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<br /> eBS±nst luturo monthry insttrrmc��t�o!E'urtda tt U;a artiuunf ul tRa furtda Jr:d Dy t7onsl�c�:try etr.9�1 R0�h0 6tJfitCt�7Jif(0 Jl�y(1ic0A R35�9SRiQRl9, �__
<br /> �nsuranco promlums and�ruurrU rJnt9 as(hqi fatl d�r�, ihrstw chafl pay to Bcncfrcrary mry airrount�iccossary to mnk�u�th�G�fl�fQrt.ry tVllblp fhltly .__-_
<br /> d5y9 fr0l11 tn9(1;1fa nptt,:�!s maicsd by ft�rtcftcla to Ao�tcv n.�puost�n ^ �iic.
<br /> ry p Naymo���►rt,.rool. Upun p�yn�onf In ful!ol p�►lrid�b:adna��,[1��rcli�lory eRa(1
<br /> pn�tttptly r�tunCl ta AusN�ct�y f'u�tti3 hotd Oy t'.anaYau�I!tho Rust Praparty 1s�a'd und�r tAa pon•m��l snto o�tno Aust Pn�narry�s athanrlsa
<br /> acqu:�c�dy k'sncr,cran�Qsnc%�ctaN CA;�n opplyt Immtni:st�.y pnor to thu snto of tha Rust QroPmly orl19«cqulsrUan Oy FJOnofrCluryt aury Funcis hotd -
<br /> by Qoao►r'�ic�y n11rtu G�na,��t appr;:ntran n�a crudt apatnst th�►,r�Dr�cfrresA N Hcncf�r��ry e.recuttrs n wnrren w�n�d nust�+'a ont�Yans und�r
<br /> fhta p�t�pra�tn 6�Ak�tt Gn�n�nr+nr•i�����(���,t►�fp�Ma�n�ro Baeunm tfefYtqtrant.eu taxe4 ass�tss�nantn;(nsurart�o pmm/ums,grot�ad -
<br /> mntt�,nnd tt.A alhcr oha�-9►vhatGc�+er fovtect���on or a2su9SGd,�tacnd a mad�apa/nst tho liust Nropsttyt Dustor furtlrQr apreea upon w�lttvn �•`-
<br /> ntqtmsf dy 6analfclar�,to prortWfy dol;lror ro tJannflclnry c�q�cc�prs rn�tno p�ymant of sucn cnarQoa frusro►r�k�vv�so apmos ro puy at1 r�i�a
<br /> a��3.tnr•ni�arn?GF�ri�tha,�;s��cr�,a�ar es��.�::s'.�c:e�e�s!r�t.��sur•_�Lr tR�s L�-�!t+��h�cs n,M�reenrd:et:nn lmrs.�ot
<br /> (t Applrcatton ol Paymonta AtJptrymonto mcehad Dy Qona!lclsry as ro urry dabt,btlAttiry p�pb7flstton cntivd ro Etonotldnry by flustar mtry�o ctppliQd py
<br /> (�errcrtte�ary�b tho payrrtsnt o!fRa d�JoDtoetrwsn or W a�ry sucA othor d,�ht,liobUiry a oAff�ttan,�n any aAer or enanrtor nf�ticnttoe►vhteA
<br /> Benvficlsry,�n Its nbsoA�to d�sc►otion,doems appmp�tuto�Unpss otht►nviso olcct�d by Bortnticlary�Qny surh pnyman!ehuU Do doamoci appl�rM flrsf
<br /> to tho prrymont o1 arry dubt,flmhlt,ty a ob/rpsKon otAOr than Me Nata
<br /> Q Charpos;imna 1lustoc w!p koop tho Tlusf Proporry►mo from atl lrens and ortcumtrmrecoa�vh(ch in ony woyr may,In tho�ud�nlvnt ol Bonalic�v►y�hnvo
<br /> prl�nry avo�or lmpnU tho seCU�lry o�fhls Uood of i/usi Dut Auato�neod rtot dlsrAnrgo arry such Con so tonp na AusNr sharl QQrtr�,(n wddnp,ro
<br /> �wy tAn oDllpntt�n sccurod,Uy cuch fion fn a mnrtrtor accnptablo ta Bennliclnry artd sha/1 ln pood foJth crontost sucA llen by opprop�loto lopn►
<br /> proccodlrtp9 offoctNo to prr�vunt tho onforcomon!af fho lion and tho Ioss of any Intarost In ot part of tho Th�st fhaporfy. ___ _
<br /> R Nazard/nsuranca mistor shell koop fhn balldinDs and otRor ImAro►omonts rtav oxlsttnp or horoalfor oroctad on trto Dusf Proporty Insun�tl Gy --
<br /> Insurunco ca►dora stttlafactory ro 8onefic�ary spnlnst foss 4y llrq hezurds t►rcludad!n tho fc�m'uxrondo�Y cororago"and such otho�harnrds, ..:.
<br /> cnsuu►t(os and conD'ngnncto9 os may Dt►mqulrod Dy Bonof/cW►y�(n euch amounfa artd lor sucA pCrfod9 as may ho roqulrod by 8onoficlaryt Tho ��=
<br /> potn.y M/nsu►srtco ahnu tro fi fam aac ptaDto to 6onanelurK pravldo that tho snmo mtry not ho cuncatlh�d or mod�(tod without fitfvan(f5)�Y��ys p�lor �_�
<br /> wrlttcn nolko to BonaficfA►y�ertd sAull Anw Wss paya�to provlslons!n le►ro�of srtd 1n brm accoptaDle ro Bertatic(ary.AU pNmlums on lnsurartco =_
<br /> ponc(o9 shnp Do pGld In tho mi►nnor prwldod undo�psmp�oAh 4 hcroof v�tl no!pald�n sucA martnor,by ltusror making paymont at lonsf Iilfcon(19) _—
<br /> days prfor ro tho duo datu�dlrocty to Me lnswanco na�►lo►.Banollclnry shA►1 haw tho�lght to hold tho paf:clos and ronavui9 fhoraol and 1)u9to�shaff _-
<br /> promptry fumish ro Bvrtollclary a1f ronwvol aoticos ertd erl pard promlum roca(pt�roceNod Ly ft In no ownt ahaU Bortoflclary or l/ustao bo hold _
<br /> rosponslblb tor far�um ro pnyr Insurenco pmmfuma o��or arry/oss oi damngo mfsing out o!a daloct!n any pol�cy or artsing oLt d uny fylum ol amr __
<br /> Insurltncr�compuny to pay tar atry Wss or damngo Usurod eDAlnst o�fo�falfuro by 1lustor fa atfoct Ma/nsuronco mQulrpd Anroun�o�!n tho Want of —
<br /> loss,fiistor ahafl plvo prompt noilco by mall ro tRo Insurortco can(vr artd Ronoficlary.Bonoficlary may mnko proo!ol loss ll no1 mnd�promptry o�m
<br /> p�por form by 1)ustor.AU pollclos af insuranco and e�ry artd aI!rofurtds a!unoamQd pmmlums ar�haruDy assfgno�a�BonoAciary as addilWnul
<br /> soeu�Jry fo�Me peymont ot tho tadeDtodnosa In tho avant of 6oaaflelsryb e�co�clso W fhe►powo�ol ssto contelnad horoln,or/n tAo aronf of
<br /> fomcbsura a►I r►flht,trrie nrtAintoros�w nustor in end ro any msuranca poi:cy thon In foroo shallpess to thp pLrchnso�at fha husNOe snlo o�
<br /> lomcfosuro sata M caso 01 ory foss�tho(nsurartco proct+ods ma��at tho optlon of Qonoflc(nry�Do cy�pl/ad by Bonolktt+ry upon th�IndoDtodnOSS,or
<br /> arry pvl thoroo/aad In suoA ordor and amaunl o�8anol/clury m�7r dafa�mino;or snld hfsurartco procvar/s af tho optlon ot 8o►ruliclury�mAy Qlthoi
<br /> bo usod In�opleclrtp o�rostarin�fho Ilust Proparty pnnlaly or rofalry dostroyod ro o condidon antls/ecrory tu Bartoliclary;or eald lnsuranco __
<br /> procoCd9.o�arry po�tlon thorool,may bo�eleasod ro nusro�Untoss Roirelklary and T►usmr arhany�so ugreu!n w�lring,a�ryr such applicAtfon ot
<br /> lnsuranco procouds ahaD rtot oxtond a postlwno th;+duo dato oi tho Ncfa m any lnyta�lnwnts cottvd for thoraln,a�chAn��tha umaunt ot such -
<br /> lnstallmonts 1�tho Tlust Prol�ofty!s acpulntd by Etanoflcfnry pursuAnt to tho axo�ciso o!fho pawor of ea�O or othor M►aclosuro�ell rlpht.Nll�end
<br /> lntorest W Thisto��n artd to sry msurenco procoods paya�to ps a rosulf o!danwgn ro tho Thr.st Pruporry prlo�ro tAo sa►o or acpu�sltlon ehall p�ss ro
<br /> Bertofklary and ahaU bo appltWi llist ro tho cosla t�nd oxpunsos,Includ;ng atromay feos.Incurrad!n collocting such prxaads,th�n!n tho manrtc�
<br /> artsf ln the orr[at pravldod Ae�oin, -.-.
<br /> q��`ass�rc!�1�s!Aust F�&usber w!�t�Ure�tn�?�oth�!��nnw or hornafmr omctod on tho lfusf
<br /> prapp�ry!n good roptifr and condiNon�-.���_7 not commlt o�pormtt wastA wlll not altor tho dosfDn o►snuctural charactor constltutfrtp arry bulldinp
<br /> rtow ar hareafror erectvd on and constltu�fng tAo T1ust Prooprry wphout tho pdor wrltton coasont ot Bano!lclary,wlll rtot do eny ac1 ar 0�tnp wh(ch
<br /> ��ruld unduly lmpalr or dopmclnto Mo vafuo ol tho Tlusi Pro/wrry and wUl not c+bAndpn Ma Tiusf Propo�ty� lJusfa wlll nof rrtmovo sM Ilxttrrus
<br /> �.���,�����„baa rnn�m»w am immndmmry ronlacod w�th uYn amoelnr eunlxt to tho tinn ond socuNry/ntorost of thls Ooed of
<br /> Tru9t and of et laast aqu�l vdArB&ru!ut!lftK 1Tuslor�7ff!campy tvith el!present enD tutu�e adlnances r+99►rladana Md re9ulrementa d ary -
<br /> gawmmont�l body whlch Aru rtpplicatrlo M tAo lYust Pmporry artd to f�o occupartcy anb uso thorQO1.ll thls Duod of fluat Is on e unll In e
<br /> condomintum or o pfannod unit dovolopmont,Austa shall poAorm c+0 of nuatore abllflatlons undo�tl►�daclarntlons or caonAnts croatln}�o�
<br /> pc�avmtng tho condominlum or tho pfannod unif daw/opmon�,tho byUnvs and rogutANOns W fho condominlum o�planned unff dn►�alopmont,and tho
<br /> constltuont documanta,
<br /> 8l Inspallon,B�no!lclery w Ita agonta mayt at a/l roasonablo tlmos,ontor upon Iho Aust PropQAy Mr tha purposo ol Inspoctlon,8onot/clary aRail haw
<br /> rto dury to mala�sucA/nspocUon pnd shall not bo tlabta to Th+sror or to my pc�son 1n possosalon d!t makos a lalf9 to moko any auch Inspocdon.
<br /> 1Q Frotoallon ol SocuNry.fl At�sta lalls to poAo►m uny o1 tho covonants and a�roomonta contQlnodln thls Oood of Aust,ar!/ctrry Act/on or prxooding
<br /> !s commonco�wh/Ch daos or may odvo►soy sflocf tho 11uaf Proporry or tRO Intorost o1 Austar or Bvnolfclary thomin or fho Ntb of IiuRta thomta�
<br /> c�aan Bonc�lkrarys nr as oprron,may porlbm►such co►vnante and aproomonts,mako sucA oppoarancos,dotortd eflalnsf and/mrostlgat�auch ectlon
<br /> o��rooeoding and tako auch otho�eetlpn as BonolklQry dooms nocossAry to pratocf Its Inrorost lrteludlnp,be�t rtof Ilm(tod tq dlsDurs�.^ronf of
<br /> �sonoblb ettomoy taoa and onfry upon tho Aust Property ro moko mpa/ra Arry amounfa dlsbursod by Bonoflclary pursuant ro thla p.vaD�aph ta
<br /> wi;�fnromst thanoon,ahall oonstlturo IndobtotMess o1 Austa sacurod by thl�Oood ot Ttusf.Unloss 1�usto�end BorteJicary aproo ro othor rorma of
<br />_ p��^nm�,ouch amounin erhall bo�rryablo upon notbu from Oor►ellclary to nuatoi ruqu�stfnA paymont fhoroof,and cAa11 b�ar latora�t frum Ma d�to -�
<br /> pJ dlsbursomont at tho defpulf ratq If ery�&ot torth!n tho Note,or othotwlso at ihn hlghost reto pormitb�d by faw.Nothlnp contnlnod/n thl,9 parA�rapA
<br /> s'r�11 roqulra BonoflalAry fo Incur a�ry oxpnnso or tako Any acdon hemunWr.1YusM�Irn�rocnby a�+thOrlsos and c►mpawara BonQ!lclary to nnter upon _ ..
<br /> c.'�v iluot Propo�ty ps Austoto aDent and,In flustor'a nnma a othonv►so to portorm flrry and all coron�nfa and oyroomonta to ho pv�a•mad by
<br /> �`s'S(OI Q8 hO/p�A p/OY1dOd.8011011C1Ary RhA�I,at!ta opf�on,b�aub�cpntod ro arsy oncumbrartcq!lcn,c:a:in or domund and ro flU►t�'r,s�nnd sor.ufldos
<br /> fo�the paymunt thereo!pald or dlschargad by BonopolAry undoi tho prpvlslona hcuoo!aad any auch suDrogutlon dahts 8hnll po aQd�7.vnn1 and _-
<br /> cumulaNvc�sacurlry►o�tms Doad o1 Ause.
<br /> 11, Gomlomnallon. TAo prococ►ds a�any awand a ctelm fo�damnpos�d�roct a�consoq�.�n�t�al,In connactlon wlth arry conaaTnuBan o�athnr tnklnfl o1 tho
<br /> Th►st�rty{M Ary pt+R thoroof,a�fw r.orn�yanco!n li0u of w fn nnGclpaGon of condomnntfon,aro horoby ass�gnod to arrd shall bo p.�rtd ro
<br /> �onaticlary ltusta tv!!I fib Grtd Rti"xutq!n good lalth nnd witb dua Cillpancq Ita clalm fbr e►y such aKmM or psrymnnt,Md W(U CIItS�4.'lp BAfilB t0 d0
<br /> co/lect�xJ and p.Nd ta Bortolklary,oad,ahould It h�ll to db aq liusinr r�vvocabJy autho�/ras nrtd ompowvra Banollclaryt!n tho namo..�f�'.::stor a
<br /> Oihonvlsq to tilq prosocutr�tt sonb or compromiso ary such clalm end to colbct racolpt fo�and rot�tn tho proceoda 11 thp'>ust Propor:;r�s ribandonod
<br /> by Austa,a,t�fto�notko Dy Bonofl+c/ary ro firsior Mat Mo conabmnor o/Aers to mRl�en nward a sett►e a c►a1m la damapes,Austa laria to respamd ro c
<br /> 8onafkUtry wlthln thl�ly(30)days aftoi tho dnto such notko fs mulfod,Bono!lclAry!s authodrod to colfoct and appry o'��procoods!n tho munnor
<br /> lndlcatad A�roln.fl�o pracoods d ary awarrl or cfnlm ma}4 tilto►deducNng eU masonabW aosta end oxpvnsos�Includ.n,g ettornoy fuos,whlch mrry Aavo
<br /> bpen Incurmd by 8onofk/nry In tho co!loctMn thomd,at thp solo dlsCretbn of 8enoflcloryl be tiloasoc!ro DusroR Uppllod to rt►sromtlon o!Trust Proporlyt
<br /> ��,q���g�;�r�n�ncg�r�.cp m,uilrJary tv,d 1}usmr othorwlso aara�In urnunp,ony&uch aRDllcatlon ai pm�?ads ro —
<br /> 1nCabtaMoso shall noi oxtond or posfpono tho duo dato W tho Noto or tho paymont o}erry lnstAl/mvnis cnllod for thorouadoc --
<br /> 12. Tlusivr Afot Robased.Extnnslon of tho Nmo Iw paymont or mod;lkailon W any amortlzatbn oJ tha Indabtodnoss gronlud by 6onoiklnry to any
<br /> auccosso�In lntnmst of ltustor ahall not opomto to�oloasq In any mnnno��ho flabAlry of lYusror and 7iusror's succossors!n lntorost.BprtolklAry shall
<br /> not bo roqulrvd to commonco pror•oodlnfls edalnst such suecossor or rofuso ro axrond Nmo ro�paymont o�orhonvlso modiy amatlsatlon a/tho
<br /> Indobrodrrass by ronson of any domnnd ma�o by Rustor nnd 1Yusior's succossors In lnromst.
<br /> 13 FlnnncloJ Iniormntlon.Upon roquosf of Bortoiklary,livaror wlll pravlda ta Bonoilclnry,wlthln nlnory(BO)days ol tho closo ol oacb l�soal yoAr ol _
<br /> Auato6 tho aonsolldntod bnfanco shoot artd atutomont ol onminfls of riustor and ary nnd all puarnnfas of tho/ndobtvdno9s socurod horoby,ll ar►y, _
<br /> nnd wlll provldo nnd dolNor to�onoiiclary such othor Imanclul lnfamotlon and In such mannor na Bonoficfory may roASOnobly roquosf f►om Nmo to �_"
<br /> Nma �
<br />' 14. FInAnC�al Covonanta./n addlllotl to any Othal/nFtnClal caonunfa ol flusto�madO ln any olhor nDn�omonf,In3t►umont or dOCUMOnt Tiu9tor ahall
<br />• comply wlrh and shnll cnudo arry and a1►puarnnto�e of tho Indobrodnos9 socurod horoby to compry wrth,oi bo!n compunnco wlth,tho lal/owln fl
<br /> Ilnnnclal covononta:(Thls parnfl�apA shnll not appy ll covnnants und ror�uUOmonta nro not sot forth horoln.)
<br /> iG Schodulo ol Lonsoo.Wlth/n ton/f0)days ettor dvmand, liustor ahall lurnlsh to Aonol/clary a achadulo,cartlflod to by livato�sofNna lorth all Wasoa -
<br /> 01 tho]Yuaf Proporry,or ony poRlon thoroo/,lncludlnp In ooch CASq tho namo ol fho tenanta o�occupnnta,a dascnptlon al fha apr►co occuplod by �
<br /> sucA tonont or accupnnf,tAo rontal poyAblo lo►BuCh spe�0,artq auch othor Inlormatlon and documonta wlfh rospocf to auCh lansos and tonanClo9
<br /> ns Honof;r.inry mrry roASOnabry roquosf.
<br /> iB. Covananta ol Austor wlth RospQCt ro Loosos.Withouf tho pr�o►wdtton consanf ot Bonoflclary, Dus�or shnl!nof,dlroctty or Indiroctry,wlth rospoct ro _
<br /> arry la0so af spnCO In►ho Tlusf PiOpo►ry,or pny Nordpn fhpmoJ,whoth0►auCb looso la now o►hOrOnlro�In Oxlstonco. - _
<br /> �.'_°
<br />, �,_
<br />