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_— _ <br /> - . ��-�j i`'t,�,;t ..�.,��r���-- }.`.-:,l o -y - �-- ris—r J__- - }' °_,._ -�__.-_----T-- - --==- - - _-_ -_ . . <br /> f. , <br /> ' .:'•. <br /> � <br /> �i t t�.l r 4 �$� ,S �t i h• �� . !{� 4i ��� <br /> ' S;.,y`1I I:� � � ., G , 1,}�: � .� ''1.. , �:��� . <br /> � •i�,y3����-,'a,�.f ,. . ' .!r.,Y ....w..,. { • � <br /> �� ,..����:;::; . 1 -_.r��tl,�.:=._ _ _. � <br /> � ' � . . � , -. ....-.. . - ' , . . � " _ }'�.Y1.w... .a._. <br /> � p _� - - - . ..._T • . .,.a ,....y�e...�y,v , . ;I,..rT. .,...�:._ <br /> .1. ..,v :p,'tj;�:R,.; . <br /> . . '�aftx�aa....o.�w .. . ... -� .,�..r. . ... ,t..,w�...f,iN�s.M�,:d�nY-mts�a�F�si. , . _. _ ---' . <br /> ...: .. . '�"'k�"�'�-�.+�''+.--"'�1r�'�-r'r�y"'� ... - - �..,�..� .._= ���.:+c- - - -- <br /> .,•.d,� • i <br /> _-- -:.:;.� ,. <br />._.,�-L-ismc.all <br />-`._2�1�W.'ur�r.A • �[� <br />_�_��� applicnblc luw mny Rpccify far rcinatatcment) bcfare salc of the Property pursuant ta any power�of sal cb'�a��n�� <br />'�"�s''•� Sceurlry Inatrurnent:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcins this Secudty Instrument. Those conditions aro that Borrower la) <br /> 4��� payR I..citdcr all fiums which then wauld bo due under U�is Securlty Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had <br /> :,`•:�i� accurred;(b)cures uny default of nny other covennnts ar ngreemcnta;(c)puys all expenses incurred in enforcing this Securlty <br /> ��,;i�� I�stcumcnt, including.but nat limited ta,reusanublc nttomeys'fees; and(d)tolces such ucUon as I.ender may rcnsonably <br /> �-�.,_,��-` requiro to asaure thut the licn of d�is Secudry lnsuumen�Lendcr's dghts in the Ropetty end Borrower's obligadon ta pay the <br /> aums eecured by this Secur�ry Instrument ehnll continuc unchunged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower. this Secantry <br />`'���•� Instnunent und the obligoUons secuted hereby shail mmain fully effective as�f no aeceleratipn had occurred. However.this _ <br /> _-�::.�r��� right to neinstate shal!rtot apply in tho cuse of acceiemdon under paragrnph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note;Change o!4oatt Secvlcea The Note or a partiul interest in the Nate(togefher wiW this Securlry <br />��_ Insm�ment)may be Fold one or more dmes without pdor notice to Bo�rower. A ssle may result in a change in the endty <br />-5=� ' (known as the"L.oun Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note aad this Security Ias�neaG There also <br /> ��4: mny be one or more changer,of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. lf thet+e is a change of the Loan 3ervicer. <br /> �_� Borrower wjll be gtven wrItten notIce of the change in acco�ar+ce with paraguph 14 above snd applicable law. The nodce <br /> ="���' wiU state the name nnd address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to wbich paymeats should be made. Tke nodce will <br /> _�,�- also contain any other informadon required by applteable law. <br />-��� - Z0. HezaMouv Snbstences. Borrower shall not c.r►use or pemilt the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any <br />='""��`? Hazatdous Subsiunces on or in the Ptnperty. Borrower shall aot do.nor allow aayone else to do.anythu►g affecdng the <br /> _._- ,� Aroperty that is in vtolation of any Enviroamentsl Law. 'Ihe prereding cwo senteaces shall not apply w the presence,use,or <br />---A-,'�. swrage on the Pioperty of smaU quantides of Harar�ous Substances that ac�e generally recognized to be appropriate to normal <br /> residentlul uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borcower shalt prompdy give I.ender�rrittea nodce of aay iavestlgetion,claim,demand,lawauit or other acdon by any <br /> '�-� govemmenta!or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any I-Iarardons Substaace or Envtronmental <br />_ Law of which Bortower das actual knowledge. If Botrower Iearns,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory <br />�'=;��";��_`� authority.that any c+emoval or other remedIadon of aay Hezardous Substence affecdng the P�nperty is necessary,Bormwer <br /> = shall prornpdy take all necessary nemedial actioaa in accoidence with Environmeatal Law. <br /> —== As used in ttds patagraph 20."Hazardous Subsmuces'are those substances defiaed as wxic or haztudous substances by <br /> _ _-�,� Brevironmental Law aad the foUo�ving substeaces: gasoline, kecnseae,other flaznmable or toaic petmteum products. toxtc <br /> pesticIdes and herbicides.voladle solvents,muterials conteining asbestos or foravldehyde.and radloactive materials. As <br />=------ used}n this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"meaas federal laws and laws of the Jurisdicdon where the Property is lacated <br />_.�_%� that relate w heaith,safety or environmeatai prouction. - <br /> `7 NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomowec and Lender further covenant aad agree as follows: <br /> � = 21. Accelerattan;Ytemedfea I.ender sludl give nottce to Borrower prFor to acoeleratEon following Borrower's <br /> = breach of any covenaut or sgreement in this Secudty Instrument(but not prior W aecelerattoa under paragraph 17 <br />_--•;�,� uniess appllcai�le taw prnvldes otherwise). 37�c Qoficce sm�i apec�'i'y: fa)iia d��i¢�t�3 it�acliva r�u€r�3!c xr.r�!ke <br /> -;_;,�� defaWU(c)a date,not less than 30 daya flrom t6e date the notice is given W Borrower,by which the detauIt must be <br />����=�� enred;and(d)t6at fsdbu+e to aire We default on or before the date specSfied in the no@re mAy�resalt in acceleratton oi <br /> - We sums sec�ced by this Security Inshvment and eale of the Properiy. The not�ce sl�ll ti�rther inform Borrower of <br /> --- the right to reinstate attez'ea�eratton and tbe right to brlug s court adtan to assert the non�existence of a detanit or <br /> - any other detense of Borrower to aoceleraHon and sale. If the defaWt is not au+e8 on or before the date speciIIed in <br /> We nottee,I.ender at ita optlom m�y reqnlre im�nediate payment in tull of pil sums serure�by this Seau3ty Instrument <br /> without t'urttier demand aud mey invoke tbe power of sale and any other iemedfes permitted by appUca6le law <br /> — I.ender sLall be entltled to coIIect aA expenses Incurred in pu�suing the reanedies pwvided in this P�S�Ph 21, <br /> includWg,but not Umtted to,e+easonable attomeys'fees end costa of ttUe evidence. <br /> _ It the power oi sale is Invoked,7lrustee shall e+ecortl a nottce ot default in esch county in which any p�rt of tbe <br /> — Property Is locat¢d and shWl mall oopies of such aottce in tM manner prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower an�!to <br /> the Mher persons prescribed by applicable!aw Atter We dme required by applica6fe law,llrastce ehpll�ve publk <br /> notia of sale 4o the persons and tn the manner prescribed by appltcable law 'h�uste��rithout dems►nd on Borrower, <br /> shall sell the Property at pubitc suctEon to the highes!bidder at the Wne and pinoe and wtder the tcrm.s desfgnatal in <br /> t6e notioe of ss�le in one or more pnraels aud in any order 1Yustee determines� �rustee may postpone sWe of all or any <br /> pac+oel of the ProPertY by pn6lic announcwnent at the tlaie and place o!any prevtously scheduled ssle. Lender or[ts <br /> d�mey pnmhase the Progerty at aqy s�le. <br /> Up�en reoetpt oi payment of the p�toe b1d, 7�ustee sl�ll deiiver t�the pnrcl�ser ltastee's dad conveytng fhe <br /> Propetty. The recitals in the 7lrostee's deed s6a�6e prlma fsde evldeace of t6e trnt6 of the stateme�s made therein. <br /> 'hastee shs11 apply the prooeeds of the sale tn We following oader. (a)to a9 oosls and expevses of e�cemisipg the power <br /> --_� <br /> ��.� <br />__�--n� . <br /> - -_; ' c <br />:—_���� <br /> -_-,�,-� • <br /> -_ <br /> �can�r� _. __ ._- - -- - -- - � <br /> .2'� yTg�...�.�..___-�_� �.�� <br /> � - . .� . .. .. . ... .'... �� __ _ . <br /> n <br /> .. ,� ' . ��✓ � L £. __ <br /> . .. , ... _ .� r,._...� . i.�r t..war. <br /> . • <br /> .. • - � . . -:,. , .y- _ -,_ ._ • _.,. _ r�ty� <br /> ..���. ,--, ...� .. .:: .,-_;_. .;_� �„�_ - - ^- -� - - -- ---r _ _ - <br /> .� , •- . ' .. �II'�i' �-_ <br /> -�nt��'_F� . . � . - ,3.. . �. �v....�'§� � _. _ _. . ' � '�_ � <br /> ��. . � -' , - � . . .... � ~�,a-r.�(..� . 4� 'f � : <br />.'���. ._ . • . .. . ''�a.'��. . . '.t. _ <br /> r.�.�e�w w . .. •v.¢a mu�c . .�r-. <br />���.� �.'. � � , .. • :4'�ig;4F;�. �j^�ir7i:;�,�:X:r°.q_ +. . o � 4'•_ <br /> c •.s?i�'. c�:i'�i�i y' �`; <br /> `:Ju.t..":�c.1 .. . .. . �� " . . . . . `�.... �i'.�v7 �- va.�?c�. <br /> ......,_ G. � � . , � . -..� "�" .. ' . ., --_. <br /> :�M�..., . .. .. .t '`-• 'lr,T - �. <br /> _ ��!�.i':� .. .. . e . ' .. ' . _.(.... .. . . .�' . <br /> :e.{� <br /> �. .. .. 's 1j <br /> .,.y�,. . . .. . . -s� ••�:' . , . , s -. � . .. <br /> _ 1..'t �.wV�. •y�:. ��� <br /> ..V t . . _ K. e" . - <br />-�•y�,y1''. _��� .. , . ( . ,n - /n.� ^ '��! . ��' ` • . .. .. . , <br /> •, a ,� '.'+.. -� _ <br /> _.:y.'. . > >;:.t , <br /> - � , � - , yF;i, +a'�'�' „ _. <br /> . U �} . `�tr�. - ... , � i..".� _. <br /> ., . ,. . . . ;�I, �. _� �..t .sj�v-'_ti - . <br />