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<br /> B
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<br /> • � (d) (i►antar ao tha ripM snd b cfu aiithatised to executa flnti partorm Ite UbNpnttpnn unrlor thla Gacd ai Yruut cu�d thoco ectiuno da not artd .
<br /> aflall not 6nnfllct��ith tRe prnvlelano pt eny etatute,re(�ula;I�n,ordlnnn�,n+to of low,contracl or othor qqroumonl��hir.h may ba btndlnp on
<br /> . � Qrantor e1�try tfma,
<br /> ' ' (o) �o nctlon or proceedlnp lo or ohNl!sa pandlnp or throatoncd►vhlch mlphi mate�i111y At�oat Iho Proporty;and
<br /> (t) �ranior hn�not viotated end ahall►�ot vlolnte nny ptatute,rapul�t!on,ordlnance,rutn at law,contracl or other agroamont(Inctudlnp,qvl not
<br /> � ilmu�d to,thois povarntnp Itasarcicue Q9atertate)whtch mtphl matadalty nBe61 tho Nropa�ty or 4endoro nphte or IntoroQl In tho Property purGVnnl
<br /> W thia Oeed ut Truet,
<br /> ' 9. PRIOA O�A9 OP t�!!9r �rento�rep�oae�te and werrante that th�re sra no prtor dt+ede of truot ettectmp any pan of Ihe R�oporry exc�pt on cat � � �
<br /> Po�th cn 6c�h_�-duto 9 attacl�ed to tfNe tred a11'tuet,�(ir�nnt�►�-aes ta p� and pa�torm!n a tlmaty rnanncr. U ttiare nre n�y prtot doeda of huM - --
<br />- - -� �i Men t�rant$+�eea to�ay e�!�c;cwni�ow��tl,e.nd��..rtwm uu oa��gattana�qu�rad,unde►euch ciaede of au�t en�tne IndeGtadnew sacrua8 thanby
<br /> � end NnherY.�re�that�defauit unde;Rny pito�dead o1 trunt eS�ell he a default und�r thio Dead ot Trunt anA aha►1 cntit;A LQOdBt t0 0�!11Qhto and
<br /> . �mcoioa cort�aih�i HdrdEr�c?t itt cir3 Guil�eti�iio YJ r.i�kiti l&sx�ti:'�+1r1 b cntitl�!rtlR°.$:�..nt o![!n otit�t c�nf��!tt �:..-:_ "-"
<br /> 4. T R A N S f�R B O P T N@ P i i 0 P E R 1 Y O R B�N E F f C 1 A L I N T B R F a T fl I N Q R A t i T a A B t l f l Q O A R A�R B. I n t h o o v a n t o f a o t�l o,a onvo yance,leaee, .,
<br /> _ cantract for dess9 or tranater to nny psroen af NI er nny paA ol the roal proFsoAy desc�lbed In�chndu►a 0.or eny Intere9l theroln,or a1 ell ar eny
<br /> -'� bineticltl intRr�at ln Qorcawer ot Qrantor pf Barrmver or Qrentor le not a natural parson or eraona bul io a oorporetion,limited Ilebtuy company,
<br /> "" pt�tnerohip,tru�t,or oU�er legal entlty),tender mny,at Ite o tlon dectpro!he outntandlnp prPncipAt balanco ot the Obtlgnttons ptua nccrued ln terest ,��
<br /> , iharuon Immodl�tety duo nnd payabla. A1 l.endar'a requeot,�rentoror Rorrawar,ae the caco mny bo,chntl fumlch n comptaM etatament setting tonh
<br /> atl of Ii�etalcisotd�ro,membero,or partnera,aa approp�iaW,and the sxtent of tAOU reepxtive ownarahlp lnteresie.
<br /> � 0. Af1910N1iAENT OF R�NTB. ln canolderatlon of ths Qbllgatlqnn,whlch are seo�red by thin Oead af Truol,arantor absolut�1y essl8ne to lender ell
<br /> A
<br />. tlrentorb satate,�Ipi�f,1{lte,Inte�est,clalm end demnnd naw awrsed or horealtet scqut�ed In nll oxlstlnp nnd future lea.^.as oi tho P�operN Qnctodin� ��
<br /> �xna�ions,amvrila�nd�ubleacea),ell a�re�msnts for uce end oocupanoy o11he Praptrty(ail cuoh loa:e�and egreemente whethm wdtten or ara,
<br /> an hsnafbr ref�rnd to aa th�"leasea'►,au�d all punrantles o1los�e�a'p��4ormanas under the leasse,eagather wlth the ImmedNte end oantlnulrtg
<br /> riaht to co11ec1 ans!reo0hro all of th�ront�,tnoome,rec�tpto,revenws,latuta,prollte nnd othar lncoms af any nature now ot hereaiter du�prtctudlnp
<br /> any Irtoom�01 any�ttute caminp due duriny any redemptlon psriod)under Ih0 l,�asea or trom ar ed�InD out o1 tAe Praperty Inctudinp minlmum
<br /> ra addittcntl rente,pe r�oente�ge rcnU, pnrktnp or eommon draa mRlrnert+�ncr ow�tributtons,tax ertd Inaur�rtee�nt�lbutiona,deticl�nay rmt9,
<br /> Itqut atrd dama���totinvinp deteutt In �ny Leane, atl prooeede pnyabls under any po�loy o1 Inauranee aavsring lona o!rente tosutUn�trom ,. .
<br /> untenantabtliry caused by destruct�on or damnge to the Properry,atl procood�pnyuhlo an u roeuit ot o lonsoo'o axerclao of an option tr�purchase the
<br /> • Property,sll prooeade dcrivad fron�tho torminntton or roJactlon of any Lnnco In o bnnkruptcy o�athor In6otvonay pracaaAinp,und aU proceedo lrom �
<br /> � any N hro end otAlme o1 pny kinA vrhtch tirAntor may hava n9ainst pny lessee unQer the Leaues ar any occupunto ct tho Proparty(a1101 tha above are ,_�'
<br /> htroa�r colttotlwty roterred to as tho'Rentn'►. Thle asslgnmom le aubJect to tho Upht,powur and authority elvan to the Londar to oollect and ap�ty = ,;
<br /> tM RMnb. Thls�eatpnmom Is roca�ed t�aoanrdancs with eppllcabie stato law;ihe Iten cteated by thl�r�signment In Intended to bs epecitto, �,�� .� :-
<br /> � • pertscted,and eAaate upon ths rocordinp o1 thls peed ot Trust,all as proviticd by appllaabti stt�M law ao ameoded trom time to tlmo. �ls tonp ae -�_ :�,° __.
<br /> thore le no Qdault urtd�r ths O011pattona or thle Oesd of Truat,l.ender prent9 arantor o ravocable Itoena�to ooltect ell R�nte irum the lauae9 when •°°`�"' ;__
<br /> due and to ua aueh prooeed3 In Qrantor'a bualneas opuatlona. Nowwer,t,ender may at eny Ums rsqulro Qranto�to daposit NI Rente tMO nn _;�;,�.;:-
<br /> ncoount m�Int�tnW hy Qnntor ot L.�nd�r ai Und�r'4lnstltutlon. Upon ddault In ttie payment of,o�In tho peAorm�nos af,sny o1 th�OOltpatlorta, :�c;'k�=�,
<br /> ' ^�+. � l+ond�r may at IU oplioa tak�posso=alon of th�Prop�Ay an�l hs��a,l�otd,manaps,l�aas and operate the Properry on torma end foi o psriad a1 Um� ,� z�:, ._.
<br /> �i th�t L�ndet d�emo proper. lendsr m�y praoeed t o coll�ct end reoehrs all R ente trom t h�prope r t y,a n d U n d e r 6 h a t 1 h:n v f u t l p o w�r t o m a k t ��`�
<br /> dteraUon�,���oaattonf,npatro or apttoemanta to the Prop�ny a9 lender may dwm pmpe�. lander m�ynppty�I Rmta 1n l�nderb wt�dt�or�tion '=�'_��`
<br /> ? to paymmt o!th�Qt�1lpaUons or w ths peymenl 01 ths oo9t ot such n�tarntton9,ronovallons,tepalre ond replacemonte ar�d any expense�Invldent to f� 3y_
<br /> �'' tikln p�ncl Malnln a p ossesslon of the Pro p�R y perlodlostry tnd ths msn�pzmsnt and op�ratton ot ttte Rrp�aRy. LenQer mwy keop the P�roperty '0��-;°,s
<br /> � � proparry Insurtd anQ may dlscharps eny texea,oh�,rQea,ctalme,asseasnrorrte nnd athe�Ilene r►fiich mny a�.^rue. Th�exp�nis�nd ca a t o!t h e 3 a ,��--,...;..3-
<br /> aslicm may be pskf 4ram Uee Renb rr.oehred,and tu►y unpald amiu►nu sh�tl be added to the princip�l of tha QDIIptUona. Tl�aa��mounu,tag�Mer
<br /> - M� � with olMr coaU,�h�!b��oms p�t of th�O011p�tlono escured by thla Qeed of Ttust. �==
<br />