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<br /> . . , �, --
<br /> ' 1. pavmrntr. Bonower egc�n to_m�ke�It payr��anta on the secured debt when dua. Untese Bottowar and Lender egree otherwlse, eny
<br /> paymdat�lender roeelves t(bm Barower pr Ycr e rrowar's benstlt wtll be�p�lted tlret to enY amounts Borrower owes on the seeured debt ..
<br /> � exclutiva ot interast ot princlpal,teeoAd tp7Morett'und then to prinotpat.It pa at prep�yment of the seeured debt accurs for any reason,It wlll ` .�.
<br /> ��� n�4 roduce or e�ccuse any e�tieduled peymeM unttl{!w'lsaured debt te pald In full.
<br /> ' �� � � .,�•.
<br /> - • ` 2.Cl�kfnt Apainst TitN.8ocrowir+wiY Pay tll.takis,a�ioiwrilt►t�.end otMr chupes attribuubls to the property whe�due�nd vy1Q defend tlUe
<br /> n to the propertv aa nlnat any clelma whlch wautd Impalr the llen o�thla deod of uuet.Lendet msy requlre Bonower to asalan eny rtphte,elnims or
<br /> - do4ct4ca sfileh eorrovrar may have epainat parttea who supph labor or mewrlals to Improve o�mafntatn tho property. F
<br /> � � �' � 9, lnwrane�.8or►ower will keep the property tnsurod under terms aceeptablo to Lender at Borrower's expense and for Londor'o banofk.AU �,.� .
<br /> Insurence poitcten nhall tnalude a standard mortga8e clsuae In fevor of Lender.Lender wIU be nemed ea loas peyee ot aa the Inaured on any sueh :
<br /> Insunnce poliey.Any Inauranee praceeds mey be applted,wlthin LendeYa dlsarotton,to eitAer the reatoratlon or repelr of the dameged propetty
<br /> . ;,�,y�j3;�'�%� or to the�eatued debt.lf Lendet toqutres mortp�Ds��urance,Borrower aprees w mntntain auoh tnaurance for as tonp as Lender requirea.
<br /> r
<br /> � 4.PiropMly.BoROwer will keep the property in good condiUon and maks all repelrs reasonabhr necessary.
<br /> �.�����" B.Exp�ma.Bonower agreea to pay att Lendere expensea inaludUg�easoaebte ettorneys'feea,lf Bonower breake amr covenants In ffila deed
<br /> -y�• of truK a tn any obllpe8on eacured bY 4hls dood of trust.�onower w1lt pay theRe amounta to Lendor as provlded In CovenaM 9 of thls deed of
<br /> ��'�
<br /> ` �� �„
<br /> � ` • '$ a g, pdpt g�ay�y h�t�rata.Untess 8orrowet flrot obtninn LendePs w►ltten consent,Bortowa w11I not meke or perm(t any changea to arry p�lor '`
<br /> . �: 4`� oecurlty Intere�te Bortawer wlll perform ell of BonoweYe abllgattons undor any prtor matgaga, deed of wst or other securlty egteemeM, �.,,. �'
<br /> h;z;: a 1 includlnyBorrawer's eovenanta to meke paymmns when due.
<br /> � " �,p� o}R��Prot(ta.Bonowe�easl8ns to Lender the renta and proflts ot the property.Untess Borrower and Lender heva ag eed �_`-
<br /> _�:�r.,�.• .
<br />- :..=:: .+:;'^ , othaw e In wrftinp,Bor►ower may eolteat nnd reuin the rems ns long aa Borrower la not in defauh.If Borrower defauhs, Lendar,len�er's __
<br /> ���_'�'y �� tme d reee i ver ma t a ke p o s a e e s f o n a n d m a n a g o t h e p ro p e n y e n d c a U e a t t h e r e m s.An y rents Lender eolleete shalt be ��
<br /> < �.. f:� epeM, or e eouR appo �property, tneludf court eosts and ettomeys'fees,eommisstone to re�tal age�rns,and any other --.
<br />._~•-:�:�.%. :. oPAllecl flrat to the � of manag f n g �
<br /> _�+'?c.,�: neceaserYr e t a t e d e u p e n s e a.T h e re m n i n i n p a rt s o u rt t o f r e n t s w t t h e n a p p t y to p a Y mor�ta on the secured debt ea provtded In CovonerK t. �_y
<br />';�:�.:�;,""';. • 8.���•�:a�,�,a um wy.+ov�.�►ss.BoRUwer a tees to comp!y wlth the provltto�af any lease H this deed of truat is on =_:
<br /> T-. , , a la�cat�old. 1�thts dead of ttust Is.on e unk fn e condominium or a p�anned unk devalopmeM,Borrowet wtll pertorm slt ot Battower'�dutles .
<br /> " ' under thecovennnte.bydawe,or reputatEona of the condominlum or planned unit devefopme�.
<br /> �= �-:: �.�:. �`�
<br /> �t;�S� 4� i 8. Autf�altll of L�ndy to PK[orm ta BortowK• �}ganowet falls tope�form any of BonowePa duttes under thia deed ot vuat, Lender may -
<br /> '`� perform the dWes or cause them to be pertormed.Lendar msy slpn Bonower'e nnme or pny any amourrt N necestary for performance.If eny
<br /> _ _ • ..,�,,,, conctrucdon on theDroperty fa dlscoMinued or not oarrIed on in s reeaoneble manner.Lender mey do whatever ia neeoaeary to proteat Len�eYa �&'�:�
<br /> -' ',c:;'r,. security Merost{n the ProPeRY.Thle may Include oompletinp che eonsuuatEon. __
<br /> �' �+ �'�" � Lender'a hilwe to peKorm wllt not prealude Lender hom exercislnp any of Ita other�Ights under the!aw or th�s deed oi trust. -"-
<br /> ".�`.�'";�°, .
<br /> .:,..•;. •x� --
<br /> -�- '" /in�r�mqm4s peld by lender W proteat Lendsr's eecur(ty frtterest wUl bs aeaued by this deed of truat.Suet�amoarrte ndll be due on demend _
<br /> ! '`'� and wUl bear IMereat irom t�date ot dm payment urKlt patd in tult at the IMeroat tate In etteat on the secured deb� �
<br /> �, .; ,
<br /> ��.�..i.k.,.
<br /> *�� 10.Q�tatt and Aecderatton. If Battower taila to maka any paymeM when due or bre�ks any eovennnts under thls dead of truat or m1t
<br /> �bllg.tlon ceaned by this deod of trust ar any prlor�nortpege or deed of wat,Lende► me acceterete the maNrlty ot the secured debt end
<br /> =_`='-"';s� dem�nd knmedtaLS payment an0 m�y tnwKe chs power of saie e�ar►y nfiwi f�redt�a�ar��d hY s�g!#xbl�!a�• .
<br /> -�,=_:��.,;,
<br /> - -`�#r' 71,B�qwst 1or Notict of Drfa��k.k Is heroby requeated thet cop[es of the nottcee of dehuk and eata be aent to each peraon who!t e party
<br /> �:,. :
<br /> ��'s�y heroto,u�e tddross of eacA wch percon,as eet foRh heretn.
<br /> "�'�"`s�:�� ' 1Z.PowR o!S�M.If the Lender tmokea ths powor of eate,the Truatee shatl flret rocord In ths offlcs of d�e replster of deed�of e�ch eounty
<br /> ��=�:�, whueinthe uaa property or wme part a parcel theroof is situated a notice of datautt cordainlng tha Info�on roWked by law.The Trustee
<br /> --_�+:�a:-,. shell atto�sll copls�of the notiee of detauh to ths 8orcower,to each pe►aon who b a p�rty hersto,and to other penons upro tcribsd by
<br /> --� � appqoabN law.Not lus tha�one month aftur the Tnrstee roeads tt►s notice of defeury,o�two moMhs if ths tru�t proyerty 1s no*fn any
<br /> "��_-��.�.�� tncorpor+ud elty or v11l�gs�nd It u�ed in tmnlnp operaUo�wrrled on by th�uwtor,ths 7ruaU�shatl qhre pubQo no8cs of aals to ths penons
<br /> � and Iny�m�rw�pa=cri�d bY��pppllaW�taw.Trw��.wiNwut dsmtnd on Bortow�r. ohstl sell the p►ope�i a publla auatfon to tM hlpM�t
<br /> �� bidd�►.tt r�puk�d by ths Fum Homestead ProteeUon Aot,Truates shetl offer ths propertv In twa aepante se as requlred by appliwOte I�w.
<br />---==-�=r'��?���3 Tru�may postpone�ale of sII or my pucel of tho properh►bY Wbtlo announeemsnt at fAe tdns and plac�of smr pevlousty schsdutsd ule.
<br /> �_� -_,��� Lend�s a It�NsqnM mfy pxch�s�ths poP�rtY at any al�.
<br /> Upon��alp�of p� �M of tMp�ia bid.TtusiM shalt detivar to ttn purchaset Trwte�'s dwd wnvsytrq ths propeRy.Ths reeitlela eom�tned In
<br /> Trwtw't d�d.n.'{i'a v.ima faefs ovidtancs of tiw trud�of ths�tatements containM thereln.Trustee s6Nt aAPty ths proaseds of the s�N In ths
<br /> folbvrlry o�ar: (y to atl axp�nw� of the wtd, inciudtnp, but not Itmked to, reasontble Tntat�s'� fee�, rossonsble mornstr'o fess and
<br /> � r�kiKat��rt fs�t:ib)to�II sums tectuW by thls desd of trust,and(al ths ba�ence,if eny,to Uro persons tepstty eMiUed M acelve k.
<br /> = 99.Fo�Kb�un•At Londer'o optlon,thtt dsed of trust m�y be toreclosed in tfis manner provids by appUoable law for forocbsun of mortyapss
<br /> - oo na1 prop�rty.
<br /> - �4, Lsnder may errter tAe properiY to inspeot k it lender ptves Bonower notioe betotehsnd.The nodce must etete the roasoneDte
<br /> - ~ eauW�i►'s irttpseUon.
<br /> 15,Ca�d�nx�ion,Bortowet aaign.a to Lender the�roceeds of at►y award or Welm for damag e�s conneot�d wkh a condemnnion ot ottm tsktnp
<br /> --_— - ��p����ii ths P►oP�Y.Sucl�proeeada w I be applled es provided in Covenain 1.This asalgnmer�t is subjsat to the teems of any prbr _
<br /> ----—_- am��u8p�o�w�etirvMfaul4 Lea�btdoes rw nwaiveim dp t m�9�nsider�he�eM a defeul�if t�"t�ispp�ens aya n�.By not exercistrg -
<br /> __ - .-:�
<br /> ---� 9�.JaM and S�wrv W�Cosl�mn: Suaasson�nd AsMOrui�ound.Atl dudes under tAis dNd of uuat aro jofit and ssveraf. Any
<br /> -- ---- Bortowr who castpna thls d of trust but does not ta-tlpn ths undertylrq debt imtrt+merrtltl does so only to pnnt �nd comey that
<br /> --_��; Bortoww's Irrtsrest In ths proAe�tY to the Truates under ths tarms ot this desd of trust In�Qdidon,suoh a Boaowe�aeress that tAs tender md
<br /> - nr�Y ottw�Borrowar undsr thts deed ot wet m�y extend.modfiti or maks any other chanpes In tRs terms ot thls deed of vust or tha seeured
<br /> -_-----�-- debt wld�put thst Bortowa's conce�end wittwut reteasinp tA�t Boaowar,from the ienns ot thEa deod of Vuet. -
<br /> - -=-=�� The QutM�and bensflts of thts deed ot wat shap bind and Denefk the succesaoro end essipnn of Lander and Borrowet.
<br /> __-��r•_ais _
<br /> -_�m°4� 1 S.IRoia-Unbss otlwirwfts roqufred by tew,an noUcs to Bonowsr shaU be�iven by delMeRnp k o�by malUnp k by certitied mail addressed W
<br /> gqtpwer et th�propaty addrw w snY other a�dress thet Hcr►ower hea 9hren to Lender.Borrower will glve any notice to Lender by cert(find
<br /> w���'..'y� mW to lender's eddnss on paqe 1 of UUa dead of trust,or to any other addroas wAich lender h�s deslgnated.Any ofier nottce to lender ths0
<br /> ---_- _- — be�ar�t to Lendeu'a address as stated on D+�e t of this desd ot uust.
<br /> -��^;:ti,,.L?�.� Atry notice s1u0 bs de�msd to have been plven to Borrower or lendat when gtven in tlis menner statad abova. ----
<br /> - a ��:i-.r'!(�� --
<br /> - =T`����!3=Tr•' , 18.T��r of t!w PropN'ty ar�B�no![eW kic�n+t W+t�BarowK.If aU w any part of the property or a�ry hrtereat In it ia sold or trenstared -
<br /> - yrithout l,and�� prbr written consenL Lendar mey demend tmmedlate payment ot the s�scured de6t. Lender may etso demsnd imrt�sdl�te �_
<br /> __':`' � " ' parneM ff tM Bortower li not a n�urel n and a beneficlal Irrcerest tn the Bamower ta sold or transferred. However,Lender mey not �---
<br /> '~�.-�=,.-...: - . demand paynNnt in ttu above�ltuetlon�tt Is proht b k e d by t e d e r o 1 t a w e a o f t h e d a t e o f t h l s d e e d o f t n n t. �;;-.
<br /> r.�;;
<br /> "--'�.�._•_�.:,;� Z p,R�o n w�+c�.WAen the obf i p�tion�eaured by thia deed of trust hae been pald end Lerder haa no further obllpatEon to maks advances
<br /> -.... �i��.�.�. .r r�..r�.�.� .........rir.w.�w....��u.�fr t a�w/a� ►�mnv�u Hu ln�a! �`°`-'.
<br /> � ^�*":L:.,:�" UIIO�r UIS t1QQIR1lEf1U Of � deaww�wm vow v�nv.�r .... • �....•••�•. - ' - --
<br /> •.:_;�'�"'; The Lendnr shnll e r to the 8onowar,or to BortowePe successor in interes�tRe Vuat deed and tl�e iate ar otlier evfdance ot the -
<br /> _ � _ x s �Bo satlsfled.Borrower shall pay any recordeUon eosts.
<br /> ..= �� 21.Suaaa=or Teust�e. Lender, at Lender's o�yon, mey remove Truatee and appolM e succossor trusteo by ftro4 meNi�g e copy of the
<br /> _��-?,'I:i'�� �' ` su6�Alo�n ot trustne as roqutred by appticable law,and ther►,bY 8ting ri�e substitut�on of watee for rocord in the office ot the register of deeds
<br /> . � st�t�oL�ttro pawer.dutl�a,�uu o�q end U'Ue�o�Y�,s e��em a i�dme a°eaa��f and fo�any su��ssoi tr�w�e ot the propetty.shetl
<br /> .
<br /> fpage 2 oI2J
<br /> I'�. ` gANII6i96VgT6rg,�NC..BT.ClOUD.MN 68101 f1�R00387-29ttf FORM OCRIKTG�NE 8/18181
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