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", ..��,..:�..T t`'.`"^"""°'°�-.'\ ,...«77 k ..�,j•r:� . - -- 4- •- �--y �i '-a --+ 7 . - — -----�--- - - -- � - ------ __- - ---- <br /> ,� ' -._.. .t - 1 s��1�X ��'���.. - ' , f2 ��s,�}� ^''r .r� �o yi t t $1V/' '.�� -- ' <br /> (Akr-�'t�t �f .'�i° Fr- � �',<t -.{�� ? 1i i�ri }`YtYiit<^,��I • <br /> i e, ; c�I° � .E: �. ., .., 51 .:4.��„;+�:' . <br /> '���;c����inMnmr; .•,!•.•_ . , � ,"' :�i�i7;.2� . , - . <br /> � _.� .. � . � ...._ �}i.. .� . .. ,. . , _ - . <br /> �y�� , ""� <br /> '""RST�' . � ' .. � . .. . � � ' - � . . .. . . <br /> : ry .-� _ ( .. .�. . . - _... .'rr,:. ..p;,i - (.• --- �-:-.�_°.° <br /> .. U .. . ..w�MF�� . . ' � __'_�'_" k`�..Kt�AV___. '_'_......-_...._ ..........__. �•;.. <br /> e•�u�.�w�YaFPta�6MR145F�IF�K} <br /> e) 1. "— �..� <br /> i �', <br /> . . ., �o���$ �96�- LO`74�9 :�� <br /> . +..�. <br /> ..r,. � 1. Pqrtmnt:�. Borrow�t eyreea to mako atl payments on tho seairod deLt when duo. Untesa Borrower end Cender egroe otherwlan, eny 4,' <br /> paymonte lender reealves trom Bonower or ior Bor�owar's beneflt wfl�ba epplied tirst to any amounts Borrowrer ov�ro�on the aer.ured debt <br /> °•�� exolustva of iMStest or principai,�econd to Ir►teseet Qnd then to perttet prapaYment of the sacured dobt occun for eny reason,it wili _ <br /> • not reduce or oxcusq any aaheduled peymeM untiltha cocurad dobt ia pntd In full. <br /> � � � �.Ctdm�A�fta�t Titl�.Banower witl pay a11 tsxe�,esaessmants,and ather cl�srges atuibutebto to the property when dua and wlit dofend UUe a: <br /> to ths prope agninst sny olsims whteh would impair the Iler of thia daed of t►uri.Lendar may requtre Bonower to asalgn eny righte,ciefine o� <br /> dafenaes v�i�Horrourer m�y have�painat parRte�who suppiy tabor or matorials w tmprovo or meintaln the propariy. ., <br /> , ., . . ; i �. <br /> 8.tnwnne�.Borrower wiil keep the property insured under terms aeeeptabte to Lender at Borrower's expense and lor LeMer's benetit.AU <br /> insurartee pollaiea ehail Inotude a etandard mort�ape aiauso tn favor of Lender.Lende►wID be named as�osa payeo or aca Ure insu�ed on any such <br /> insurance potioy.Any inaurance proceeda msy 6e epp1led,withtn Lsnder's dtecretioo,to eithar tho routaotion or eopcir of tha domapod progorty �, <br /> ...,r�"4 or to the eeaured debt.If Lender reQuira�mortgage Inaurnnca,Bottower agraes to mainuin tueh Inaurance for�s 7onp aa lander requtrea. <br /> ���N� 4.Pro�rty.Bottower witl kaep the propertq in good condlUon and make ell repaEre reasonably necessery. <br /> B.Expmtp.@ortower aqreea to pay ali Lender'a axpensoa Ineluding�easannMe eKorneya'tees,if Borrower bteake any covenanta in this deed <br /> �-= ot ttust or In arry ob11gaUOn secured by thio deed of t►utt.�orcower wiii pay thAee amounte to Lender en provlded in Cov�nant 8 of tbis deed of <br /> � truat. .. <br /> f��� 8.Prtor 9��lMereats.Untese Borrower flrat obiainr LenQeYs w►ftten consent, Bortower wltt aot meke or potmft eny changea to any ptior <br /> ' � r•;�� sewrity IMeresta. 8orrowst wilt petform ail�of BorcowePe obifgations under ony prior mortgaQe, daed of trust or otlror aeeurtty agreement, _:_�'. <br /> inctuding Bortower'e eovemnu to make paymena when due. <br /> � •• � E 7,Aai�01 Rans Ima Proffb.Bottower aadgns m Lendei the�erts and proftts of the property.Untosso Borrowor and lender heva egreed ���?� <br /> -",� .` o <br /> • �-�°•� " otherw se tn m9tlnp. Bonower may colieat and rotain the rente es lony as Bortawet is not in default.If 8orcowar detauttn,Lendar,Lendefs �;``_: <br /> ' ' ' '}� agent,or a court appol�d receiver mey take possession and menage the propeny artd coileat the rents.Ar►y re�s tender collects shafi be �.�-�• <br /> �� apptied Nrst to the costs of managing the property, inctudlng court eosts and attomays'feea, commiselona to rontd egeMe, and any other i�.4': <br /> �:��.:s,:i�.,} neceasary rekted expenaea.The rematning amouM of roMS wilt then apply to paymente on the secured debt ee provided h CovenaM 1. f�.:�- <br /> j�.> ..:,,.::. <br /> _ __,_� ._.4 e.�;.�s.����=p�d UNt D�wiope�ena.gonower agrees to compIy with the provislons of a�Ieesa tlthis deed of trust Is on �° <br /> a leasehold.t�this daed ot trust ta on a untt in a condomMfutn or a plannsd unit development,Borrower wiU pe�form�I ot Borrower'e dutiea ,__ _ <br /> _ , .•,.,�_� under tha covenants,by-laws,or regulatbns of the condomtNum or ptanned unit deveiopment. �• <br /> ��:: <br /> 8.Autl►o�t'i1r of L�r to PMoem fot 8onowu.�t Bonower fatia to perfarm any of Borrowsr's dutles under thia dee0 of trust,Lender may <br /> .. . • {, p e e t o t m t h e d u t t e a o r e a u s e t hom to be p erfarened. Lendet me y etgn 8orrower's nnme ot Day sny amouM if neceaeary br pertormance.If arry �_ <br /> • .� consuuction on thepropotty is diecoMirn�ed ar not eattied on in a reaeonahle mannar,Lender may do whetever is naceasery to protoct Lender's o_..�, <br />�:'��'-;;,;� securlty Irrcerost in the propertl►.Thta m�y IneNede compietiny the construction. _- <br /> ' � .�. , Lender's faiture to pe�form wiD oot prectuda lendet f►om exercfstng any o4 tta other Nghte under the law ar Mia deed ot vust. � ___ <br /> .;;�{.�r�.":�r�' y _ <br /> ' an d wi I be�ar�inmresi fromdaie dapte��of tl�ie p ymeM u�patd In�tuit�ttre IMe�restr te n effe�on tlro�es asued deb�nta will be due on demand --- <br /> 0 <br /> .` -- - ip,p�tauft rnf pee�t�raUan. N Borrower faUs to make any paymam whon duo or breaka any covennnta under tN�deed ot mist or any =__- <br />-' =.',:�' '�� obligatEon securod by thSs deed of trust or any pbr mortgepe or deed of trust,Lender mey eeeelerote the mstudql ai the sacured debt artd <br />_ K:, - 1 demand immedi�te payment and may tnvoke the power of aule and Any other remediea permttted by app�tcebte Isw. <br />- ;c.�:_.�:,�-. <br /> � <br /> :_:;�=._�.�� 11.Rtqu�st tor Noflw of D�tMdG It is hereby raquested that coptoa of tho ootiees of defauk snd aaie be sent M each perton who is a pany <br />��;'^ti•;i.�tp►�'�- f18T8t0•dt ib10 Baf�I008 0�EOG{t tiY4�t ybriMYfl�3b ablfC►P1Si tl8i8�Ti. ` -- <br /> �"s...,•y � • 1Z.Powa of SN�.If the Lender invokes the powe�ot sale,the Trustee shail flret record in the offtce ot U�e reglater d doeds of each cour�ty <br /> =�;-•-'�?�� wAeretn the ttust propertY or some part or�arcetthereof ts skueted a notice of defauR coMaiNn8 the tnformatton requtrad by law.Ths Truntee <br /> ' r'-'' shali atso mail copias of the noUce of defeult to the Bortower,to each person who is a party hereto,and to other persom as esaibed by <br /> _-T�.e'�__,;� mt in any <br /> „�,, appitc�bfe la�n+.Not less than one moMh after the Trustee records the notleo of detau or two moritha H the truat property <br /> ^-.�. R � incorporated city oc villaQe end ta used in farming operationa oarried on by the truator,the�ruatee ahefl yive public notioe ot ente to the persona <br />- .����:� a n d i n t h e m a n n e t p r a a c r i b e d by_e p p p l l e a D l e l a w.T►u a t e e,w i t h o u t d e m a n d o n B o rcower,eha11 seU tA8 pro p eRV at pubGe auctlon to tha hfshest <br /> - bidder.If reQuirod by the Farm Homestead Proteplon Act,Tn:stee shetl oNer the propertY in two separate seras aa ro�dr 6 d by epp i lea b le lew. <br /> _���. Tnfstee may poatpone sale of aIi or any parcel d the property by pub�lo announeemem at the Ume and place of eny prWEousiq scheduted snts. <br /> ����_�,,,- Ls�er or ita destIInes may pur e h ase the prope r t y at any saie. <br /> :�_s��'_.= � =_ <br />:_�;t ; _.:�;�, Upon roeeipt of pa�rmerit of trte price bid,1'rusteeshall deflver to the purehaaer Tnistee's deed eorneytnp tta property.Thm recttieia contefned fn <br />-- Trustee's deed ehail be prtme fade evidience ot tha uuth ot the statamerns eortteined therein.Tnistee shait app(y the prooaeda of the sate in the <br /> -_�-'���1�� foilow[np order. (a) to all expensea of the sale, inct�dinp, but not Umited to, reasoneble Truatee's feea, �eesonabb ettorne�/s tees and <br />�-.�-�y�� teinstatement tces;ib)to eIi suma secured by tfU�deed ot trust,and(c1 the batanco,H eny,to the porsons IegeOy entitled to recelve k. <br /> - --- 13.Fonctown.At Lender'e option,thfa deod of trust may be forodosed tn the manner provEde by eppitoabte Iww tor laacloauro o!mortgapes <br /> -- — on�eat property. <br /> -..�,��o�:� <br /> _,,,,��.� 14.t�n.Lendm mey eMer the property to inspeat h N tender gives 8orrower noUee batorehand.The notloe rnust ctete the reesonsbte <br /> oau4s or LendePs inspeatlon. <br /> ---�'� -- _= 16.Carxbnr�ttion.Bortower essigns to lender th�proceeds of any eward or ctalm for damag es conneated wid�e condemnadon a other tekinf� <br /> ��"' ot all or am►part of Me propeRy.Such proceeda wllt Ee appiled as provided in CovennrK i.This aasfgnment Ia subJect to the terme of any ptior <br /> .,--�� secuthy agreement. _ <br /> 18.Watr�t.By exercising any remedy avatlabfe ro lendet,lender daos�ot pive up�any�ights to later use em►otMr remedy.By not exercising -- <br />��_°:�� any romedy upon Bortowar'e detautt,Lendet doea not watve eny�fpht m Iater consuler the event a detauh if h happens epain. <br /> ---=_•---—R`� 17.Jdnt and Ssv�nl�Codtyr�rr,Succ�sso� and Asstpns 8o�xid. All dutias under Uda deed ot truat areJoim and Beverai. My <br /> -- Borcowar who casipns thla eed o!vust but does not co-stgn the undertvinp debt IntbumerK(s) does�o only to praM anE convey that <br /> -.,���r��:� 8orrowers trrtarest in the propetty to the Tnistee under tho terms of this deed ot trust.ltt addkion,sudt e Bot►owet agees that the 1 ender and <br /> --- ar�y other Borrower under this deed of uust ma�extend,�i(y ot make eny otMr ehanges in the terma of this dsed of truat or tha secured <br /> -_--_— debt without thet BortoweYe conserrt and without reteastng th�EoTtowar trom tne terms of this deed of truat. <br /> -- "�;-�`��� The dutfe�and benefha of this deod of trurst shaA bind end benefft the suaeeeson and essipna of Lender and Borrower_ <br /> - .��r <br /> �:,f,�;;���;?��_ ; 1&Noticf.Uniass otherwlae raquired by taw,am1 n� atiee to Bonower ehap be given by deltvering k or by meiling N by catlfied matl addressed to <br /> -i_;_.�_:.c_-��� , BoROwer et tho p►operty eddroas or eny other aOGresa that Borrower has ghren to Lender.Borrowar wiU gfve ar►y notioe to Lender by certlfled <br /> � matl to Lender's addross on pape 1 of this deed of trust,or to any othor etldresa which Lender hne destynated. Any atl�er�►otice to Lender ahali -_ <br /> ---""`��'+,,;..N-1y� be ceM to lender's eddress as stated on page 1 of thia deed af trust. <br /> ,^.�,;�:."�'"�'-�` pny noUee aheti be daemed w have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner atated ebove. . <br /> _ r::�.�'� ' 1g.Transf�r a}!�prop�rty or�Bu�o!ldat Int�nst In tM BoROw�r.It ap ot ariy paR of the prope�ty or any intereat In it is sold ar transfenetl �_- <br /> wlthout Lender's prlor wrttten conseM, Lender mey Qemend Immediatepaymont of the secured debt. Lender may�Iso demand immedlate �-� <br /> - _ - : ��f�', RaymeM it the Boaower ts not a naturaipe rson and e beneticiet interest tn the Borrower ia eold or treneterred. i�lowever, Lender mey not �-= <br /> _ ...�;, demsnd psyment fn the above sftuaUona tf it is prohtbited by federei law ns of the date of thia dsed of traet. R---,.- <br /> 20.Racatv�Y�nu.When the obftgatlon sect�red by this deed oi Vust haa been patd end Lender has no further obliyation to meke advancea � <br /> � � � <br /> under the tnaVUme�or a9reemertts secured by thfa deed ot truet,the TNStee shalf upon written request b1I the �ter,reconvey the vust =�; <br /> __;� :� property.The Lender ahall defiver to the 8orrower, or w BonowePs suceeeaor In imerest,the Vuat deed pnd the note a otAer svtdenco of the <br /> -- , � eblfgetioa so satisfted.Borcower shatt pey eay�ecardatlon coate. ��_ <br /> ��=�-""r 21. Sueeestor TrustN. Lender, et Lender's a�lon,may remove Trustee end appolnt e suecessor trustee by firat,maitng a copy ot the � <br /> �:�-�i'' . ^ substitutton of trustee as reputred by apptfcable kw,end then,by fliing the subs�tRution of trustee tor record in the oifice of the repiater of deeda • <br /> � ., � suc 8ce Qouellytlie power dutle aud�orityn and U�tle of the tTr�us�ee nsme�ud in N�a dasd of trust end of a y s�ue�ssoi Vu�of ihu proparty.shatl <br /> • fRags Y ol?1 <br /> . . • . 8/W1fEAg BYgTEMS.MC..ST CtOUD.MN 68301 11 a0P991•lYNI iORM OCP�MTtMtE 81t8191 <br />