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<br />_����.* QEED OF TRU�1T WITH F�lT�JRE ADifANCES
<br /> �'��� THIS DEHD Of TRUST,le made ae oi the��.day of Oatober ,19�,by artd emonp
<br /> �`'`�"��:- lzusband and wi Fe
<br />�.'�,;�s��K;��r� theTru�or, ��hard V. Dil�.man and Kare�a J. Dillman. .
<br /> s��.» ' 1�24 N. Lafayetto� arand I sla�nd, NE�hereln"T�ustor:'whsther ane or mors),
<br />"�tx"'��' whoae maillnp address is
<br /> � :: .. T..•;, tnern,e�s�� Aank og Dm�ni�ho.n _ . �,
<br /> .;v���- �
<br /> whoae maliing add►eaa is P•�• Bflx B� Doniphan, NE (herein•'Truatee'�,and
<br /> -- the eenoflctary, B� of Donit�hi�t► • _
<br /> `~�' -� whoae mafiing address la P•�• Box B, Doniphan, N� �heretn°�enae►'9.
<br /> �.eo
<br />••-�:,� � Riaha�d V„Dil].r►�n -
<br /> -_�;T_ FOA VAWABLE CON3IDERATION.inaludlrtp Lender'e extenalon of aredit IdenUfled herein M
<br /> �:�, .
<br /> ��.�,� and Kl�ren J. Di11mE�r�. husband an�e��onower",whsthor one or more)artd the uuet herein created.
<br />_,..,-4-�� ..
<br /> the recefpt of which(a hereby aekrtowledged,Trustor hereby frrovcoabty greMa,tranatera,conveya artd aan'.���se to Truatee,�N
<br />-_``_�'� TRUST,WITH POWER OF 9ALE,tor tho beeeflt and seeuHry of lsnder.undgr and eubject to the te s s ���naRer set
<br /> _-�� brth,the real property.described aa totlowa �•
<br /> titi9Did��
<br /> '��t�;� 1�L �sven �?�s Block Fi�"teen (15�, Scarff Addition, to the City of
<br /> =c:����r:� Grand Island, Hall County� �Iebraska.
<br /> '=��� Together wtth atl buildings,improvement� ifxtures,street0.eileys,passageways. easements,rights,privUeges artd appuRa-
<br /> :�� nances located thereon or te anywtae pertaining thereto.and the rente,issues and profite,r�veralone and rema[ndero thereot,and
<br /> auah�sersonal property that la attached to the improvementa so ae t�constiwte a flxture,Including,but not Iimited to,heatlng end
<br /> —__�� coolirtg equipmer�t and topether with the homeatead or madtai Interesm,if any.which interesta are hereby reteased artd walred;a1t
<br />=- of whtch,lrtcluding reptacements and eddiUons thereto,la hereby deciarad to be a part ot the reat es�ate seaured by the Iten of this
<br />-- - Deed of Trust end a1i of the bregoing being reterred to hereln as the"P�operty".
<br /> ,--�,.'� Thts Deed of Trust shall csecure(e)the payntent of the principal sum and interest evldenced by a promlaaory note or credtt
<br /> __—_ A�m��� AntrhAr �1��,Q95 �heving a maWrfly date ot �`T^°°"'�f°" �n_ 200'�_
<br /> .
<br /> �._�".� 1C7 1LG 71
<br />____��� In tho odginaf princtpal amoum ot$ • • .and any artd all modiflcaUons,extensions and renewats
<br /> - thereof oi thereto and any and at�tuture advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them H more than one)hereunder
<br /> -.� pur�ua�rt to one or more promlaaory notea or cr�dft agreemeMa(herein catied"Note'�;(b)the payment ot other sums adnanaed by
<br /> ---� Lertder�o daroteet the aecurfly otthp Note;(c)the pedormance ot all covenanffi and agreemerds of Teustor aet brth herein:end(�ait
<br /> °=� preser�t artd future indebtednesa and obllgaUons of Borrower(or any of them R more than one)W Lender whether direat,fndtmaL
<br /> -" - ebsolute or comingern and whether arising by note,guaranty.overdratt or otherw(se.The Note.thia Deed of Trust arM arry and aQ
<br /> J= other docuerttathatsecurethe Note or otherwise executed In connec4lan therewith,Inatuding without timita�cn guarantee�,eecurttY
<br /> ?� agreements and assignrnents of teases and Pents,shatl be referred to herein as the"Loan Documents".
<br />---__==� Trustor covenaMa artd agrees with Lender as fotlow�
<br /> - - 1. Paym�nt d Ind�bt�drtas.Ail indebtedness seaured hereby ahail be paid whon dua.
<br /> - 2.T(tl�.Tiustor la the owner of the Praperly,hes the right and autho8ty to convey the Property,and war►arns that the i[en
<br /> created hereby ta a first and prior Ilen on the Property.except tor Ilens and encura�brences set forth by Trustor in wriUng and
<br /> deilvered to Lender betoreexecution of thfa Deed of Trus�artd the exeautlon and deitveryof thts Deed ot Trust doea not violate any
<br /> - contrect or other obiigatlon to whtch 7nestor ts subject
<br /> 3. Tixas.Ass�n�nb.To pay betore delfrtquency ai�texes,spealal assesaments and all other charges egatnat the Property
<br /> - eow or t�eroafter levted.
<br /> • 4.��.To keep the Property insured against dama�e by tire,he�ards tnoluded within the ter�"extended coveraye".enrl
<br /> such other hazards as Lender may requtre,tn amour►1a and with compantes acceptable to Lsnder.namin�Lender aa en addiUonal
<br /> - named insured,with los8 paysb�e to the Lender.ln caae of�oss under such poltctea,the lender ts euthorised to adjusk colieat and
<br /> - _�� compromise,ati ctaims LAereunder end ahall have the aption ot applying a�l or part oithe insurence proceeda(�to any irtdebte�dnesa
<br /> secured hereby and in auch order as I.snder may detertntne,ph to the Tiustor to be used tor ffie repairor reatoraUon ot the Praperiy
<br /> or pih tareny flther purpoaeor objeotsaUstaatory to Lenderwtthoutaftecting the Iten of thla Deed of Tniattorthetult amouMaeCUred
<br /> - hereby beXtore euch paymerd ever took ptace.Any app�icatlon ot proceeda to irtdebtedness sha11 not oxtend o�poatpone the due
<br /> date o}$ny paymerds under the Note.or aure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6.Esarow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor ahatt pay to Lender.in such menner ae Lender may desfgnate,sufficteM
<br /> suma to enat�ie L�nder to pay ea they become due ona or more otthe toliow(ng:(q ell taxes,assessments end oMer chargase�qainst
<br /> ___= the Properiy.0�the premturns on the propeuty inaurance requtred hareunder,and piq the premtums on any mortga�e teaurance
<br /> - requtred Dy Lertder.
<br /> --= 8.Mlatntinsna��R�ptir��nd Cani�itanc�with Law�.Trustor shal�keap the Properly[n good condttlon and repair.ehap
<br /> _ �--���� promptly repair.or repface any tmprovement which may be dameged or destroyed;shali rtot commtt or pertnit any waste or
<br /> _;_r�� deterioration of the Properly;shall not�emove,demolish or substarntally alter�any of the improvementa on the ProperlY ahatl not
<br /> -.r-�� commit,autter or permit any ectto be done In or upon the Properly In vlolatfon of any Iaw.ordlnance,or regulaUan;artd shall pay artd
<br /> -. -�.� promptly dfscherge at TruataPs cost artd expense alt Uens,encumbrances and chnrges tevted,imposed or assessed agetnst the
<br /> _--__=� PropertY or any part thsreof.
<br />_ --_-_-_ �,��pp�R,tsnder is hereby asstgned all compensatton,awarda damages and other payments or reile!(herefnafter
<br /> ---�=�«�� ~p�oceeds'►in connecttoa with condemneUon or other taking ot the Property or paRthereoi.or tor comreyance in Ifev ot condemna-
<br /> �r��.�'`wY��"� tton.Lender ahati be entlfled at Its opUon to commence,appear In and proaeeute In its own name any actlon or proceedtngs.and
<br /> �' shap ntao be eMiUed to meke any compramtse or settlement U aonrtecdon with such ffiking or damage.In the erent any portion of
<br />�:a,'`i�� the praperiy ts so taken or damaged.L.ertder shalt have the optlon.tn ita sole and abso�ate discretlon.to appty all such Proex�eda,
<br /> --- �� eSer deducdna theretrom ail coaffi artd expenaes incumed by It fn conneatton with sucb Proceeds.uAon any[ndebtedness socured
<br />-_� "�� Reraby artd in�teh order as Lender may determine.or to app3y eil sucA ProceeQS,aRer eucn deouenona,to me�esooraaon oi me
<br /> �—A..- PropeRy upon such cortdlUons a8 Lender may d�rmtrte.My appiicstlon oi Proceeda to irtdebtednoas shall rtot extend or pos�one
<br /> _,:��h;�. the due date of any paymonts urtder the Idote,or cure any defautt thereurtder or hereunder.My unapplfed tunds ehall be paid to
<br />`�:�.� � Trustor.
<br /> '==��;:�,'� 8.Parlo�enana�br L�nd�r.Upoa the occurtence oi an Event of Cetau�t hereunder,or ii any act ia taken or legat proceedinp
<br /> _m=., .,
<br /> •�^�:.� commenced whkh mtiLedaity attecb LendePe ioterest in tha Properiy,Lender may in bta own discretfon.but wttAout obltpaUon to do
<br /> �.•^.�a••.-r4
<br /> : .� sq and w[thcut nmf�e to or demand upon Troato�end without releaaing Trustor irom any obtiga�on,do any ad which Truator aa
<br /> eQreed eut talla to do and rresy atso do any other eet it deema rteceseary to protect the securit�r hereof.Tlruator shail.immedtatety
<br /> � ` upon damartd theretor by Lsnder.pay to L�aeder a�l cosb and expenses incurred and sums exportded by Lender in conrtectton w[th
<br /> � the exerciae br Lertder ottR�torepoing�iphte,topether�rith interest thereon at the detauit rate provtded in the Note,which shett be
<br /> • ,� added M the Indebtedne�a seaured hereby.Lender shalt rtot irtcur any itabllity beoauae o9 anythtrt8 it may do or omlt to do
<br /> i0` -:;��Y� herounder.
<br />-''�.•.i.: �
<br />. +. , .1:' _. .y
<br />. .1. • _' _ �t !.i J �
<br /> . „ • y
<br /> -
<br /> �---^ —'--"'_-^.�'i$. �Yi`TrY�MOr.wa�.M..c..b�niYaau�tx,i.i,�n.�—..,,.'_' •'_'__, . �.wd,.i �;:r..
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