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<br /> . 17.Trensfer of the Prog::riy or n Denefictol lntcrest in porro�vcr.lf all or eny pnrt of the Prc�pertY or nny fntcrest in it
<br /> is sald or tmnsfcrred(or if a bcneticiul intcrcst in Bnrrawcr fs tintd i�r►runsfcrred and Borrowcr is not u nutuml personl�vithaut
<br /> l.cndcr'� prlur written con�cnt. L,cndcr m;►y. nt its c�pduci, rcyui�c imnudintc payment in fuU of ull �;ums sccural by thix
<br /> Security lnstrmncnt.Hnwcver.this��ption fih�d!nnt hc excrciacd by l.cnder il'cxemise ix pn�hibitcd by fulcrul iuw us of thc datc
<br /> of this Scrurity I�strument.
<br /> Ii l.ender exenises thi�uptiun,l.ender shull givo D�rmwcr n��tice af ucreienitinn.The nniice whull pmvidc a peri��d o nat
<br /> lcrs than 30 duya fr�►m thc dutc�hiiq�ui�a+thcrc tium prlor to hc cxpir ui�m of hfrc�{x�rtudp l.c�cr muyyinvokc iy rc icdics —
<br /> Sccurit�Instrument.ff Borrowcr fu p Y
<br /> permittcci hy this Security In�+tntme�tt�eithout t'urtl�er notice or dem��nd on Qurn�wec _
<br /> lg, pne�mwe�'e� Ri�gdt to tteinstate. If &n���uwer niect, ceRain cnndf!���nv, &�rrower shall huve thc right tu lzave �
<br /> enforccment af thiw Securlty lnst�ument disrnntinued nt uny time priar t:► th ursuant to�c n� S�wuery of tiulc�i:ant inc 1 in thia
<br /> applicable Inw niay hpccify fnr reinstatement) before �+ale of the Propeny p Y P
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment ent'orcing this Sccueity lnstrument.Thau canJiUons ure thut B��rmwer:lu�Gsys
<br /> I.endernii sums whtch then wauld be due uader thien 4cuci,ty a�s�utmexpen.��incurrrd in+enCa cin��this����Security Instrum�enb�
<br /> cures any dcfWUlt of uny othcr covenunta or agrecm . ( p Y
<br /> includin�. but nat limited to.r�easonable nttarncyR' fec.w: nnd (d)tukex tiuch¢ct�on us Lender niay�cu��unubly require tn nssuce
<br /> that the lien of this Secudty lnstrumcnt, Lcnder's rights rn thc Pn�psrty iu►d Born�wer'ti ubligution ta pay thc sums serured by �
<br /> this Sauriry instrument shull contlnue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Bormwcr, thi� SeCUrity Instru�nent artd the
<br /> obli�utians secured hereby shail remain fuliy effective us it rto ucrelerutton hud cmvrred• However, this right to reiastate shnll
<br />- not apply in the case of accelerat�on under paragraph !7.
<br /> 19. Sule of Note; Chunge of Loun Servicer. The Notc ar u parttal intercst in the Nate(to�ether with tl�fs Srcurtry
<br /> Inswment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sAlc muy result in n chunge in thc entity(known
<br /> as the'Loan Servicer")thut rnllects monthly payment�due under the Note and tl�is Securiry(nstrument.There nie+o may be one
<br /> or more chnn�es of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a chunge of the Lonn Servicer.Bomower will be
<br /> given ur�tten notice of'the change in uccordunce with parugmph i4 ubuve und agplia►ble law.'£he notice will statc the�atne and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer tu►d the address to which payments should bs ma�e. The notice will ulsa cantaln any other
<br /> information required by npplicabie law.
<br /> 2p, Hezardous Substances. Borrower sh Bo��caushali n t do no r aliow�ar►yonedels°e co�do�anething uffecting the
<br /> Hazardous Substanoes on or in the Pmperty
<br /> property that is in violation of any Environmentel Law. The p�ing two sentences sh�ll nat apply to e presence, use, or
<br /> storAge on the Property of small qua�►tides of Hazardous Substnnces that are 8eneruUy recognized to be appropdate to normul
<br /> resideppai uses and to maintenance of the PeopertY•
<br />= Borrowcr shatl pmmpdy Sive I.ender written nodce of any lnvestigutIon. claim,demand, lawsult or othcr action by uny
<br /> govemmental or regulntory agency or prtvnte parcy involving the Property s�nd any Hau�rd� n�stance���ry a��ty��t
<br /> of wluch Horrower has actual knowled�e. If Borrower leams.or is notified by anY 8 ���•B��Wer shrJ�pmmpt�y te�e
<br /> any removal or other remediarion of any Hazardovs Substance affecting the Propem+
<br /> ;;n .�ry�rmedial actions in aa;ordnnce with Emironmentai Law.
<br /> As used in this parngraph 20. "Hazardous Substances' are [hose sub�t;�sc:�a dcfi�srd�tnxic ar h�"s substances 6y .
<br /> Environmental Law and the foUo�ving substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flerruaable or toxic peuoleum products. toxtc
<br /> pesticides end herbicides.volatile solvents.materials oontaining asbestos or formaldehyde,end radioacuve matedals.As used in
<br /> thls paragraph 20, "Bnvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to healt6.safetY or environnua►tal protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bomower and L.ender further covenaut and agree as foliows:
<br /> 21.Accelet�tton;Remedies.Lender shall give not[ce to Borrower pdor to acceleration foIIowin�Boiro�17 unless
<br /> ot any covenant or agreeinent in t6t� 5ecucttY Iatitr�ment (but aot prtor w acceteradon under parnS�P
<br /> appltcable Iaw prov[des oU►erwise).Ttre notice shall specifYs (a)ti►e defamlh(b)the actton required to care the default;
<br /> (c) e date,not less tl�n 30 daYs from the date the aotice ts�iven to Borrower. by which the default must be cw+ed;and
<br /> (d) that [allure to cure the default on or before the date spectfi�e o�e S�i f�her i�nfatrm 8����°o We gh�
<br /> sec�red by tWs Security Instavment and sale of We Proarerty.
<br /> teitnctate at4er acoeleratton and t6e r�ht to bdng a oourt adton to a�sert We aon-existence oY a default or any other
<br /> detense oi Borrower to aooeleratton and sale. V the�dtefjn full t t�lll sums D�sacured by thts Security�Instrument without
<br /> Lender,at its opUon,may req�ilre immediate t�a3v° ;,�b a �able law.I,ender shall be
<br /> turther demand and may invoke ti�power of sale and aay oWer remedies perm y h��Indudir�,but not limited
<br /> entiUod to collect all expenses imurced in pursuing the remed.ies pmvided in this paragraP
<br /> W,rensonable attoraeys'fees sud oosts of title evidence. o f t he
<br /> If thepo wer of sale ts invoked, Trnstee shall recard a notice o!defuult in each oow�t3'in �'hfch anY P�
<br /> � properiy is I�cated end shali matl copies of such notice ia the mam�er preuri�d by appltcabie law to Borroaer und to
<br /> the other persuns prescr�bed by appUcable law.Aiter the tlme requlred by appticable law,Trustee shull g[ve publlc notice
<br /> of sale to tQie persons and in the manner prescrlbed by appUcable Iaw.Teudee,withouY demand on Bon+ower,shall sell
<br /> the property at publtc audion to the Wgh�t bidder ut the time and place and under the terms deslSauted in the natL!the
<br /> sale tn one or more parccls and ia any order Trustce dfstermines•Trustee may PostP°ne sale of aU or any paccel
<br /> �hye�1��$`��ent ut the time and place oi an,y previously sc6edWed sale. Lender or fts deslgnee msy
<br />— Wrtn 8028 9/90
<br />— Papo 6 ot 6
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