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<br /> it thp ontou��ln ht�lci�y LondQr for Cacrcnv Ito�to axccead tho amaunte parmitroci t���Si���'V��SPA, tandar�ht�ll �
<br /> doal wlth tho oxco�s tundo as raqulrad!�y R�SPA.It tha arr�aunto of tunda hold by Lontivr at any Hnia c�ro nat sufticlont —_
<br /> tq pny tho Eocrow Itomo wh�n duo, Londor muy nadfy tho �a�rowor oild roquito darro�vor to mako up tho ahprtAgo _
<br /> or dollclonny c��pormlttod by RESPA, =
<br /> Tho Eacrow Funclo aro Pladpad c�s ndciftlanol 000urity tor�tl sume eoaurod bV thti Soaur{ty Inatiumont.If Qorrowar �
<br /> tundare to l.andor tho iuli paV��o���nt ult auch nu���e�Qorrowar'a occount ohnll bn craditod wlth the tsalNrj+�a comalning F
<br /> tor aii inetetimont itomp(pt,(�f�E111t��C�811tI 6flV t�tf)f�QN(�6�1191KRt1�A}1P�(1iIUR1 I({A�QUtYlDtlt lhQ�I.4RtIR�I7U9 ilOt I}@4:AIt1fl =
<br /> abtipatod to poy ta tt�o 5ocrotory, ��i�i Lo�jdor ohafl promptty rofund nny oxcaes funda t�Bortow�r, Imn►etliAtaly prlor _;.
<br /> ta a fn�d�fn�uFO ctein af tha FtopB�ar!!;,r,squsglRlnn bti�lsndQr.ll4rrewer'e nccm�nt�hnit be cradltnd wlth any aol�nao �
<br /> ram�ininp fo►flli lnstollmonte for Itcrma (a1, (b1. �nd (a►. �
<br /> 3.Appllaedon af Paymente. All pnymonto undat par�pr�pho 1 And x nhall do oppllod by Lendar t�s futl�vvu: _,-
<br /> �n�,to tho mort�apa Inauranco pramlum to bo patd by londar to tho Socrotary or to tho monthly chargo by the �_-:
<br /> Sacr�tory inataad ol tho monthly mortgapo Maurnnco promium; �_
<br /> Se�a„�d,to any taxos. spnctal oeaoao��onte, taaaohold poymo�te or ground tunte, nnd firo, fioocf and otht�r haxard __
<br /> inouronco promiume, Qe�aquirad; _
<br /> �(�,c(,to Intorast duo undor tho Noto:
<br /> o� , to nmortix�tlon of tho prinaipol ot tP�o Noto;
<br /> �, to lato aharpoa duo undor tho Note.
<br /> 4.Fi�o, Fload nnd Otho►He=ard Inaurance. 8orrawor shc�ll insuro ult Improvomente an the Proporty, whothar now -
<br /> in oxiatonco or subooquomly e�eatod, agal�et ony ho�arda, casunitios, ond contingonalos, including flro, for which
<br /> Land�r roqutroa ineura�ca.Thin fnsurnnco ehaii bo mnintainod In the amounte and for tho porlode thot Londor roquiros.
<br /> Borrawer ahuil 018o fnauro all Improvomente on tho Proporty, whothor naw In axl�to�co or eubsoquontly oroctod,
<br /> apainat loas by t�oode to the extent�equi�ad by tho 5ocrotory�Ail inauranca ehall bo ct�rriud with companle:� approvod
<br /> by Londar. 7ho Inauranca policl�s and ony�onowals sheli bo hald by Londor und ehall Inctudo loas payable alaucea in
<br /> favo►nt,ond in A form accoptablo to, Lendor.
<br /> In tho ovont of loae, Bor�owar ahpll pfvo Londor imm�dfuta notico by maii. Londor moy mako proof af laea If not
<br /> medo promptiy by 9orrowor. Euch Insur�nca company aoncorned le horeby outhorixed and diroctod to make poymont
<br />- for such lose diraatty tu Landor,Inatead of to Borrowar and to Londt�r Jotntly.A�I or any p�rt of the Insuranc�pracoedo
<br />- moy b�appllad by Lo�der,at Ite option,eithar la)to tho raduntlon oP the indobtodnosa u�der the Noto and thls Security
<br /> I�atrument.firot to ony dollnquont Amounte appllod in the orddr in parAgraph 3,ond than to prepaVn+ant of principol,
<br /> ar (b) to tho rostorAtlon ar rapalr�f the damo8od p►aparty. Any Apptlet►tion of tho proceods to thn pririclp�l ehail�at
<br />_ oxtund or pastpono tho duo dste of the monthly peymente which aro roforrod to in paragraph 2,or changa tho amou�t
<br />-- of such paymonte.Any excosa insuranco procoodo ove�an amaunt roquirod to p[�y ell o�.�tetandinfl Indebtadnoos under
<br />-- the N�te a�d thla Soeurity t�at�ument ehell be pald to the entity lopaity ontitlad thareto.
<br />_ in ti�a averii oi?oTaviosu�s�f tiils°sa:s�tir l�st�unsgr�t�:olt�er iiansler Q4 t4tle Le Lhe Pso�e�� thn; extin�uish�s
<br /> tho indabtednosa, all right, title end Interast af 8ar�owor in and to IneurAnco policiea in torco ahall pooa ta tho
<br /> purchASer.
<br />- _,��.�,,..��,gi.�..u.�.,�,al�ia�ar�ca end PrptenUon oi ths Pro�ertV:Borrower's Loan ApD1laAtlon;Leaaeholds.
<br /> - �orrower ahail ocaupy, astabiiah, and u�o the Fr�operty ae 8arrower's ptlnatpal roaldance wlthln elxty doya eftQr ti�e.+ -
<br /> oxocution of this Security Instrumont and aholl continua ta ocaupy tho P�oporty a3 Bor�ow�r's ptlncippl roflidanco far
<br /> et loast one ynar nitor tho dato of accupancy� unloea tho Secretary dotorminoa this roquiromant wfii oauao undua
<br /> hardahip ior�or�owo►,ot unioe�extonuoting alraumatc►nces exist whiah aro boyand 6ortowor'8 cont�ol.Bor�owar ehoil
<br /> notity Lendero ot�ny oxtenuatinp clrcumstoncpo.Bor�ower ahAl)not commit wasto or deatroy,dama�o or aubatantlAtly
<br /> chonge the Pro�orty or allow tha Propeny ta dotorlarate,reasonable wear and toAr oxeoptad. Londe�anay Inapont th�
<br /> Proporty if tho Proporty ie vacnnt ar abondonod or tha loun le in dofautt. Landor may tako raasaneblo antion to protpot
<br /> end p�eserve auch vaoant or ebandonad P�aporty. Bortowor shefl also be In default If Borrowor. durinfl the (oan
<br /> apptication procose,geve materlally falso a�Inaccur�to information oP atatements to londor lor fatled to pr�vido l.0nder
<br /> with any matarial Iniormatlanl in cannactlon �vfth tfi�� loan vvidl�ncod by tho Noto, inoluding, but a�:rt limitod to,
<br /> �epresontAtions concorning Borrowor's o�cupanay of tho P�opert��s a prinalpa)�aaldnnco. If thie Seaurity Instrumont
<br /> Is on e leasehotd,0onow�r ahall compty with tho provlsiona of the toaso.It 8orrowor�cquirea fee title to the Proporty,
<br />� tho loasohold and tee title shell not bo mergod unloss�.andar ograa9 to the mergar in writinp.
<br /> 8.Charges to Bor�awer end Proteotion of Lunder's itighte In tho P�opetty.8orrawor ahell poy alt��avammentol or
<br />-- mu�tcipol charpvs,finoo And impositlons th�t aro not inctudod in parapraph 2.Bo►rower shall pay thouo obUgatiano on
<br /> timo diractly to thp entlty whlch ia owad tha payment. If fafluro to pay would adveraoly affeat Lender's interast in tha
<br /> Proporty� upon lender's ruquast Bor�ower aholl promptiy fumtah ta Lender re�eipto ovldencing thoso peymente.
<br /> It 8or►ower fails to mako these payments or the payments required by peragraph 2,or fails ta parfo�m any athor
<br /> covon�n4o and agreemonte conta!ned in thla Soourity Inatrumant,ar thore ls a logal praceeding thet m�►�r atflnificantly
<br /> affoct Lendo�'s�ighta in the Property (auch ae a prooeoding i�bankruptcy, iar condomnation or to en4orco taws or
<br /> reguiallonsl,tha Lendor may do ond pay whatovor ie nocoseAry to protoct the value ot the Property and Lender's riphta
<br /> in tho Property, inctuding Peyment of taxea, haza�d inau►ance and other iteme mentionad in pe�ag�aph 2.
<br /> Aiiy amounta dlahursed by Lender undar thia paragraph ahall bocomo an addltional debt of Bor�awor and be seoured
<br /> - b;thls S�c�rl�r Instr�s►nAnt. Tt�e amounts eha►1 bear interest trom the date of diebursemont, At tho Noto�ata,end
<br /> at tho option of Londer, shall be Immediately due an�9 payablo.
<br /> 7. Conda�v+netlon.The proceede of any oward ar clalm for damagea, di�aot or consequential, In connootlon with
<br /> eny condemnetion or ather taking of any pert of the Property,ar for aonveyar.co in plAae of condemnation, are hereby
<br /> = c�soigned and ahall be peld to Lender to the extent of the full emount of tha indpbted�oas thet rematna unpaid under
<br />'y tho Note ond this 5ecurity Instrumant. Lander eha�l opply auch proceods to the�eduatlan of the Indobtedness undar
<br /> � tho Note and thls Socu�lty Instrumo�t, first to any doUnquent Amounta appUfld In the ordor provided in paragraph 3,
<br /> flnd th�n to prapoyment af p�inclpel.Any epplioANan o/tho procoode to tho principal shatl not extond or pcstpane tho
<br /> � duo dota of tho monthly ppymenta, which aro ro4orrod to In parnpraph 2. or ohengo the amount af ouch payment�.
<br /> Any oxcosa procoode aver nn nmount roquired to pay all outatandi�fl Indobtadnoas undar the Nota and thia Socurity
<br />:,� Inatrumont ahali ba paid to tho ontity lagaily entitlod thoroto.
<br />_� 8. Fe¢s. l.endor may co�ioct foea ond chorgea authorlxad by tho SocrotAry.
<br /> 9.arounds ior Acceloretion of Debt.
<br /> (a)Deiault.Lender may,excapt os limitod by rogulations iaouod by the Sacrotnry in tho caaa af poymc+nt dofAUlte,
<br />� ' roqi�iro immodiato poymont In futl of oll sumA aecured by thte Socurlty inatrument ff:
<br /> , 1i1,8orrowfl►dofuults by i�iling to pay in tull any monthly poymont roqulrod by thlo Sor,urfty In�trumont prior to
<br /> - �
<br /> t
<br /> - YI1nD314 �ip�?o/�
<br />