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<br /> TtIOCYFICH W171i �111 Iho In�rovcmcata no�� on c�rcattcr ctcctad un tho pmpcity. and nA esa � e, �idu►ancoa, nnd
<br /> '� ' ilxtu�aa naw an c�rcaR�r a��1 c!tAe ptopcny. ��p���►aiw u���ud�U3t18 aR3!1 GGzO h� 6t�JL�tC�by thl�S�ntfp IneS�URit��) : .
<br /> IU OI lM0 I�iQp($ItQ 1�fOtC1YCd ID U►ZIll9��ecudry Inatmment ae tho'F?op�hy.' �'`
<br /> .�� ppRR01NC(1 COVENMITB thnl Rorrowet la I�arfUly oclaad of tho o�toto hercby convcyod end Aee �ha d�nt to urant end .
<br /> convoy tho Fhopa�ly And Ihal tho PrnpeAy ts uncncunibCtad� Cxce�t lor oncumbrcacoe Ot toCOTd, tlotrmrct emtmnta and wi�l .
<br /> datend penerelry Iho t1Uo to tho F'roAGty npalnot aA ctaim3 nnd dcrn�nda,oubjool to any oncumbrancoa ot rocord.
<br /> 1NI9 6�aUAl1Y IN91'NUMGNY combinoa uni►erm covenante tor natlannl uaa and non unitonn aovtrusnto �Ath Ilmticd „ ,,
<br /> vadatlann by�u►i�dlcUon to conntttute e unit�m�auc�urity Inntrumcnt aovcrtnp�cal properly.
<br /> UNIFOHM CQ�'ENAN1'G�• ilorta�vet and�cndcr covenanl und apran aa loitowo:
<br /> 1.Payment of P�inolpaf atz� Inte►asti R�6p�►y#�1ant altd 1�lc1 �ii8tt�0e,0atrnwet eha8 prun�ptty Rgy whcn _
<br /> -� �- duo iha pdncipnt aT and int�raat on tha dcht evWeticcd 6y tha Na1�and any ptepnymcnt nnd tat�chnrpea duA�ndct Iho Noto, _ __
<br /> 8. Fe!n!��inr Ya�ee end Inee�anae.6ub)ent te eppflcnblo law or to a wdricn�vaMcr by lo�dcr,8onawcr onan poy
<br /> " to Landcr on tho dny moathy paymonte ara duo undar tho�lato, unttl tho Nato i�pafid tn iuif, a au�('i'undo y far t�3 Y� _ ;,
<br /> - taxes nnd aaoaaomnnto whtch mny attotn p�lodty ovcr tht� 8ocuriry Inntru�rmri ao a Ilan on tho Propafir, (b) ya9rtY t�aeahold .
<br /> '„-'�, �,t puymanto or flround rente on tho Propany, lf any; (a) yondy htuard or propc�y I nauranc o p r o�d ur nfl; (dx ysa�f y Ilood Enauranao
<br /> , promlum�,II any; (o)ycarly mot44ago Inoumnco p�amlum�,�f any;ctnd(Q any oume payA6io by BoROwcr to lcnder ln acrordanae
<br /> " r' Uem�h� pL ndetnmay,et�eny ttme,��Uuot end hold YFunds In ant�amount nut to epitceod tho muxlmumemouM�Icnderatar p „
<br /> ' foderally ►elatod mortnnpo lonn may tnquiro tor EioRO er'o asc�ow acoaunt undar tho taderul Raal Eetato Satttemnnt FrocoAuro�
<br /> Act ct 1874 aa amondad hom tlmo to timo,12 U.8.0.�2�01 ot ooq. ('RESPA'), unlosa anolhcr I�w thntep ptloa to tho Funds
<br /> sots a lasnur amount. II an,lendet may,nt eny tlma, aollect and hold Funds tn an smount not to axcead the loseo► amoun�
<br /> � Lcndcr may ostimnto tho amount o1 Fund�duo on tho baela o1 cuttent data and roasonabie oatimatee of expanditurea oi futuro
<br /> • Eacrow Items ur othc�viso In ecaordunce wlth eppllcable law.
<br /> Tho Funds oNnD bo huld h an Inntitution whoso dcposito ar�Inaurod by n tadcrol apenay,InatnnnontaAty, ot cntriy (tneludinp
<br /> londcr, 11 4andor la auoh an IneQtuUon) or In any Fodarnl Homo Loun 8nnk. l.endo� ahali appy tho Fundn to pay th��ocrow �
<br />� ttams, Lendcr mny not chnry�o BoROwor for holdinp and applying tho Funda,unnunlry ennt�rlinfl tho oscrow acaauni,or vodiyinp
<br /> tho Eocrow Itom�, untona 4ender psye Boaower Intorost on tho Fu�ds and nppfl�sc►bio law perrrdte Lender lo mako euoh e
<br /> ° ��, chargo. No�vovcr. lendcr may rcquko 8onowcr to poy a onatimo ahnrpo for an Indapcndcnl rcal ostaio tex repo�llnp oervlae
<br /> uoed by Lendor In connocUon wilh thle laan, unla�o applloablo law pravldns othcrwl¢o. UNosa in �proemont Is mada or _
<br /> ' appiicablo luw�nquUn9 Ntcros!to bo pul�,Lander ahaU�ot bo requtrad to pay Doaowcv any tnle�oat or eaminpa on tM Fund�.
<br /> . ,� ; Boaowet and Landnr may aprQO In wdUnD, hc�vavcr, that Intcraat ahall be pafd on the Funds, 4endet �hoH pMe to Bortower, � 4
<br /> ; �vtthaut ahtugo, nn annual oaccunUng of tha Fu:�Ja,ehowing crodlte and aeblle to the Fu�da �nd tAe puryoae tot whlob ach ;_s.-i
<br /> \ �� '��� debit to the Funda waa made. ?he�unds nre ptoc�god ae addlUonal aocudty to�all euma aecurod by th� 8acurity Inahumen� ,
<br /> �` - 11 tho Fundo held by Lender oxceod iha amounte parmittod to M heid by appAcablo taw, Lendar ehaN aaaount to Bonowe► .
<br /> �� tar tho awoo��Fi�nds In aaaordanco wllh iho�equiromnnta of aippllcttbla law.�f tho amount ot tho Fundn hetd by lmdar at any �;�
<br /> �`� Umo 19 oot autllcient to pay tho Escruw Itoma when duo,l.undar may oo naUty Borrowor tn wdtln�,snd, In suah caao Borro�yer
<br /> ehaU pAy to Lcnder the amount�eaosaary tn make up tho dollalnnay. Oorrawcr ohatl msko up t10 dotlelanoy in nn more than � :�.
<br /> -�-� . n1cNa monthty paymente,at l.endar'e aole dlscrotlon.
<br /> - "� ° Upon paymont In NY o1 ad suma aeoured by thin 9oeudty Inatrument, Lender shall prampiy rdt�ad to 8orrowor any Fund�
<br /> • . � hald by Londor. II, undor parnproph 21,1.cndor ahall aaqulre or aoll tha Property,Londar, pdor to tho aaQul3EUon o�sale o!the
<br /> PropoAy, ohatl appy any Funda hatd by lendar at tho tlme o1 aaquts(tlon or eate as�aedlt egatuet the eumo eocured by lhle
<br /> � ,��. 9aoudty Instrumont.
<br /> _ _': � 3. ApQlloatlon of Paymeats. Untosa appilcubio law provlda9 olhEnvtao, aq paymcttta reaeNed by Lender under
<br /> ' paraptaphs 1 and 2 ahell 6e eppQeQ: mat.to atty PreFaYmmii a#,u�pv�d[+a ussd�ih:!!c��ssd.!c ' - �Lu-Y�°�d0r
<br /> ur
<br /> " paruproph 2;third,to intcreat dus;fouAh,to pdncl�ul duo;and IasL to any toto charQo9 due undar th0 Nate.
<br /> 4. Chargas; UonO. Borrowa shall pay all twcos� eososomanto, oharpes, 8nes and impoa(Uons �ttrfbut�ble to t.ke
<br /> _._ _ v«na�v whlah mav attoin odo�lq�over thts Scscudty Uawmont, and loasohald pxymente a�around tante,B iury. 8onower e��n11
<br /> .,�-z-,t�L'� . pay ehcaa abNg�a!!c�r In ths m�u�nar provlded �► puapr�pn z� or ri aoi pui�i in in.i m:�o:� �.:• =�= i��h��ss� t!�±!
<br /> � '�. dirooty to the peroor►owed paymonf. Borrower�hsil prcmpty tumiah ta latdw�sli�ottcoo oi�mounte to!ao�►Id under tflto
<br /> � T paragtaph. If Borrower makos these payments c�i.aoUy� 8aaower sha►1 prompty tumish to l.ender rocai�to ovldEU►cinp the
<br /> . �.`. ` �aNmsnto.
<br /> _-,;�;;�,� Gmowcr ahall promplry dlschu:�a any Ilan whloh hno prloril�ovor lhis 3aaudry UaWmcnt untass Borrower. (a) sprees U�
<br />""-'T' ' wr;i�1 to the paymant of tha obll�atian secumd by the Ilen In e mnnn�r aaceptebte to Lendvr, (b)contaste In Qood t�ith the
<br />�*-�--�3 pen by. or dotends epafnsl entorcemont of tho Den tn� togal praaaedinpa whloh fn the Lender'o opin�on oper4te to pravent tho
<br />�_����:
<br /> ,___.,��,� e�doraemont of tAe Uan;o►(o) eewros hom tAe d�otdor of tho Ilon sn agrooment eaUstaatary to Londar euborc11nn1N@ ths en to
<br /> _-- tht9 8ucudty Onstrumont.If Lendor datormino�thAt s�ny pad o1 tho P�roporty Is ou�,aat to a Ilcn whloh may Rttatn mTladh►over thla
<br /> --��,r 9ecudty In�trumonb Londer mAy g'�e 8o�rowo��notice IdanUryiny the Uon.6orsu�vor ah�ll eatlay tho Hen or tako an� or mo»01
<br />�-`-" the�oUooe aet totth�bovs vihAln t�days of the gNfny o1 notlae.
<br />--�'i� 8. Huard o�Prop�rtyt ln�ura�nos. Boaower eh�Y keep tha qnprovemant�now�xiatMp or he��fler erected oa c'�e
<br /> � Proparty insured agatnet loas by ilra, h�u►rda Inctuded wlthln fhe term •extanded aovor��o'and�ny other Muwds,inclu�p
<br /> .�.;i�� Aooda or flaodinp,tor whtoh Lender requke9 inaurance. Thla Inaur�noo ehell G��matntalned M the�r►aunte and tor the perivda
<br />_�����;�w�� that Lender requims. Tho Inauranca carrier provlNn�the Inaur4nae ehall be choaen by 6ortower subjeot to Landar'e approval
<br />----.-,,;��.r whlch ohall not do unroasonaby wlthhetd. N Borrowar inil� to malntaln oovorafle dear.�ihed�bava, I.endet may, at Londar's
<br /> .=�.=TMx� optlao,abtain aoverapa to protect I.ender's dphte In tho Ptoporty In aacordanca with poragraph 7.
<br />-_u��� All Inaurenca pollcloa and ren�wats ehaQ bo acaopt�6to to Lendar Knd eflall inctude a otandard mortgage olauso. ama�ar
<br /> ..;;,�-,;-�— ahaA h�ve iha dpM to hald ths poilalei and�enewat�. lf L.ende►requlrea,Borrower ahoil prompty pNe to Lender aN rea:,i.1a o1
<br />---"-" pAld premiuma�nd renew�l noUoas. �n ths oven:of toee, Bortowet eh�ll flNe prompt aoUae to th�Insuranaa canter 4nd Lvndor.
<br /> `��'� Londer may malce proot of tosa 11 not mada prompty by QoROwor,
<br /> T-" Unleae Lendor and Bo►rower othe�wtae aproe In wdGns, Insuranca proaaoda ehall ba appllezl to roatoraUon or rapak of tha
<br />=:•:``;�'''S': . prp[,:lty detrtlosod, H tho ro9tomtlon or tapair ts economicalry iQaaiblo and Lcodor'o nacu�iry ts aot laasenad. tl the raatoraUon ot
<br />,.��'1„?_� �opaU ts nat eoonomioalty taaeiDlo oi Lendet'e eoourtty would bo lousonod,tAo Inouranaa prc:eodo ohcUt be eppltod to tho sume
<br /> � - -- ' eacurod by tht�Sacurtry Instrument, whothor or not thon duo, wltb any oxaons pald to B1:owcr. if Banowar Abs►nda�s lhe
<br /> � ���'` Properry,ar doa9 not anawer wilhin SO doye c�oUco from Londor that tha Inm+rRnco ca�lor hns otforad to oattta• el�Im,than
<br /> - Landor mey colloot the Insuranae proaeodo. �vndor may uao tho proauod� to rapatr c�•' fODlOfO tI10 PIOpUASI 0►10 pAy BUfl18
<br />� aocurad by thin Socudty inotrumonL whothcr or not ihon duo. Tho 30�day podod wlll bogtn whon tha notieo lo pMon.
<br /> = u�tus �oncler ond Botrower 9thawt�o oarae In writlnQ, eny applleaUan o1 proaeeda to pdncipal ahall noi mdend or
<br /> � poatpone tho due date ot the moothy psyments raterrod to t» paragmpfia 1 �a � aT a�-� ��e��+o� at��a�y�s. �s �"
<br /> under pauayraph 21 tho Propaty ts acquired by Lot�da, Borrowor's dght to any inouru�ce policles ond prooeeda reautUng irom "'�
<br /> ��;y��; damape ta the Properiy pdor to ths acqutstdon ehall pa�so to Lende� to the extont o1 1ho sums by lhia 8acudy Instn�meot
<br /> ,_-�, ,. " �` Immodlatety pdo�to tho acquisittan. '
<br /> t 6. Oacup�nay, Pra�arvatton, Malnto�ance and Protootlon of tho Propertyi 9orrower'a I.oan
<br />-°'';�� �� Applleatlon; I.q�seholda. 8orrower ohap occupy, oatabilah, end ua0 tho PropeAy aa 6oROwm's pdnctpal realdanee wllhin �
<br /> • sixty dAyo eRcr Iho cxac�+tlAn o1 tt►ta tlecudty InsWmcnt and ohNl canlinue to occupy iha Proporty ea BortowQ�'a prtnclpal
<br /> ,,', raaldcnco tor ut leaol ono yasu eftcr tho dnto ot oocupnncy, unloss lcndcr othcn�iso nproa�In wdUnp,which conaent ahal not
<br /> � bo unrcaoonabiy withhctc,ar unl000 oxlcnuoUng dreumst�ncoa oxlai whlch ara boyond BortowaYo oontrol. Bortowor shall aot
<br /> dosUoy,damapo ar Impalr thv Properiy,nllov�tha Property to dotadornto,or commlt wanto an tho P►opcAy. 6orrower ohnU do In
<br /> � dotault It uny taAclturo oction or procendinfl, whothcr clvU or cdminal,Is aopun thot in Landcr'o pood tditb Judpmont coutd roault
<br /> In toActturo ot tho PropcAy or olhorwiso matcrlalty Unpatr tho Ilon croptod by thls 8aeudry Inotrurnont or I.endcr'n oecudty Inlcrast.
<br /> .. ` nopo�ot 9 •�lw v�
<br /> . � F131G.1MQ pp33)
<br /> p0A
<br /> ��— — —
<br />