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<br /> S. Hat�trtl ui' {'r����t�ty luyuruuce. B��ria�r�cr Khuil k4c�► �hL lii�pra�cmcntw m � is�ing �ir en� rr rr4rtc�i 1111 ({iC
<br /> {►rstpertp in+ut�ed���nin�l (uwr hy 17tt'� ha�:u►Iv tnelu►lcd within Iltc I�rm "e.r�cndcd�av�:roge" auid uny mher h�rnrdy, includ{��p —
<br /> fha�J��a• Iluudi�i�;, f�►r���ideh t.riultr 1�yufr►r intiurunre. '�hiti iarur�u�.�r�hull ix mni�u�d�u�l ln�hc►nnnu��t+un�l ti�r�hc pert�xfs
<br /> tiwt L�n�itr ic��111f�r. 'l�lt�� iu��u��anr����arrfcr pr���ldiu�s 11�� iur��ranrc aNnll b�rh���cn by Hurru�vcr �+uNf�h•1 ta lxndce'n i�ppruvul
<br /> �ht.b !,hull nut h�.� innc.►�ou,►hiv ��Uhl�cl�i. If Rurn►���:r li�llo ta mnimnln c��vcrc��,e dcr�rih��l uhoY�, I.endcr mny, cn L.n�cr'a _
<br /> �►iHt+m.ut►sah��uverd�o ta p�utrci t.��uder',ri�;lur in Uu 1'to��1Y is�u«ardmuc will���aii�l:raph?. -_
<br /> AU iii��ir��it�a �uiliricy utt�l rCno��•ul9 nhull Uo ur�cpitthi� tn ixndcs and ehall tn�lu�k�i�tyinlwrd aH►tl�ugc clu». l.r�ulc'r _
<br /> nhnll hcwe d►e el�ht tu h�dd Ilir p�+llrlc�v nmi nn���vulr. (1 t.cuder ecqoircv,flurn,�vcr�hult pramptty�tiv�ta l.crtdcr all re��el{�tts uf =
<br /> paid prcn�iuntr cnui��encwut w�tir.r, i��thc e�cni ui'in,,,it�i��•��r�r�hnll�tis.:�nu�ti�s suui4�tt:ttk 1n4urunct�4•,�rric�,nul I.e�nter. _
<br /> 1.�ndcr muy makc pruui'�,f lu�ti 11'�u,1 mndr��aa��ptiv hy lb+�rruwrr. .—
<br /> lhdc,r l.rndc�und Hnrra��•cr utt�ctwivc api'ee in wei�iu�3. Imur�►n►c prncccJti hNult hr+ipplicd t�rc�tora�iun ue np�+ir uf'thc _
<br /> Pmpefly Jumu�;cd.it'1he rc�ture�tl��n ur repalr is crunouiludly featihle aaJ I.�ndcr's!.ccueity is nut Irti�c��cd. IF tho rcsturutic�n ar _
<br /> ret�alr i�nu1 cc�m�nnic,diy 1'�u•ihle ur l.e�tder'N ��►urlty�ti'uuld bi Ictitienrd, the i�iru�anre pr�needy hhi►U t�c upplic�i ta Ihe sum.r• _
<br /> scrurcJ hy Ihi� Scruriiy U�r�rununt, whc�hcr a�nut thrn duc, �vi1h uny ex�rry paid t�� El�irru�vcr, if Burrn�ver nbuncions thc
<br /> Prapcny. UT 1�11�y I1t11 lII1��YCP \Y�IIIIII�II 1lilyN Q IUIII�C�fl►Ill I.cndc�thal Ihc in�u�unca carrfcr hu��uifcrrd la sctUo o claim, lhen =
<br /> I.�ndcr may rullrct �hc iasurcmcc pr�r�rcdy. l�udcr muy �►.c �hc prurccdti a� rcpair or resturc thc Pra�u;ny ur tu pny sum9 ^
<br /> hccuayl hy thi.r Srcurity bi�t�umci�t,wticlhcr ur nu�then duu. Thc�Il-�luy perind will t+�bi��whcn th�nntica is givcn.
<br /> Unlew l.rndcr n►�J 8��rniwcr��thcrwl+c ugrcc io wriUn�, uny uppHciqlon af prarcrd. tu principul yhtdl nut cxtcnJ or
<br /> pas�punc �hc duc dcuc ut'thr mmuhly paymm�ts ref'cr�c�1 a+ in parugn�phr i und? ur�I�nugc thc nm��unt uf tho payuuutv. If
<br /> undc� purc�gmph�1 1hc Pe��prrly ir urquirCd hy I.cndcr, Harruwcr's�ight a+nny Intiuru�uc pulicics and pri�cccds rc.r•ulting trum
<br /> dnmago tu thc Pro}xny prior ta th�it�yui�idun Hhnll pusy ta l.ender tu tl►e extent nf'the�+um.r nccured by ihis Secudty Instnnneut
<br /> inzmcafi�itcly priur t�i tNc urqaishiva.
<br /> 6.Arcupuncy.IRr4crvattua�Matnirnprtcc nnd Pmtectlon��T thr f�►perlyi liom►wcr'x L,�an Appllcatton; A.c�chaldv.
<br /> Barmwcr tihall rn�►upy,cstnhliwh,um1 uhe the Pn►pcny�iw flunu«•ee'r►principal residcncc withM r�ixty dc+yg At1cr the exccution of
<br /> this SccurNy tnstrumcnt nad c:hall rnntinuc tu o��upy thc F'mpcny u.y Burrn�vcr's principul resldcncc for at lc:�st ane y�ar c►ftcr
<br /> tho date�if nccupanry.unle�.ti l.cndcr uthcnvixc n�;rccs in writing. which canscnt xhuli nat be unreus�nably withheld,ur unless
<br /> extenunting circumsu�ncea cxi�t which urc bcyau�l B��rro�vcr'h a�ntrul, Barm�vcr shatl noi desiray. dnm��o ar impair �he
<br /> pruperty. aUiiw thc P�apcny ta dctceianitc, nr cumc�dt wnstc nn tt►c Pmperty. eonawcr shall ho in dofnult if any f�d'citurc
<br /> action c�r pmccecling.�vhcthcr rivll ur c�imfnal, is hcnun thiu in i.ender's s��nd fuith Judgmcnt muid result in forfeituro uf the
<br /> Froperty ar utlienvi�materialty in►puir tho Ilen crcatcd hp Ihis Security lastn�mcnt ar l,endcr'a security intcrc�t.Bnrm�ver may
<br /> curo auch a defiiult nnd reinstatc,nv pravided in p:�rug�u�h 18.by cousi��g iho i�ctinn ar pracezding to bc dismissod whh u niling
<br /> thut, in l.cndcr'ti gu�xi faith dcicrminuti�n. prccludes fe►rfeitu�c of the Bnrrawcr's intcrost in tho Praperty �r ather matcriul
<br /> impuirni�nt af Ihe licn crcmed by thi9 Security Instnimcnt ar I.endcr'e�ecurity inicrcst. 8arra�ver sfiall olx�br in defnult if
<br /> Barrawcr.during the IoAn npplicntinn pnn�cs+. guve muterially f�lso cir inaccumte infarmutiun ot statementg to l.ender(ar failad
<br /> ta providc L.cnder with any matcriat iniormnti�n)in rnn»ecticm�vith ii�o t-cTm c��ie�ify t��:tstc,}�4�#}����}}�}�!
<br /> to.representt�tioas canrerning Burro�ver's ocr.upnttcy oP the Pmpeny u.v u principal regidence. If ihiq Security Instniment Is an n
<br /> letuehold, Qorrowcr Fhall c�mply with nil the provlsians of thp Ica�e. Ii B�rrower ucquin.w fco titla ta thv Properiy. the
<br /> ieas�fia�a�fi ific fi�zii�c nirs�ii���i;�t��.;ttir�;agr�s�s.he sr°..�:s��sls��l;-
<br /> 7.Pmtection uP l.ender's Itish�9 In thc Praperty.II�BOiK1WCC`AI�9�Q p('lf0TIi11hC CoVCt11lii19 URd 0$cT"'Ciii£11�5 COlt1Aliltil I11
<br /> thla Sccurlty lnstrumcnt, ar there is u legal pracecding thnt moy significnntly affeci l.cnder's rlghte in Uio Prnperty(such us A
<br />_ Pr���un f�hunkruptcy,prabatc, fot condemnation ar farfcituro c�r to enforco lu�va or regulutio».v), then Lendcr may do cutd
<br /> pay far��•t�ntever i» nec:es.u�ry to pratect the vUluo ai'Ihe Pcaperty uRd I.ender's�ights in tho Praperty. Lencler's actions nwy
<br /> inelude puying cu�y sumy secured by n lien whieh hus prlority nve�this Secu�ity Instnunent. appeuring in eouK, pt�ying
<br /> rcasonablv attomeyy'focs and entcring an thu Propc�y to make repuirA.Althaugh I.ender mAy tako uctlon under thls part�mph
<br /> 7.Lendcr docs not havc ta da Fa.
<br /> Aoy amauntx dfabun�od by l.ender undcr this parugraph ? shull becamo uddltianal debt of Horrower cecurcd by thia
<br /> Security Instrument. UnlcsA 8c�rrowcr und l.e�dcr ngreo ta other tcrms af pnyment.theso amaunts shuil bcnr interest from tt►�
<br />— dnto of disbur�emcnt nt thc Natv ruto c�nd ehatl bo payable, �viih interest, upon notico fn►m Lender t� �anawcr nyuestins
<br /> p�ymcnt.
<br /> S. Mort�uRe insurnner.If I.onder rcqufrcd mnrtgngp insumnco as u condiUan of making tho lofln ss�:.red Ay thiy Secur►ty
<br /> Iastrumcnt, Barrawcr shnll pay tha pmmlums requin:d ta muintain tho mo�t�nge insurancp in cffcct. tf, gar Any reason. the
<br /> — martg<�:L�isurance caverago requircd by l.cnder lopscs or cc.tite9 to bo in oiPect,Bc�ROwer shAll pny the premlums rcqui�ed to
<br /> obtuia ca�crnge substuntinlly cquivulcnt ta tho nuirtg�o insuturtco prevlausly l�cfiect. nt�c�ost hubstantiuily e,�nivt►Ient ta tho
<br /> COS! 10 BOITOWCI Of lI1C OtOn�'Ab'C �I1.4UPAltCO pfCV�OUSIy IIl CffCCI, f'ram an altcmata mortgogu i�suc�cr appravcd by L.endcr. It
<br /> substantinlly equivcilent mortguso insurunce c�ve�u�v is not nvnilnblo. &►mc►wer shall pay ta Londer ea�ti"�a�i�nth n num equnl to
<br /> anc•twelflh of tho yeurly martg�o insuranco prcmium bcing pnid by 8orrower�vhen the insurnnco cn�e..*�y�a lupscd or ccnsed to
<br /> bc in cffect. l.ender will uccept.usc und retain�heso paymcntR ns a la.r•s resorvo in licu af martgugo insurnnro. I.aso reservo
<br /> farm 3028 fi1510
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