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<br /> � 1�1�ttu itn►u��i�n +n�►�mriusl
<br /> paynt�.nts muY m+lungcr hz�rcyuirc�l. ��I Iho u��Unn��f l.cndcr, fY mart�n�c Intiurn+��:c��►vc�l`��
<br /> t;tnt I.�i�arr r��►uices)pr.�videel Ny ttt� Inrurer nppriwra{hy I�e��tiler o►eufn thcunu:,c�ti:sllubl��+ud!s ubtained. Anrn+�!�er Aholl�.ny _
<br /> �ho peemiumv requiecd to nr�lnlnin nu�rtgu.ZO hesutcuuu D��ffect,ar I�r��t��vlde n I��sq rscrve,uotil thu cequl�cntcnt fi�s mnrt�;n�{o
<br /> Intiuruncc cn�i.r In nc�v�rduneu whh uny writtcn ayrccmcnt hcNV�en�iurrawcr und l.rml�r��r upplicoblc Imv.
<br /> 9, inv�tlon. I.cn�irr��r Us n�;en► �n�►y mnku r�.��a�u►hl�ctildcs upun und Inype�liuiw ul•�n� F�n,rony, [�:n�lcr xf�ull E�ivo
<br /> q+�rrc►�vc�nndcc nt iho timc at ur�►��i��r m im Inti�c�:tinn hpc�llyinp rea.+u�whic causc tur Ilw ins�xcd���.
<br /> A0. t'��ttc�rmnxllun. 't'ho prucccds��t any n�varcl nr clnini fnr d�mt�j�;r;, d{r�cl or�y�nw,q►tu�tiul. in�um►cctinn wid► uny �
<br /> rundcmnnd�m ar other tnktng uf nny �;r�t �►f'the Pcc�pcsty.�u tuc�uuvcyuncc in IiLu rf rande�nmdior�. Hra hcreby assi�;n�f and
<br /> ePudf hu pni�i tn I.cnJcr. �
<br /> i�i ii���vc:tii nt;s i��.s1�;�in�;+�t'the[*m�•rty,tlu�p����1y�u+116c nppllcJ tn thc hu+nv nccurcd by this Sccurity Imtrun�cnt. v
<br /> whc�her nr nat ti�cn�luc. �vith uny rxccsx p�id ta Hurr��wcr. In thc cvcm�►f�pnrtiui ti�king ��f ittc 1'roperty in which thc 1'uir
<br /> rnart�et viduc��F tha pn�perty Imn�ediutcly hcfi�rc tiic wking is c�uut to ur�rcntcr�t�an 1he i�m��unt ul'Ute sum��ecurcd by thie+ �
<br /> Securi�y Instrununt Imn►c�liatcly befi+ro t11e takln�;,unlrss por�awcr►md l.ender athcr�vi.r•e ugn�in writln�}, tho sun�s�ecurcd by
<br /> thiy Sccurhy lnstnimcat �hull bc rc�lu�r�l hy �hc nnxnint oF ihc pracccd� multipit��l hy tl�c folluwinII fmcUcm: (ii) the ta1a1
<br /> itmaunt��P Ihe eumn c�curcd immnliiuely beti►re tho tnkinp,cUvided by (h) �he fui►• nwrket vuluo ai tho Property intrntdfntely _
<br /> br.f����c.thc a►kinH. Any hulniu�c �:hull tw pai�l ta l3nrrc�wcr, in thc cvcnt of u partiul tukina uP thc I�rnpcny in which thc f�1r
<br /> mnrket viduc nf the Proprr�y Im�T►ediately befnro thu tukin�Ia Iesc thim tho umount uf the sumx sccurcd immedlntcly bcfore the
<br /> tnkin}�,unless Barrmvcr un�l Lcitder othcnvi�o a�}rce in writing ar unlcsw iippllci�ble law��lhcrwise pravtdcti,Iho pryKeeds shall
<br /> ho u�plfrd tu thc�um.r sccurcd by this 5ccurity instn►mcnt whcthcr i�r nat thc aums nro then duo.
<br /> It thc Pmpcay is uband�m�d hy Hurruwcr,ar if.uflcr nuticc by Gendcr ta&�rruwcr thnt tho con�icmnor��ffcss to mukc an
<br /> av+ard ur sctllc i►elnim fcar damabes, Hurmwcr iiills tu respand ta I.ender within 30 d�rys i�Rcr thc datc thc naticc in givcn.
<br /> l.ender i�uuthorireJ to ruqect imd upply tho pracccKis.ut itA option, either ta retitorution ur repiiir nf the Property or ta tho sums
<br /> xecuccd by this Securlty Instrumcnt, whcthcr ar nnt then duo.
<br /> Untcss I.ender i►nd &�nawcr uthcnvise agreo ln wrltinA, uny applicutian af prorec�la to princi{u�l shall nut oxtcnd or
<br /> pc+stpunc the duc dnto af tho manthly payrnents rcCcrrcd to in pw'ug�uphs I And 2 ar chun�c thc i�maunt of Yuch paymente.
<br /> il.Rarrnwer Not Rclensed;Forbwrunce ay Lender Not n Wuivcr.Bxtensian ai'tha timc fi�1•�a}�ment ar�nadificattan
<br /> af amo�lr.�tian af the rums secured by thiF Security Instrumen�seanted by Lendur to any successur in�interest�f Barra�ver shn�l
<br /> not opcmtc ta rcicuse tl�o pability af the odbinal H��rm�vcr ar Borruwcr's successnrs 1n intcrc�t, l.endc�r ahull nat bo rcquired ta
<br /> commence pmccedinga �guinst any suir�ssor In intcrest ar reiLso ta cxtend time far puyment or�therwise madify nmortization
<br /> af ttn. sums sccur�.d by this Security Instrumcnt by reuson c�f nny demnnd mado bv the ariginul Barrower <�r aarrower's
<br /> su�ecssors in i�tceeat. Any fart►curaneo hy l.cndcr in exercising c►ny right ar rcmedy shz�ll n!at be u waivur af ar prccludo tha
<br /> oxcrcisc of ony right ur rcmcdy.
<br /> 1Z. Successore a��zd A.�lBns Baundi Joint and Sevcral l.inbllity; C�►-st�ncr�. Thc cavcniu��v and aArcemcnts af thia
<br /> Security I�iatrumeni ehull bind and bcn^.fit thc surcessor�nnd ustilgns af Lendcr and Hnrrawer. subject ta tho pmviaians af
<br /> pnrc��rnph IT. Harro�ver's coae���u►ts and n�reemcntq shaU 60}oin� and scvcml. Aa�• Borrawer �vho casignti this Secudty
<br /> fismimcrtt but cia�nvt cn�.'uta t1t� t��sts: i�)�arx3gs�nS lt�ls Sc��.� Yns_�4.nunent unly tu mortc�c��rant und canvoy thut
<br /> Borrower'y iruere.rt in tha Property undcr tho tcnns of this Security Insq��ument;(b)iq�at per�anally obflgnted ta puy thc sums
<br /> secu�ed by thia Sccurit�Instrument: und (c)ugrecs th��t Lender und nny ather aotra►wcr may ugree to extend,modifjr, faebcu�ar
<br /> �o��_��a���f�Pnrd eo the tcrms of this Security Insteument at tho Noto without that Barrower's cor:sent.
<br /> 13.Y.oatt Charg�.if the taan su:ur.�d by this Secudty in4lrurnent is subjeti:t to a Inw whish sFts mweimum 3�nn chm�s.
<br /> and thnt Ip�v is finnily interpreted sa tir.►t tho interest ar other la:►n charge9 ec�llected or to be c�iltected in connee�ic�n�with tho
<br /> lonn exc�ecd tho permitted limita.then, (a)any such lat►n charge shnll be rciiuced hy thp nmat►nt ncces!+nry ta reducv:cho churge
<br /> to tho pecmitted limir :uid(b)any sums alreudy callested from Borruwer which exceedcd permittccl limits�vill bs�retlinded t��
<br /> Horrawe�. l.ender mny choas: to make this refund by raiucing tho p�•facip�l awcd under tho Noto or by mnkiag n direct
<br /> pAymcnt ta Bnrrower. If a refi�nd reduces principul. the rcductton will be treated as a puniul pre�myment without any
<br /> prcp�+yment chai•ge undcr thc Nate.
<br /> 14.Noticra.Any notico to 8arrawer providcd far in this Sccurity dnstrurncnt ehnli 'vc givcn by dcUvoring it o�by ma�lin�
<br /> it by fic�t cinss 4:ti�i1 unlesy applicublo la�w r�equires3 uxe oPanathcr mcth��.�i. The natiw sh�ll bo directed ta tha Property Addr�s�
<br /> or any othor nddress Bonu+�rs designntes by naticc eo Ir;.ndcr. Aay natico ta I.crnler shall be givcn by fir�t clsss m�if to
<br /> LondePA uddress swtcd hcrcin ar cuiy ather uddress I.andcr desigastes by notico ta Bnrraw�r. Any notice provided far in thiH
<br /> 5ecudty Instrument xhull ba deemed to huvu bu:n givcn tu Dana�vcr or l.cttder when�iven ns provided in thiq pAmgruph.
<br /> IS.GavcrnSng Lawi igeverability. 'Phia Secudty insUUment shnll t+c A�vemcd by fedciul luw and tho law af tho
<br /> judr:dicti�n in��hlch the Property ia lacat��. In tho even►that nny proviFion ar clnusfl af this Sccurity lnstrument ar tho Noie
<br /> conflicts with npplieuble Inw,�ueh canflict shull nat Aifect athee provisiana uf thia Secu►9ty Insttument c►r tha Nutct whteh et�n tw
<br /> given eifect withaut tho con�lieting pravisian. To th�s end tho provitiianw af this 5ccuriry Instrument nnd the Kc�e u*o deelared
<br /> to tw severablo.
<br /> 16.Bareowcr's Capy.Uonuwer tihull bc glvcn ono canfarmtd capy of thc No10 nnd of thiR 5ecurlty Instiument.
<br /> Form 3028 8/90
<br /> PopO 4 01 O
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