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<br /> (e)Ac[.'c'J��or�►rm7 er��prapaymonl�r�scounl a�adYanro psymar»a1 r�t+t Ramand�;s�n oxc�39�orto manth,
<br /> (b)Cnnccl w thrm:ns:�d�a ac�rrra ur accMt ary csncoCstbn,[�rn�ln�UOn ar su�nGa�thaTOf,o�p�,-mp airy a�nt t�o�cur�vn.�h�sau.2i a�ec+r
<br /> thsrouircRv ta t��mtnsta o�cnncal tho eamq aJhor chan camilnniinn fa rronp�yrmv^nf of ront,
<br /> (o)Arns�xi a rnod�,y tAe ser�tf►so as to�civao th�form thpraW,tno ronfai payablo G?nround�6 w ro chanp�arry roncstia!proidslona thor�tn '
<br /> CD7(JJfl1Cd,
<br /> (� 4t'lPfvn ely d�ttult thCtQURdQI pl�lOttCh thOltlnl,
<br /> (o)Qivo erry c�vnscnt�vaAFa ar apFto�ral tRcueunder or tnAe mlt►otlf�1'ectYOn fn c�rfnatN7�r NferewlM.ar w!M er�sssea f�rsrar+rr�r wA►cA we�u�d A�
<br /> tir�eft�ct�f hnpah�ttp Crs taAt9 c!tRe l�ssor'S Itttefest tt:Bt�uRdat Ct th9 firC�.'�et1y eat;�ect tt�tstq t+r e11nN��M?tA8 R�tk*n eJ It►E�:tt=P,t M
<br /> E�onvtl�la►y trtoroln.ar
<br /> (q SoD,saslpn,ptvdQq mo��do or othenvlso dispaso al,o�encumbor Ite Intorost/n�►rry sn(d l�AS�o�atry ronta,lssuas,pratlfs Issu/rrp as adsln�
<br /> fhCmtutddr.
<br /> f 7. IMslvor of StetuBD W Umltntions. Amo!s of tAO assortco In crll uf lttrstae ohltpatlnns�tnd chrtlos Romunttafi ond to Mo oxtonf pormfttod Dy lmv,1?uaMr
<br /> waAros aU pmsont w futur�atatutos uf IimtlaBons w!M r�spuct ro cuiy Uobt dam�a o0fipoUon socur�d hor�by nnd pny actlpn ar pmcnoctinp fa
<br /> tAO puryosn of onf�ning tRfs D�nod of iTust ur nrry dpAta or romodtos contafrtvd horotn.
<br /> 18 AsNgnmant of Oeposlta In tho rnnnt conshuction of Impmwmantn ls contomptatod by Mo foan wfdancod by tRo Nofi&ccurod horotm aa edditMna►
<br /> sacurlry fhoreforq Ttusta hnsby fmnalom artd assfpns N 8onoflclnry�all rtght Btlo�nd(ntorost to arry artd eAmonlos dcposltad Dy or on bahall of
<br /> 1Tustm wltA arry clry,county4 pubtb bnd►r or�cncyt sanitary dlshkt,utl;iry compu�t ctnd any otho�body or aportcK A�r tda lnstallatlon or tn socuro
<br /> tholnstaf/atlan o1 eny uUllry by Th�sbr,portalnlrtp to!ho Aust Proyorfyt
<br /> t� CapaaUon w PknhrorsAlp��xlsh��ca!t lhrsta Is a co►pomtfon,porroml purtrtashfq a Gmltod�iuirtorshfq ft►Wfl db all tMngs nocoss�+ey M/xosorw!ts
<br /> oaprnnU or purdror�A�uxlsronca�as tAo cASO may bq ertd otl rl�hta ond prNfA�gos undor ctro►mvs af tho stato a1 tts trrca�orsebn a orp�nlznUan.
<br /> 2A Forbrrurartco by 6ancltcfary Not a NYrAru�Ary torboamnco by Bortcflclnry in oxoncistrtg eny ngAt o�romaty horoundor,or otharwlso affardad by
<br /> applkab/e Imr,ahAll not bo a wa►wr of o�procludo tha oxonlso of nny duch rlpht or romodK fio procuromont of Insumnco or tRo psymont of tarroa
<br /> 0/fh0 dI5Ch81�f10 01/18A9O1 CA87809 Dy BQltOYclory ahdfl not 60�waMO�of Bcnoficlaryg 7,qbt N accclorato tho maturiy d tAo Irtdobtodnos�
<br /> 21. Romod/os Cumulafhu A4 mmadws pravfdod►n tAls Dood ol Thrs►a►a dJstlrtct end cumulatMn to ony othor dpht or romacfy un�lor th►a pood of Th�st
<br /> a�ttb�od by lativ or oqulry,end moy bo oxonclsod coircurmnty,krdopondomry or succossnro►µ
<br /> 22.Successwa ertd Ass�gns Bound;Jbtnt ond Savorel Usbllity;CapBona tho cownanta end agroomonta Aaroln contalaod shal!bind,and the nghts
<br /> homutrdor ehaA fnuro lq tho rospocttro auccossavs ertd asslpns of 6ono/klaryt Tiustua�nnd Austor.All covonAnta end agroorrronta W lYusta shal!
<br /> be/Wnf end sovamL Tho captlons artd hoadlags oJ tho pamgmphs ol thla posd of i)ust ero Ib�convonlortco onry and aro nat to bo usod tu fntoryrot
<br /> a dotlno tha pr+ovistons hamo►.
<br /> 2� Notka Except 1bi eny noilce roqulrod undo�apppcablo!aw to bo gAron In aaotho�menner,(o)nny nof/cA to nusta proWded tnr In thls Dood ot Th�st
<br /> ahefT Oe gAron by maUlnp sucA rtotka Dy certJlle�i msU,mhrm r8celpt reques6ed acWrossod to 1Fustor at!ta mal;ing eddress set fonh abaro or at such
<br /> otAer edd�iess es 1Yus1a mcry doslgnato Dy noSco to Bonoftclary as prwlded hemin,and(b)�rsr no8co ro Oonollclary o�TYustoo shell bo gAron Oy
<br /> �+urtilled mall,mfum►ecolpf mquosted,ro Bo�oflcfdry's 8nd firstees mailing nddross statod 4�aroln o�to sucA othoi address as Banofklary or
<br /> �lusteo may dangrtate by ncYka ro Thsror as p�ovldod Aoroln.Ary notko provfdEM lor!n M!�maed ol Tfust aha►1 bo deomod to haw boon Qfvnn ro
<br /> Rusta,8enepc�ary a Aust�a whan glvign In Iho manner doslgnemd heraln. -
<br /> aa c�o►wmi„a r.ew;sa�e►aar,�m�s oeed a m,sr a,aii no�o,rrod oy mo raws a rno sr�ro a n'oD�oako.In tRO omnt any pravlslon or cleuso d thls
<br /> Oeed af i/ust conpkts wltA tWp!M.aDio law,suoA canl!!ct shall rtot attbcf othor provlslons o!thls OQOd al Aust►vhlch can bo gtwn afhTCt wlthoul tho
<br /> conJllcUng provlsl�ns snd co thls ond tha pnWslons o1 thls Doad o1 Aust aro doalnrod ro bo saomblu
<br /> PS E1renls d AeleuM.EscAW tho fo!!owing occumoncos shell constlNio cn owmt of defeult Aomundor,(horolneMDr cAOOd an"4Yt�nt ol0ofaulP):
<br /> {�!' F�t+1�•1�f�Lo�wlt�t 9�@►�a4t��!?tte�?��o!1n�1�►end U�{n+a9f�tho IntWbtodnnss�
<br /> {b)Ary warr�nry at Htla mado t�y firsto�homin sha�l Do uniruq
<br /> (o) Du9fo�ahalJ te/l ro obsaivo or po�torm any of tho caonanta ag�oomonis�o�candltlons!n tMs OOOd ot tYust,
<br /> (�Any�epresontsNon a war►anry rrtRa4�by ihistor on ary f/nanolal etetomonta o�ropprta sutrmlttod ro Ronotfciary by or on G►haN o1 firsror sha/!
<br /> oro�9�p�a�+mrsrv�amQ,
<br /> (e) T,varor aha!!la/l ro peAam o�obsem�any of Iho c�mants condJthas or c►groamonte conternod/n,or birtdlrtD upon iFustor unckv any butk�lrtp
<br /> ben agreemonL soourfry agtaoment,l0.vn agroomont,flnnnolnp amMrr►oni,o�ctry othor egmomant,lnstrermont or documont oxacutad by Iiusta
<br /> !n connectlon wlfh Iho faan wldancad by tho Nate�
<br /> (n A nustee�receMn a IlquWator ot Mo 11ust Fruporry a of Tlusta shall bo appWntod,a any ot tha crod�Yojs vlllustw ahnU/!b e poHtbn tn
<br /> Dankruptcy epa/nst Auafa►,or Ibr tho�o.�arUzaUOn N i�ustor�wsuant to tho Fadoml BenlwPhY Car4 or e�N slmllar/av,wlieff�r I�d�►u!a stat4
<br /> and ll such a�a�a poiluan shn//not bo dlscharp�d or alsmf�,:pd wlth/n fhlrry(30)days NNr tho dAto on whlCh cuch ott�w'or peetlon wa9 IDed
<br /> (p) fhisto�ahap Illa a petltkn pu�suc►nt ro tho fo0aral Bankruptoy Codo or any almllar Imv,foa'orel o�st�tq or If riusror ahAfl be sd/udped e
<br /> bankrupt,or ho daclared InsoMani,a shA.'1 maka sn assl�nmont for tho bonoflt af crodito�&or shsl!admlt!n wdtinp!!e Insblliry to p�r!ta detrfe
<br /> aa they 6ecame due�a shall consent ro tAe sppolntmont ol a receMer o!all or any psR of thp Aust Propcfrryt
<br /> (h)FMo1/udpment fbr tho pAymenf d monay shal!do rondero0 eDalnst Auvtn�and Tiustor shell rtot d/scAarQo thA eamel or cause It b be
<br /> dlacharped,wftAln thlrry(90)dsys mfter Mo ontry Momof,or sAall not eppeal therelrom or lrom th�order,doaree a,p�osss upon whlch or
<br /> purauam ro wrt/oh aeld/udQment was pmntvd,bASOd,o�antonDd,art�soCUrv A 8tay of vxocutlon pand�ng euch appeal,
<br /> (Q liudtw 8ha/1 aeli or Cor�trey fhe Dusf PnOpptry,o�prry p8rt thoropl,or any Inrorast thoroln,rn shall bo dhrosrod of 1!a Nt/q or er�y Intvrosf fhnrofn,!n
<br /> eny manrrei or wuyt whotAer waluntedry a Irtwluntarlry�wlthout fAo wiltt�n consant of Boaollc/ary boing Ibst had nnd obta�ned,or
<br /> Q) ll 1ht9to►la A cwporatlon ar pa►trrars5lp�nd mam thnn lifty perraont(60Rb)of tho shnros or bonoticlal lnbr�ta ln auch cprpotaNtrn pr
<br /> partnorshlµas tAo case may bq ahall b�transfbrrod or comoyrod,whethor voh�ntatlry ar Inwluntarily,wi;hout Iho wNtten consonl ol8enef/clary
<br /> bolny ll�st had end obtalrted.
<br /> ?d Aroeleratlon of Oebh,Poieabsura Upon tha accumoaco of any kwnt W O�nfauN,a�any Nmo thort�aRor,Bertn!lclary mFry,et Ita optJon,doclaro elf ths
<br /> Indo,btedrresa securod Ae►eby Immedlatery due end paysbfe en0 the 8ame sheU bear lnteresf at Mo defauq ratq/l arry,snt fbrtb In fho Notej o�
<br /> ofhe�wlse at the hlQAOSf rate pomdtted by lew,and,!nE►speofAro ol whethp�6ortsflalary o�e�/sos eald optton,lf may,af Ita opNon end In!ts sole
<br /> dlscretlon,wlthout eny lurther rtotice a damand to or upon Au3tor,do cvro or moro W fho M/kwlnp:
<br /> (a)Bonefklary mey onror upon,teke possosslon of,mennpo artd oporem tho Aust aropo�fy or any paR thoroof,•mako ropairs artd almraUon�artd do
<br /> any ecta whkh Benefklary desma praper ro promct tho cecudry thereof,and eltho�with or wlthouf teklnp posaosslon,In lfs own namq sue M�
<br /> a ottrenvise coQect and raceAro�vnta lssuvs artd proflts,lnolud/ny thosv past duo end unpald,and appry tha samq loss costs and oxpensas of
<br /> oporatlon 8nd cMlectlon,lncluding reasonable ettomey foos and Bonollclary's costs�upon Me Indebtodnoss soCU�od horoby and In such order
<br /> ee Banefklary m�y detiarmlrta Upon r�quost ol Bonelklary, nuator ahal!assomblo snd sha�l make evalfabla to 9one!lclary any ol tho Ttust
<br /> Proporry whkh haa been romo�l.fia ontadng upon and leklnp possossbn ol tho llust PropaAyt tha couactlon of erry mnts,Issuos and prol/fs�
<br /> ead tha epplloAikn theraof se aforasald,&hep no1 cure a wahra a►ry datauR theraiatore or thereaftar eccurrinfl,or afRtcf any notfco ol dofauff or
<br /> nattoo of solb homynob�or hnmlydt�ro ary sct Oono purauant to ary such noth�a AhoMdthutar►dmg Boaoflchuy7�ca►tlnuanco In possoss/on or
<br /> rece/pt artd eppl�cat/oo W ronts,lasuos or prcflte,Berteficlary shall be onN!!pQ to vxurcise arery rlQAf provldoal Mi/n thls D�od of Tivat or by!ew
<br /> upon o�pll�er tha occuaenoe o1 an Even!ol Dufauq,Includ/np fhe rlpht to exerclse tho pawer of eala Any ol tho act/ana rol�rrod to In th/s
<br /> paraprRph may ba taken by Bartel/afary at such dmo aa 9onuflclury may detom►Ino wlUrout rogard to tho edoquucy of srry secunry lo►tho
<br /> InOebtodnese seCwed he�aby!
<br /> (b)Bonollelary ohRl/,wlthouf rogaM to fho adoquucy o!arry saou�lry Ibr tho lndobJodrto9s socuiod Aoioby�bo onfltlad to tha eppolnimont of e
<br /> roCOHs�by any court bavin�/u►lsAlcNon,w(tAout noNca lo tako possosslor►W,protocf,nnd mannpo tlro Iivat Proporty und oporaro 1ho samo
<br /> ond colkct tho ronts,/sseros and proflts thorcrfrom.
<br /> (o)Bonollolary mny b�ln�eny ectlon/n arry couK a1 compotonf/uNsdlctbn flu farocloso mis Unod of liaef a onforco airy of fho cownante horeof. _
<br /> (�l7onolklary may oloof to causo tho Tlust Proporry or any part fhorool ro bo sold undor tho pamr ol oolq�nd(n such ovonf.Oonaflclary or Itustoo �
<br /> shall Qiw Euch notko 01 dofauR end notico pf sato as mtry 6a thon roqu/rad by law Thoroafto►,upon►ho oxplrt�NOn cf such tlmo and Mo pNlnD of -
<br /> such nAUca d salv ns may thon bo rc�qu/rorl by Imv, 1lusmq ni tho Bmo and pluco cpoclllod by tho not/co of anlq shaU c�ll such liust Propo►ry,o�
<br /> arry part thsreof specBlud by flerto/kfary,et publlo auctron ro tho hlglast bldaWr for cash In lawful mortoy ot tho Un1�bd Stotos of Amo�lco.Upon
<br /> roaelpt d peymenf ol the prkae bld,11vet�ue sAsl!appry tho procoods In tho Mllowlrtp ordor.(Q to fhp cost ortd oxponsos W Oxmclsing Ihe poow�of
<br /> safe end of the seibl lncludinp but rtot l/mlrod tq tn�sloob loos or not moro Ih�n r50Q00 plus onahnN ol ono porcrmt of tho proas seb prlca d�d
<br /> iaasort�ettonwy loost pq to tho lndobfodnoss�and p!q tho oxcaA!1 nny�to tho porson o�porsons fopAlly ontltbd tRnmta
<br /> Atl costs ond oxponsos Incurrod 6y Bonoflciory/n ontorclnD erry dphf undm th/s ptwd ol Tiust,Includ/ng wlthouf Ilmltadon,obstrnct o�utfo loos,
<br /> epprelssJ looa prom/um9 for tlt/o insuroncq attornoy loos nnd courf casta,ehall bo and consflturo Indabtodnoss soaurod horuDy.
<br />