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<br /> ,�,'`;';' undar the totlorr(np Oood ot Truet to bs cntotsd Into amonfl Tn�otom, �r� d�_�aAak�p«QfIIHV A_ 1-t�Vi►•P•A H,_o� _- T'
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<br />,�� (�8uneticSary9 cove�np the propaty deacrWad below hareby acknowlndqe th�t It la underetoad th�t(��the Us�d et Tn►st tp bo _
<br /> �'�'� exocuteci by Yruntor le�Wtt dud�nd �ot a moR�aae.end (D)ths powa o!e�la pravided tor M th�Qa¢d o1 Tn�a�provide�
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<br />-`-=-s•• eubakntlaly diHaont dphte and obllpatlans to ih�Tn�ator thRn R mortaa�e ln thA aenl o!dettut!o►braach ol obppation.
<br /> ��� Ttuator ncknawtadpa9 that thb Acknnwtedp�nant wae made pdor to tAe ox¢cuUon ot the Dcnd o1 Ttuat. --.
<br /> _:�-� �_�
<br />.._ : i Executed and ddMeted thb�,day o4 at� h .�.Q�._ _
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<br /> '� 1H19 DE�O OF'fRU9T('Security Inatrument')ls made on a e tm� 3td ,�,995 .
<br /> _� ihe wetor le �m�s,1�M.21(Ur Ao Unms��lst��e�,so�..
<br /> �-_�-- ('Borrowa'). -R
<br /> The tn�atoo 19 re td R ��ok Attornev• I,.aw,�,�.0. Bax 790 t'�r�nd t� d 8802
<br /> ('Ttuales').Ths bm�tlattry Is
<br /> h� �rl�nd N�tiao��o,��,_,�.�`� �+�nd whict►la oromtc�d�nd�xbttnp
<br /> unde�tho kwa of'T UM�.,�d S a �� la ,and whosa addrase ts �904 Vl��s ��rd St��a�
<br /> #��ad Id�t1d`�1 eeeot ('�endK').
<br /> Borrow�r owoa landa ths princ�pal a�m of A v� Q,_t��aQ a� �0 100
<br /> DoNus(U.B.�4��.000�00 1. 7taa dQbt is wtdenaed Oy Borrower s�ote
<br /> dated tho wma d�te ae thts 8acuttry Inet�ument ('Note`�,whloh provldaa tot monthry p�ymente� wltb lh�tu1 debL M no1 patd
<br /> `� wrller�due��d pay�bl�on Nov�(Qlf��51,$000
<br /> Thl�8ecu�ity 6neUume�t iecures to Lend�a; (o) �epayment of the deb! eYidenced by tho Not�, wN.� Gntoreat.and d ron�tvab,
<br /> T-� -- extonatons a��,� moditieaUona o! the Note; (b) ihe paymont o1 ni! olhet eutna, wtth Mterest, �dvtu►.�s,+ci w►de►Para9raPh 7 to ___.
<br /> protect the sacu►ity ot thta 8oaurity InsBwnent; and (o)tha pe►tomuneo of 8onowa'�covenanU and R�rawnw�t�. For this
<br />��- putpoao. Bo�rowor krevoaa."�'� qnmia and eonvaya to Trunteo, in t�usl, wtth powe� of atte, th� toNnwin� deacrihed prope�ty
<br /> loeated A�Ma,� Caunty,Nebr�eWi:
<br /> '�h� E O�o Third (81/9) e�4 ot �ight (e) tn Biook Flfty F7vo (98) In Orl�inal Town, n�N Cit�
<br /> af t#rand t, �nd, H�II County. �'�i�aka.
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