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<br /> ��^ ������ 2Q0274�3
<br /> _ Upon receipt of payment et the price bid� Trustee shQil deltver ta the purchaser Tnistee's dePd conveytng the _
<br /> Properiy. Tt�s recitials In the Trustee's dec�l shull be prtmA tRCte evtdence of !he tni4h of tiia sluteanenYs made therein.
<br /> Tn�ste�sl�sll Apply the pt�uceeds o!the sale In tite[ol[owtng arden(e)to e11 ca:�tx nnd cxpense�of cxercislug tkc powe�o�'
<br /> sule.iu�d the isale,Qncfuding the p�ym�nt o!the Trustce's fccs actually tncurnd.nat to exceed �
<br /> of the prtn^.i�wt amotint of the note at the timc of the declaeatton of dctault,nnd reasonuble uttorney�'fe�a9 perm[tteci
<br /> by law;(b)to ctU su�ns r.ecnr�d by tMs Secu�ity Inst�vment;and(c)nny excess to the pepson or peiaons legaliy 4ntttteaf to
<br /> it.
<br /> 2Z. Reconveyanze. Upon payment nf ull sums secured by thiH Secuciry IasUUment. Lender shali reqaest Tcuatee to
<br /> r�zco��vey 2hc i�rop.^.riy wid bh�ull sua�eudce ti�is Securiry Insmttncnt and all notcs evtdencing debt secured by thfs �eci�riry
<br /> instnament to 1 rustee.t'rustee shati rec�nvey the Yroperty withoui warrnnty a�wiii�out��h�o tu the per�o�i ur�r�»�,E�;ully
<br /> emttle�l ta it.Such peraon ur persons shall pay any rcoordation costs.
<br /> Z3.Substitute T�ustee. Lender,�t its option, may from time to dme�+emove Tcustee nnd appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> any Trustee appointed hemurtder by an[r�strument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is reaorded.Without
<br /> conveyanc�of the Propetty,the sucoessor tt�stee shall succced to all the dde. power and duties conferrod upon Ttustc�e herein
<br /> nttd by npplisnble law.
<br /> 24.Requcst for Notic�.Borrower m�uests thAt copies of the aos�ax nf default and sate 6e sent to Borrower's address -
<br /> which ia the Property Address.
<br /> Z.i.li,iders to this Secur[ty Iastrument.If one or more+dders fue executed D�y Borrower end reoorded Yogethet wlth thls
<br /> S�nrlty Instrurnent.the covenaats and ngreements of each such rider shall be irroorparated into and shall umend and supplement
<br /> the covenants and agreements of this Secudty InsUniment as if the rider(s)were a part of thIs Secur[ty Insaument.
<br /> (Cherk applicable box(es)�
<br /> Adjusuible Rate Rtder 0 Condominium Rider �] l�Femily Rider
<br /> Gniduated I'ayment Itider �Planned Unit Development Rider LJ Biweekly Paynaent Rlder
<br /> Balloon Rider 0 Rate Lnpmvement Rider 0 Second Home Rider
<br /> V.A.Rlder D Oiher(s)[specifyj
<br /> BY�I�NIr1(i BELOW. Borro��rer acoept�and agrees ta the terms and cx>venanta containad in this Security Insnument and
<br /> in eny ttder(s)executed by Bonower and tecordod with it.
<br /> Wtute.;ses:
<br /> (�)
<br /> OY R I�RI B ' -eor�nwer
<br /> ,� /Z U..�.�-���.(./l�C.�Q/ (Seal)
<br /> ORALIA D ERIVES -Bomnwer
<br /> (Seal) (Sea1)
<br /> -Borrower -8nrrower
<br /> The faregoing insnument was acknowledged befone me tiris 3RD day of NOVEMBER , 1996 .
<br /> • Witness my hand and notarial seal at in said Covnty,the dat�aforrsaid.
<br /> GRAND I SLANO, BRASK�1 �' �� A _ .
<br /> My Commission Expires. �RkliOiARY.SMe�INlOr�sb o����1► D`
<br /> RIAAK E.Ii�RS1EN Notary Publk
<br /> �Ca�l.fiq./W�11.ifil
<br /> v,�.e�e �«m so2a srso
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