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<br /> 7Y3i1i;7'HMl11VITH nil the i�i�pruvcmcnts�n�w ur heRaRee c��;tt`d�n the pr.�perty, nnd alt catir�neti�v,uppu�tenniire�,�m�.l
<br /> ii�eiures now ��r he��cdlc�� n �u►�t ��P tho prc�peny. All repfa��enieat9 cu�d attditluns ehnll alsn He a�vcr��l by thls Sc�u�ity
<br /> Inst�umciri. All��f llir furcguinII ly ret'crrccl tu In thls Serurity]n�tn�uient as,he"praperiy."
<br /> OCtitti(1W1:l�CUVRNANTS Ihnt Bum��vcr ix luwlldly sclyrd nf tf�cstntc hcrchy ranvcycal nmt hnv�hc ri�ht tu!►�+�nt+utd
<br /> r�nvey thc Pru�x:ny and �hui tho Pe.��Ktiy ty utiencunit�ered, ex�e�t for encunihmnrer�F reranf. Haeen�ver wnrran�v nnd�rlll
<br /> I�CPG(tlI�?CIlCCaIII�' 1I10 IJIIQ(t11I1C Pt11�1(�11Y 11�llIt151 11II l'IUIpt4(1tll�l�Clili1111I9�suh�rct tu uny rircu�ninun.�r uP����:��rd.
<br /> Tti15 S�CUNI'�Y iN57RUMENT combiney uniCi�rm ravcnimtc f�r n.�ttonal use and nnn-unffi�rn���+��+taiH�:w(th 1lsnitc�i
<br /> vnricui�+ns hy f urisdicdnn tc�ru�iHltute n uai[uFm necurlty In�tn►ment covcrin�rcni pm�riy.
<br /> uN�ruHt� �oVCtNAN"i�.8atrawcr nRd i.r�tdte�tiwcttttitt and agre as fnitawo:
<br /> 1. Nnyment oY t'rinrlpul an� Intefrsti 1'�v.�pnyntent and I.nte Chn�cx+. Hnrrnwcr �;huli prumplly pi►y whcn duc ihc
<br /> prinripi�l nf and interest nn Ihe Qchl�vidence�by the Nuto nnd imy prcpayment nnd Inte chargea cluc under�hc N�te.
<br /> a, l�ncis for'1'ax�v and Ittsurunce. 5ubJect to uppliciible Inw ur t��u written wuiver hy l.ender. qurruwer 5hidl pny to
<br /> l.vndoe an thodiry manthly paymenty nro duo undcr tho Nute,until thc N�u�ix pi�td i��Q�Il,i��;um("Funds")fi+r:(��1 ycnrly tnxcs
<br /> nnd asscssmcmq which may iutidn pric+rlty ovcr Uiis 5ccurity Instrumcnt ns n licn an tho Pmperty; (b)ycurly Icas�hcdd paymentc;
<br /> or�rnu�1J rcnta c�n tho Pmperty,iP nny;(c)ycarly haanrd or praperly insurc�ncc prcmi��mv;(J)ycarly Iluc►d insurunco premivaiv,
<br /> If n�y: tc)>a�rh•m�m�n�to inr•uraucc prc�nlu�nv. if uny: nnd lf)nny tium�}�ayabic hy Horrowcr tn l.ci�der, in ncrardanro with
<br /> the pra��isian.r r.f p��r;tgrnph 8, in tic»af the p.►ymsnt�if mun��ibr lnsur;mce premiun�.c. 'i'lieso item.r•tu'c�tdlecl "Esrr��w Items."
<br /> l.cndor mn�. m .nty timc, cv�ltctit imJ holQ Funds in un umo�nt not a► vxceccl thc ni,�ximum �uraunt c� Icndcr fi�r a fcdcrnlly
<br /> rcinud m�ngii�;c laan mi�y rci�uiro fi�r Bi���rutivcr'x cscrmv uccuunt undcr thc fulcral Rcc►I Lsmtc Sctticmcnt Proccdur�v Act af
<br /> 1974 na nmcnded f�om timo ta timc, 12 U.S.('. Scction 2601 et ceq. ("It�SYA"), unless nnothcr luw thnt npplles to tlio Funds
<br /> sets a lesscr nmc+unt. If r;o, l,ender mny. at any time, cullcct imd hald Fu��ds in an omaunt not to exrccd the Ics,cr umuunt.
<br /> L.ender ittny estimatc tho umaunt uf f�unds due on tho ba�le uf current dutn und reus��nahle cstfmntcs of expenditurcy of fLture
<br /> �scraw (tcros nr utherwiso in ucrordance with applicnblo Inw.
<br /> Tho Fands ehnll bc hcld in an inr,titutiun wh��sc dcp��yitx aro in5urcd by a fedc��nl i►gciecy. inxtrumcntuHty. or cntity
<br /> (including i..cndcr,if l.cndc�ly�uch un iii�titutlonl��r in nny Fcdcrul Nonw ln�:►n flimk. l.cndcr xhuii upply�ho Fundx�o piry tho
<br /> �scrow Itcros.l.c�rcicr may nnt chnrgc 13t�rruwer ti�r huldiag und upplyh�g tha lruu�iy.«nnuully�mulyzing d►o cu�aw�ucuunl,ur
<br /> vcrityiap�hc Eiscmw ltcmy,unlcys l.��►dcr pi�yx 4���rro�vcr Intarest an tNo 1'uiulx un�l un}�Henblu inw permUy I.�ndcr t�►mnko hoeh
<br /> n chi►rge. Nuwevcr, l.cndcr may rc��uir�Ru►�`��wcr a�ray a nnc•Kn�o ch�ir�to Pi+r uu Iiidependent rcal rst�te tux �cp�+ni��g�crvlcc
<br /> u�;e�l by Lendcr in conncctian wUh tl►Iv lucm, unlcry iippllcublc law pmvidcs othcnviho. 1lnlcsv un ugrceutcnt Is ntntio tir
<br /> np�+licuhlo luw rcNuires intemst tu bc pu1�1,l�;ndcr hhnil not ho rcyuircd tu puy Ni►rrutvcr m�y iatcrest�er curnln}}H on�ho(�unda.
<br /> Raerowcr und l.cndcr mi►y agrw in wrlti��g, ho�vovcr. thnt Intcrest xhitll bo paid �in tho FundK. l.cndcr Khall gi�c tn Horri��vc�.
<br /> without chargo. nn cinnuAl accuuming��f tl�c Nunds, xiiowing crcditr+and dchit�; tu tho �und9 a►id tho purposo fc�r�vhich cach
<br /> debit to tho F�undH�vus nxcdo. �'he F�undq�rc piecigcd ns itdditional Fccudty far ull c;ums�ccurc�l by IhiR Ssrurity Inst�umcnt.
<br /> If tho Furtds hcid by I.�:ndcr exrced tht �inmunts pennittcd ta ba hcld by upplicable Itnv, I.emler Rhull accuant ta Qorrnwcr
<br /> for tho oxcess Funds in arcordnnco wi�h tfie rcx�uirememr c+f appiicnb4e imv. i€t�c a��.�►f ii��and�tsQiict t►y!�".Ssr at�ss,
<br /> timc ix nat sufil�ient to pay the�scr��v[tems whcn duc.l.ender mi►y nn�u+tify Horrower in�vriN�ib,nnd.in F�ich caso Oarro�vcr
<br /> ehaU pt�y to l.encler tho umount neces�ury tu make up tha deflclency. Aormwor shull mako up the dofictency in na maro than
<br /> iwciva�m,nii�ir�r�s,�i���'r��a.�3��.�rilr.�.
<br /> Upcm puymont in tLil of nll �umq sccum.�t by this Security U�strument. [.ondcr�hnii pmmptty rofun�l tu Rasrawer any
<br /> Futicle held by LenQer.lf,un�ler par�IIraph 21,4ender t;hull acytiiro ar seli the Prapeny. l.ender. prlor to the ucquixitic�n ar balc�
<br /> af tho Propeny. xhall npply nny Funda held hy Ler.der a�Ihe timo nf ncNuisition or�nlo nr+i�crc�lit ogninst tho sums sccurctl by
<br /> thifl Seaurlty lnstcumcnt.
<br /> 3. Appllcatlan of PoymcnlH.Unle�s anplicablo lu�v pravidcs othenviso,nll paymcntr rcccivcci by Lendcr undcr pumgmphs
<br /> 1 and 2 nhull be appliccl: first. t�any prepnyment chargcs du�undee tho Notc; sccand, ta nm�unt9 p�yttbto under purugrnph 2;
<br /> thied,tu intcrest duc;founh.tc�principul duc;nnd Inst.ta�ny Into chargcs duv under thc Nata.
<br /> 4. Charqes;l.iens. aanowcr shall pay all tuxes. assessmenis,churgca, tlnea and impuviti�ns nttrihutablo ta the Propcny
<br /> which mt►y tittaia pd�dty avcr ttdy Sccurity Instn�ment, and Icnschold pAymcntK ar�round ronts, if t�ny. 8armwcr ehull pay
<br /> thcso abligi►tiony in tho nianncr pravided in puragmph 2.or if not pnid in thal manner.�onawor Rh�li pay thcm an timc di�cctly
<br /> to tho per+�an owccl�nyment. Borrawcr shail promptly tlanish to I..cndcr all nmiccs of nmounce to bo puid undcr this parngruph.
<br /> If Hatrow�r mnkcs�hesc pnyment»dirccHy, Borraw�cr Fh�dl protnptly furnish tu I.endcr riceipts ovidenci�g tho p:►yments.
<br /> . ac�rrowcr shall prampUy diFChurgo uny Hon�vhich h�.v priarity ovcr thi�Sce:ur{ty iustruuient unless Rorrnwcr: (u)iigrcc�io
<br /> wrltin�tn tho paymcnt af thc abligallon sccurc�l by thc licn in�m��m�c.r ncccptnbto to l.EOdcr;tb)contcste I�gand fuith tho licn
<br /> by� or dvfcrnis �t�inyt cnfurccmcnt uF thc licn in, lcgal pracccdings whict� ln tho Lendcr's apinfon aperutc to provcnt tho
<br /> cnforcement of tho�icn; pr(c)sccures f'rc►m thc h�ldcr�f tho lien nn o�reement eutisfactory ta l.ender vubardinating tho licn ta
<br /> this Security lnstrument. lf l..cnder aetecmiucs ihat any purt uf tho Property iR sub]ect te�a licn whtch mny nttnin prlrn•Ity nvcr
<br /> thiH Sccurlty lnstiumcnt, l.cndcr may givo Barrow�r u natiw iilentifying thc licn. Borrow�r shuU xatixfjr tho lien or tnko�no�r
<br /> rnaro af the actions act fmth cibavo�vithln 1A duys of thc givinB af nnticu.
<br /> Fotm 8028 8l80
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