. "_" i�+1 R..,y� _ _ 1 ,���� . �'�.. .�•�.1;`�`;; _—.�. . . . . .., _" .
<br /> _ -- � t.��j:��,ii. `"�+11:}_ "' '_ . . ���,��•\1�r ._"" i� �l�,w�" .,r,
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<br /> `�' f t�ey.••v;_._...."n,."t�' '� _ ' z�r �.v.� -a -- ..
<br /> `��`;' 2�.�����
<br /> p:rymrntH m�y n��(auhcr Gc nNui���►1,u1 tl�e opUun ui'L�cndce.it'ntorit�U,ir ins�i`iin�e c��vrrt�;;�lin Ih6�iunuuiit nud ti�r ttiu��ri�u1
<br /> that l.endcr �cqufr.sl pmvidc�t hy im insnrer n�ry+mecci hy t.endc�ngidn hetvniitw uvuilnble�md iy tFl+�nln��t, H�a•i��arr Mh:�ll�u�y
<br /> thc rrn:miumv iryui�rd a�nwintnin mur��}nF;c Imuruncc in cffc�t.��r t�►provido u I��.r�.i���ticr�r,wttN 11�L rcyulrcn►enl fi�r o�urtE;u�}�
<br /> insumncv ends in a��coril:uue 4vit1�iu�y tivduea ul�rcrmcnt het�veen liurrawcr und Inndrr��r appli.abir luw•
<br /> 9. In�pecllan. Lencter ur its ugent nwy muke rrc�.uaahlv euuicw u{n►n�►nJ in,��:�lum�al�hr Pra{n�1y, l.c�ider nhall gi�•e
<br /> [kf�mvrer n�Htce ei�ttw ti��e at'��r priar tt►u��ii�sprctiun n�clfj�m�t reau�nnble rauu tin the i��.+}�ecU��n.
<br /> �0.�antictu�ttut�.'I��pruc�edy uC nny mui��i ur cicilnl fi�r�tiuie�tcy. dir4.�1�►r 4v�nuyucntiul, in c�utncctiun �vith w�y
<br /> co�nlc�i►natiun or othcr tukl�u��P nny pa�i�►f thc P�o�ny,�,r Pi�r�Y+nvcynn�ti(n Ncu ul'.u�tdcnm.►tiun, nrc hcrchy n+vid�ictil n�►d
<br /> tiluill he paid tu l.•cndcr.
<br /> li��hc c►�cnt e►f a tutal�;�kh��,f th�Pr��pr.ny.�he pm�.redv nhall bc�►pplird tu ti�c sumti���uird hy lhiti Scrurlty Inrt�ument,
<br /> whcihcr ur nnt thcn duc, wish nny c:ccrss puld tu Borruwcr. In thc evrm ui►� par9inl ti�kinp��i'thc Praperty in���hirh thc Pair
<br /> murkct vnluc��f thc Pr��perty immcdfntcly bcfi�ro thc Inl;ing i.r•cqunt ta or grcutcr ttiun thr umuu�U ui Ihc unnr• ��tiur��i hy ihis
<br /> Sccu�ity I�ulrument immeiiintely bcforc the tuking,unlcss&�rn�wer n�xl l.e�idcr uthcrwitie u�;rec in wrltfni„thc nunw sceur�vl hy
<br /> thiti Sicu�ity Instrumcnt shall bc rcdurcd by �hc umaun�ut'Ihc pmce��tv muUiplic�l by thc ti►II�»vinr fa�riian: (u) thc tu1a1
<br /> ►nnount of thc sum� seci�red immcdiincly bifare thc tuking, dividc�i hy�h)ihc Cuie ns.�rket vnlue uf IQc Praperly in�nicdintcly
<br /> bePo�r thc tukin�. Any b:►lunre tihull bo patd tu Ban�►�vcr. ln thc cvent of u paAinl �ukin��►1'the Prapeny in which Ihe fnie
<br /> nwrket vnlue of thc i'raperty immcclintcly befor+c ihe tnkinp is Ics�than thc um��unt ��f the sumy srcurcd immcdi;►tcly befi►rc the
<br /> tukin�. unles9 Barrower nnA I.ender�Nhenvisc��rcc i�i writin���r unletis�ppUra6le Inw othcrwisc pruvidcs, thc Nmrccds ahull
<br /> be appliai to thc sums securcd hy this Sccurlty I�stru�ncnt whethcr ur nut the hum.r•uro then duc.
<br /> [f'tho Prapc;rty io nbandaned by B�rrmvcr.i�r if.ufter natirc by l..cndcr tu 8arm�vcr thm thc rundemna�•��ffc�to make un
<br /> awurd or scttle c�ciaiin for dnm;i��w, Horrower fuils ta nwpond to l.cndcr withln 3(1 �Inyv af'tcr Ihe datc the natice io givcn,
<br /> I.cndcr is authonzed ta rallect.u�i;�,ply thc proccedy, nt itx aptiun.eithcr ta rcst�rnUan or repai�af Ihc f�raperty or t�i thr nums
<br /> sccurcd by this Security Insttument,whether ar not Ihen due.
<br /> Unletis l.endcr und Bunowcr athenvlso �grce in wi�itin$. nny applicution of pmcecds t� principAl shull not cxtend nr
<br /> pc�stpc�ne the due dnte af the monthly pz�ymenta rcfcrmd ta{n pnrng�ephs i and 2 ar chnngc 1hc nmaunt of such paymente.
<br /> ll.Bar�ower Not Rcleased;Horbeamnco Sy I.cnder Not u Woivcr.Extensian��f tho time for pnymenl or m�miific.ntion
<br /> of nmurti�utian oF tho sumv sec�red by thlw Security Instrument gmntvd by l.ender to nny successor in intemst of Bdrro��•er shall
<br /> not�pemto ta release�he linbiliry af the ori�iiu;l Aanuwcr ar A�r�mwcr'R sucressars in intcrest. Lcndrr sMS,:I r.ut be requirod ta
<br /> cammenco ps+arcccUn�s ognlnst any succcssor in intcrest ar refuso to extenci timc for payment or othcro��r^indify nmonirntian
<br /> af the �ums seci�red by this Secarity Instsument by reasan af iu�y dem.v�d macle by the arigina! Bt�r=wvcr ar E3nrrawcr's
<br /> sucoc�soro in interest. Any farbr�:sance by Lender in exercising any riglu or remcdy �h�i!! not be n wuiver af or Qmcludc thc
<br /> excrciso af any riaht or rcmcdy.
<br /> 12. lCuco�s.�sonv end A�signs Bound; Jaint und Se�e�S Liability; Q`��-slgnerv. '!'1ie rnvenanu and ug�cememA of this
<br /> Security fnstrument shall bind und bencBt thc s�rcessur�i�.-n! �.csigns uf�.,endcr ui►d Horra�ver, subJect ta the provisiona of
<br /> parugraph 17. Aorrower's covcnants nnd c�p,!�:r..�enty sh;�l b� jaint i►nd sovcral. Any Nnna�vcr wh� c�-siIIns this 5ecur�ty
<br /> Instrument but dues nat execute cEa�Nntc: (n)is ccrtiig�z�2 e'*�s Saurity Instrumcnt anly M martgugc. gntnt untf c�t►n�•cy tl�at
<br /> 8orrowcr's interest in tlio Propert�un�er the tcrms of tt►is S�r:�rlty Instrumcnt;(b)(s nat p�r��nnlly obliLnted tu pa�•che suin9
<br /> securcxt by mis security inswmenr nno ic)agn;es tnnt unaer oiM nny ottter sarrower mny ag�ea to aatend.modiry. ro�eur or
<br /> nklke any occoma�x�tionq with rebarci ta tho tem�s af this Securlty I�strurttcm ar thc Noto wlthoul that Barrawer'R can�ent.
<br /> 13.l.oaa Ciwrgc.w.If the loao sccured by this Socuriry (nslrument ia subject ta a law which setx maximum loan chatges.
<br /> artd thut In�v is Gnally interprete�+t sa thAt the intcrest ar ather laan chnrgcy rnllected ar to bc callerted in connection with tho
<br /> ia:u�exccu!thc pcnnittvd limits.����n: (n)any suct�loan churge sh:dl bo reduced by the untount uecessary ta reciacr,tho chnrQe
<br /> ta the pern��ittal Ibnit;urxl(b)any sumv nlrutdy co!lected fmnt�orrawer whlch exccEdad petmllted linilte�vill bo retLnded to
<br /> Annower. Lender may chooso ta mako this ret�nd by rcducin� the principal owed under tho Noto or by n�a{eing a direct
<br /> paymcnt to Bonower. If a refund reduces principul, tho reduction wlll b►: treatod �.s a partinl prepaymcnt wlthou� ��ny
<br /> pncpaynxnt chnrge under the Notc.
<br /> 14.NMkes.Any notico to Borrawer provided for in titi:s Secudty inst�umtnt shail be given by delivoring it oc by mniling
<br /> it by first clnss nwil untess�pplicable luw rcquircs use of nn��tAur methad. Thc noticc shuD be dirccted ta thc Property Addrers
<br /> or any uthcr address liarrawer dcsignates by a�nHco to Lender. Any natiw ta I.cnder shAtf be aiven by flrst class mail to
<br /> l,ender's uddr�s�statal hcrcio o�nny athcr nddccss Lcnder dcsi�natea by natice t�&�rmwer. Aay natico pmvided for in thia
<br /> Sccurit�r Instrumcnt Fhull be dcemeYi ta huvc bcen givcn to Harrowcr ar Lendcr whcn eivcn av pravldcd in this pnragcAph.
<br /> 1S.Goven�in�g l.stw; Sevcrablilty. This Sccurlty Inctrumcnt sfv►11 bc gavem��l by federul Inw c�nd �hc lu�v of tho
<br /> jurlr+diction in which thc Propcn� �q Icicutod. In the cvcnt thut nny provisian ar cluuse of this Secu�ity In�srumcnt ar the Nate
<br /> conflicta with appllcablo law, such conflict sh�ll not ttffcct aiher pravisians af thiA Secudty Insirument ar tho Note which can bo
<br /> given effi�t�vithout the canflicting pr�visi�n. To this ertd ths pravlsians of this Security Instrument und tho Note ure declnred
<br /> ta be scvcmble.
<br /> 16.Borrowcr's Copy.Burra�vcr shull bc given onc canfom►od cupy uf th�Natc und aP this Sccudty Inswm�nt.
<br /> Farro 3048 9f90
<br /> Po�4 010
<br /> - ---------- �.C.'7�lVC�.;,r^_=- ---
<br /> �.ti�i,1i714M t��{y �����r��e A�aY r�*�,_� "�'���v�+�- ` __ -__.
<br /> li'�'�x��f��•1�S,�t, 1 . t F... . . �r.���'i°�� � .
<br /> � � r,� �,N{•Yr�-- . , t. -r� �� . :,a� r� +h�� .l�v _ --
<br /> � •' 't �'ay.,p�t� � ti ,, �i� �`ri.� — —
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<br /> ,�.��-ti y�: ■ ra� > .� �'.�. . ��ktSy �'f � ��
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