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<br /> �.,; '. . • �� lti , _ _ ::tt_'_�' .
<br /> ..�a�?+:Y�{�+.. :l •� � - � ...._��.,,�."".' '_ '_"'""-�"'..r.... '
<br /> �1 —__'•-/. ._..w.l+���.__.�...��.^ - - �.-._,_�.... . ..... . .1l ... .1 . . .._. ._���.__-....._ __. �!'._..�...
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<br /> , • � :�10 t?Qtt.t?� _._�___�__,antl�ny onr!all mEUliNcntlnt�, axtnnslons und R►r►QwNa .
<br /> tn f.hn origtn�zl p�nr.i�ni amounl uf �. . ,e. . .r�
<br /> r th�raal or titorato and anY nnd all tutueo advuncos and raadvuncea to Horcu��ior(or c�ny c�f thom Ii moro 1t►a�ano)hQraundur��cuant
<br /> to uo�o nt n�cra pmmissary notos o�crudll aprermmunts(troroln caltod°NOtO�;(b)tho payniont ot othor aum�Qdvuncod by Landar to
<br /> protu�t tho encurlry u1 lho Not�+;(o)1ho poAormunco 01 oli covsncmto and o�roomunt9 ot Trustar aot to�h haraln;and(d)nti prosunt nnd
<br /> Nturo ln�tcsbtc�ine38 and o611p�tlona ot OortacYar(or any ot thom It mora thnn ona)te l.andor�vhothor dl�eol,indiroct,nbsoluto or onntln•
<br /> ponl and wtu►ihor adsing by nato,guartmty,ova�mtl or othonviRO.Tho Alote,tMe�uad ot Tn,et nnd nay and NI athor documonw that
<br /> .�. .. �RCUiO ih0 NOtO Of 01hOtW130 OItOCU[t3Q(f1 CQtiltBG11Q11 1hAfOL'�Ith, h1C1U�ifl�tYI1h0U!Ai111481k)fl QtlAtA11f089, a�curiry agroamonte und .,
<br /> _ , '_ - oosf flnmas�te ai!oa.sa an�r�tte,sh�ll he r�ferrad to haretn as ttw`Loun fnat�umanb"
<br /> -.. �:.__.� T�3ta►c�v�nants ctmi n�tr��rlitt�lencf�r es t$Nawo:
<br /> 1, p$Y�,�eu��te�dnea�.All Indnhtndneaa�curod haroby nhnli bo puld whon duo.
<br /> � � 2. title.Truntor I�tho awnor ol iho Propotty,hns tho rtght and uuthor(ry to convoy tho Proparty.und w�trant3 that the 13an cresat> -�
<br /> � � Lo do�rbot ro xocutt npof Ihl�Duad ot TruaL e°d iho oxo��ut on and dolt ory 1 th o�t�od o1 Tnyisl doo3r not v�loltato nml contra t ot
<br /> _�.:aaw, .
<br /> ' othar abllgaUon to whlch Yn�ntor ts oubjact.
<br /> ' • 3.Taxss,Ass�am�nt�.To pay botoro doUnquunoy all t�ucoa,spocial uosos�mont�und dit othor chn►pos agminst tlm P�operry
<br /> naw or ho�sai4or loviad.
<br /> 4,Insu�ance.Yo koop tho PropoAy Insurod p�}alnst damafl�by Ilro,huznrds Includad wlthln tRo torm"uxtondad co>>ar�Qo',nnd ,
<br /> � ouch hozurds ne Landor may raqutre, fn amounte And with campanloo�cxoptabla to Lortdor,na�infl t.nndor na nn ndditlonal�u�ad •
<br /> ' �..� '� Insurod,with toss payablo to tho lender.In case of loss undor euoh pottctos,tho l.vndor Is authodxad to adJu�t,ca�tuct nnd compra ;�''`�
<br /> '` � miso,aii cintmfl thoroundor and ehall havo tho option o1 apprylnp ull ar pah of tho insurnnce procanda(1)to any indobtedrtass secured
<br /> � "� �' horoby nnd in such obor ua Londor moy dotarmino,pi)to tho T�uutor ta bo usod tor tho�opAlr or rostamtlon of tho PropoAy or(IN)tor
<br /> .•��� � R any othor purposa ar object saUstuotary ro Landor without attooting the Iten of this Ooad ot Trust to�tho tull amount aucurod hnroby -_---
<br /> tG botoro euch pnyinont ovar took place.Any eppllaaUons ot procands to Indabtadnoss ahaQ not oxtond o�postpono tho duo dnto 01 any �k-
<br /> � � paymonte undo�the Nate,or curo any dafautt theroundor or horoundor. �{r
<br /> � � 6.Fsoruw.Upon w�itton demand by Londor�Trustao uhuli pay to Lander,in such mAnnor ae Londor may duslgnuto,sufticlent �;,_
<br /> . 1� ' sums to onnblo Londor to pay sa thoy bocomo duo ono or moro 01 tho foltowing:(I)�II tEUCas,assesuments and athor charpos apffinst °___
<br /> � ' �'� tha Property�(Iq tho pramiums an tho propoMy Insuronco roquirod her�undor,(ili)tho promluma on t�ny moRgaga Insurt►nao�equlred by __,
<br /> �:���'°•� lsnder.
<br /> `�j��� � 6.IiAelotenana�,R�pat���nd Comptlancs with l.aw�.Trus ror e h n t l k o o p t h p P r o p a n y I n g a o d c o n d i t l o n a n d r e p a t r e h a l i --
<br /> ..r.. t — —
<br /> �-� p�omptiy re�air,or�oplace sny Improvomnnt which may be damAgud or ciestroyed:ehsll not cammit or pormit any waste a�dete re• .
<br /> � �,� tlon o1 lho P�apo r t y;s h a l l ao t re m n v o.d o m o l i s h o r e u b s t anttnl t y aitor an y oi tho i�rovamonte an tho PropaAy:ehutl�ot commlt,suNor �*
<br /> or pormit any aci to be donn in or upon the Propa�ty in violatlon of any law,ordinantro,or reautadon;and ehall p�►y end promptty dls• 5_,,,
<br /> charflo at Trustora cost and exponse all Qona,oncumbmncos and chargoe lovlud, imposnd or accassod epalnot tho P�opaAy cr any - -
<br /> -'���� e<<:�._
<br /> i �nthereot. _. -
<br /> � 7, Eminma Domsln,Londer fa horoby assignod atl compensat►on,awards,damages and olhor paymente or rof3af(hnrolnafter
<br /> .��.��� �� •procouds')in oonnoctlon wlth cor►demnatton or olhor tuking nt tho Proporty o�part tharoot,or for cunvoyanco In Ilou at condomnatlon.
<br /> �-��`� � Londer ehall be pntitlod et Its optinn to cammonca,eppoer in and prosocuto in ita ow� name any aMion or procendln�,and e.'�a��also
<br /> �• � bs enUtled to make any aompromise or settlsment ln aonneaUon with cuch taking or damago.ln the evon!any poAlan oi the Pro�erty is _
<br /> ^=�=�'- ����a�,�pdnr sheil have tho optlon t�Ita soto and Absclute disa�etlon,to epply ail euch proceeds, aiict dattucting
<br />- '���� theretrom all oosts and axpense9 Incurred by it In oonnocttan with euch P�oceeds,upon sny indobt�drrosa se,�o��asabY���
<br />_��.:�t� .
<br /> ordor as Lender muy determine,0�i0 fipphl 811 IIUCh P�OCQBdfl,QftOf BUCh d9dUCU0R8,to tho restoration o1 the Ptoporty upon suoh cort-
<br /> =��._, dl�ons as Londer may deter,mino.Any uppltcudon ot Proceeda to indebtedness shall no!extond or postpone tho due date of uny pt►►y-
<br /> .., �� nnuad n,nds shau be atd to Truato�.
<br /> = mefli8 under�19 i�vEe�vr vv�o a�i tiorot�$i;s:�isiisi�t x!�s�l.!�lty l��..-- �
<br /> 8. P�Kotmt�ne�by I.�ntfer.Upon the aocurtonce oi an Evont ofi Oeisult h�teundor,or it any sct is taken or legal Praxie�o9 -
<br /> � ��.; commoncod whleh matedely uttc�ata Lender's fntorost in tho PropoRy,Londor may In ite ewn dleerotton,but withoul obtldaUon to�10 so,
<br /> � • and without not{aa to or demand upon Trustor and without rolouainp Tnistor trom any obllQatlon,do nny aot which Truotor has e�reed
<br />