment
<br /> � entorctne thls Secudty Mstrumont. Thoso concHtlona are ihut Darrawor. (o)payo londec aU aums whloh ihon would bo duo undor thla
<br /> ., ,� � Bocudty tnstrumant ttnd thv Not�ae it rto c►ncetemtion hzd occurtod;(b)curos any deiautt o}any otht�t eovonents or sflreemonte; (o)Ruye s0
<br /> i° oxpanfles Incuaad in ento�ctng thl9 8ecudy Inatrumant,tncl:�ling,but not limited to,reasonadlo attomoye'teas; and(c+�takos euch aoUon ,.:''
<br /> ,� x=.� � , cty Lender may reaaottaby requlro to aeaure that the Ilan of this 9audty Inatn�ment,Le�tilar'o dghte In tho Propmty t�n�I BoROwa'e obllga• '�,:._=
<br /> ,, •�'
<br /> •Y, �, - don to pay the aums eecured by thls 9ec�!stly Inobument a�atl conUnuo unohm�fled. Upan telnotAtomanl by 8orrowor.this�ecurlry �;:_;_
<br /> � Instrument end tho obllgatlone seeurad hcr�by nhall romaln tuly QNootNe aa If no ecoateretlon hnd acourred. Howwnr,thls�ipht to�elnetato �',.__
<br /> � ' ehall not appy in tho caao of eacolowUun undar pamgreph 1R �_=v
<br /> .- 1g. Sdo Of NOtM; Chango of I�om�o 8�rvlcer. Tha Note or a partlal Intorest ln tha Noto(tagothor with Ihla 8ecudry �i�
<br /> -- -j� '` tnatrument)may ba sold one ot motv timos without pdor�oUco to 8urrow�. A oato m�y rosuh In e ohan�o In the entlry(known eo the _,__—
<br /> - -- 'lan 8orvtcer•)tMt aoUoMa moathy paymonta duo unde�tho Noto and thia Socudty fn9lrumant. 1'haro also may bo one or more chanpes of �--
<br /> ,.,�-.;�.,� the I.oan Servicer unretatod to a oala o1 tha Noto. il thera Is a ohanflo 01 tho Loan Sarvlcer,Borto:vor tvlll 6o gNvn wrhten notice ot thtl ohenQe i �
<br />-�`° �" � In or,corct�nce with paragraph 14 abovo and applicnbla�aw. The notice wlll state the n�mo and addresa ot the new Loan&ervlce►a►d fhe
<br /> :._.a.�_.� ---
<br /> tY � addreas co whiafi paymerttn shouhi iso mi�ao. i'�v e��8 at�s cor�sks�y a!!�lesic:snilen s�slras!Qy eg�!!c��w, --
<br /> ���:..�� 20. M��dow 8s�6sUna�Y. Borrower ehall not cuusa or pormit tho proocnt�n, uso,dispoaul,etors�e,o�►cleaee ot any Harardoua
<br /> ___-; �;,.�� euCatancea on ar In tho Property. 8anowar ehatl not do,aor allow anyono dae to do,onyfhing attacting the PropoRy thtl te U vtolaUan ot
<br /> - _- -- ��_��.���, ������^�..l�.,d►wnaa�e�aoot�tn the Qreaaiae.use.or atoraga on the FRoperiY ot�rr�ll qwntlUea af
<br /> Hazardoua eubsUncea that aro ganeraty�acoQnhed to bo appropdate to natmal resldanilat uses end b ma#��t�nunao of the Pn�p�►.
<br /> ��� Bonawer eAap prnmptty gka Lemder written noUce ot eny Imestlnat�on, ctalm, damand, luwautt ot othor aotipn by eny govemmental or c
<br />;�_�y�:� ropu4�tory ngenny or prkete party invokinfl the Properry and any Hntardou�Subatenco er Environmc}t►tal Law of wh�h Bortowor hlle aotuel
<br /> -_---= knowtadga. If ponowa�leame,ar ta notitied by eny yovemmental or r�uiatory authoritlt,that any removal ar ather remedlatlQO of any Hezardoue
<br /> °-,�. Subatance tStecting the Propert�Is necesaRry, 8orrawer shall prompty take all necessary remoctial aottona In aaaordancs rvUh Environmenh!law.
<br /> —=°'� Aa usad In this p�nynph 20, 'H�zardou�Substancea' are tho9e suEatances deflned Qa toxto or hau�rdoua eubstartaa by Enrkenment�l
<br /> _ `�'�,�,_ �aw and ths to�owfng aub�t�ncea: gasotino,keroae�e,other Oammablo or to�o petroleum producte,tox�o pesticldea and herblcide�,vohtlla
<br /> �� soMw�te,m�txWa conU�intnp asbeatoa or tormaldehyde.a.�d ntdloaotive materiata. Ao used In thle parapr�ph 20, 'HrnlronmenUl Law'
<br /> __-- _— mtins lederal lawe and I�we ot the judadlctlon whare tAe PropeAy Is located thAt relate to health,safety or envUanmentwi proUotlan.
<br /> - --a NON•UNIFORM CdVENANTB. Bonower and lender NAher covenant and agree as totlowa:
<br /> ���� 21. Aoceleratton; R�m�dl�a, unda� oh�ll Qire natiao 40 8or�awsr prit�s to eacd�rttlon followi�tp
<br /> —�— Bo�raw�r's b»soh of�ny cov�n�nt or �prs�man!in thi� 8�curtry Instrum�nt (but aot prior to�o��l�ratlao
<br /> -_�=� und�r p�r�raqN 17 u��lsa�a�pllcablQ I�v pravtdos athe�wrfse). �he natics ehsll ep�olty: (�� !h� dotault; (b) _ ___.
<br /> -- th� �allon nqutr�d to cur�th� dsf�utt; (o) •d�t�, not tsss lhRn 30 days Mom th� dat�ths notlo� Is piven to
<br /> -- 8a�raw�r. by whiah th� dN�utt mur� bv cu��d; and (d) that tatlu�a to au�s tl�� d�fault on or b�fa��th� d�to
<br /> .- �p�oNl�d lo ths�otlo� msy r�aufe In �caol�r�tlon of th� wms��etirsd by this 800u�Ity Instrum�M�d ��1�
<br /> ___��� of tl» Prop�rty. Th�notiao �hall tu�th�r Inta�m Bor�awa a1 thv right to rNn�tat� �it�r�co�tarMion �nd
<br />_ ---_�� th� �t�ht to bNnp a eouet �atlon to�ss�r!th� �on•oxin�nc� of�dofaul!o�any oth�r d�f�nss of 8onow�r
<br /> =��� to �►oc�t�rallon �nd s�t�. If ths d�i�ult�s nc�t cund on or b�far�th� dM� sp�atfi�d in ths natlo�� I.aado�
<br /> _____�,;�;;�, d its optlo� msy roqutn Immsdlat� paymml In tull of all aums��curtd by this Secu►ity In�t�um�M without
<br /> - � tucth�r d�m�nd and m�y Inva�cw th� pow�� ot sat� �rtd any oth�r nm�dt�s p�rm{itsd by�ppilo�bl�
<br /> -�.-� It�w. Lor�d�r sh�ll b��ntttlod ta eoll�o4 all �xp��ees ineur��d fn punulnp th� ��m�dlos provid�d (n Qhls
<br /> -�`'�.`��'� pAry�nph �1, Including, but nof limit�d!o, ��a�anabl� attor��ys'h�s and oosts wf tllio�vid��a�.
<br /> .-- -:� !�th• �_r�!N!e!a lnr�4sed�Trustu �Il e�cord� natlea of dot�ia�t tn �soh c�unty In whiah�ny��rt
<br /> �� �r of th� Propsrty iw taoat�d and �hall mall aopi�� of euoh notic� In!ho m�nn��pnaoribod by applia�bi� law _�
<br /> {�� ' ��'' ta Borrow�� and to th� oth�r p�nons pr�scrl6�d by�pplic�bl� law. Aft�r the tim� ��qulnd by appllc�blo
<br /> ��r.�:T , � ..
<br /> , • � � � law�Trusto� shall qtv� publio notico oi�at�to!ha p�rttops �nd In ths mann�r p���or16�d by tppllasbl� I�w. _
<br /> � T�ust��,without d�ma�d on Borrowor. �hall soll!h� Praporty d pubilc �uc4lon tv th� hi�h�st 61dd�r at tho _
<br />��:�;�T�' � tim� �od pl�c� �nd und�r th� tuma dostgna4�d tn th� notic� of o�l� In o�� or mo�� parcds and In �ny ordar _
<br /> Truat�� d�t�rmin��.Tru�t4�m�y postpon� �d� af atl o�ony psro�l of the Proptrty by pu6llo on�ouna�mon! +:�.
<br />� � * ,�' ' � d 9h� tim��nd plaoo of any provioasty Qohadulad ealo. L4ndor o� Ite dosigno� may qurah�ss tho P�opsrl�/
<br /> , � � at �n�► �N�. -�
<br /> Upon r�rcolpt c�f p�ym�nt o1 tho prlae bid,Truetae shell doiiv�r to tho purchaaa�Yrust�s'n dQSd
<br /> ___ ': �,_�M�,:'� eonvoylnp th� Propor�y. Th� reottala in tho T�ustee'e deed ehall b� p►ima faete avid��oo of tho t�uth
<br /> s of th� �tat�m�nb mad�lhard�. Trustoo eha0 �ppiy!h�proaosd4 01 tho e�to In tho 4ollowing ordor. , .•
<br /> , (�) to atl �osb ond sxp�tisaA ot o�or�l�ing th� powa of s�lo� end tha ealo. Inoluding tho psymont of th� ��
<br /> ' � , . 7'ru�tos'e toaa actuplty Incurr�d, na! to exce�d 3.p0096 of thv princlpal �mount M th� noto ot tho time `
<br /> � y � of tho d�altratlon of d�t�ul4, artd r�asone6lo attornoya' toa�am parmittod by taw; (b)to ail sums e�oured
<br />'�"�i„`k`�� ` by thl�S�carity In4trumont; and �o) �ny ox�as�ta tho p�rson o� par�ons Iopally �ntitlod to it. '�
<br /> 30Y03.trm(9N1) pago 0 0,o Fom,soze e�eo ,,..
<br /> ;. ,.
<br /> „
<br /> ' , � �, ��:
<br />