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.:,..,,�,r,�„�,�,.:.��:r�- . ` � • ti , _ � � ' _ <br /> '�''t � � <br /> :c�`` , P _s � .. . .��t���l j ,\..i .1 I L e . �\ ...i�. �i tf t., i ��t�yt i <br /> . . - -:�:,.� -- .-r,�i_3� . . ,. ::.�t;,.`. ::,�:�.;;;.,;� - .. • . . -� <br /> ,� . ,��� ,. .�; � <br /> - - .�i '':.�';:" . ! <br /> �,, =� -•-- -- . <br /> . :,� . . - <br /> ,• <br /> . .. . . , �. ,. �.. ,�::,;� <br /> _ <br /> . .,, . ._r�:�_... .. � <br /> • Mn .- ' . . J . . ._. .\._ 1 . . . .......n�__�__...... ..+ <br /> . _� -�.. �.__-..���� � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> . ..__'__'"_ . _. � _.���_ '� <br /> � �� L.., � .......... _ . '_ <br /> �_........ ...... .- —......... .._ ,... " _ - ki� <br />--- -- w-�-.._._'"" C��°,�,����.A�i� - -.- <br /> • (o)Tlt�anta,ttan�4ar, touno,aaotflnmvnt,convoynteco o� lurihor ancum0►oRCO af all or any p.�n ot or any Intatost In thn _ <br /> � F'n,�arry,altttot votuntndry o�tnvalunitu�ty,�vitfzo�l tha oxpraas written caa�ont o!lont3ar,provl�t�d thn17►ustw ehaN boµarmit• <br /> .. tod ro oxccuto a Ian�01 t�o t�ropomr thnl doaa rm!onntu►n un optlan t�pu�chn�o and tho tortn ol�v1►ICh doos no1 axcoQd orea <br /> yn�r; <br /> " � q Abandonmont at tha Pr�party;or <br /> ' �pl tl T�u3tat Is Rot an Indwiduni,tho t�aunnco,an�o.traristor, t�salflnmont,cc�nvay:uica or oncumhrunco of moro tht�n(N ct . <br /> aarpomQQn�c►t�wl af _percant o11to tsnuad and outstandlRfl otoch, or(If a partnvTOhipj n rotal at. __ .__._.por• <br /> aaM ut �aRnarnhl�tntc�rantp,nr pt n IlmiMd Ilnbtllty comAnny)o tatai ul __ .. . porc4nl of tho ifmirod tf�DfNty campa• <br /> -., _�-: n iniaro:tto oi voting d}3Ma durlr�the patla8 tftl�Q�ti a1 Yrua1 ran�a a Ilg�on ttw praperN. _ <br /> .--_._ .__- 1�.Fi�rrF:.�Jt-�i�ac:t�rGftofl t��Q:� the eveftl a!t�ny Evenl�t p�►luuit tnnd�r muy,4v{iha�!nutt�o ox�opl c�n rQqulrtai <br /> ri <br /> __-__ _ np Ins�,declarn ell 1�4ebtodnfls�sncurod horuby M ao duo and RaYablo nnd thn onmo ohnll thoroupon boaoma duo nnd paynblo wlth• <br /> � � ^ ntmont domond, rotopt ar nolico o!an kind.Th�ruatto�l.andar mny: � ' <br /> ouR any Wrn..o , P <br /> '�;.•-=' (a)Damand thut Tn�stoo oxorci¢o tha RO �R O F B A L�g�an t a f h oro fn,an d Tn�3 t a o o h n l l t h o ro a ft a�c a u�o T r u�t o P a i n ro r <br /> :,�;,,,,;,� osl In tho PropoAy to ho Qold And tho pracoods to bo distributod,att In tho mannor prov��od in thn Nobmnka Tfu�l Daad�Act; <br />- (b)Exarclao nny and Atl rl�htn providacl tor In any o11ho Lo�n In�tn�rnonto or by In�v upan accuROnao of any Evonl ol , <br /> Qofuull;ond • <br /> � (o)Comn�onaa an aotlon ta toractaso thla Duod ol T�uat aa n�ortgago,appolnt ct�aoolvar,or epuclllcaly ontorco any W tho <br /> � covonnnt�ho�aot. <br /> No romady horoin oonlorrad upon or�oaorvod to Trustoo ar�ando►lo intondod ta bo o+cctuohro ot any athor romody horoln,In tho Loan • <br /> '� ' Inntrumonte ar by law provtdad or pamnittod,but ouch ohaQ ba cumutntivo,shnti bm tn addltlon ro ovary othnr romady glvon horoundor, -- _ <br /> ' �,�'•�'.� In tho lopn Inatn�mflnta or now or horoultar ox�atlnp ut!uw or in oqutty or by stAtuto.and muy Oo oxoratsad concurruntty,Indopondontty - <br /> . . m or oucc�olvoty. : . <br /> � � � 13.Trustse.Ths 7rustao may�aal�n nt any Nmo without enuIIO,nnd lendor may nt any dmo and without cAUSO appalnl o auc� ��,,_ <br /> � cos¢or or sub�tituto T�uatao.Tn►steo ohull not bo Ilnblo fo nny pnAy.Inctudtnp�vithoul ltmitntton l.vndor,Borrawar,T�ustor or any pur• ;_ <br /> '��. chnaor ot tho Propo�ty,tor any loss or dnmago untoss duo ro rocktoss o�wflltul mlaconducf,artd shnll no1 bo�oqultad to tulco any action -:1�__-. <br /> �=, �� ,� In vonnc�ctlon with tho ontorcomont o1 thia Dead o1 Ttuet unlaso Ind�mnlliod,in wrlting, lor all costs,compana�tion or oxpon�os whtch =-. <br /> - , � may bo associAtorl tharawith.In�dd(tlon,Tn�steo may bocomo a purchnsor nt any sal�of tho Pro�eRy Uudlcinl or undor thA powar o1 ��:�_. <br /> " � . salo granted hn�oln);postpono Iha snte of uQ or any paAlon nf tha Prop��ty,un provldoe!by Inw;or eoll tho Proporty as o whoto,nr In ,;.,,�;,-; <br /> + -k � sopuroto parcola or lots at Trueten'o dlsarollon. ' <br /> � � • td.Faas and Exp�nses.In the avent 1Yustoo eolin tho P�opeRy by exorcl�o ot powor of oato,TNStno ehatl bo ontitlod ro appry �'� "_' <br /> `�'_ eny eulo proceods tiret to paymont of ull coate and expensas a1 axorcist�g powar ot ealo,inoiudl�g all Truatoo's teae,and Londoro and <br /> �;,,;:� T�u a t e o's a t t o m o y's t e u e, s a t u a t t y i n c u r ro d t o o x t o n t p o m nl t ted b y a p ptfcnbto tho event 8orrower or Trustor oxorcl�oa any dghl � --- <br /> � ` provtdad by law to curo an lEvant o1 Oatsutt,Lond�r ehali bo ontltlod to rocavor irom Tnistor nll costa snd expuneos acivalty Incu rt o d es �_ <br /> ���- a resu110l T�ustore dafaull,Inciudinp wlthout Umltatton all Tn�stce's and ottomoy'e taos,to the extent parmlttod by epplicAble Inw. - <br /> •,-1���_ . 16.Futuro Advancas.Upon�equest of Barrowor,Londor may,ut its aption,make addltional and luturo advuncos unt!roud- �;-�:- <br />_�,Y���- vurtcoa to Barrowor.3uch advencos and�oadvnncoa,with Intaront thoroon,ohal l ba eoaurod by thls Dc�od ot Trust.At no timo shull tho �°�__ <br /> pdnclpat amouM o1 tho Indebtednoss eacurod by this Dood of T�ua1,not Inctudlnp sums advartcad to protect tho secudty af thle Raed o1 �.-- <br />�}�-� T�u3t,oxcaod lhe odginal pdncipsxl nmount atated horoM,or$_,,._.... ,wntchevet la grontar. - --- <br />-:.���7 18.Mt�caltaneaus Provlslons. <br /> � (a)Barowst Nol R�teasad.Extenston of the timo(or payment or modf(tcatlon ol emoAiratlon of the sums soau�od by thls <br />`ri:;�� Oeed o!Tnwi grantad by Lendet to any successor in Into�est o1 Borrower shall Rot operato ta rotou�o,In any manner,tho Ilabltl• _ <br /> ��=dkaa� ry of tho origiml6orrower t�nd Barrowor'e succesaora In Intoreat.Londor tihali nos ae �aqulred to commenco proc�odlnas -__ <br /> --��� apafnst such successor or reiuse to oktomi t1�no ior payrtssni�st o�s s�sm�n Qf ttu��rt!9 encuted by this � <br /> ;�M;�:}�� Ooed o1 Trost by�easan ol any damanda mado by tho odglnal Barrawer and BoROwors eucoosaore in Interest. <br />-_=-___ - (b)L�ncNr'�Powen.Without attucting the Ilabltly ot any othar porson Il�ble tor the pAymont o1 any obilgatto»ha�ein man• <br /> -- = 4ionsd,and wlthout attactlnQ tho Iton or chargo 01 thto Oeed ot Trust upon any portton ot tho PropoAy rtot then o�thpretolo►e _ <br /> ' reieaaea ea accumy ror�ino�uii amv�mi vi a��,�,� -wiiya:M-�.tar�r s�.,yr�ira��.'^=ta!!s��ns!�!l.t��!�S!�� <br /> _ _ _�� any peraon ao Ilable,(II)oxtend the matu�iry or alter any at the terme oi any such obfigationa. (ilq gram othar Indutgsr�,(iv) � <br /> � -�a roloaua or canvoy. ar at�uso to ba roloauod or�ocomoyod pt uny timo o!Londoro optlon any pttrcol,poRlcv�or all ol tha <br /> - Propeny,(v)take or reloaso eny othor or addltionol aooudy or reconvoyod at any tlme et�ondere opttan any parcel,poRion o� <br />- _� �''- E1110l ihe Ptope►ly,(vi)take or reloaso any othar or additlooal securiry tor any obtlgAttan hereln mentloned,ar(vll)mako compo- <br /> elllono ot other arrangomonts with dobtore 1��elation thoroto. <br /> (o)Fo�aronce by�er Not s Wdver.Any IorbeArance by Londor In oxerclsing any�ight or romedy hereundet,or oth- <br /> erwi�e attorded by[►pplict�bto law,ehall not be a walvot of ot ptc�clude tho exorcro ol any such�Ight o►temedy.Tho prooure- <br /> - ment o1 Insuranco ar tha paymont af taxoa ar athor Ilens or charoea by Landor ahult not ba a welvor or Londor's dght tA acoetor• <br /> ata the matur�ty of ihe Indobtodnosa socured by this Daed ot Tn�st <br /> (d}8ucasssaro�nd Asstpns Boundt doint and 8�va�1 LIab11Uy;C�pilonf.Tha cavenants and aareemonta hareln can- <br /> --� - tained ahall bind, and tho�Ighta horeunder shail Inuro to,the roapoctiva succeasora and aaslpns ot Leadcir and Tni84or. All <br /> movanante and agreomefls�crt t�uetor shatl be Jolnt and eeveral.The oapilona and hoadings of thn paragrephs of fhls Ruo�!ot <br /> - Tn,st aro tar�wnvenlenco on�y and are not ta be uuod to Utorprot o�doflna tha provlslons horctol. <br /> ._..,;�� (e)RWu�s1 for Notic�s.Tha partiea ha�eby�equest that a copy of any�oitco ot detaull hareunder and a copy o1 any natice <br /> -- - --- of anto horounde�be mailed to aach pflRy ta thls Deod ot Trust at tho addro�s sot foRh above in the mannor prascribod by <br /> appiicable taw.Excapt tor any plher notica�aqulrod under appllcabte law tp be givan In anothor manno�,Any nottce providod to► - - <br /> =��'' in thts pood o1 Truat ehatl ba divon by mailing auoh notico by ceRNlod mall addro�,ed to 1ha othar pa�tlos,at th�addresa eet <br /> - torth abova.Any notico providod tor In this Raod ot Tcuot shall bo attaotive upon m�iling In the manner dosignatad barein.U <br /> a�� Truator la mora thqn one pt�rson,notice aont to tho address sat forth obovo shall bo notice to all euch porsona. <br /> � , ( InapsctJon.(.ander may maka ar cause to be mada�easonablo entrloa upon and inapecti�r�s at the Proporiy,p�ovidod - <br />- ,"_ that�ender shall give Truator notica prtor to any such Inepeotion spaci3ying reaaonabte cauae thora4or relate0 to Lender's inter- <br /> :_=��,� oat in the Praperly. _ <br /> (p�Recor►veyance.Upon paymant of ali auma securod by thfe Gasd of T�ust,Londer�huil�equast Trusteo ta r.�convoy tha <br /> Property and shalt ourrende�this Deod ot Truol and all notes avidencinp Indobtpdneae soou�od by thls O�o�f o1 Y�ust to <br />-�;� Trustoe.T►ueteo shali raconvey tha Prope�ty,wlthout war►anty and withou!oharfle tn 1he perean legalty entlUed 4hareta.Tn�ator <br /> -____=_�-= ehali pay all costs or recoMation,il Any. _�. <br /> °_�_�. (h)Penood PropQrtyi �locudty Agraament.Aa addltional eecu�try tor the payment ol the Note, Truator hereby flrents <br /> �r.� Lender under tho Nobranka Unliarm Commerolal Code A securiry Interest In a118�urea,equ�pment,And other parsonal property — <br />�4�;,.;+,;, _ uuad In aonnflaUon with thn roai aetata ts�Impravart►�loealsd!lserea�t.end not etteen+r!!�!���o�deamed to be a part of �r- <br /> •��;:.�ia;��, tho reul estate secured hereby.7hla Insttument shall ba construed t�s a Socunty Agroomont undvr eald Gode,and the Lender <br />"-°_-_= eha�l havo all the�i ghte and remedlao of a secured porty under eald Cade in add�tion to the dghts and remediea under this :„ <br /> M � paregraph aha�l be aumulative with,and in no way A NmltAtton on,Lenders dghte and remedles under any other secudty agree• :;w" <br /> _.�:��$` ment slgned by 8flrrower or Trustar. �:w, <br /> -R�a:., (I)I.Ims end 8�aumbrances.Truator hereby warranta and rapresente that thare ia no detaull under tlis provlslons of eny _�_ <br /> =� <br /> mortQaflo,daod of t�ust,lo�se or purchase contrACt desarlbinp all ar any pArt ot tho PropoRy,or othor cont�act,Instrument or - •:� <br /> �..;�',s;,. <br /> : .�_,;,a��-;� apreemont conatitutinp a Ilon or oncumbrenco agatnst all or any paA o1 tho PropoRy(collectivaty,'Llona"),exiating Ao of tho �7�°' <br /> t=�,- � daito of thla Dood o1 TrusL and that any and all oxlflting Llano romain unmodlflad axcept as dlsaiased ta Londer In Trustor's w�it• <br />•�;• ton dlacloourcS of Ilono and enoumb�a�ans provldad for horoln.Trusto�ahall timely perform a!i o1 Truator'o ob�i�atlonfl. <br /> , _;:.,�:. <br /> ' ' �ovonanto,ropro�antetlana nnd wnrrantioa undor any and all oxlutinp�nd tuturo Llana,ehall promptty tonvard to Lendor coptos <br /> 01 all naticos ot doluult aont in connoatlon with any and all exieting or futuro Llons,and ahali not withaut Lendor'o pdar writton �s. <br /> -- �� � consont In any mnnner modlty tho provlotono a1 or altow any luturo advancoa undor any oxlatinfl or tuturo Itons. <br /> •� • Q)Appltcatlon�01 P�ym�nt�.Unleaa otherwiso raqulred by law. aumfl pald to Londor horoundor,Inctudinp without Imitn- <br /> •�' tion paymonta ot princlpal and tntorost,lnourenco procaed�,condomnatlosi procoads and rento and profite,shall be epptiad by • <br /> ;. ���: ° londor to Iho emounto duo and owing trom Trustor end borrowor In ouch ordor sa Lendor In ita eoto discrotton dooms dosiM1 <br /> ::;�sr -.:�.., ; abfo. <br /> (k)8�v�rablllty.It any provislon ot thlo Dood ot Tast aoniticW wlth applicablo law ar la doctArad invalld or otharwiso unon• <br /> � <br /> , - <br /> ,. _ _ - �° , <br />