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<br /> .{�.`-1� "l�� ��Frw�---_':.�L _. „'"_"_ -'-...�-_-�1,.-�, i' ' _ ,.......__.. ... ,_-..... ._� ......—_-.�_.- _,.�.. -- . _..-�....._._...-...� �+,''
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<br /> 19.`1'r��xyf�r of Iho 1'sa{r��ly ar n f�r�tetiicinl lntcrcwt in itus-ruwc�°.If t�ll«i un)•pa�i uf'►ix�1'eo�u r1y ar uny iiUcreyl lu(l �__
<br />- is nuld�,r ttan�frrn�l�ar If:�hsn�li►itd Intrrr�l{n N��rr�m•cr iw�otd ur U'uusfot'�'iyl rty finrrr►��•ir iy�tat u ��atura)�nr,unl«iihaut --
<br />- l.cnder'x e�rtur �vriucn .rmticnt. I.cndrr uu►y. ;+1 Its ��p�ian, rc��ufn hnni��llid�. ► mcnt in IbU ut'uU +umr tir.ur��l hy lhis �_
<br /> 5��u r i t y U���r u m c n�, U����•c v c r, �I�i�;u p�iun hhull nu�h�rxcr�lrcd by t.cn��rr if rxr�:l�� ir�rui�ihitrd hy f.Ytc�•al lu�v us ul tha datc �;
<br /> ��f�hl�tie�•urily Insuununt. ��
<br /> IF l.�ndCr eyCrcl��.r II►i�opllu��, I.e�ul�r tihull pl�•�H��rnnvcr uatiru��i'nrcclerndnn,l'hc�u�Uce+hull �f�►�•id�t��urfod ui'uut �
<br />= Ir,� Ih:sit �l!duyy Iruni IN� �I�ue 1hr n��tirr iv dt`tl�•e�ed ur It►�iled t�•ilhitt�vhith 1in�-n+�tia•r u��irt ��.iy ul��t�m��.�:ured hy thiy �`-
<br />= Srruril}�IntiUumc�tl, il Nar�m�•er t'nii�t���►ny 1{��'`+�ntiv prlur tu th+:espiruti�m ai'ibi�peri�xl, lx�Htrr ntay iuvuF.r i�uy rcmcdics e- _
<br />- �xnnittc�i hy 1h{y Secucity in�itt►mertt r:itEe�sut ft��ilkr�u►U��e��r denulnd un 13uir��►srr, c.'
<br /> !H. 1l�:�u�er'a HI�W W Rcl�15t�te, 1� !�m•r�iwcr mcc�ti renuln �v►ndiliunr. H��rtua•cr �hail ha��c �ii� ��i�tht ta N�Le �,
<br /> - cnli�rccnnnt af ihiv �ccnrity Imt�umcnt dls�ymihnird at uuy �imc {�rinc tn ti�r ra��{kr��ti: (��i 4 +l:sy,t+�r 4ach++tl�cr �urhxl uy -.�-
<br /> upplir+ihlr In�v nu►v h�ktill� f�u' rcinstutcmcntl hcfarc ,alc af tl�r 1'r��prn�� pu��uunt t�+ uny pu�vcr ut'�ulc cuntnincd fn !h!y
<br /> - Srru�ity la+tnm�rnt;ur Ih1 en►ry��1'n)��d�tntrnt rnf��r.in�U�is Sr�urity In�tnimcnt.'Chuwr.vne.UUuny urr th�u Hurruwcr: lut p:��� �_.
<br /> , l.eiiJcr ull num. whirh ihen��•uuld hc duc undrr`h"11`�(`1�Y ���ti i�11��c��1A�ndy1 inrurr�d�lnienfarrin�t�h1wi�Scc►�ity�li�trtm�ci�� �-
<br /> ; curc�uuy dcl'nuU ul'uny atl�cr r�•vcnan�r ur u�;�� r y �_
<br /> in�ludin�t. hut nu1 IimitMl tu, r�u.��ntthlc ��uanie�.r' fiwv: iuid ldl tuk�r�uch uctiun m IArnicr may rcatiuu;ihly r�Nuin t��ussurc =
<br /> � thu��he licn�,1'�hiy Sccurity Imn�ument. Ix�tder h�i�htti in ihc Prapedy i�r;J Burru��•cr'� �,hligutian U+pay thr��nns a�tiurcd hy �
<br /> - thh `ccurUy Imtrument �huil runUr�uc unrh:�ngcJ. Upup rrin�tutcmcnt by Narru���cr, tliis SccurUy Intil�a�nnnt iuid U�c �
<br /> � ohlitt+ttiu�rv��curcd hcmhy shull rcmain t'uUy cfl'c�tivc i►v il nu ueccicratian hud�xcurr�d. Ha�vcvrr,thi�rl�tht tu�cia+tutc shidl
<br /> In��t uppIv in thc rnse uP a�«Icri�d�m undcr paruyruph 17. !
<br /> � 19. Snic ot Nutc�l'hnngc ��t I.�u�n �crvlccr. 'fha Nat�ar tt paniid intcrest In th� Na1a Uu�cth�r with this Srcurity —
<br /> : Intitrumeml m.►y hc sald uizc ur mu��:ti�ncs withnut priur uutirc t��S��m��vcr. A sulc nwy rc+u��in.i chungc i��thc cntily(k�u�wn _
<br /> - cir• tho"L��a+�Scrviccr")thitt cullccis ntonthly p:�ynicnts duu undcr thc Nato und thi.r•Sccurity Instrumm�t.'fhcre uiso muy hc une
<br /> ; ���inurc rhangcs ul'�hc l.�+un Scrvircr unrclatcd ta u sidc uf thc Nutc.IP thcro i�u chungc uf thc l.a:►n Scrv►ccr,Harrawcr will bc
<br /> i givcn�vritten uudce��I��he chung��in acci�rclimce with paragraph 14 iibovc und npplicubie lu�v.The nnlic��vill ntnte the nume i�n�l
<br /> address uP thc ncw l.uan Scrviccr and th^. ..ddre�r• ta which�uynunts tihoulJ hi mudc. Thc na�irc will ulso cuntuin uiry athcr
<br />� inii►rnmti�n rc��ui�cd by upplicablc luw.
<br /> � 20. Nazardi�u9 Subtitunc��. 8onciwer nt�ull nat rausc or perniR thc prezence.utie, di�{x�sul, st��rasc, ar relc;�so i�i'nny
<br />� 1it�iArd�ius Suhstanccy on or in 1ho Pruperty. Qorrnwcr shall m�t d��. nnr ultow cmy�me cihc eu d��. unythiop uffcaliog thc
<br />-= Pru{�r1y ihat ts in vkdutian ai uny� 6nvirnnnuntul Luw. Tho ptecedin�;�wo sentences e;hnll nnt npply t� the presence. wc, oe
<br /> � sturagc�m tho Pmpeny��i'�mull quuntitieti uf Huzurdouti Substiincrs�hnt n�c genenilly rcca&nircd t�� !�e appraprii►te tu normul
<br /> residentiul u�es und t�muintennnce af thc Pn�perty.
<br /> � Harn�wcr xhull pramplly �;ivu l.cizdcr �r•rittcn naiirc af nny im•cstigation.claim,dcmand, la�vtiuit or nthcr ucUun hy uny
<br /> � g�vemmentnl nr m�ulatory ugeiicy or privute pu�y involving tho Prv{n:ny und any Huz.znlauy Sub�tnnce or 6nvironmental l.uw
<br /> � oi'which I��►[o�vcr huy u�tual knrnvlcd�;c, if Banu�v�r Icurns, c+r is n��tiprd by miy govcmmcntul ar regulntory i�uth�rlty, thut
<br /> uny rcnuwul ar uthcr�cincdiatinn��f any Nuxurdous Subsinncc uffcclin��hc Prnperty is nccess,��y. Brn'r<�W�r tilu�ll pramptly tukc
<br /> '� all nccc�u►ry rcmeJial uctions in uccanluncc�vith F.nviranmcntul La�v.
<br /> :� A� uscd in thls parc��mph 20. "Hu�urd�u9 Substnnccw" ura thuzc substnncc�deflncd as taxtc o�har.un1aus xubstunccr by
<br /> ,� �nvironmcntal Luw nnd the failowing subytonces: gnroline, kemscnc, athcr flummable ar tuxic petraleum ralucts, toxic
<br />