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<br /> -' *'tr � .o �Yl-,_�u �i�-r ?=c,is},.�y-*:t � , .- , .-.� F,.}t'''_5� -�a'�-? ia '!t;i
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<br /> `� ... , ,. ' a�' ^ �' , •� - , f.=.r: �;- r i�.u. ±� _.
<br /> � a« - -r. i � ;X ' m �,� +w`.,µ`_-=�.._�_,..�.r .-. --
<br /> . .. _ ._:_.�u ��.Tt..__�'_�,��--•� r �i'�t�r`�i _... �.... -- " -._........_.�_ _. .
<br /> � ���`°' 1tl`���,�3
<br /> 4. Hc�vbrd ur Fro{uc-�y In�t+eu�eee. U��rn�w�r htsull 6��� tho im��n�vcu�eM►tr�u�w existinH ar hrrculier erc�trxl uu �i�e .
<br /> Propi�ny inrurrd u�ulnrt In��By Hrc, harimly i�irlud�:d wl�t�in thu tem� "exte��de�t �vweru�e" nml uny��tticr hururdy. IncludinQ
<br /> Iluudy ur Ilouding. fi�r�vldch I,rndr.r rcyuli��. Inruraurc. 'Phly lntiuranrc�I�ull t+c mnln�nincvl In�hu nn��,ant�und u�r�hc prrludy
<br /> lhut!�u�er ��yul�'���, '1'hc I�suran��c cuericr pr�►vidlu�l�hc intiuriu�rc�liuli hc��h�,���n hy 11n��rua•cr huE?I�'�'t t�� I.�ndc��'x uppruvnl
<br /> �vhirtti tih�+ll ��w tr� u��r�auuiuhly ��ithhcl�l. IP ltrrruwcr lidtti t�� m.►Intuhi eu��rmf;c descrihc�l nfti►vc, I.rndcr nwy, nt l.�ndee's
<br /> apUnn,obtaln 4vwrtu�;a tu�r��tect I.c�Hlcr'M rigltu+tn tho Peu{u��y in nrc�ird.uati�v1th parut�a�ph'l.
<br /> AII it�4urance policle5 a�ul t��tcwnl� wht�i) ha tuccptubl4 tu i.cuder und Hhidt inctude a stumlan)t�na��xgw�1uu�c. �� _
<br /> hFtilll IlllVG l�lC(IN�II l4�Il�flti lll0(IAI�l�icx und��:ncwalv. If L,cndcr requlrcy,ik�rn�wcr Khalt pnnn1iily givc tc�t.tn�trr nll t�c`s{�!s�►f
<br /> paid p��cmiun�v cutd rencwnf nnNres. In�hc evcnl ui i�►�s.Uo�r���•cr nhuii give�;�asn�t a++tirc tn the ltt.urunce c3rricr a�n�!Leinler. .
<br /> l.cn�lc�m:►y ini►ke pmcef uF 1u�5 it'n��t mu�le pnnnptiy by l�orrawcr.
<br /> Unicsy l.cndcr►uui Rnrmwrr athcnvi�c ugrce in tv�idng.insurnncc pnkerdy tihnll Mc upplird tu restarntian i,r rcpalr uf thc
<br /> Pmperly dumugcil, iP thc retiturnUan ar rcpalr i�crunumtcnlly fci�sibic und I.endcr'y�+ccurity iY�mt Icsscncd, IF 1ho rctit��riiUun ur
<br /> �xpuir i�nut crnnomi�iilly tcuvibfc nr I.ender's eccurUy wauld br. Icrscncd,d�c Insurunce pracccd�sl�all bc i�ppllcJ t�i 1hc Rwnv
<br /> Eccured by thia Scrurity I�isirument, whethcr ��r nut thcn due, with nny exresv pald tn Ht►ttawer. If sarn��ver ubnad�mv tho
<br /> Property, ar ducs mn answcr�vithin 30 Jaya u noUrc fr��m l.cnacr Ihut tho inrurunrc carricr hny��f`crcd tu c�ettic u�Inim. thcn
<br /> Lendc� muy cuU¢ct tho insuran�e prnccc�ls. L.ender mt�y uxo the prarecdy ta�epalr rr rest�rc tlie Pn�peny nr tn p.�y huino
<br /> �scured by thix Sccu�ity In�trumcnt,whcther��r nut then due. The ill-day periud�viil be�in when the nutice ix given.
<br /> Unless l.rnacr und�uermvc� �thcrwitic u�rcc in w�ltiaA. noy npplic�ieicm �►f pr��cccdr tu principal Khnll nnt extcnd or
<br /> postpunc U�c duc dntc af tho monthly ps�ymcnts refcrrcd tu in parngruphr 1 and 2 c�r chiu►ga titc cinmunt of tho payments. IP
<br /> undcr parnBa�ph 21 thc Pr��perty Ia urqulrcd by l.cndcr. �nrn��vcr'�right ta any insuruarc pnlicics und procccdy resulting Prum
<br /> damuge ta tho Praperty prior ta the ncquisitinn ehall pasw to i.ender to the extent uf thc Kunty nerurcd by this Sccu�ity Instrumcnt
<br /> immediatcly prinr�o tho ncquiritinn. � • Itcutton;I.cascholds.
<br /> ' 6. Occupu�uy,Pecscrvattar�Ainlntennncs nnd Pmtecttan of the f`roprrty.Narrnrrer H I.oAn ApU
<br /> � Borr��vec shull occupy.e.�tablish,nnd usc the Propet•ty a�liorna�ver's principul�:stclence within wixty duyx c►fte�tho execution of
<br /> � thls Security In�tsununt und ahidl continuu to oecupy the Prc�perty as Bnrrower's p�incipal residenca far nt Ieast uno yenr aQer
<br /> thc dutc af areti���'�cy.unless L.ender othenviso ngrces in writing. which canscnt shall nat be unrcasunably withhcld� or unlesa
<br /> o�ttcnuntin� cirei��.t�.�klnccs exist whtch are IwYand BaMOwer'ti contrul. 8��rro�ver shali nni d�.�truy. damnge or impnir tha
<br /> praperty, uilmv thc Praperty ta dctcrtarate. or c�mmit wasto on thd Pr�►perty. Bnrc�iwcr shull ba in dcfuutt iP nny farfeiture
<br /> action ar pracecding. �vhether�ivfl or criminul, is begun that i� l.ender's+gaod laith Judgment cautd resutt in forfeiture of tho
<br /> p�npei-ty ar ath.nvisc materi�liy impair tho iicn createii t+y this�ecudty lnytrumcnt or l.cnder's security interest. Bottowcr may
<br /> cure such a defnult nrtd reinstute.ng p�rovided in par�+graph 18,by causing the uction ar praceeding ta be dismissed with u ruling
<br /> � that. in l.cnder's gaad faith dcterminutian, prccludes forFciture of thc Borrower'h interest in tho Praperty or other mntzrial
<br /> ' i�puirment�P tke lien crcated by this S.,curiry Instrument or Lender's security iatrrest. Barra�vr�sliull niso!�o in defnult if
<br /> eorro�ver,during the la►n upplicuiian pra�ss,Suvo materially fulhe ur Blaccuratc ir`�rmatian ar stntements ta Lender tor falial
<br /> to provide l.ender wilh any mntorial infarmatinn)in cannection with tfie ioun evidrn�i i�y tt�c�tc�i�.t��ut��n8�����
<br /> ta.representntions c�mceming Borrawer's occupancy of the Propetty a.q u principnl residenco. If ttiis Secu�ity Instrument is an u
<br />- E:asehold. Honawer shnU comply with all ihc provisiana of the Icuse. If Bar�nwer ncquinw �'Ee tido to tha PmponY� tho
<br /> t�n.c.�hold nnd th�fco�tno snalt not mc�c a�iess�.endcr As�+t�{��r 3r.s:�sit3�.
<br /> 'f.Protectton ot[.endcr's RIRht�in tke i'r+operty.lf 8c�rrowcr faik to pert�arm ihe covennnts and u$Me3reant3 cantaincd ie
<br /> this Cccurlty lntitn�menl, ar thero is a legni proceedinB thnt may Rigniflc��ntly uffect Lender's ri�ht�I�e the�`�-�pe�ty(such ag a
<br /> p����8����rup�cy, pr�bnte, for condemnntian or forfciture ar ta enfome lawe or re�ulati�ina), then I.endor mny do ond
<br /> pay for whatcvcr is ncccs.5ary tc►protcct th�valua af tho Propc�iy and Lcndcr's cights in the i'roperty. L.cndcr'�s actlons may
<br /> i include paying uny sums s�cured by u licn �vhich huv prlorlty aver this Serudty inatturttent. appciu�ing in court, payin�
<br /> � rcasannblo nttamcya' fecs a+��entcsing on tho f'roperty ta mnko mpalrx. Althau�h Lendcr mny take nction uncicr this vnrt�grAph
<br /> ` 7.I,CQ(JCI'dQC9 ROI I1QV0 l0(IO RO.
<br /> My amounts disbursed by L.ender under ihis pari►gmph 7 shall bccomo additional dc'�1 uf Barrower securod by this
<br /> Security instrumenl. Unlc.�s 8orrower und L.endr.r ttgree ta ather ter,r.�v af puyment.these amounty Fhull bcur intcicst tYc�rn the
<br /> i dato ai'disbursement �c�.�: NOjC [AlC AfIQ 9Il.RII tX`[1�L�Ab10, wlth intemst. up�n natice from l.endcr to Be�^:ower rcqursting
<br /> � pnym�nt.
<br />_, 8.MurtgARe Insurune�. ii l.endcr required mantgu�c Insurnnca us n condition af making thv loun srcun.�3 by thia Securlty
<br /> ` Instrument, Baerowcr sh.ull pay the pmmiums rcyuirecl ta mnintain tho mongugo insuranc� �.�r.?fect. If, foc any muson� the
<br /> � martgago insuranco covcruge�cquircd by l.ender lapscw ar ceasev t�a��c� in ef�fcct,8arrowcr sh�'.�ppy tho premluma required ta
<br /> � obtain covemse substnnlially equivAlent ta tho manga�,o insucunco previausly i»eifcct,A1 A CU91 SUh9tat11IAIIX CSI�IVAIBiII t(1 lI1P
<br /> i
<br /> oast ta Bor�o�ver of the morigc�e insu�anco previously in effect, trom an alternnto tnortguge insurer npprc���by I.ender.
<br /> � substantially cyuivalent mortgAge insumnc�cuverago ia not nvuilable.Darrawer RDnll pay ta l..cndor cach month n sum cyunl to
<br /> onc-twcifth of tha ycurly mortgage insurnnce premlum bcing p:�id by gbnowcr when the insur.�a�,�e covcmge lnpscd or ceased to
<br /> bo in effect.l.cnder will accept,use nnd retain these puymcnts av u lass rescrve in Heu af m.Qr�i►ge insurnnce. f.�ss teserve
<br /> Form 3028 8180
<br /> Papo 9 010 '
<br /> _ �g'� �.�iru5..r ri1[i'JQ7l�� -`y�
<br /> � LL.l� -a.'71'YMlTI�d! 'l��r i1,}i��M'�i�a�i11.`rE't�y'��" � ____
<br /> � �.s.�r �q s,�+^ ..P '� � '
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