1 �p1 i rv�.,. —��'7 � Z -�.� �:�q � { , „�� �. i4 r -t y?i {+t� '7 ��. .. .
<br /> 1.� � " ��i� l�� \ \�y{i{' � � �iS�PT.� ��...
<br /> r,° t t Y�YiN{.1 �,
<br /> 1 � �rrl , u u . _ �,�i:. .�'�•1': 1�� -'� -� -_j�. ,��.�ti
<br /> ai�; � � !z,�,' „ . t..:�1.r-- ` -^--._.... _.,{
<br /> �; �'--�a� �� _ `_ � � r ,_ �d��� ---� I
<br /> -.y��nn � r�7� -.,�+:�
<br /> � � .. � _` -,...ri.z_._�._.._::.� .
<br /> � -�==�� .. . ' ._ . � � �� . . . .. ~y.-, �yv.hm.��i��.'_
<br /> ......,.�.- -_�L.�.:�-.:�` .". .�-- r . - -------_.
<br />. ....t+� ��'°t��„'"H - - ,3scu. ...�...�� � wi5cti�wrww:»=..�_--__
<br /> .
<br /> _-' -.'+�119i'— -
<br /> ` - - -- -- --°;�'_,� - �__..,......... __.._._.—_ —
<br /> �-�a,►.° � �----- ---•-- �---` .. _
<br />-- --=--"�.- ---.�._..._ _ -. -
<br /> ��� :��e��i:�.
<br /> Nt)N•UNlFO'tM C'nVl'NAN'1'�. Itro•iutivice nn�f t.csidc�Q�►Qtcr ruvcnrnt nnd oqrce nv fnittnva:
<br /> 17. l�z►r�k�►m F+•oc�`elue.�. IP l..cndee rt�uitr�hnmr�tinto�ay mr.,��fn A��1 undre pa�g�upt��►,t�c�t�trr utny ie�au�e tlio
<br /> Esowcr oY h�lo ertd nny athcr�r�nr�itrY�uultt��t hy u����ticat+Io ta��. Lcrtctcr Ah.�A bc entiti�ct ta ei►I►cr�ntl ex�s.ev iacur�ed fn
<br /> piasnhig tfr�tc~�#kw�c►vkk�1{�tt►ia pasa�apA 19,�AC�ll}I,L711[�UZ WIl�RCtI Gt�ft'�iNiH1t�L'klll{NItCyU� !'c€a u�:d a►s�.y uf tltlo _
<br /> G�'��. -
<br /> 1�!��ower�t�w1e�v(n�rnlceol,TF-cxate�ai�xll uv.v�w1 a��otice o!driautt In c�nc�c�nnt [n whkh�ny��art u�iite
<br /> fh�periy b 1cx�atod wn�i��AR maA wup�eB o�6[[cfi aat�'rn ii�v mai�rm�.:`.��-'�-�x'��E�W t������r�!�l cn .
<br /> !he ott�er pernon+ptr+ci�lbrd by NppiMA6�l�w. Aner thu tlanere�idr+sd by o �ikAb�e taw,'A'ru5tc�c,ehall givA�hlk
<br /> notka ot sx�e to thc per�sc�r�.r pnd 6�tho nixnner rescrilxxl by rp tik�sble(ai'+.�trr.withaut dem�u�t!un k�arrawcr.
<br /> eh�0 sell fha Pmlxriy ut nt�bik Nuctken ta tho h�hest bWder at t�o t1�tt�Wnd ptuca A�nd under the trnny deslgn�ted In
<br /> 1l�e nuttco ai�als In one dr mure pAmcin ond i��en•y or�cler�Cn�ctoc dMcrn�lnes. 'f'�vstca mwy postgone sate af ali ur eny
<br /> d�,r��qn�Ay pur+�ch8�tho�l�nnperl�t��iy snnk.e!tho t�no aind plwoo uf pny prt�vbu;iy schcdulcd spk. Lc�t�tcr ar tcq
<br /> Upou recrtut oY pxyuicnt at 1�ho prim htd,�'rustc�ah�ll dcllvcr to Iho purclhascr T�s�tce'o dc�d canvayin�tho
<br /> I'roprrty. '�he recitals tn Ihe'i'e«stee's decil ehall ba prima Pack:ovidcnco uf t6e trutd of tlke sdotements xnado Iherein.
<br /> 'I��tltitC@ fihAU pPP� lhC pDOlrCd9 Ot IIiQ 68Ia(Il llt0�OUOW�tI$Oi`IIEI`� �Q��O{I�l M5f9 qllil CX(kR.9e9 0�i`XfPrL4I11j;II10
<br /> �w�rr ot w►te.und the sale,[+iclu�tng the payntent�at the'�nutco'R fas aMu���Y Imur�+c+f,nat ta cxcecd ��1u2 `k
<br /> ot the principal qmuunt of thu�mto nt iho tineo of tho decls�rwt[an af detault, ond reaso�blo attoraeys' [eey ay
<br /> perroftted by luw;(b)tn all hunu�sec�ircd by thtv i�ecurity[nstc��nicnt:aaQ(c)auy excess to tho pe�son nr pcnson9
<br /> lcgpi�y cntttkd to it,
<br /> Ie. li�conveyancr. Upun paymcnt af uQ xums securcd by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. Lcndce shnll rr,qucsa 'bhutco w
<br /> rcconvcy tho Pra}�crty nnd:�6�I1 surrcndcr thiA Sccudty Instiument Qnd ali notc9 evldencin�t��"+�:s.cured by this Aecurlty
<br /> Insuumcnt to Tcuqtcc. TruStec�r+hnll n�nvcy Iho Rapeciy withnut wcirranty nnd witt�aut cT�n*�c Fa tfte pc�r:an or�cy.+ATl:I _
<br /> lc�nlly cntlt��il to it. Such pancon ar pclx�ns ehnll pzry nny�cmrdntior►a�sts.
<br /> 19. �Cubxtituia Tnutao. L.cndcr,at ita opHan,m�y frum timo tc�timo irmc�ve TR�sta�t►nd np;�int u�n���$snr ht�siw ta
<br /> uny'iY�ustce c+ppnintccl her�u�adcr. Withaut co�weyanco af ttio Property,tho R�+ooessor trustee nhall �ua;ccd t,��lt thc tiQe, _
<br /> pnw�r�u�d dud=v ewnfcrnc��z}�u+n Tn�stec hcrctn and by ap�licnbto law.
<br /> 20. itet�u�t[or Noticca. i�orrnwcr royucnts that caplrs of tho natice�a oF clefiiutt and eulo bo nent ro l9or��v�r'e add�rss
<br /> which i��ho 1'¢�aperty Addrec�.
<br /> Kkkie to itdr+tSecuutty[nst�vmen�. if ano or mara ridcrp aro cxccutcQ 6y liottmvcr nnd a+ec�orded wgcthcr with this
<br /> Secudty InSUUment. thc covensnts ni' cuef� c+uch rider sh�lf � incbrpor:�tai into ancl tihall am�nd nnd RuppW�ncnt thn
<br /> c�vcnanu+and a rccmenRg of tltle Securfry InSuvment�.a if tho rtder(R>wero in a pnrt of��ds Sr,cudty fosUU�en�.
<br /> ICt►ock�ppUc�b�Aax(e.v)J.
<br /> �Cund�mtt►1�m Ricic; �t�rndunted Pc►ymcnt Ridrr ��►raw3ng Gquiry�idcr
<br /> , �Pl�nnal Unit Ikvcl�pment Etiacr ��(Khcr lSl��ifyl AIQRTQAGE AO'OEND1�iM
<br /> _._._ . . = 3�`,:,,�.,;?
<br /> BY�I�Elil�ci�F.lT3W;B�r w��rePu u�d���io ina i�m,.t so�R•#��- �•�"s�=-� '"°•"""'--— -
<br /> Imtrument�nd in any d�ki�A)cKa:utod by B�imow��r und n.�cardc�l wl�h it.
<br /> �t��a� WIi11C59:
<br /> �� � � ��L!ll�.�.! ...Y.=., -.._.. ..� ...,,...-..
<br /> ��.�... � �_.___�_......,�....._...-.--
<br /> rc�i� µc,u.vAru�
<br /> ____....�._....�.... cg�a� .�.. cs���
<br /> ""'" - - 8otmwer Bixrower
<br /> . ..._.._.....,._._..�...-.—..-. (SOUI) W_._...�...�....._.._._.�..- - --•�tiexl)
<br /> paROwor BoRnvrtr
<br /> (Scal) M....�.. . . (.Sea1)
<br /> '""""—"" purm�vct ���1WQ�
<br /> STA'CLt OF Nk0ltA5K.A, Hq�„�, Caunry k9:
<br /> Qn��H g� duy of NovQmbit�t� 1995 .�farc mo,tho underKigncA,o Natwy
<br /> i'ubli�duly wuuuissinnetl ond q-twltficd foe satd cc�un�y.pc�xonully riuna Kp�j�� �. �AcALPIfJB
<br /> A SLNOI.E PERSON �to mo known tn bo tho
<br /> #d�:ntical pc�xnn(s)whrse nwne(x)ara auhscribed to tha forcgc►in�Inatrument und Acknowledgc�l the uxecutton their�f to bp
<br /> � vuluntaey(►ct nnd etcc�i.
<br /> �itness my hAnd and nmerial�1 at pRANU 1SUWD in Hnld caunty.the
<br /> duw aforer�tid.
<br /> My Commissinn expirc9: ��
<br /> Notnry f'ublln
<br /> gEhtq������HP•5��,•�INthr�ska RO/3ERTA L REED
<br /> 6 �30� ENTA l.q:ED
<br /> Mr Ca�E�v 1u�y 3u,1991 ��(�UNS7'FOtt R�:CONVG'YANCk
<br />— �•rKUS�cx�:
<br /> fhc uucicreigncd iA tho holdcr o/tho noto or na�cw�cc:um,�1 by this!?ced of Trust. Sa�d now ar nntcs.c�gcthcr with ali
<br /> othcr ind�+5:cdncsy securcd by this Ucct1 of Truxt,hnvc been paid i�full. Ynu nra hcreby dir�.:.�a�co cnncel said noto ar notes
<br /> AR(I(I1�9�SCC(I Of Tlll9t�WIIICII AIL'��:ia ercd hcreby,and tn rcconvcy.without wtu�ranty,ail tise e�:aw nuw hcld by you un:�r
<br /> this Dccd oP'!'nist to tho peraon ar persans lcg�lly cndticd therctc►.
<br /> • `" ','b.�
<br />_ b�►w: .�._. Y..
<br /> � (Puge 4 oj4 pagea)
<br />