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<br /> _�-�• � in r.oniidrrotlon ot tM loan or otnor c�edit ac�commodat�on here�namr epeatlied anii�ny/uture advinoes or future Obilp�tton�,n�deHned Mr�tn,
<br /> which may here�natter be advanoed o�Incurred end the tn+at hsrNnaftet rtNntlon�Q und oth�r aood u�d vatuabl�Wntid�ratlon,th�reatpt�nd
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<br /> ' ��� 6uoasaars�rtdasslQns,lntruet,tor.. e---e- � -�-. ---_. . - --
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<br />-_����� Int�r�at U�nd to the roal property dsscrlbW In&ch�Qula A whlch le�ttnehW to tGtc+O�scl of Trusi�+nd lncorporat�tl hereln Oy this re��enoa,topether
<br />- =�--- with�II prswn!and rt�rtura Impravemunta and 1lxturea:ell tartDibl�p�rfon�t prop�rry 1noludlnp without Ilmitatlon ail machln�ry,�qutpmern,6uildir�
<br /> -� = _._,y __ d.,.�r.,,,.��H��no mnaumer aaodsl now Ot hereatt�t taoatW on ot useQ In oonn�ctlon with th�n�al Q���.w1►�th�
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<br />__�vr�=� rwlousry or sub�s uent trnnsterted to th�Prop�riyr __
<br /> �� ��I prop�riy:Naua.�tceme��nd othsr aprMm�nts;nnb,lesu�a aRd protia;wat�r,wall,ditoh,aservolr Wnd minotul rl�hta end stocke pertalniny to
<br /> -_,:�-�� th�nxi prop�rty(cumalathroly`Prop�rty')�to hav��nd to hold th�P�op�rty and the�Iphts herehy prantM lor th�aae rutd Mnsfit o}Trustee�hb
<br /> �uoa�on and asityna�untll psyment In tull of all O�.�D�tiano CoCUrod hereby.
<br /> --��� Mor�owr In furth�r con�idaatlon,qrkntor does,foi Grantot and(inntory heirA,cepretmt�Wao Rnd u�ipm,herabga�xptaty w�n+�nt,a�veamt.
<br /> pnd uOrN w�th L�nd���nd Truatw rnd tA�tr suooauora end aaslyna ae tollowa:
<br />�---a
<br /> 1. ODLKii1Ti0N8. Thia ONd o1 Trust oh�ll swun th�p�yment�nd p�rform�na ot all pn�ent and future Indebtednta�,li�bllltl��,c+t+;lystlona and
<br /> : - � oowmnt�ot Borrawet or tirantor(oumutatN�ty'ObtlpaUon�')to tsnde pur�uant ta: 1
<br /> — .��)thl�DMd ot Tru�t end tM fotla�vii prami�so�not�s�n�d ol�rlaSlnemente: _ _-.-'-.--....
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<br /> �"�'° � (4�RII othir present or luture,writtan agrceminfe wlth Lendtr ihat rotir epsc8lcAtty to thle Obid�ol Truat(wfi�tf�s�c�cuad!or!M�ot
<br /> .. _ '3�� 611MnfIt pa►pawf thail tM forp0l�W1�
<br /> ,., �� `�� any Qu�ranry ot obilpatlans tf�thsr paAl�s pivan to Lend�r n�v ar h�a�B�r�x�autad that nt�m ro Mla D�d ot Tn�st;
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