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<br /> paymentg m�y nn 1«nt;er Nc tcyui�id,nt�ho opti�m uf Ixndc;r,il uiei�tE;uhe tnw`:►n�r.ywcrage lin�h�uma�►n�und for�h�p;,ri�u1
<br /> ti�ut l,cuJe�• �rqu{��v1 piuvid►�I by un Insumr appmvcd by l,andrr nrnln br��mes avnllahle nn�l iv��htulned.f4urn►�vcr sh�dl pay
<br /> iho prrmiumv�c�µ�ired t��mniulnin murtea�}c in�urunct�in el'Fccl.�ir t�+pru��ldu u lu�ti trscivc,u�Uil�hr rcquiRmrn�fur nw�tt;u}3o -
<br /> htsursncr rn�15 iu ur«���duncc with nny w�ittco n�n:cmeot hct�vccn Hum��vcr und I.cndcr ur uppllcnhlc luw.
<br /> 4, In�prrtlnn. I.�nder ar it.r• U;ent n►uy uiakc�ca�n��a.blc entrles upan uu�1 Inwpcctt+�ns af'Iitc th�apcny. Lendcr shall�;ivc -
<br /> Nrrm�vcr m�libr a�ti�e tin►u at'ur pr��w�o un in��tiinn h�x�.IPyin�t rcati+,��l�14 cause fi�r thr I����utiUun. _
<br /> 1Q. CundemnndQn. The pccueeds of nny a�eanf ur cluim 1'ur�lunuu!�v, Ji��1 ur eonsc�qucntii�l, In rnnncctinn wi�h m�X
<br /> candcnn�attun ur uthcr luking ut'�u�y{wrt uf the Pruperty. �rr fi►r cnnvcynnrc in licu„t'r�mdarani�Uun,nrc hr�tiby nyslnncd mid -
<br /> shuil hi pald ta lAndcr.
<br /> In tltc e��etu��f c►tatul t�lcin�;ns thc Prupcny.thc prorcc�ly shull l�c i�ppltcd ta 1hc�um�.�cur�til hy thiti Sc�urity Inslrununt.
<br /> �vhcd�rr ur nut thcu Juc. wi�h�iny rxre�s paid u►�c�rro�vcr. In thc�cvont af'i�pani�d �ukln�; uf'�he P�o�x�ty in which the inir
<br /> nu�rkrt valuc��I'ihe Prupcny imnu�liately befure the tnkin� fs eq�u�l t�+ar�rentc�th:+n the um�iunt uf the sun�ti accured by thix -
<br /> Sccucity lnsin�ment immcdiutcly befare tho Iuking,unlew9:+:.:r�wer nnd Lender athrnvisc a�ree in writfn�,!he�ums securcd by
<br /> thfs Sctiu�iry I�stn�mem sh;dl be re�luced by thu amuunt af thc p��cceds muldplied hy thc Pallcnvin� f'ractinn: (al the t�►tal
<br /> amaunt uf thc sums sccured intm��ctiatcly bcParc thc takin�, dividcd by (hl tito fulr nta�ket viduc aP thc Pr��perty i�nnudiately
<br /> befure thc tukin}}. Any bainnce shall be paid m Aar�otivcr. In the evcnt ui'n paniitl tuki��; uP the Prnpeny in�vhich the fi►Ir
<br /> market vnluc uF thc Propeny immcdiiucly biPi�rc tho tukin�iK Ir��s than the amnunt at 1hc sums sccu�cd immediutely botarc th�
<br /> tnking.unle�.s Bnrra�ver and l.cnder atherwi�e uu�ee in writing or unlesv nppiiri4Alo li�w othcnvi�e pruvldas, the procetds shnll
<br /> hc appliod tu thc,rumy tcrurcd by this Sccurlly Instrument�vhcthcr or not thc sumz urc thcn duc.
<br /> If thc t'rc�pert��is nbandancd hy Bncrnwcr,ar if,allcr rn�ttco by l.cndc:t�Barrmver thi�t thc condcmnar atfcrs ta mnku nn �
<br /> nward or setUc u r1Aim fnr�Iium�Qcs, Rc�reawer fnils ta cespand to I.encicr �vlthin 30 dnys aRcr thc data thc notice is givcn.
<br /> l.cndcr is authurixcd t�c�licct cmci uhpiy thc pracerdv�iu its aption.cithcr ta restoruiinn��r cepair af the Propeny ar ta tho sums
<br /> scrurcd hy this Scaurity I�tsttumcnt.whethcr nr not then due.
<br /> Unless l.endeT und Borrower ��the��viso i►arce iu weiting. nny applicatiun af pmreeds to principal shall not extend or _
<br /> postpnne the�ue date of the manthly pAyments roferreci ta in pura�riiphs 1 and 2 ar chan�e ihc nmount af�uch pAymcn�s.
<br /> 11. Burrower lVat Relt�sed;Forbenrnnce By I��.nder Nat a�Vatver.Extensian of the time far payment ar madificntion
<br /> of umoniwtion of the svms secured by this Sccurtty Instrument granted by Lendcr tu uny succossor In interest af Borru�ver sha11
<br /> not operato tn relcuw tho liability af'thc uri�in�l aorrawcr or Borrotvcr's suocessars i�iatcrest. �r.ndor shull nat be n�quircd to
<br /> rammenrc praceeJinga a�i►inat nny succcssor in interest or refuse ta extend tlme for puyment o�rthcrwisc madify nmartir.�tian
<br /> af the sums s�cured by this Secu�ity Instn�ment by rcasan of uny demand made by th� ori&ina! Horrotver or Barrower's
<br /> aucccssars in intcrest. Any f.�rRcurnncc by Lender In exerclsing any �i�ht ar remedy shnll not bo n waiver of or prectude the
<br /> exercise i�f any right or remedy.
<br /> !t. Succrssars and �1ss.glgn.� 13mm�a;f; Jaint and Severnl LiaR�lTlty; Ca-signcnv. 1'hc cov.�;�iust�and a�rcemei►ty of lhis
<br /> Securltv Ius:r�cnt shnll bind und bc�a�2re the Ruccessorr and �.�.yi�ns of l.ender and BormN•er, subJcct ta the provisions��f
<br /> parugrapi� 1'i. Barrmver's cavens�nts unci agrcements shull l+o Joint und severul. Any 8arra��•rr wha casigns tMa Security
<br /> [nstrument but dacs not cxecuta tho Nate: (a) is ca-signing thix Security Instrument only ta marigA�o, �;rnni and convey that
<br /> liorn»vcr's interest in the Praperty under the torms of this Sccurity Instrument; (b)ie nat{�cr�onally ubliguted to pny the�uma
<br /> se�are�f by this Sceurlty lnstr�mFnt;nnd(c)ag�es thut I.endcr und nny ather Botrowcr mlly ogreo to exteM,mon[ty,tatbe�os =
<br /> mnke uny ncconunadntion�with re�i�rd t�*the terms of tidy Stxurlty I�strument ar tho N��to withaut thnt Borrower'x cansent.
<br /> 13. l,uan Chat�cw. If the laan ticcured by thia Security Instru�nent ia subJcct ta a law whieh seie maximum lann chn►ges.
<br /> nnd thnt Inw is finnliy intcrprctccf sa thnt thc inscrest ar othcr loan chargca callcctcd ar ta b�callGCtcd in conncction with tho
<br /> IoAn exceed tho permittcd lirnatc, then: (a)any such laun churgo ehuli be reduced by the sunount ncce:ssary to reduce the churgo
<br /> to tho permittcd limit;and(b)nny sumY alre.�►dy a►Ilcctal Prom Barrower�vhich exceeded permitted Umita wlll bo refLndetl to
<br /> Harcaacr. Lender may chooso ta muke thisa refund by reducing tho principul owed under �R� Note or by mnking n dlrect
<br /> pu��ment to klorrmver. If a rcA�nd reduccs principal, tho �eductian wlll be trented us n puninl prepuyment without tu►y
<br /> prepayment rhorge un�ler tho Noto.
<br /> 14. Naticc.w.Any natic�ta Harrawcr pravided f�.r�,:�thia Secuclty Instrumept shall bc given by dcllvcring it ar by mniling
<br /> it by flrst sla�y mnil unless npplicuble luw requires usa af anathor methcxi. Tho noticc ehutl bo dlrectcd to the Property A�ddmss
<br /> ar �ny other addresy Ba��awer dcsi�nat�es by natico to L.ender. Any notioo ta l�ender shtill ho givcn by first alass mnii to
<br /> L.ct�cr's addrcss statcd hcrcln or nny other addres9 l.cndcr dasignntcs by aotico to 8arrawcr. A��y nottco provldcd for in thie
<br /> ScCUrlty fastrumcnt shu116c deemcd to hc�va hecn piven to Aanowcr ar t endcr wk�:n givcn us pravided in thia p:uagc�ph.
<br /> 18.Gavcrning Law; SeverAbiltty. This Sccurity Instrumcnt ehulf be w:»:�med by fcdcrul luw und tho law of Ihe
<br /> jurisdictian in which the Pruperty ia located. In the ovent that uny pravixian�r clauso af this Security Instrument ar the Noto
<br /> conflictn with npplicabla law, such canflict shall nat uffcct athcr pra�aqians af thiA Security In!�trumont ar tho Noto which c�tn 4�
<br /> �iven eifect wlthaut tho confliciing provisian.Ta this end ttio pro��isiops af thiA Securlty Instrument nnd the Nate nre dectur�d
<br /> tn bo scvcmblu.
<br /> I6.8orcowcr's Copy.Harmwer shall bo given�ae cunformed copy of the Noto nrtd of this Securlty Instniment.
<br /> Farm 30TH 9f90
<br /> vapo 4 0�e
<br /> -- _- �=—----;o.��-=
<br />