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<br /> .�,.,;,. ,'-�� T�3STHBR WITH aU t}ta impmvementa now or her�aftes eiccted on tke property.and ail easements�e�pur�Enances.end -
<br /> . ., . .,,,y. �ctures aow or hereafter a part of the propeaty.AU replecememts aaid addidons shuU aiso be covered by this Securtty Inswmen� �.<_
<br /> . •...� All of die faregoing is referred to!n this Security Inev�mant ag tito"Property." ��.'.:
<br /> BORROWSR COVBNAN'TS that Bomower!s Iav�afUlly s�eised of tha esuus hereDy conveyed nnd hr�s the dght w grant end
<br />- � - cemey the Propeny and that tho Property Is�ar►encumberod�e�ccept fo�encumbrances of record�onower wura►nta r�ad wW
<br /> defend generally the titlo to tke Praperty egainat all clatms und demsnds.subject w any encumbrances of r�ord.
<br /> =:k.�..:,'�•; TTIIS SECURITY INSTRUN�NT combines unifam covenants for nadonat uso end non-uuifom�covenenta wtth WNted _
<br /> _�_�. .,
<br /> varlattona by Judadictton to cansdwt�a�nifarm securtty instrument aoverlag real properiy.
<br /> �:. IJNI�DRAQ COVENANTS.Borrower amd L�emder cavenent end�ea es followa: ��.
<br /> ':;�.''�•:�''� i.A�yFnent of Prtnc-�pv and Inter�e=Pr+epsymeat und I.nte C6arges. Horrower eh�ll pmmP�Y PaY when due the . .
<br /> ;:� piiadpalof end intereston the debt evldencad by theNata and eny�epaymentand late churg�►dus under the Note. ^.
<br />= - -- - 2.Ftinds for Taues s�nd Insurana. Subjeci w applicable law o:tu a wr[uen wa.jvu by Lender. Bosower ahall pay to ' `�,;
<br /> � Ltader on the day montWY Wryments are due under thaIJota.until the Note fi�paid in full.a sum("Funds")far:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> �;�: aad assessments whieh may enain prlarIty oves this Searity Inswment as a llea an tha Pru�ty:N)Ye�rly Itasdtold payments
<br /> _ . ar ground re,�ts on the Aroparty.if any:(a)Yearly dmarG or properry iasuraacx premiu�na:(d)YeaziY flood insivanca pnmiums�If r,_
<br /> _ � � anY:(8l Y�rly morigage insuranoe premiuma�if eny; and (�any sums payabl�hy Bon+asvx to L�edrr�In sxcord.:nce c�3t�tles
<br />''�_,'���," r� gmvlstons of pare�aph 8,in 13eu of tho payment of moitgage insiaance pr�aaiuras.Tliese items are callod "Bsccow Items." �`-u
<br /> �%::a��. � Lsnder mqy.at any dma.collect and hold Ftwds in m►amount r►ot t,o qccoed the m�timum emount a leader for a federslly related
<br /> -�,-•:�� Iriortgage loan may nquire for Boaowear's escrow eocount under the federttl Real Eslat�Settleffieat Pracedures Act of 1974 as �>+.`
<br /> �"'�`"�t araended frona time w dme.12 U.S.C.Saniun 2G01 tt nq. ("RBSPA").unless anott�er 1aw that applies to the Funds sets a lesser
<br />��3�-�'.�.; emount If so�Leader m�ay.at any dme.callect and hold Funda in an amaunt aot to�xceed du le�r ea�ouaL Le:tdu may �
<br />`'`'�.:"'{=' `�� ! esdmate the amouat of Fuads due on the basis of aurent data ead reasonable esdrnates of expeudiwres of tbwre Bscmw Items or �_
<br /> �,<:_�:�.
<br />. . .-�:.__ .� oWa9vLsa in acc�dance wlih applicable law. --
<br /> . ' �.:a� 'I1te Fands sl�all be held in en instlmflon whose ts are iusurod b a federal�geacy.ins�umen .��_
<br /> _ .� dcposi Y tality,ar eatitY(includin8 �...
<br />''=a,,� Leader.�f I.ender is euch aA iasdtution)or ia any Fetiaal Hoaie Loan BaaY.Laadu shall apply the Fw�ds to pay the Esaow
<br /> . . y.: Items.Lender may not cl�arge Bomower far 6olding and ePP1Y�+�B the Funds.annually analyzing tbe esccow acoount,or verifyt�g _--.:
<br />'�_���'-• ' dte Bscoow Items,unless Len�ec Bomower inta�st on the Funds and licable law ts Leada to maloe such a cl�srga
<br />:_ra�..�:: Pa►Y$ aPP P� _
<br /> `_�a:; Howevez�Leadr.r may mqni�e Bo:rower w pay a one-daee cdarge for an indepwdeat real estate�repo�l3ng seav}ce usod by =
<br /> -=�;..-.;. Ieeader itt cannectFon with this losn,imIe,�s licablo law des othawise.Ualess an a�eeiaent is made or Ie l�w �=-
<br />==::4.n•.,��v ePP t+� �'A� —
<br />,,,�;��.:_,�;;� ieqwlres intaiest W be paid,Lender shaSl not be required to pay Baaower any intaest or eamings on tha Fuads.Barower and -
<br /> - I.eadei may agree ia wrttiag.however�that inte�st sdall be yaid on the Fuads.Laider sdaU gtve w Borrower.w8hont charge,an -
<br /> �...-:.���°�.. aaaual axoundng of tho Fnuds.showlag�redits end debim to the Fuads end the D�se for wbich each debit to the Funds aas ,
<br />,-�Y�;.�; -� made.'!he Funds are pledged as eddidonal soauity for all suips secund by this 5ecurity InsWmea� -
<br /> "'. `, If the Fw�ds held by Leader a�cceod the emowata perm[ued�o be held by applicabls laa.I�euder shall aoconnt tn Borrawes for
<br /> =,.a�,���a•
<br /> =�_�:�ar;�.� the exaess F�mds in axordence wIth the requiremems of appllcable lac�.If the amount of tbe Fonds held by Lsada at any tLaae 3s
<br /> —°� aot sufficknt to pay ths Bscrow Items whea dne,Leade�may so nonfy Boaower in wridng,mtd,ia such t�ase Bouower sLaU pay
<br />- -�_:y�
<br />-,-��,��.� W Leada the amount necessary to make ap the defic(eiecy. Borrawer aball a4ake up the deficta►cy in ao more than twe�ve -
<br /> .r.--.__� ���Y POYmeaffi.ai Lendu's sole di�redon. �
<br /> -- - Ul�D�Ymeat in full of all swns secured by thia SeauIry Iu.s�rumeat I.eader sball prompfly refund m Boaowa any Funds _
<br /> _-�-���;� � held by Leada.I�under patagiaph 21,Leader s4all acq�ire os sell the Pmperty.I.ender.Prior w the acquiaition or sale of the v._
<br /> - ___;� '. Aroperty.shall apply any Funds held by Leader az the dme of acqaigitton or sale as a cxedit against the smas socured by dds
<br /> _.____ S�y�unmea�
<br /> - _
<br />