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-- .-_� ., ��}f�I�.4.���" - ,. � ' ;��:�.',;�� " ` , . � `i ',r..�:'. ', • _ _ _ __. _. .____ <br /> � . . , i... <br /> . �. . . . <br /> -�- . , � <br /> , , . j <br /> �. i , <br /> :- . <br /> . �.�•_ .. • � as � <br /> .. �-- . . . , � - <br /> :..-a+ ._ ' • . � „ . • - , . <br /> . . � �-.. ..'�Y._. _ . . . ... . '•�, . <br /> " .—=:=��!-=`�7H"...-�; . .: �. .. __ . . _. _...n. .� _.............. . .. . —___._�._......._._...�_..�_,t.._ .- ` ^ -'�_, n _�_._._�. <br />. .. , __r., ____..b ..r . <br /> u � �.._."�� <br /> .Y__ <br /> � .. � •,�"'. <br /> ���°� �(D�'�"���. ,�'_ <br /> talth�udpmenl couid tasull fn to�tefturo ol tho Ffioperty or ofhenvlsa m�tedally ImpAlr tho tien created by thla Saaurity inotrumcnl or lender'o <br /> ocscudiy Inte�esL 8artowcr m�y cuto ouch a dafautl and cc�netnte,oo providcd In pai�aprapH 10,by caualnp Iho acltm�oi proaoMJing to ba <br /> .:t ` - cN�smiseexl with n rut4�p that,ln l�nder'a Qaad tRttA datenninatian,ptccNdas to�ta!lure at the Qermwer'd Interoyl In lho Rrapoiiy or othe►�iatotiel • - <br />._-_. :_ �,_'� t�ipa�ti�u ot the tl�n crct�t4d Dy tAf�8oeufiht N►etnm�nt a Lenckr's ascuriry Intcroal Beao��tar ahaU atna ba In datault il f3nRQV�ar.du�tnp the _.. <br /> r - <br /> -_-,.;,�;�� k�►�"�'�°t�an praae��,g�ue mat�ity tataA er tnaccun�te IMormetlon or etata+�uu►te ta I.ander(ar taitcd ta pravida Lcndar rrith any materiel <br /> tr►torrrt�tlon)tn connecttcn with the loan ovidenoad by Iho Nota,Inctuding,but not Ilmltcd to,representntlano concaminy 0uiwww'u accupAniy ot <br /> � . I!lnts tiecu�t Inetrument la an e Meeehotd,Bortower shait compy�v7h etl iho p�ovtotono ot tho Icaaa � <br /> tho Froperty ae e princtpnl residonev �Y <br /> -^ If poRativer aequtros teo tlita to tha Proparry,t�e teaeehold And the taa tltta ehaU�at mnrpo untoao lendor ngroe9 to tha mergar In wrlfinti. <br /> .=��-a-' 7. Prot�atlon of Lend��'� Righte in tP�o Pro�srty. it 8oc�ovror fa!t9 to podorm tho covonaMo and eprucmcnte cantelnod <br /> -��� In Ihl� 8eaudry InetrumenL or the�e la o te4a1 proeeod(nfl ihut may oignitlaantry aifact lm�dv�'o Mflhto In tho Proparty(auoh eo e proeoodinp <br /> '� In beakruptey,probaie,fa aondemn�Hoa or faddturo or to eniorae In�va at repulatione),then tondcv may do and pay ter whataver Is eocasaary <br /> ' to protnat tho vatuo of tho Proporty end lcndcr'a dphtn In tho P�opo�ty. lender'o eoliono may Includo payinfl eny eums eQCUtcid by e Ilen whlah <br /> :, � Rae p►lodty ov�r ihis 8ecurity tnntrument,a�pcadnfl In cauA,payinp m.�oonabta ettomoya'teos snd entadn�on tho Properiy to mako ropalro. <br /> fi Atthough lender may hko actlon unda�thla paragreph 7, lendcr does not havo to do uo. _-__ <br /> . My amouMa dlshurocd by Lender under Ihl9 peragraph'7 ehall bocomo eddlUanal dobt o1 BoROwor oocurod by thls 9rcudry Inatrument. _ <br /> `"' Unlasa Hamo�vcr end Lander agrao to other tertns ot payment,thnso amount9 ahail bear Interost from tho deto 01 disburacmant at tho <br /> ,. Note�te end ohell 6e pey�bte,with Interast,upon natico hom Lender to Bortower roquostinp peymcnt. <br /> , 8. Monga�e leuur�nce. tt 4endur raqvlrad mart4ago Inauranco ae e condlllon oi tnakin8 the loan eacurud by this SocuAry Inntrumant, __ <br /> Bortowc►efiall pay tho premtum9 rcquirad to me►ntain the mortgage Innu�nca In ottaot. tf,(or any rea�sen,tho mortflago tnsunnae aover�ga -�� <br /> - _ requlred by lendw lapsea or ceaeos to bo in ottcscl,BaRO�var ehall pay the p�emiuma roqulred to obtein aavarago eubstanUaly oquNatent tu the �-��� <br /> •� �.: <br /> �''' ' oeortg�flo Ineuraoc�p�wlauay�n aNeet,at a coat suhatQntlalqr ayuNatenl to tho cos!to Bortow�r ot tha mortgApe(nsunnce provlou�ty In attecl� <br />,`;.��` � hom an�ttemete mort{�eQn insurer approved by Lender, If aubotantlalty oquMelent morlgaflo Insurnnaa covarnpa 1s not evaitable,Borrower ohell pay � <br /> •��'�.. "._ <br /> -4�:Y• to lender each month e sum oqual to ano-twomh o1 tho yearty modgage Insuta�ee prcmlum baing pald by Borto�n+er when the insurance coverape �___ <br />�_`Q:�i�A lapsad or aeauad to ba In esfftact. Lende�will�ccept,uao and retnln the�e piymente ae a loaa�eaerve In Ueu o1 moRyaQe insunnce. Lose reaervo -- <br /> �_ <br />�'�*„�� paymente rtwy no tonget ba requtred,at the optlon�1 Lender,ll moRgage[neuranco cora�ga pn the amount and tor the periad th�t Lender °= <br /> s��,- requirea)provlded by an Inaurur epproved dy Lende�egafn becomos availabla and i�obtalnad. Bonower shatl pay the p�etntuma requUed to -__ <br /> - mntntatn modqage Ineuronce tn eftect,a�to provide a losa reserve,undl tha requlrement tor moRgapo Inouraneo erids M eccoMince wlth any =__ <br /> �'-3` w�in�a(p'semet►t berivaen Bano�vcr and Lander er nppitaab{e law. -- <br /> �-�:+_-:�� == <br />- __?��� 8. (f1�ppCt1o11. Lender�r ita Agant may mako rcaeonable antd�upon nnd Inepectiona ot tha Property. Lander sluPo gNe 8orrawa _ <br /> - ootle�u af tho pme ot or pdor to nn inepectfon epecifyin0 taaan�ble car�.:a for the inapectton. <br /> '•�:�� 10. COttd�mnitlon. The procasds of any award or ctalm��.�damapea,diteot or conaequentlal,In aonnection with uny condamn�4lon <br />-.::::+:�.� ar ether�01 aw ptM o1 the P�roperty,or tor convayanco In liau of condomn4tlon,are hereby asetpnad and eheU be{�kt to lender. - - <br /> " �'�" In tAe event ot e toW taking of the FOroperiy.the procaeda ehall bo applied to the aum+�sawtEtd�y ihla Secuitly tnetrument,whetfie►cx� <br /> ,...�r�`�� y <br /> 'm�''`�- thrm due,wNh any excesa pald to 8arrowet. to the event ot a partial tiking ot tha PropeAy In whiah the talr mnrket velus o1 the PropaAy <br />�;� knme�tiK;�y betore the rikinp is equs►ta or greater ihan the amount oi the suma sacurod by thb SecLdry Instrumnnt immediately before the t�king, _ <br /> � NnM��ow�r�rtd Lend�e otlt�ewis��gree m wnunD�me aum�securRi oy ii�ia 8a�vmr��i,i a:���r.oav::�s iS�a:�..:.zst�!!� - <br /> -��;a� proceeds mukiplted by the toNowinp haotlon: (�)tha tota!amount ot eums eacuted Immed4tey 6atore the taking, dividad by(b)the tak muket � <br />--�� wNe ai the PropeRy Immedixtey betore the taking. !•1ny balanco eha116o patid to Hortower• In the event o1 a parti�l t+iking o1 the Property[n <br /> ===r===�;� �vhich tho Wr matk�t veluo 01 tAe PropaAy immaritatey betare tho 1�kinq Is loss than the amounl 01 tho aums aeeunsd immedi�tey 6etore the <br />- -i'� taking,unkss Botrower�nd lander othawise agree in wdtlng or untesa�plleablo lew otAenvtse provldos,the prooeeds ehdl bo�ppUed <br /> �� to the euma eecurad by this 8ecudt�Inetrument whether or not thb suma are then due. _ <br /> - = fl the Proparly b�btndaned ey Bortowe�,or d,efter nodce by lender to BoROwer tAat the candemnor oNers to m�lce�n�ward or seKlo <br /> s clBm tor d�msQas, BoROwer falla to respand to Lender wtthin SO days n8er the date the notice la gMen,lender Is authori�ett to coYeat <br /> �nd�ppy tho procesda,�t Ita optlon,elther to resta�No�or repah o1 the Proparty aT to tho auma eecured by tt�'�a Secudty tnaWmant, <br /> whetha ar not th�n due. <br /> _. - Untesa lande►ertd 8artower oihervrlse agree In tvriting,nny�Fp;iaUon ot proceed�to mi��ipsd sh�ll not extend or postpane ths du� <br /> d�te of the monihy paym�nts teteaed to in p�raa►apha 1�nd 2 or ch�nQe tha�muunt af ouah paymenta. <br /> 11. Bor�o��r Not Rol�ased; Fo►ob�artnC� By I.�sd�r Not a Watv��. Facteneton ot the ttme tor payment or modiRcattoo <br /> �� 01 emorttraUon of the s�ma eocured by thi9 8ecudty Mstrument qranted hy lendar ta any eucaesaor In intero�t ol8orrower ah�p no1 - <br /> operete to�eieaae tha G�bJUry of tha orlylnal8orrohsx or 8ot►owe�'a aucceaeoro In 0�teresL Lendar ehaii�ot Ea�uQuired to commence <br /> proaaadinpa��innt ar►.+auccesaor In Entaraat o►:eNse to extend tir�o tor p�yment or othe�wise madity pmoAlxaUon ot the suma aecurad <br /> by ihts 8ecudty Instr.^rmt by roason o1 any demend mado hy tR�v.iginal BoRawer or 8orrowab euaaesaore In Interest. My torbeannco <br /> - 4y Landar In axaralal�g eny dpht er remedy ehail nol ba w w�Ner o1 or precNde tha exercloo ot any dpht or remedy. <br /> ----== 12. Suao�sso�e and Assl�ns Bound; Jolat �nd&�v�rd U�bllity; Co-st�n�n. The covananta�nd a�ceentants ot <br /> this 3acudty Inatrument eh�p bind end benet(t tho euocesaors�nd�asipna o1 Lenda�nd 8airowor,subJect to the prorisiane o1 para�►h <br /> ---� 17. BortowaPa aoven�nte and asreemcr�ta eh�N be Jotnt and s�n►�.o}. My BoROwer who co-sipna this Securtly Instrument but dosa aot <br /> executa the Note: (�)Ia canlpninp thls Securfty Inatrument ony to moAge�ga{1r�nt ond convey that Barrowe�'a tntKeat t�the Property <br /> — unde�ths temia o1 thla SacurNy inetruma+t; (b)is no1 peteonuy obligated to pay ths eum9 seeured by thb 8ecudty Inatrumant;pnd(o) <br /> � sprat�that lertder nnd nny other Bottawer rtN�Y a9roe!o axtend,modUy,tarbeu or m�ica eny�ccommodatlo�e wilh reqard to tha tarma of _ <br />= -: a� <br />_�,�� thia Securtty Inotnlmani or tho Noto vvfthaui thet 8ortowern nonanni. _--- <br /> 19. Lo�n ChitQ�9. It the loen secured by th!a 8ecudry Instiument Is eubjecl to a law whioh seta m�xlmum toan chtrpe�,and <br /> L�''�� thtt taw I�11na(y interyrotad so that the Interast or ather loan ehuge�eollected or to bs eolieoted in eonnectlon wltA the loan exceed <br />- the parmitted Rmlte,then: (a)Any such lo�n chscge eha!1 be reduced by tAe amount necessary to reduce tha charge to the ptrtmllted <br /> -,,�,;� liml4 �nd(b)�ny aume�Irerdy coltected hom Borrower which exceeded permitted Iimha wUl be refundod to BoROwer. Lendor may choosa <br /> -:='��_- to make thia retund by retiuclnp ihe pdncipal a�vod under the Note or by making e direct payment ta 8orrower. 110�refund teduacs pdn• ___ <br /> _ -�, cipal, iho�eductlon wiA De treated ae a parttei propaymeat without Any pmpaymont ehdrgo undar tho Na4e. - _ <br /> �"�'*� 14. NOtIGYa. My noHco to Bortower provided tor in thls Ec�cudry Inatntment ahall bo gNan by delNednp Ii or by maillnp h by 1tro1 `G" <br /> - ���..x . <br />.:',:;r�•;:, , clsas mail untesa appllcabio law requtros u�o of another mothod. Tho notico ohall bo dlrectad to tho Ptoperty Addroso or any other address <br /> ,�� :�="3'*�`'' <br /> - ..+'�L'��.,l. - <br /> . ' .� f.. <br /> ,z <br /> 3028?.hm(3/911 papo 3 of 9 Fomt 3028 8lfl0 <br />_��� ' � <br /> -w�.t1. <br /> �"-• �.'+: <br /> ,. ,. .� <br /> 4- <br />. .. _( .. _ -__-__...__.��_'_"—_'-_'_'—'____"'-'__'..._�_...__���,.,.-......-...�-_-.�--a. ...�...e__�.'___'_'.-_'_ <br />