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<br /> 9. Nau3M ur Frupssly in5urnncc. Rurr���ti•c►• hhnll �cccp ltu� Impruvementh �to�v e�tititin� ��r hereal'ter ercctcd ri� Ilio
<br /> Pra�rrty invurcA o�ninyt lo�!+Gy fii�c, Au�,�r�lv li►�ludc�l wilhin thc tcsn� "cxtcndcJ cuvcru}Sc" und wiy��1hcr harireas, includlo�
<br /> fl�w�lv��r fl�t��dln;;, fnr wliirh I.cnder trqt�irca Intiurnnrc. '1'hls in5u�uncc ehuU he oi,iim��inc�i In Ihe nmounts und ti�r qtc perinds
<br /> t�at l,cmtcr rcquires. Tiie inoumnc�rn�ricr rn�vidi�i�!Ihe inrnrnnco hhnll hu�haren hy Hnrn�wcr�:uh�ret lu (x•�ulcr's upp��uvul
<br /> which r�htdl nut be tmrca+unuhly �vi�l►l►cld. IP��niuwcr i'�dlw tu �»�dntai�l uwce.ige dcsrnhrd :►bnvr. t.cmtrt�nay, a� l.ender'� —
<br /> c►�►ti�►n,a!►Ntiti CAe��mgc ta protcrt l.enclrr's r}�ftf�Itt Ilte F�r�ry�tiy in tKxv�r�ls�K�witl►E�ragr�}1h 7.
<br /> All Insumnco pt►liric� an�l nnc�vutH�huti ha ttcccptnbte to t�nctrt ancl r;N�H include� �tnndarcl sin►stg�bc�rlau�• l.irxlee --
<br /> shati havz tit�ii�ht to hc�lc�thc�liclr�s.i�u!rri�tieal�. [f l.�nslcr re�air�.i3�rro�vec}h�ll pn+m�+�ly}�ivn 1u!.e►ulev WI re�Jpt�oi' _
<br /> pnid prcmiumv und renc:�w�l nuticcy. In dtc cvcnt��f l��ss,Burru�vcr xhull�;Ivc p�mhpl nallrc ta thc Insuruncc ciirricr and I.rndcr.
<br /> I.endcr m��y m�ikc pnn�f uf los�1t'nr,t mndc prc�mptly by L�nrr�wcr. �
<br /> Unlc�s l..cudcr and Burrowcr nthcnvisc n�rcc in wrlting, insuruncr prucrcds shall hc upplird ta�•c�taruti�m ur rcpair nf thc
<br /> ; Prupurty dainu�;ed,�t Ihe rc�+tamtian or rcrair iy cronumlrvlly tcasihle tincl�.��Tdcr'e sccurlty is�tut Iesrencd. lf thc rc�u�ration rr
<br /> repuie 1� nut rc�.mmdcally feiislhte ur[.cnder's Fcrurity wuuld he Ir��ene�i, the in+urunce pn�cceds shnll hc npplicd to thc sum9
<br /> sccured by this Sr.curity lnstrumcnt, �vlutticr nr nut Ihcn duc, �ti•itA any cxress pnl�l ta Rnrrmvcr. It 8arra�ver i�bnndany �ho
<br /> Properiy. c,e d�•�s u��t nnswc��vithln 3U�diiyv n nuticc frum I.endcr�hiit thr,inruri�ncc cnMcr hn.9 offcred tu srttic n cli�im. thcn
<br /> l.cndcr mny collect tha ins►rrcmrn prueccds. Lcrdcr may usc the prcuccd9 to rcpnir ar rest�irc thc Pw�riy ar to pay sum9
<br /> securrd by thiy Secority instn�nunt.whether ur nut then diie. TMe 30•clay perfad will he�in when tho nmice is�iven.
<br /> Unlcss 1,cndcr an�l H��rruwcr i►thcfwi�c ngrcc in writing, nny upplicatian of pmrcc�ls tu principal ni�:dl nat oxtc�id oe
<br /> pnstpanc thc duo dato��i'thc munthly piryue.nts �rfcrrcd to in p:►ragruphs 1 and 2 i►r changc thc nntau��t nf thc paymcnts. If
<br /> un�c�parc��aph 21 Ihc Pruperty iy acyulrc�� t�y l.cndcr, [ii►e�y►�vcr'x�ighl ta nny insu�ancc{x�licfcs nnd prurccd�,rcr;ultin� fr��m
<br /> dmm��c tc�ttro E�r��perty prine ta thc inquiHiticm xliall pu5.r tu l.rndcr tu tho cxtcnt��P thc�ums srcurcd by this ticrurfty Intitnmicnl
<br /> hnmcdlutcly prlur tu thc ac��uixlti�m.
<br /> A.lAccupency I�a'rscrvatlon�!►teli�f�na�YCC e�td Ihv►t��tton at tlro I'�qxrtyi I�s�rr�nvrr'r+l.��un Ap�llcutlon= I.�mrch�ddy.
<br /> Lk�rn�wcr ehc�U�x�upy�C�IiIIlII5I1.nnd uvo�ha Prupcny uy f1ot��wcr'x principal rcsldcncc wUhin nl��y doys aftcr thc uxccuUun��f
<br /> �hiy Secu��lty In+�nmtcnt nu�l xhnll cunllnuc tu arcu�y �hc Pr��Ewrty c�v{tur�awcr'H principnl residcnr�f�i�«t lci�tit u�o ycar uRcr
<br /> thc dirc�►f�kcupaucy,unlr�:v l.c�tdcr athcr�vixc ag�cen in writing. which c��nunt c+hnll not ho unma+i�nnbly wlthhcld.ur unfcss
<br /> extcnunUng cirramsUuucv cxlMt �vhich are heyand Hurrowcr's cuntml. 8nrruwcr �hul) �t��t dcstroy, dumngc ue impair the
<br /> Propeny, ullow thc Pa�perly 1�► �Ictcrt��rato, ��r�vunmit waste nn Iho Pmparty. Barrawcr r;hnll hc in ctcl'ault if nny forfcituro
<br /> � ncdnn ar�racc�ding,whcthcr civi! ar criminal, is bebun that in Lendcr's�rnxi falth judBmcnt ruuld result in furfcituro oi'tho
<br /> ' Pr�periy or uthcnvisc nuitcriully impnir tho licn crcatcd by thi�ti Sccurity InStrumcnt nr l.cndcr's c:ecurlty intcrost. Barrowcr rnnv
<br /> � curo such a dcfault un�l rcinvtntc.i►s pravidcd In paragruph 18.by ciiusin�tl�a.ectian nr praccedin�ta be cilsmisr:ed wlth n ruliog
<br /> i thut. in 4cnde�'n gaad t'nith detunninntiw►. p�rrludcs furfcivarc nf tho Bi�rr�wcr's intcre;t in tAe paYperty pr uther nu►tednl _
<br /> Impairmcnt of tho licn creatal hy this Security In,trument or l.cnclor's sccnrity intere�t, Hc�rrnwcr r+hnll also be in defuult if
<br /> &c�rmwcr,cinrir�t ii�c tv:in�3icasi3n prrsc�;s.gas�a rtaiarla!!y�l;c csr l:ss�ssase!�t'�ristat3a�sar�t�s sQ!��r€�
<br /> to pmvldu I..emier widi uny muterlul infurmatiun)in connectian with tho la:►n evidenr.ed by thc Nate. including.but nat limited
<br /> tu,�rpresentnti�ns cnnccrning Rorrcxvor's ciccupn�cy af tho Praperty as n princfpnl resldencc. iF thie S�curlty Instrumcnt is on n
<br /> a !�!s!. ���s �4sR4! �!y �ltt� ?!! !�! �rnylainns ��f tl�cs lee�sc+. If Sorrowcr ncuulc�s fec dtlo to thc Property. tho
<br /> I lcuschutd nnd thc fee titio ahnll not mcrgc:unlcaq i.cndcr u�;r�:ey tu tita trter�er in tivriting,
<br /> 7.Prulcetton of Lcndcr's Rlghta In tho Pro�xriy.Ii a��rower fi►ile t�pc:rfor►n tho cavcnan�g and a►grccmcntx containccl in
<br /> � this Securlty ln�tn�menc, or thcro iy a�Iegal pracecdin�thnt niny signl�cantly affoct Lender's riglun in the Propony (such c�v a
<br /> I proceedins in bankruptcy,prabnto, fur candcmnatinn or ti»T�iturE or ao cnfarce luws or regulatfans).thcn l.ender may�In and
<br /> � pay for whntover ia ncccssary tc�protcct tho vuluo af tho Property nnd Lcnder's ri�hta in tl�e Property. I.cndec�H QC1IpIlS!lUAy
<br /> Jncludo paying any sums sccurcd by n Itcn whlch has prlodty uvcr thi� Sccurlty lnstrumcnt, nppc,�ring•in cauct. paying
<br /> ' rcasunablo nttarncyv'fces t�ttd m�tcrinII nn tl�o Praperiy to mttkc rcp�ire. AUhough i.cndcr mny tnko nctlnn undcr this p�mgruph
<br /> 7,i.c�ndcr dcres nat havc ta do so.
<br /> Any ttmounts dihbursecl by l�endor undor thla paragrnph 7 shs�ll bccrimc addittonnl debt af Barrawer sccurccl by tGis
<br /> Sccurlty Inst�unncnt. Unlcss �nrrawcr and I.cndor n�rco ta athcr tcrm9 af puymont, thcsc umuunta�shnll bcnr ir�tcrost fcam tho
<br /> dato af di�burscment nt thv Noto �uto and shnU bo pnyablo. with intarest, upon notico from I.end�r to Ucrrro�ver requcsting
<br /> pnymcnt.
<br /> A.Mnrigube i�i�u��pnce.If 4ender rcyui�ccl mortgugc insurnnce as n condiNan of mnkla�;Uic loun secureQ by thiH Secu�iry •
<br /> � tnstrumcnt. 8orrowcr Fhnll pAy tho prcmiums requircd tm m�intnin iho mc►rt�ngv lo�urnnco fi�Cffcct. If. far c►ny rc�son. tho
<br /> j martgagc�nsurtmcc caverago reyuircd by L.cnQer Inpses or cc��se�to bv In cffcct. Qorrower shntl pny tho prcmiumy rcqulrcci ta
<br /> I at�tuin cavcri►go Rubstnntlally cquivulcnt ta thp martgugc ineunarco prcviausly in effcrt,ttt a cast aubstnntiully cyuivnlont to thc
<br /> u�st to I3arrowcr of tho martgca�o insurimc� prcvlously in cffcct, from un niternnto mort�ogc insurcr approvcd by l.ender. If
<br /> i eubstnntially cquivalent morigase insurnnce coveragv ir nut nvuilablc.8orrower shnll ps►y tc�l.cnclor cach month a Fum cqual ta
<br /> � ane•twelfth of tho yonrly mueigugo insurunca promium bciag pc+id by ldorruwer when the insurnnco cov�mgo Inpyed or cea�:d tu
<br /> be in eFfect. i.cnder will ncccpt, uso nnd retnin thcso pnymcnts iGw u lnys rc�ervo in lieu of mortg�gc inwurnnce. I..oss r�servo
<br /> � Farm 3028 8180
<br /> � Pnpa 9 ot 0
<br /> --��y. --- -�.'i�s�,71c��.r-.
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<br /> -.�-�r�rraytina. f,_LV���mH
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