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' " _" • ��.����. <br /> :9��1�`���9 -�_�:_ <br /> S.HASard or Properiy Iasuranca Barr�ower sha111c�ep the lmprovementa now oxisdng or hereaftu erocted on the Prnputy �:?�; <br /> .�;:., <br /> . insurcd against loss by fire.dazards included wlthin tha tuan "o�cten4ed ooverage"and any ottzer t►a�ar�s�includtng floods or ,Y_. <br /> tic�oding�for wtr3ch Lender requires inautance.'lbis lasurauce shaU be maintuirtod in the amounts and for the geriods tltut I.ender , <br /> roqulres.'1The ivaurence c�rrier providing the insurance atinU be chosen by Ha�mwer subject to Lender's epprovel which ehaU hot . <br /> ` ba unreasonably withheld. If Bo�rowcr fails to maintain coverage described above� Latd�ar may. at Lender's opllon, obtein <br /> coverage w protect Lender's rlghts in tho Pmperty in accordflnce witb p�ra,�nph 7. <br /> pil insuranca pollcles and reuawals ehaU be acaptablo W L�ender and stiall include a�tandard maitgaga cleuse.Lcnder shnll <br /> huve iho righi W kold tho policlea end renew�is. If Lender mquUe.s.Borrower sh�U promp�ly gtve to Leteder e11 n�ceIpta of paid � <br />- pm,�iiums and renowal na�ccs.In th�event of Ioss.Bmm�ver ehalt�;ive pmmpt aodoe to the insur�oe c�rsler and Lendcr.Lcndsx <br /> � may malce proof of lass ff aot msde promptly by Hanowu. <br /> ,�,,,..-�" Unless I.ender and Boirower othecwiso a�groe in a►rtdng,3nsuranoe�mc�ds s�at1 be aPPlled to r�s�o�t�on or repsir of the <br /> ��,•..,,�•.° pmperty damaSed.If the rastoratlon or r�pair t�economiCatly feaslbk and Leada's soc�uIty is aot less�eed.If t&e reswrNaon or �. <br /> repair ia reot�canomtcally feasible or Lender's securlry woWd be tcs�ed�the insuranca pmooeds st�all 6e applled m the s�una <br /> � � securod by this Su�urIt�►IaswReEnb whether or aot then d�e,a+ith any wcaess paW�o Bom�wa. It Hoirower nbs�udans the <br /> �_ ProPertY.or dce.s aot ansarer vvIddn 30 days a aottee from Lender that the insarence carrler hav ofifered w seule a elaim.ihen _y__K= <br /> � ,, � Leuder may collect the insurauce pracoecia L.ender may use tha proc�eds w repa;r ar�soare tho Propeny or w pay snms sectued ��< <br /> " . ; , by tlils Secautry List�umenb whether or aot thea dua'nte 30�day period w►�ll begtn wkea the nod�e is givea. �:: <br /> .�, �' Unless Leader and Somnwer otheiwLse ag�e In wrIt3n8�eAY ePP]kaLion of pmceeds w p�laci�al sLell not e�ctend o:posqwme <br /> ' ..� tus dna date of tke raontdlY PaY�ents refened to ia para�apbs 1 ead 2�change the amount of iha payau�ta.If under pata�aph � <br /> ° ,� . 21 tho Piope�qr�S acquired by Lender, Boirower's rIght w eny jn�uance poli�s and grocaeds resuldng from dau�age to tho '_L- <br /> . _ �F�Y P����luisidon sh?ll p�ss oo I,eader to the e�teat ot the sutns saa�ned Ul►d�is Sxurlty Inswment immediately �.`- <br /> � �"'�'_"=` <br /> �. � "' �,6��paucy,Pr�eser vatlon,..'Iaintenana�ad Protcdion of t6e Property: Bon+ower's Loan Applkatbn;I.eas�hoWa _u- <br /> ' resideuce wi.tbia s1xtY days aft�ex the executlon of ��L <br /> � Bottowu shall oc��upy.esmblis6.and use the?rope�ty as Bomower s Prindpal �:;:�- <br /> this Security U�soramwt and shall ooadnue W accupy the Fropaty as Ba�oweJ's prjndpat resldena fa at leagt one ye,ar�tl�e <br /> J <br /> „w.a� ' �BtC Of OOCl1�8ACS/.UIIIC.RS LiCit�Pl OthCi�V1AC 8$i�0C9 �A W[It$i$,Wh�h COi13271t Sh911 AOi 68 Ilt1IC8SOJ18bIJl WIUIhOld,Ot IlA1C33 —'_. <br /> excenuadng circumstereces e�st whlch ere beyond Bomower's oontrol B�cower s6all not de.stroy,dama8e or impair the Propaty. "— <br /> , allow the�y to deusloiate.or oommit waste on tho Propeaty.Bonower sLall be in defaWt if any forfeimre action or _ <br /> . � groceeding,whether dvll or caiminai,!s begna that in Lender's gomd faitb,�udgmcut could result in fafeiuu�e of the Propeny ar --- <br />- ; ,y�F othe�vvise materially imPair the lieu crosted by this Securtty Inst�uument ar Le�tdet's sacu�ii�+inLeres�Borrowu may cure snch a <br />, ",;,.,_„ �_,, defauU and reinstata�a4 provIded In pazag�aph 18.UY e�the acuton or pmoaeding to be dismissed with a:nling d�et, in <br /> �•g g��a�eh�te.eerminadnn�preclu�es fa�feitime of the Hun+owa's�nt,e�est in tbe Propeity or other matecial impa�meAt of , <br /> '-.�- . the lier►creaLed by this Securlty�nstmment or L�tder's seciulty lnuxest.Boaowu shsll also be in default if Botrowa.during the <br /> loan appllcatlon proo�s.Ba�+e materially false or inacxurete iafotmadon ar stauaneata to I.erWer<a�m provIde LRndei wlth <br /> -� ,.,.. any matietial iuto�maHon) in oonnocdon wltb tho loau evIdeucad by tbe Note,iacWdiag.but aot timi�od to,r�ns <br />'.�`* �'•��-''•'� ceaoaning Bonowu's oocupanaY of the Prnp�ty a4 a prlacipal re.sidtaoe.If this SepuIty►InrAnuneut is on a leasehold,Boaowet <br /> shall oomply with ell tha provis[ons of tme lea5e.If Boaower aoyuires fee dtle w the Properiy,ttae leasehold and We fee ttt�e shall <br />�'�•"'�:`.:`'�'°•: not mesge unless Lender a�ees W the mergear in arldng. _._ <br /> -"�°`;�'••:,: , 7. gP�rotecNion otI.ender's Righte in the Prop�rty. If Boirower faiis to perfonm the aoveaanb and eig�eemeuts containod in <br /> � --_`:''�� tLis Security Inst�ument,or there ls a 1e8���8��Y �eently affect Latder's dghts in the Pcopaty (snch es a - <br /> :°.'':".:""�.. pr0000ding in baniciuptcy.Pmbaie.f�condemnation or forfeiriue or to eaforce laws or regWadons),t6en Leada may do and pay <br />-�-,—ki:.a.,:w <br /> - ,'��` for ahatavar is aea,ssat�►to pmtact ths value of the Pmpe�ty and Laider's rigbts in dia Ptopecty.Lender's acdiona may imclade <br /> _^;i.`:va;:,�i;": . . <br /> _--�"�x.�:; PaYmB any sums sactuod by a IIen wt�ich Las prlarlt�► over this Sx�aity lnstn�em, apPearinB in oou�t.PaYInB rea�onabb <br /> — ..�:-_.�-�r�sa aimm�ya'fas and enwing on tho A+npeRy to maYe�aiirs. Aldaough I�der may mke acti�a nada thfs parag�aph 7.I.ender <br />_��a�ti"�� does not have to do so. <br /> __ - - My emonnts disb�acsed by Leada�mder this parngreph 7 abaII beoo�ne addidonal debi of Se�mwet�by this Sauniry <br /> -�..���.— Insocummt Ualess Baimwer and Laidei ag�oe to ather o�ns of paYmeat,thcse a�moimts shaII bear intae�from the data of <br /> -- - -- dlsbiuseaaa►tatthe Noterata and s4all be payable.wItb interes�uponnotloa fmm Leadato Bomawer requesdng paymeat, — <br /> =,.�� 8.Morigage Insuranoe. If Lrender reqnired mnngsge ipsutance as a oondition of matdng the iom�savnd by ti�is Stcurity --- <br /> ---.,�. ra�tumW, Bonovra� shau pay the p�iums roqu�d ro main�in mo maa�ge ins�ai►se a►e,ffect. If,�for any neason, the <br />-_—__----= nno�tgaga ins�uenoe covuaga seqaired by Leader lapses or oeams tc be Lt effec�Bomuwer shall pay the premiums raqui�ed to <br />-�.:,"� oiNain ooverege sah�u,naluy eqmvaleat to the mortgase�,ioe pm.►ionsly in a oosc s�atanaeuy eqnivakat to tlx --- <br /> =��=�..�. oost ta Somower of ths mo�age tasueance previously in e�xt,.from an altanate maztgage iasuca approved by Leader. If <br />-, r,° "� substanti�ally eqnivaleut mortgage ins�uance wveaa,ge is aoi availabla,Homower sdatl pay to Lrender eac6 moath a sum equal te <br /> "`'`�..-� � ono-twelfU►of the yeaarly mostgage ins�as�►oe premium being pafd by Soaower whea the insucanoe wvesage lapsal or cea5ed to _ <br /> _ - �.`�`..Y° be in effcrt Leader will eocep�ase and reffiin these paymeats ag a lass resesve in lleu of mort�age insiuenoe.Lflss rese�ve =-- <br /> a.�s Form S0��!!0 �" <br /> .�: . F'�... <br /> �� :�� � �`,:� ��BR(NEj(o2t2) PaQ�eot! Initlab: E:.�- <br /> . .�.. � '�� � <br /> . ,. � :�:. . E <br /> , � ;,�; �.'_ <br />_ t . y- • • '1 �y. •i'�y .�vR,��;'�. :-r - " .. �'. <br /> . .:a�n��� � ' • � v ( , ' [...L�i _�TTi L `i�_'� _ _ _ • o .. .. <br /> . ... • , . . .. - <br /> - " w : .. . �- . <br /> � <br /> . ._---..1�__._.__-_..__. _._ . _._-... .._..-____ ___ r.-•��� �a _ . �•..". <br /> __:- -_ __-_. -.-_ __- _-_ _- - _ - -__ -_ _ <br /> - - _ __ _ ____ _. .-.. .._--__.___. n __ _. _._-_ _ __.___ . -.___- ___- .._.�._T�- _ ___--___" .. <br /> . . �-vis. am� -� <br /> ... =' .. .. - . , :. �{ a .. .;.:�.,... �. .. . ..._ _ . .:�.. <br />_. . . - . .. ... ° •� . ., �� • . . .. <br /> J , <br /> �� ' . . . . . `y • <br /> ... ' . .. . .�'1 a. <br /> • � � <br /> .. � . ' .� .. ' t <br /> - .. . .♦ . 1 .. - 4 . . , � <br /> � <br />