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<br /> 9. Na=s�dous Mmrl�ls.Trustor ahaQ keep the Properiy In oompllance wtth all appllcabie tawa,ordinanaea artd re�uteUona _
<br /> relatinp td tnduatrlel hypiene or environmental proteatton(aolleotlrely�eferred to hereln as"Environmentel Lawe'y.YNetor aha�l __
<br /> keep the Property free from a�t substences deemed to behazardoua ortoxia underany Environmental Lewa(colleottvstyrotoned to °
<br /> herein as"Hezardoua Metsriata'q.Trustor hereby warrants anc0 repreaenta to L,snder that there are no Hezardoua Matedais on or !�
<br /> underthe Property.Truator hereby aprees to IndemNly and ho�d harmteas Lender.Ita dl�eotora,otficers,empiayeeaartd apsnb,and
<br /> any auccessore to Lendor's Interest frcm and agnlnat any and a�l olaima,dama�sa,tosses and tlabltlties arialnn tn conneaUon w(th —
<br /> the pre�.�nc�.�s,�JI$FO�OI�TBIIBQQR O}pII,I H��EOLS MAtBtIAIe QrI,�!n�er,tr4m or abeut tha Property.5'HE FORE�OtivO `
<br /> 10. Asfl�nmNtt ot R�nb.Truetor hereby aasi�na to Lender the rente,lasues and prottts of the P�cperty;provided that trs�stor
<br /> shall,unUi tho ocaurrertce of an Event of Qetault hereunder.have the Mpht to coilectartd retain euch rente,Issuoa and profits aa they
<br /> become due end payable.Upon tl�e occurrence otan Event of Qefault,Lender may.either!n person or by agent,with or without
<br /> bringtrtg any acUon or proaeedlrt�,or by a receivereppointed by a aouR and without regard to the adequacy o!ite seou�ily,enter
<br /> upon artd taka passeaalon of the Property,or any partthereof,in(ts own name or In the name ot the Ti�atee,end do any acis whiah it �
<br /> deema necessary or desirable to preaerve the vaiue,matketabtiity or rentablUty af the Properly,or any partthereof or interest thereln,
<br /> inareaae the income theretrom or proteat the sec�ity hereof and,wtth or without tak(ng possesslon ot the P�operiy,eue tor or
<br /> otherwise cotleot the rente,issues arr�proflte thereof.inatuding thosa past due and unpatd,and appry the same,less costa and
<br /> expenaea of operaHon and coltectlon Inotuding attomays'fees,upon any indebtodness sscured hereby,all ln such orderaa Lender
<br /> may determine.The eniering upo�and faking posaeasion of the Properiy,the collecUon of such�enta,lssues and proflb and the
<br /> appitcatlon thereof as atoresaid,ahall not cure or waive any default or noUce ot detauit hereunder or Invalidate any act done in
<br /> responae to such detauitor purauantto suah�oUceoideffiultand,notwithstanding the conttnuenca M poasessforf otthe Properly or
<br /> the coltectlon,receipt and application of renb,issues or proftta and Trustee artd Le�ider efiett be enUUed W exercise evary dgM •
<br /> pmvtded for in anyotthe Loan Oocuments or by lawuponaxurrenceot eny Event of Oefauit,irtcluding withoutlimttaUonthe dphtto
<br /> exercfse the power of sete.Further,Lender's rightsend remedtea under this paragtaph ohail be cumuiadve with,and in no way a
<br /> Umitarion on,L.enders nghtsand remedies underanyasslgnmentof leasesand rentarecordedagainat theProperty.Lender.Trustee
<br /> and the receiver ehall be ltable to axount oniy.those rema actusliy received.
<br /> 11. Er�nte ot O�btuil.The fotlowing shall constltute an Evertt of Oefault under this Deed of Trust
<br /> (e) Failure to pay any instaliment oi principai or tnterest of any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A breach of or detautt underany provEslon coMalned in the Note,thts Oeed af Tvust,any ot the Loan Oocuments.orany
<br /> other tfert or encumbrance upon tha ProperiY;
<br /> (c)A w►It ot executlon or attachment or any ei milar process shal l b�ontorod uguin�t T►u3tor��hich�hall beaama a ilsn an �
<br /> the Properiy or any portlon thereof or interest�areln:
<br /> (d)There shalt be Hted by or againat Truator or Borrower an aatlon under any present or tuture tederal,stabf or other
<br /> statute,law or regulatlon relaUng to bankruptcj,lnsolvency or other reilet for debtors;or there sfiall be appointe�any truatee,
<br />- �5�.1S�S. �l�L1�SI�8LC�QT TS�!M SQ�TQYlS�L�!��!!I Of H!���R A}�?-P/A�I°IY,�r thw►pntn,issues or proflts thereoi;or Tivator ,
<br /> or Borrower shait make any general assignment for the bene8t oi credttors;
<br /> (e)The�sate,transfer,lease.asstgnmen�conveyance or turther encumbrance of all or any part oi or any Interest in the
<br /> Property.either votuMarfly or tnvoluntarity, wNhout the express w►(tten consent of Lender,provided that Trusta shall be
<br /> permitted to exeaute a lease of the Property tttatdoes not contain an opUon to purchese and the term of which does not exaeed
<br /> OR8 y88f:
<br /> (�AbandonmeM ot the Properiy;or
<br /> (g) If Trustor is not an(rtdividual,the issuance.sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a totat
<br /> ot�—percent ot(if e corporaUonj Its iseued and outsffinding stock or(If a parinership)a totel of percent of
<br /> p8rtne�ship interests d�hinp the pedod thts Qeed ot Trust rematns a Iten o�the Properiy.
<br /> 12. RwtNdMs;Acc�Nratlon Upon DdauN.in theevent otany Ever►t of Oefauk Lender may,without noGce except as required by
<br /> la�r.declare atl indebtedness tiecured hereby to be due and payabte and the same ahatl thereupon become due and payable
<br /> without any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any ktnd.ThereatDer Lender maY
<br /> (ay�Demand that T►ustee exercise the POWER OF SALE graMed heretn,and Trustee shall thereatter ca�a8e Truator'a
<br /> tnterest fn the Property to be sold and the proceads to be dtstdbuted,aU in the manner prov(ded in ihe Neb►aska TNSf Deeda
<br /> AC�
<br /> (b� Exerciseanyandall�IghtsprovidedforinanyottheLoanDocumerdsorbylawuponoccune:�CaOtanyEventofDetaui�
<br /> and
<br /> (c) Comme�ce an acUon to toreclose this Dead of Trust as a morcgage,appoint e recetver,or specJflcally enforceany of the
<br /> covenaMS hereof.
<br /> No remedy heretn contened upan or reserved to Trustee or Lender ts intended to be exolus(ve ot any other remedy i�eretn,in the
<br /> Loan Oocumeats or by taw provtded or pennttted,but each shali be cumuladve,shail be in addltion to every other remedy given
<br /> hereunder in the Loan Documents or now or hereafler existing at taw or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised concunentty,
<br /> i�dependenty or successtvety.
<br /> 13.ltustM.The Tiustee may restgn at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appotnt e
<br /> atnccassor or su6sUtute Trustee.Tiustee shal I�ot be Nable ta any party.(natudtng without IImNaUon Lender;Borrower.Trustor or arry
<br /> purchaser of tMe Properiy,for any�oss or damage uniessdueto reckless or willtul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any
<br /> acUon In connectlon with the enforcement of thiaDeed of Trus!unless Indemni8ed,in wHNng,tor eN costs.compensaUon or
<br /> expensea which may be assoctated tharewith.tn edditlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the PropExty Qudtciat or
<br /> under the power of sale granted herein);postpone the sale ot ali or any portlon of the Propeity.as provided by taw;or sett the
<br /> Properiy as a whote,or in separate parcels or Iotsat Trustee's d(scretion. �
<br /> 14. FMS and Fxp�ns�s.ln the event Trustee sel►s the Pcoperty by exercise ot power of sele.Trustee�hail b�entJUed to appty —
<br /> any sale proceeda ftrst to payment of aIi costa artd expenses of exerctsfng power of sate,inc�uding alt Trustea's tees.�nd Lender's
<br /> and Trustee's attomeys tees„aatualiy incurred to exlent permitted by appiicabte law.in the event 8orrower orTtustor exerctses any
<br /> �ight pmvfded by law to cure an Event of Defaui�Lertder shall be entlUed to recorer trom Trustor atl coats and expenses ectualty
<br /> incurred as a resut�of Truator'S default,inctuding without itmttadon atl Tivatee's artd attomey's tees,to the extertt permitted by
<br /> apPitcabte law.
<br /> 15. Futun AdyancN.Upon request of Borrowe�.Lender may,at Ita option,make addidonat and tuture advances and re- —
<br /> advances to Bortower.Such advances and readvanoes,with intereat thereon,sha11 be secured by this Oeed of Tiust At notlme shatl _
<br /> the principal amount of the(rtdebtednasa secured D�Mis Deed of TrusL not�naludirtg eums advanced to protect the security of this _.
<br /> t]c�1 nt Tn�at cv�m!fhn nAninul aulMl�l omn�aNn�n}�i Mrdn nr S �uhte�hovar III nrCatof
<br /> _��..o...�.r._.�.r._..__.__�_.._'_"'•_' -'-'--- ---
<br /> 18. ��fi'.M�fl1/011!PfOM1�1011l. -
<br /> (a) Borrow�r Not RNQased.Extenslon of the tlme tor paymeM or modHicaUon of amortizaUon of the suma secured by this =
<br /> Qeed of Trustgranted by Lertder to any successor in Interest of 8orrowe�shatt not operate to release,In any manner,the tlability `
<br /> oi the odglnal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interesl Lender shatl not be required to commenee proceedings against �
<br /> such successor or retuse w extend Sme iot paymentor othenvise modity amortlzaUon of the sums se�ured by thls Oeed of lYust ��
<br /> by reason o!any demands made by the orlginai BoROwer and Bonower's successors in interest
<br /> (b) L�Mar's Pow�s.Without aftecting the Itabllil�r of any other person Iiabte tor the payment of any obifgatlon herei�
<br /> mentioned,and without affecNng Me lien or char�a ot thia Deed of Trust upon any portion ot the Property not then or Neretotore
<br /> reteasad as snauriry for the tu�i amount et ali unpaid obllgaUons,Lender may.irom tlme to tlme and wlthout nobce(1)re�ease any
<br /> pe►son so Itabte,(ih extertd the maturtty or altereny ot the terms of any such obligadons,(ifl)grant other indutgences.(Iv)reiease �
<br /> or reconvey.or cause to be reteassd or reconveyed at any tlme at LendePs opUon any parcel, portlon ar all of the Properry,
<br /> (v)fake ar release any other ar addiUonat securiry tor any obligaUon herein menUOned,or(vh meke composittona or other �
<br /> arrangemente wtth debtora in relaUon thereto.
<br /> . ., . °. �
<br /> • �
<br />