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<br /> ' '� ` pApT1ES:Thia Deed of Truat ie mede on g aT�� 39,,.1�°� ,emong the Qrentor, •snov A T�HNR�A ,Um =
<br /> ,�.�. f'BoROwer•1.G -
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<br /> whose resfdance.address Is on nex vop„ n�++a�a..�� CouMy,Nebreake PTruatee'1,and the Beneftciary, \G_
<br /> � .�� • ..w.rr.ma S +n*wT neant�TnTTAAT ,a corporatlon orgenfied
<br /> �'! and existinp undar the taws of 1�TRR LARn _W�tOEB addl8l8�S 7�1 S�LPPH.LA�'[7ST STRSF"1_'�
<br /> (•Lender"f•
<br /> -`�s� �pp7yEyqWCEs For vaiue racehrcd,Borrov,rat(rrevoaebly Qrente end conveys Eo Trustee,in trust,with power ot eale,the real prope►ty,of which
<br />_'_�� Bonower ta lawfuly selied, dascribad 6elow and e�l buitdirtge,flxWres, and exisNng and future improveme�Ka thareon and a0►ighte-ot wey, G
<br /> --= est�ments, raMS.Issue�� Proftts• income, tenemente, hereditements, privilepea and any appurtenances thereurno beton�inp (ail caliad the _
<br />� , •�0��'1. nun TQr.n*m .Nebraske 60AO3_ -
<br /> �R�� PROPEH'IYAODRESS•,_.��33 ��'►u�ts ItoAn . (aB �P�� -
<br /> � LEQAL DESCAIPTIOAIs �� tctirl
<br /> :���
<br /> - `a
<br /> y toceted tn unr.r, netn3�5[ Courny.Nebraake.
<br /> - tlttFo Borrower eoveneMS and wartartta tide to the property.axcept for
<br /> = gE6t7RED OEdT:This d�ed of wst secureu to Lander repaymeM of the seeured debt aM the pertormanee of the covenanta nnd presmerrte
<br /> - 8 rowMir�owes to�l.an�u�iider�Mti drid�of uust or unMdeii y(ntVUmer�iti wcuredrobdj►dt�hibi do d o�f trus4�nd��l mo�diN��n��aieibn�s r�nd
<br /> - raawels tl�onof.
<br /> - TM s�uad d�bt ia�vid�nad by(Ust�A tnstrum��s and�pnemsnta acured by thit�esd of trust and the dms therwt.ls
<br /> - � A ui[i� RQOR� i3�i si"� www��w�wwi wneevue�7�11� 11ATCf1 Q4tl�RQ1�IIYD �O' 744
<br /> - �lrutur� AN�+as: TM abov��mount la ncund�v�n Hauph�II or pvt of h nay�fot y�t he�dvanc�d. RRun adv�nces�ra
<br /> coMSrr�p4ted tnd will b�pcusd to tM t�m�ext�M ss ff made on the date thts dsed of vu�t i��xseutsd.
<br /> ❑Rsvohinp Ilns ot credft apn�meM dated ,witt�tnitiai annwl im�nst rats of %•
<br /> All�mouM�ow�d unda thlAoprsemerK aro seourad evan thauph dl amouMS mq not y�t be advan�d.Futurs advances und�r
<br /> —' tt�aproem�rrt rs aoMSmpiaitsd and wfil M�ecund to ths nme eztent�s H mad�on Us�dm th1�dsM ot wst ta execut�d.
<br /> The�bove obTyation is dus�nd payabN on AA s�u �9,, zeo� B nct pald oarliet.
<br /> TM tomt unpatd 6�lsna eecurad by ttd�dead of trust�t any ons tims sh�lt not�xeesd e ma�dmum prindp�t amount of
<br /> � - - -�:�.� .�.+�,ne DoEtars 1025..eoe ee 1.p1w irteroat.
<br /> pfw any amow�b disbassd under ths terma ot Ws deed of truat to protsat tha sacurity ot thta deed of truat or to perform eny of the
<br /> cqvsrumts eornairnd in thts daed of truat,wtth irterest on such disEursemeMS.
<br /> .rJ Vart�bM Rat�:The UKereat rate on the oElipstion seaaed by thit deed of trust maY��Y 8��'•�9����of that obtipedon.
<br /> �_ ❑A eopy ot the loan agreement eoMaininp the terms unde�which the ir�terest►ate may vary is atteched to this deed of wst and
<br /> -- msde a Put heraof.
<br /> —� RDEHS: ❑Coremerdd r�i naRTnNMRNT AA u�rrs (] _
<br />��� P�mumt to tha Fum Nomenaad RroteaHon AeL dasignation ot Aomestead ❑ En att�r.ttad to thb dtod of tr�eat nnd m�e e part hereot -.
<br />_�� ❑ hss bMn disds8n�d:the discl�mer fa sttached to tAia deod of trust and made a Part hereot.
<br /> ='" S[O1NA7URES:Bp�i�nYg bbw.BarowK qN to tl+�t�rms�nd cav�nrKS eo�atn�d 4►Ws d�ed of t�ust.trxiudtg thos�an pay�Z.and tn
<br />--:�,�:�• a,y .eoys dynw e�eoROw...
<br /> p:az� .���VT/lJZJ/( .( rrr�J f�/.'��� ���.�.m�
<br /> �: � v A �TO SON CAROLYN�JOffiQBO� -
<br />_:�"�:'f,. -.
<br />.-w�_�'-b _
<br /> ?-':..�.;�� ACKNOMtLEDG1N9�Ts STA7E OF NEBRASKA. uat.T. cevc�rc�st CouMV es: -
<br /> '�"-' ' The f�ropolnp Insuumsnt was acknowtedged befcre me an thfs �97'a day of 1?ADTRMAT2Zt� +9oG
<br /> by raonV aw.,.n n _.nu.,c� mrenwvn rr�n ooT� _
<br /> mn.tmi
<br /> . . � O} QtrneotCatpaatlmaPSa�ertMD)
<br /> '� ��� a on behaM of the corporatFon or paKne�ahip. _
<br /> Myco fas expiro�/OARK� �
<br /> � �bOru.Et�►pe 19�193li aoun wa�w
<br /> TAis instrumaM wes prepared by
<br /> o,sas��s svs�s.xc..sr.cwun.�+6���nq�ss�•�»waM ocaaRro+�ene�s� �ss►o�� NEBRd1SIfA �
<br /> ,�a,� APPL# 00012538
<br /> p
<br /> - CCD# 0100443021 E
<br /> �
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