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<br /> � 19.TeunyPcr��tiho tb'+qs�rlv or n 1�cncilzt�l lnlcrest In ftorru«Qr.li ull nr«n� p�r1�,f�ho pra�hy ur uny int�rc�t In fl _
<br /> � I��uW ar Iran�tcrrc+l lar li'u tr�nciiclni intcn:.r�in Rurru��cr Is hald ue trnnrfcrn�l uml t,�rai�vcr 15 nat a nntuml�rc;unl wNh�+u� -
<br /> � t.cn�lre's pri��� wriuc�o cun,cnt, l.cndcr nu►y, in ite uptiun, rc��uh�c hnmcdiutc paymrnl i�� full af nll �.uuis �ccurcd hy thiy
<br /> �rcu��i�y inrtru�n��nt. Hu��ovi�r, �iii�s upUun e1wU uul h��cxercised hy L��i�lrr if rxircf�u Iti pmtdhited t�y C:drr�d luw nw af'the dnto
<br /> ��Ythis tiacuri�y Imtnmtrn�, -
<br /> �� li'Lcndrr crrt►l�cw thiti u�Hl�►��,t.c�Klce�Iwllµivc U�►rrrwRr nuticc ut'ucccicrutiun. Tim auHco h�i�tl r�i�idc o�rim ��t nnt _
<br /> ,ui►u��cc��rcd t+y thlr
<br /> IC'S9 llll!!1 �1�4��►yS 1'rou� the duto thu nutico i.r detivercd ��r m+��ted�vithin wNic�t� 1�h+r��.�wer nsu�t p:►y ui .
<br /> Scrarhy I�ntnmuut.IF 4iurru�vcr lidl�tu p;►y ih:�c�un��prt�►r to thc cx�it�tinn nf fhis�rl�xl,Len�4er ntay Invale nny�ctnedlrs -
<br /> Facrmittc�i by�thir�rcuiliy tps�atiiiKnt Kitluwt Ncth:r n+uitr rr�le»wmf uu Li��rruwer. _
<br /> IM. Not�ro��cr's ltiµitt to Ncimtatc. lY H��rruwcr mr.et.r• rcrii►{�� �Ymditl�ms, Hor�+��vcr •hull Uuv� thG riRM tn havr
<br /> enfi�rrcment af'thiti Srcurity l��,truntcnt dttirnntluuc�i at uny tfutc prl�►r ta Ittc ci►rlicr uL lu1 S duys (ur �urh �►�I�cr periud n9
<br /> uppHeablc luw muy hpccity fi�r rclnytutemcntl hcti�rc cadc uf Ihc Prupcny pur.rui+nt a�uny pu�vcr��i salo runtuia�W In thiy _
<br /> Sc�urlty In,�rumcnt:�,r�bl cntry��f n Judgmcnt enfi�rcin�lhir Scru�ity lnv�run►cnt,'Tha,c cund►ti�mti nrc th.n Bura►�vcr:lul payw _
<br /> l.cnd��r ull humy which thcn would hc duc undcr this Sccurity InsUY�mcnt ond thr N�n��a+ it'nu ncccicmtion h.�d uccurrcd: lh1
<br /> cures uny deli�u4 ai nny u�her awenunts ur aK�crmenty; (c) pnys ull ex{►�nses incune�i in enti�rcinH this Sccarity Instrumeat, -
<br /> including. hut mx Nmitcd t��, rcn�unnhlc ntc��rncyy' I'crs; nnd (dl tukes�uch+icda�i u� l.cndcr muy reasonably rcquirc h�i�rcurc
<br /> thnt�hc licn uf Ihiti Scrurfty Instrumen�, l.�ndcr's rigM�in thc PrupcNy c�nd Ba�•ro��cr'.r•��bliputi�►n tu pay thc rumti sccurc�l hy
<br /> thiq Sccurity Intitnmunt xhaU r�mtinuc unchiu�gcd. Upun rcinstutcmcnt hy �ari'uwcr. thi� Sccurity Intitrument nnd the
<br /> nbligutiu»s recurcd hrrehy shnU remi�in fl►Ily eftecdve u.s if na urcelc�i�tiun hud arrurred.H��wcvcr,this right t��minrti�te shall
<br /> nnt npply in thc�case uf'iu��cicruUan u�dcr para��uph 17.
<br /> 19. Sutc af Natc: 4hnngc aP I.��Un Scrviccr. Thc N�itc nr a purtial inu�cst in thc N��tc (tu�cUtcr with thix Sccurity
<br /> �� Instrumcnq niay ho s��ld rnic or niorc Umc9 with��ut priur notire tc�Borruwcr. A wlc ntuy result in u clia►ngc in thc cndty(knuwn
<br /> - u.v the "I.��un Servicer")thut coliects moi�thly payment.r•due under thc Notr urnl thiy Securlty loxtrument.There ul���muy bo�me
<br /> or marc chanZ;cs af'th�l.��an Servlccr unrclnted t��i�snle oi'thc Note. If thcre iti n chun�e of the!a►an Scrvicer. Bam�wer will t+e
<br /> given written�otica of tho chungc in uccardunce with parngruph 14 uhove und upplicuble Ic�w.Tho nntfce�vill sttite�he name und
<br /> uddres�of thc new Laan Serviccr und the uddress ta�vhich puyment9�houtd be mndc.The n��tic�will ulsu cantain any ath�er
<br /> informuttun rcyuircd by appHcablc luw.
<br /> �0. HaY.�rdaa9 Subswnces. Barra�vcr shull not causc nr permit the prc�enco, use, dfs�wuil, �tarugc. or�lense of cu�y
<br /> Hnwrdaus Substa+ue. �►n or in the Pmpcny. &�tto�vcr shuil nat da. nor ulluw unyanc ciso ta dc�, unything uffceting tho
<br /> pmperty thut iy in violuiinn af i►ny �nvlranm�ntul I.i�w. The preccding two sentence� Fhull not upply to tho pmscnce, use� ar
<br />_� stumgo on thc Property of'small quomiticy of Hcw�rd�us Substnnccs that Arc gcneraily rccognizal ta be uppraprinto tn nam��l
<br />.'�� residc�uinl ur�cs und tm m�intcnnncc af thu PrapertY•
<br /> Burruwcr hhull piamptly give I..endo� written notico of uny invcstigation,claim. demand, IU�vauit ar other actlan by uny
<br /> .� guver»mr.ntal ar rgutatury a&eney oc privato pacty inv��lving the Property and any Hr���daux SubstAnco or Envimnmentul La�v
<br /> � of�vhlch Barco�vcr huti uctuul knawtcd�o. If��rruwcr Icurns,���is notificd by imy govcrnmcntnf ar rcIIulutary autharity. that
<br /> - uny rent�vul ar ather remediotian af uny Htu.�rdou.r•Sabstance uffectin�the Praperty is neces��ry,A�rrawer shull promptly tnke
<br /> � nll necessary remcdinl actiuns in uce��ntance with�nvironmentnl4uw.
<br /> - As used in this parugraph Z0, "Hauudous Substances" uro tliose nubstunces def�ned us tuxi�ar hausrdau9 c�ub`tmmes by
<br /> = �m;{mnrnents! l.�x usx! lt�e 4'e!lnw4na suhst;ui.es, gusa�ino. kcrusene, ather flammablc or toaic petmlcum producta, toxic
<br /> � pesticides and herbiridcs,valntile�alvents. materinl�cantuininy a�best�s or farmnldehycio, anti mciiouctivo�rmtcef�is.A�u�!!n
<br /> -� thia parasmph 20, "�nviranmentxl l.i►w" meunc federal luws and luws af tho}urlsdicdw�where tho Praperty is locutcd thnt
<br /> rcluto tn hculth,k�tety ur envimnmcntnl rotcctiun.
<br /> rt3i:-Ui:ifi�:�LY3L'�•'•"`T�. �sm��r�!lAnd!�e f1�r�her covcnnnt and aurcc as f�llaw9:
<br /> � �.��.
<br /> � 21. Aocelernttan;Remedicw.Lender xhAll R{ve naticc to aarn►tvt�'prlor ta acceleratloa[altuwing Borrower`e bt�aci�
<br /> �� af nny covenunt or agrecment In thls Stcui�ity Instrument (bu1 not prlar t�n uccelerutlon under paruRraph 17 untcs.9
<br /> �� applicable luw provtdcs athenvlsr).The notice shull�pc�cli�s (u)the dci'nult; (b) tha nMlan rcqulred to cure Iho defAUlt;
<br /> (c)a ctate,nat le.cv than 30 duys Pmm thc dnte the nottcc is�iven tu Barro�ver,by whtch the default must tMa cus�d; �nd
<br /> = (d)thut Sutlure to cure tho defnult on ar bePoro the dute apcctficd in tho nottoz muy result In aeccierntion of tho sums
<br /> secured by thts Sceuctly Insleument and snlc af the Praperty.The notice xhall i'uNher Inform Bormwer oi the�ight to
<br /> reinstuto ufter ucceteratic►n and tho right tm bring a cauM uctlan to ussect tho nan-existence af o defuult or wny other
<br /> ' dcfcnse af pnrrower to ncccicrntian und eutc. !P the default ts nnt cured an ar befaro tho duto Kpccificd In thc nottce,
<br /> - [.cndcr. at Ite opdan,may �eqalre tmmedlute puyment in iYill af all sums Fecurecl by this Sccurity Instrument wllhout
<br /> = ntrthcr dcmund and may fnvukc thepawcr uP�i�tc und nny othcr�cmedtev permittexl by uppllcuble luw. l.ender shall be
<br /> entlticd tp rollcet all expensc.w iacurred 1n pur�ufnp thc rcmcdl�.w provtded in this�►an��ruph Zl,inctuding,Aut not Ilmited
<br /> to�reASannhle attoeneyA•fecw und casta oP title evtdence.
<br /> It thepn wsr of sule Is Inroked,Trust�c a�hull remrd u nattce of dcPault in euch caunty in whtct� Any part of the
<br /> - PI�ppGl'Iy�9 located und�3�a11 re�ail capl�af such n�ticc In tho munner pre.�c�ibed by appltcAble la�v to Borrower�►nd ta
<br />-- � tho ather peraon4 prescrlt►ed by appfieablo Imv.Af'ter the tim�requtred by appltcu�le tnw,Tcusteo shnil pivo pubiie notiee
<br /> of�9e ta Aho p�nsans und In tho manncr prescribed bv ap�llcnblo luw. Trustee, was�iaut demund an Barrowcr, shall isell
<br /> thc{Psnperty nt public Auctlan to the hlghc�t biddcr at the t9m�and placo and under Cho terms deslgnated In tho nottw af
<br /> snle In ane or more pArccls und In ooy order Trustco determincw. Trusteo moy postponc sale ot ull or unypa�cel of the
<br /> - Praperty by public annnu�uement c+t the t3�ac and placo of any pre��8ausly scheduled radc. I.ca�der ur It� d�tsnee muy
<br /> purchase thc Properfy nt uny r�ule.
<br /> iam 302a 0180
<br /> Papo 8 of 0
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