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Th�pmcccds af�ny rnvnni nr rtulm Iiir dnnin�ev,dimet i�r 6on�equcnUnl,in cottnrrdun wlih uny <br /> cuudca►nn�iu►�ur uth�r uiking of nny part of the i'm�erty,ar ti�r��mvey�n��c in pi�ne ni'ru►xi���ar►a�tun,nr.:hrn;by ns�i ,acd -. <br />_ ---- and xhatl bc pald tc�lxn�r to the G+�t�nt ot the fall emrtmt�►f tltr indc�hiedriesv that�enieinw u��palti utHler 1ho Nute en�thl.y ��. <br /> ...:..i=� SccuHry In�StnunenG LPndcr sh�ll upply durh pr.�crcds w th��rcdu:tian nf tho tnctc6udnc�s undrr thn Nutc and this Sc�uriry <br /> n_ <br /> In,l�uwuit, li��l ta c+ny dcUnqttcnt amounty appllcd in thc uutcr pravidcci in PamArnph 3, nnd �hcn t�� prc,� .+f <br /> - - principul. Any npptirutiun vi' tita �ri�h��r tn tf�c prinrip�:{ s{�alf not r�ten:! ar iu�.t�s}ne tt� duc dutr af t��? ���nnthly �• <br /> � p;►ymente, which nre nefcrrcd tu fn Piuogrnph 2,ur ch:+n�e the nmuunt at'wurh paymc�ity. Any rxcesr• uucecds avcr:�rt <br /> mm�unt rcyuired t.►P�►y�►U uutytnn�ti�ip indehtedncsti undrr thc Nute shnti he puid a+the entity Icg�d1Y endtic��thcr�to, <br /> : 8. Fccw. I.endcr mny wllcct 1'ecy cu�d chiu�c�nuthc�riYCd hy thc 5ccmtury. <br /> - �"� 9. Graundy for Accctemttun ut btb� <br />_ -.�'� (a)Default. I.cncicr mny,cxrcpt a�Itmitcd hy�rg��lati��ns igsucd hy thc Sccret�iry!n thc ciiyc ni'p��ymcnl dcfiiulh+. <br /> � req�iro tmmcdiatc pnymcnt in full of all sum��:ccumd hy thi�5ecu�ity Inseument if: <br /> „ p)Karrawer defnulGti hy failing to pny in A�0 nny numthly puyment mquircd hy thi�Srcurlty Inti�rumeiu priar <br /> . to ur on tho duo datc of the next munthly paymcn�or <br /> _ (iit Brnrowcr dcfnultri by t�iling,far n peri�id af thirty dayv,ta perform nny uthcr uhNgatinnw rantnined in this <br /> Se�urlly tnsuument. --- - <br /> . (b)Salo Wlthout Crcdit Appravnl. I�:nder ehull,ii pcnnittcd by c� pUcnhlo Inw nnd with thc priar uppravi�l oti tha <br /> Sccrctary,rcquinc immcdiiitc p�ymcnt in full uf ull tltc su�nv sccurcd�y thiw Scrunty Intitnnnent if: <br /> - (i)All ar part af thp f'r��perty.��r i►hencficiid intcrc�t in c�Ut�yt awning idl ur pcut aP tho euld ur ___, <br /> � athcrwisc tranfifc�rcd(nthcr ihun hy deviso ur desrcm►by thc Horrmvice.nnd ''� <br /> (ii)Thc Pmperty iy nut ncrupicd by�he purchnrer c+r grnntco as hia on c�r principul rcridcncc,ur tho purchnscr <br /> . or amntcti doe9 nu accupy the Praperty but his un c�r credit hns nat been uppmvcd in accordnnce •,.'�� <br /> with the rcquirament�nf thv Secretnry. -- <br /> ,. � (e)No Walver. If circumstnnces�ccur that would perr�nit l.ende�ta rer�uiro immedinte puyment io ft�ll,hut I.ender �~;=Y <br /> :>,,.„ � itucy nat requiro aud�pnymenty.l.ender dnes nat�vuive itv ri hty with res ect ta subs uent eventr,. �� <br /> �,.�•�,, '. (d)lte ulattonv ot HUU Secretory. Im m�ny circumst�nceRn:gutntlansiawued by th�Sec��tnry wfll limit l.ender x ��' <br /> dgh�9,�n tha cuso af paymcnt dcfnulty, to rc.�uire immcdlato pnyment in fldl nnd fumclow tf nat pnid, 'ifiiy ��` <br /> ��`����� Sccurlty Instrument aoc.a nat nuthurize ua�olerntiun ar farcCtusu�o if ni�s Aormit�ed by rc�ulauan�c�f tho Se�:�+cu►ry. — <br /> �, �.. ._ <br /> (e)Mortga�a Not Insurcd. �3atrawer t��.cw thut shauld this Sccurity Inytnimetu nnd tho noto aacurcd thcreby not <br /> ,"�,`.�;�` ' bx eiigibto for insurancc+uncler tho Nntion�►1 Huuxing Act withln 8 ��� from cho �� <br /> :ti'.:�:.��' � � <br /> ;,�t�_ dute hereof,Lcndcr mny,nt iGc option and nah�ithat�nding nnythin�ia Y.�ta�ruph 9.reyuiro iminccQnto pnyinent in �= <br /> �;;�.;r�' . iull of n11 su��s�ccured by tMw Securlry Iosuument. A wrltten ntatement os nny nuthorixed agent oY ths Secretury - <br /> Jated subseQuent ta 8 montlt/., from tt�o dnto hcreaf,dwIIninB to Insu�e this Securlry <br /> �N��� Inshument�nd tho nato secured ths:reby,ahnll bc decmed cancluaive pmuP nf�uch ineflgibiliry. (Votwlthstnndinp — <br /> the tare�oing,this option mov nai ba exercised by Lender when tha unnvc�ilabillty of inhu�nnr.�iv ealcly due ta <br />- �.et[ct�'R faitum io�etttiE n tiior�g�c i�.riifi'�tC3 pic�iiiuti�tts i�i8.°�i'�i►ry•. . _ <br /> - ''�=�`� 10. Rcinstatement. 8arrawer hav a dght to be reinstated if L.endcr h�.v rcquired immediuto payment in fuil bccuusfl of <br />-�� Bonowcr's fallurc to pny nn nmaunt duc�mdcr tho Nato or thir►Sccurity Instn�mcnt. 74�ia rlght upplie.g evcn aftcr farcclosuro <br />'�"�'� roceedings aro inrdtuted. Ta reinstata dio Sccurlry Instrument,Borraver ehnll tcndcr in A lump aum ull nmaunta requireel to <br /> __— �ring Rar�wcr's accaunt currcnt inctuatng.u�mc oaunt t�oy aro obfi�adons oi�rarmwer und�mis a�cuziir inatru..i�n� a_ <br /> --��"� Porcclosure costy nnd rcnsonublv nnd custamnry attomeyx' fcoy und expenses pmperly mRSOClated with tha forectasuro <br />-_:,,��►� prooccdin R.. Upcm cclm�tutement by Harrowcr. tMy Scrudry lnstrument aed tho abligadons thnt it�ccures ehnll �eoiain in <br />_,�;��� cffcct ay it I..endcr And not requirc,�iinmcdiato pnymcm in ltall. Huwevcr.Lcndcr ia not reyuired ta permit rcinstutcmcnt if: <br /> -- (i) Lcndcr hav acceptcd reinwtiuemcnt uRcr tho cummcncemcnt af fureclosuro pmcccdinga within two yenrn inuntditttely <br /> =:s� preceding tho cammenccmcnt of n cume��t fon�losuro pracee�iinR. pU rcinstntemcm �vlll precludo fareclosuro on diffcrcnt <br /> ,;,�=��� grounds in thu Ntu�b,or(iii)rc+insuuemcnt will adver�ely af'fcct tho prtndty of tho Iten crented b thiA Secu�ity Insuumcn� <br /> �� 11. Borrower Not Rckascifq Corbeananc� by l�cndc� Nol o Walver. Bxtension O�fItO 1I1i10 Of pnymcnt ar <br /> --_=i madiftcutian of e►mortizc�don of th�hun�.y sccurcd by this Security ln�trumem g�untcd by l.�ndcr ta nny successor tn interest <br /> --- of Bormwer shnll nai apemte to reicoso tho liubtliry af tho orlginnl Borrower or Bajrawer'e successat in interest. l.endcr <br /> shall not bo rcquircd to commenco prauc�dinga nEnin�t nny Rucccssor in intcrest ar rofliso ta oxtcnd dmo far ps�mcat ar <br /> othenvlsa mod ti jr amartlzntion af tho aums sccurcd by thi.g Scrurity I�sttumcnt by reason af nny demnnd mad�by tho <br /> odginal Bvrmwer ar Harra�vcr's succc�son�In i�tcrest. Any fai4x.lranca by I.cnder in axcnising any dght or rcnKdy ghall <br />__-�� not ba n wniver of or preclucio tho exerciso af any rlght ar remecly. <br /> i�. Suaessore and As.91Ros Bound;Jotnt pnd fioveral l.tabQUy;Ca3ignere. 7'ho cavcnant�nnd ogrccmcnta u1'thiA <br />--- -- Scsurlty Instn�ment Rhull bind und bene�t iho successar�nnd cwxi os��f Lendcr and Barra�ver.subJc:ct to tho provisinns af __ <br /> -- Purnbraph 9(b). Borcawer's cnvcnnnt�nnda�reemcnu+shnil bo�o�nt nnd ecvcrnl. Any Borrawcr wha co-si�ns this Sccurity <br /> --- ----- instru�uent but dnes not executo tho Nata: (n)ly arxlg�inB this.ecudty lnstrument only ta martgago.grunt nnd convoy thvt <br />°—""— Borrawcr'�intcrcst ln tho t'ropc�ty under iho terms af thiq Security lnsut�menh,(b)ia nut per�oni►Ily ablignted ta pny thu xums <br /> - <br />