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^ _�. :.Yi. ,aa. ,�'. �i'�!�. . .i_ --`."'°��'y �..� ,�1J '� u�5 - .,c;.. .... . .. <br /> �+n�m � �rrt�tt ���1'`-`'a . ��-..._ �_ .. - k*r���l:z� �3 ?;i��,.S-- -�4,t <br /> '� � .4, .. , .�,r,.,.a t'� ��' �:';31 l, , ' <br /> j �t �,�, 4, �,�_,�-7�j <br /> , +�., ,�: �. .. '# <br /> _ s ,, „ _ g�:.Y�, _ -: . �',\\�, _ '1 <br /> �� , � <br /> � ''--"'::f•#EP1 - . ! -i - � _-_' ' :. <br /> { �.� . � • . .. _ .. . ._._.-: ' „ --___ <br /> A�� 'C <br /> .\�1" . � ' _ . __ . __ : <br /> :4- �. ' <br /> - i • ` ' - . • � �4'-.. __�_ _.. • _".__ �... . .. .._ _'_'____' <br /> ' "_....�'�i�..J.�'-=�_�1��- n...-��_».,.� �• +--- <br /> ��•������ <br /> `IYlti1�THGR 1VITl1 ull�hu Impr���.mcnta no��i an c�rcaRcr crcctcd a�Iho pra�tc�ty.nn►1 nll ca+c�itcn�y,appuctenaurc�.nnd <br /> �Rltlt�9 R�W OP I1C�C.l��r e� {�:u�t uf tho pm�►c��y. All rcpt�r:uteut3 und ncldld��s�� khs0 o1+t* t+r r�►vcFe�i hy thls Sc�u�llv <br /> Itutrumcn�. Ail aP Ihc f��rc�uin>>iy n.fcrrcd ta(n this Sceuelty tn5taimcnl uv Ihc"P��peny." <br /> HORKp�ylilt('OVKNANTS ttwt Hon�►wcr is(nwfuUy yelsrJ uf'ltie�s�uto hcrthy�timtcyed nnd luiy thc ri�thl lo Rrant atuf <br /> �v�nvcy thc Yroperty nad �hc►t tha Pra{+c►Iy le uncucumbcrcd. excrpt ti�r cncumhrainrs ui rccu�d. purr�►�vcr wi+��rums nnd �vill <br /> d�Pend�;enemily the tiUe iu�ho Pm�rty aBa�n�t uil cluin�uuJ dcnwndy,subje�t t�nny encwnE+ra�tcr.r uP rei�►�YI. <br /> Ti�IS SFC1iRiTY iN.�`+TRUh94N`i'cmnbinrs unifurn��+w�.��►+���tN f��r �uuiwwl wo und numdnifi�rm cavc�tnntr u�ith Ifniltc+l <br /> vaNutians by jurinlirtiim h►c�riw�iiute s u«(Cocm�curity instrumsnt bnv�ria�`en1 pr�i�riy, <br /> [1IV1Ft3RM COVEiNAPiI'S.F3ciffoti:'er�mt Lsiukr rnvrn�►t wul ne�ce n.9 tuU�+wp: <br /> �. ���„�! n��r�� Q� �nt� 1're#�v�cnt uqd I.�tc t'hwrrBes. E��rr��vcr c+tiidl pmmpUy puy whcn duo Iho <br /> priticipal ol and intcrost on thc d�bt evidcnccd hy tho Nc�tc and nny pr�paynicnt nnd Inte rhne�rs Juc undcr tho Noto. <br /> 2. I�Lndq Pnr'!'oxcw nnd ln�qrunce. SubJcet ta uppUc.�ble litw ar tn u written widvc� hy I.cndcr. enrm�vcr shall pay to <br /> Lcndcr an thc dny mnnthly payments ure duc undcr�ho Natc.until thc Nuto iw pald in 11d1,n sum('Fund9")Par:(n)yrarty tnxe� <br /> nnd usscssmcnts�vhich may nttuin prlarity��vcr thiy Scct+rtty Insuumcnt i�.ti ii licn on thc Pmperly;(b)ycarly Icaschold p:rymcntq <br /> i�r�r��und rents an thc Pmperty.iP nny;(c)ycurly hornrd��r psa�perty insurnnro prcrnlun�.y;(d)ycur�Y flcxKl Insu�anw prc�►�lums� <br /> If uny; (c)ycurly murtgugc {nsumncc p�rmiuiny, if cutiy: i»�d f�any Fum,paynblc hy Bure���vcr ta l.cndcr. in accnrdnnce with <br /> tho provisians ut'purng�aph H, in licu��f thd paymcnt of nwstp�e insurancu pmmiumv. Thcse itemr ure called��tiCfUW IICi11.9." <br /> L.cndcr may. at cu�y timc. collcc��nd hold �u��d9 in nn n�nuum not ta excccd tho maximum umou�n a Icndcr for n Pcci�rolly <br /> rcictted man�ago luun nu�y requira far Bormwcr's estimw arcoUat under the fcdcml Real �r,tate Settlemcnt Pn►calures Act af <br /> 1974 ay umc�idcd(rom time tu tim:., 12 U.S.C. Scctlon 2td11 et se�/. ("RBSPA"). unicss nnother In�v that applics to tho�undy <br /> set� n Icsser umaunt. If sa. L.cndcr mAy. nt any timo,callect und hold H�nds In iin amaunt nnt ta excccd the Iesser umaunt. <br /> l.encicr may crtiniatc the c►mount af Funds due nn tho b�.sis of currGnt duta und reasunnhla estlmutcs of expcnditures of flitum <br /> Escrow Itcros nr othenvise in accurdnncc with upplicuble Inw. <br /> Tho Funds shall bv hcld in un institutlan depasity nro (nsu[rd by a fc.cicrol ��gency. lnstnimentnti�y. ar entity <br /> (including L.cnder�if l.cnder Ia xuch an instituttan)ar In any F�cic�al Humc�Laun Bank. I.creder shall apply the�unds ta pny tho <br /> E.ecraw items. Lender moy nat chargc:8ano�vcr far hatding urul npplying the Futtds,annuaily unulyzing tho escrow ucrnunt,ar <br /> �critj+ins th�liscrow Items.unlcss Lender puys flarrawcr intcrest an the Funds and upplicubla luw permits Lender ta makP sueh <br /> u ch:►rge. Ho�vovcr.Lendet may requirc Baemwcr ta p:ty u ane-tincc chnr�o far nn indepcndent re��l cstnte tmc rcpaning sorvlco <br /> used by Lendee in connection with thls (onn. unless appiicnble Inw pravide.v otherwise. UnteSy an ngccemr.�nt i� mada nr <br /> applicublo I�w requin.s interest to be paid, l.cnder ehnil nat be requimd ta puy 8arro�v0r any intcr��s�or eaminga an the Funds. <br /> Borrmver uncl l,ender m�y ug�ca In wrlti�t�.h��wover,that interost r;hnll be pAid on tho Punda. i.ender e�hall givo to Horm��•.r, <br /> withaut charga, nn unm�ml accuunting of the Funds. si►awi��g c`odits nnd dct�its tn ttte Funds and tlto purpc�sc for which c�s:h <br /> debit to tho Nunds wns made.Tiso Funds mn pleiigal ew addition;►1 sccuriry far all sua�.s secured by�his Security Instrumcnt. <br /> If 1ho Funds held by l.ender excced tha a►naunGq permitted to be heid by appi'silv5lo law.l..endc�ehall uc��tutt to Hnrrowtr <br /> for 1he exce.�.v�unds in accord�nce with t9�E requircmentR af applic.aC�!F luw. If thc nmount of tho Funds held Q+�i�ender nt�tny <br />_ �;,�;��t�s£t}ri�s:a p�;t�g,s�s�1�+�+�'-�d�.u��l�nder mny sn notify Hurrowcr in wrlting.and, in such ct�sr.Borrn�r�r <br /> shnil pay to l.endcr the amaunt aecessury to mt+lce up tha de(icicncy. Rona�ver shall mnke up thc dafictency in ao mar�than <br /> hcclve munthly pnyments,u11.�onder's soto discmtiun, <br /> �t�,n �,u�mem in thll of all �ums sccttted by th4s Securlty Ynstniment. l.ender ahnll prumptly reflind sv 8arcowcr any <br />- Funds hctd bp ixnJer.If,under parogr�l�21, l.ender shnll arqulrc+�r�p tho Property,i.ender.griar to ific ncquimiion ur�o <br /> of the Prop:�y,Shull apply nny Fum1s hctd by i.ender ut the time of ncquisitian ar antu ns n crodit aguinst tho aum9 secured by <br /> this Security Invtn�mcnt. <br /> 3.Applicatlon of P��imc'nte.Uniess uppltcuble law provides athcnvisc.:ili payntenta�eceived by l..cnder under paragruphs <br /> 1 und 2 shall lw applied: first. to nny prepayment cla+rse9 duo undc�the Note; cunuunta puyablv undor parns�uph 2; <br /> third,ta intcnst duo;faurih,to principal duc;and any late chargcs doo undcr tho Nam. <br /> d.Charges� Liens. Barcower shall pay nll tnxes, nssessmcnte, charges. fincv nnd impositiuns nttributablo to thc Proge�ty <br /> which nu►y nttain prlority aver thia Security Insta►ment, nnd lcasehald puymenta or graund eer»:�, if nny. Bunowcr eha�d�,t� <br /> ttiese abl9gatlon.c in tho manncr pravidcd ln pnrugrnph if not paid in thut manner. Horrawer sha0 pay them on timo diroot�y <br /> to thc person awcd paymcnt.Aorrow�r shall promptly t�rnigh ta l.�rn�c�all notiv^s of t►mounts to bo pnid un:lpi tMs pur�gtaph, , <br /> lf Bormw�r n�.�kcs thcsc paymenty dircctly.Barrawcr ehnll promptly f":^�sh to i.endcr ma:cipts c��adencing the�uymente. <br /> aattawcr shail promy�tly dischargo nny licn which ha9 prinrity c�-;r ihie Scci+rity Inslrum:��vnle�llurruwcr:(a1 c�grcc�in <br /> wridng ta tho p�ymcnt af the abN�Atian secur+ed hy tho lien in u m��:r ncceptnblo ta l.endcr:(b)contest�in�ood foith the(:�Ln <br /> by. ar dcfcnds cigninst cnfarcemcnt ai the licn in. Icgal pracecdiaga which in the l.cndcr'H opinion �perate to prc�ent�3�0 <br /> enforcement af thc lien;ar(c)Fec:ures fram thc haldcc of tho licn un ug�cemcnt a�niafactary ta I.e,ndcr�ubardinutiog thc lien to <br /> this Security lnstrumcnt. If I.cmier detcrmines that any par¢af thc Prapc�rty is subJeci to n 11en which mny attain prlarity avor <br /> �his Sccuricy lnstrument. L.endcr may�ivc Bana�ver a naNco idcnteC3 in�tho lien. Aarrawcr Fhall saNs�;1ha lien or talw onc�or <br /> moro of the��tians r,ct forth ubove wlthin 10 days af thc giving af narico. <br /> form 30�8 9(90 <br /> Papn 7 of 0 <br /> r <br /> _ _`��_rr�..��-��i-Y���`.�'�^=;: . <br /> � ` � �i~� � t ��jKry���o� <br /> '��,�a�'� �T�' w"'���r��q. j, - <br /> "`��'iv�: ' ra t . �,p —�o� <br /> ,,,;, 4�,��K��t i ': '..� S i, :-.. . '� +�;:r;���' - ra�i _ - <br /> � .i�* ri-. - � T <br /> � F'. <br /> 1 Y 3�. <br /> �"� �� , ,� y r �. � .� , <br /> c����`,�a��..'r��.w'��.:�.�: �y ��'�t�� — -- — �. _ <br /> pi y Zl" 9 j� �' t Tj'�a'� -.F v�� <br /> !01`,m��;1;���.�'�f'f M^ �i� '������#t3n�,.• t.. � ��J - _ --- <br /> C �Y R � r Y-. � � :� 1 � �V <br /> .� .�,' ��i1 r .r r ..., � .i �t� r.k�r .r nll , : k .A .. -- <br /> �#` �ur . . '-` ' "!. r � t�� �. 7L��r.�'S� <br /> �'�11�tir _-n�P` � �3�- 4'� ��_,t � ...., i���-��'.' 'T fii �.��� �i -- - - <br /> -�i'�w Fr.14,�,�36L,at t�t�('�i�r4�lfrs r� +rnF�. y,'�. i <� �'"�/- v <br /> - ;�.� t° F�""'�''A rr� +��e�4�'���•����nmx xa... <br /> i.:. <br /> r, h '�11C'*�'t��` <br /> �.-a- �' iw�a�I _�'!1. _ . . . h_ ili�. � �r �n,.--'._ _ ,_. <br />