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<br /> StatA af Nabr�oke 'nA nt�, � r
<br /> DE�� U� TflU'�T s�i-i9s�s��-�os ao��
<br /> 9a
<br /> YHIS DE�D OF TRUS7' ("Soourity Inotrumont") lo m�do on JtT�lB 7e�, 71995 , 1'ha Truetor io ��
<br /> R0�]Ab8 8AJ1Y <
<br /> . QN1811RRIRD �
<br /> 1"Borrower"1.
<br /> Tho TrustoA te S.I�AR'� �� �OIlQ'ANY 1"Truatao"1.
<br /> Tho bonofiolury Is �lamos 8. Nuttar & Company, whlah is arQunf:od and oxleting undar tha Inwn of tha utAto of
<br /> MlsAOUrI, and whoao�ddrosa Is 4163 Broadw�y, Knn�as City, Misoouri 84111 ("Londor"1. 8orrawar owos Londa�
<br /> the prinaipnl sum of ��� aYx �HQQSI�m eix �mNDABa HRVat�rY rot� A o0/100
<br /> Rallare 14 B6,674.00 �. Thie dobt Is ovidenaod by Borrowor's�oto dAtad tho anmo dato d9 4hia Socutity
<br /> Inst�umant("Nota"1, whlch providc�s tor monthly pAymunts, with the tull dobt, it not prl�l oarllor,d��o and payahlo on
<br /> �Y, z�99 . 7hia Socurity Instrumont soaurea to Landar: (0) tho ropc�ymont of tho dobt ovidor�uod
<br /> by tho Note, w(th interoat. and pli�oreowuls,oxtenalone and modiflcations; (b)the peymont of ell othar auma, wlth
<br /> interast. advanced undor peraflraph 8 to p�otect tho security af thla Socurity Inatrumant; end (a}the pe�farmanco of
<br /> Borrowor's covanants and agruements under thl� Security Inatrumont nrtd tho Nota. Fo� thie pu�paso. 8orrow�r
<br /> irrevocebiy granta and co�voya to T�u$tao. In C�ust.wi�h powor of ealc+. tho foliowing doscrlbod proporty (ocated I�i
<br /> �L Caunty, Nobrasko;
<br /> LOT 30. IQ971DO1i L11Na THTItD BQADSVIBIAN, 811LL CbIINTY, NBBIil18R]1.
<br /> 8U8JiCT Tli JI►LY. A=BTAICTIONB, A388RVATICIN9 � SA8&�liTS 17Q1i O! R�CORa, IS 71N1t.
<br /> which has ehp addrosa ot 30.10 9Uli�II+OIi�A 39AIV�, (iAllli3A 38LIIHD Istree�,c.rvt.
<br /> Nabrnaka 6880� iz�n coa�i("P�aparty Addross"1;
<br /> TOpETHER WITH e11 xho improvorr�ents naw ar here�efter erented on the property. a�d atl oasomenta� �Ighte,
<br /> appurtenancas, �onte,�o�alNos, minar�l,oil and gaa righte ond praiite, wator riphta and stoak and aH fixturea now ar
<br /> hereafter a pert of the prope►ty.All reptaaemente and edditions ehall also ba covered 6y thia Secur(ty Inatrument.All
<br /> of the forepv{ng le�etarrecJ to in thi�S�ourlty Inatrument es ttae"Pr�oporty".
<br /> � BO�iRCWER COYENAN�'S that Borrawor la lawfully saized nf the oatato hereby co�vayed and has the�Ight to grant
<br /> and convey tha Property and that tha Property la unencumbo►ed, oxcapt far encumbrancea of record. 8orrower
<br /> ' warrants and wfll dete�ad 8enorAliy tho title to the Property apainst all afelma and demanda, aubJoat ta any
<br /> eneumb►ances af record.
<br /> � 1.Paymont of Princlpal�In4��ost.�nd L.�to Ch�rps.Bo��ower ohall pay wh,nn due tha princlpal of,und intarest on,
<br /> tho debt 9videnced by t,�,�,e Note and tate ohnrgea duo unda�the Nnte. ,
<br /> 2.Monthty Pa�m�nts ol7exea, Insurancs end Othe►Gha�s��.Bor►ower shall incl«de in eaGh manthly payment,
<br /> tagothot wlth tho p►inciptti tmd imoroat t�o �tot iattfit in thp Piote and eny iaie ahurgeo, e eum tor fa?i�xo� r�nd��ciai
<br /> assesamonte levlod ar to bo levlod agei�iat the Prope►ty, (b) leeaehold payrnenta or pround rente on tho P�aperty.and
<br /> (o)premiuma for ineu�anco requlrod under Paragraph 4.In any year in which tha Londer muat pay a mortflApe Insurance
<br /> ' premium to the Socretery of Moueing a�d Utban Development("SQCretary"!, or In any yea� in which such premium
<br /> w�uld have boen�oquired if Lc�ndor stlll held the 6ecurity Instrument,eaah monthly peymont shall alsn Inctude either:
<br /> �I)n eum tar tha annual mortgage insura�ae premium to bo peid by Lender to tho Searetary, o� lifl a manthly cherge
<br /> Inetoud of o mortge�o Insuranco promlum if thls Boaurlty Instrument is held by the SacretAry,in a roASOneble amaunt
<br /> to ho dotorminnd by tho SacrotAry. �xcopt far tho monthly chargo by tho Svcrotury, thoso items oro cailed "Eacrow
<br /> Itoma" and tha suma peld to Lendar aro oatled "Escrow Funda".
<br /> Landor may, at any Nme, collaat end hold amounto far Escrow Itomo In An Qpgragote amount nat to axcood the
<br /> maxlmum amount that mey ba required for Borrower'e osa►ow occount undor tha Real ketate 3ettloment Procedurea
<br /> Aot o4 197A, 12 U.S.C. § 2601 �a,R,(�and Implomontinfl �ogulationo, 24 CFR Part 9600� Aa thoy moy bo amondad
<br /> from timo to timo("iiESPA"1,oxcapt that tho cuehion or�o�c+rve pormitted by FlESPA for unanticipated disbursomonte
<br /> or dlabursomontc�boforo tho(3orrown�'a pAym�nto arp evAilnblo in thp aocoa�nt mpy not bo bosed on amounts duo for
<br /> tho martflaflo Insuranco promium.
<br /> c�!1��9!0 � l.��D r�"3Ci►
<br /> VOOtI)E1 !'ip�1 010 FMA N�bnt1�ONd ol Troq•4fOa
<br />