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<br /> ��-='�� DEED OF TRU8T N
<br />""� ur on p t�7t�wt�oass� �"'.'
<br /> - �oaa ,amonp the O�enmr, � ,��.
<br /> .-i .-.�4 a PApT1ESs This Deed of Tnist to mede on QcT�S�-a3+ - (°Bortower"1.
<br /> n ' ;,•;.�� Courriy.Neb�aska!'Truatee').and the Baneflotary.� �=-
<br /> i:c'. �
<br /> ' whote rosidena nddrete is ,a corporetion ot�ani�ed ���
<br />--- .i.:•, .;�_.
<br /> �v<."," � , axa whose addroas is -"
<br /> _ and extftinp and�r ths tawa of _Ns"i338�1 _�•Lendsr'l. �:
<br />_�,a_:`'��.� . with pcwer of�ale.ths na!propsrty.a?v�rhieh
<br /> • •'•"�'��'='�- • COfiVEYAl:CSs Ear valua roselved,Borrawer ineweabty pnnn and conveys to Tn�atse,in trust.
<br /> Bortohter b IawWh►tel:ed, d�tertbed batow and oh buisGtrspa,ffnriQe». erM exiaHog uM nmiro tmProvemer�ri ifl�xeon sttd�a�i riyhir-at-rxY. -
<br /> �
<br />,:,•.r,:.'r,;,. __
<br />�::=a+: sas�mert�. rona. [ssu�s. proNts•ineomo, ten°me�,he►aditama�s, plvilepes and any eppuRenances tlteraurto Gatong.np lal!cdied the _
<br />�:�"'":{;�.. 'propKCll'!. �..,,,..., Te..n,,m .N�brask� sagei
<br /> •:�r-:. PROPERTYAODRE88 �3ee a nntm�RT - � dpcoaq �",�
<br /> --: - l5vwtl tCM) �,•-.-
<br /> ._,-'��� � LEOAL DESCfII�'ItON: _
<br />< ,•�u:� OF THS 8A3T HALB (Si/2) OF T88 NORTIiWBST 4UARTSR (NWl/4) OF 88CTION
<br />'=•�': , TW�N'1'Y-SICiST (2R). T09PN$HIP BL$V�I (il). RAN(iS NINS (9I WSST OF T�
<br />_s..,
<br /> -_�;�.ry 3IXTH p.M., HALi� C09N'P'Y• •
<br /> __�b'�� �_...
<br /> _' "Y7'A�•`i•�
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<br /> .,c-:,'!�f�.�:..:�_�
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<br />�'���j� —
<br /> _Y��'�-�
<br /> ,-�.� "'—� . an�nm rarsuo, rant.T. County.Nebrasks.
<br /> -v.��sxa�c.��J located in
<br /> __---„�.� TR1,E;Borrower aovenat►ta end wertarKe tkle to the propeRll.axcapt for
<br />-_.�.z>�,ei�8
<br /> _:�-:,;,;�,� SEC111tEp DE�T:This deed of trun cecures tn le�dat repaymeM of the securod debt and the pertorms�ce of the covenar►te and apreements
<br />___���,�� conteirwd in this dMd of trwt and In arry oth�r documant incorpureted herein.Seaued deDt,as used tn this deed of trus�includsa eny�mournt
<br /> --_-=i 8ortovwr owes to l�ndn undsr tNs dssd of truet or under eny Instnement sacured b1►thia deed of trust,and atl modiftcatlons,extent[ons and
<br /> - � '� ren�w�b th�nol.
<br /> �s��d�pt Is evtdenced by(List a1t insb umeMs and apresmer�ts secured by thts Qeed ot trust�nd ths drtes th�aof.l;
<br /> _-�:�
<br /> �
<br /> — �pKUr�Adr�nr.TA� abow amount b secured exon thoupA al�or pert ot It may not yst bs �dvi►�c�d. FuttRS ad�►an�an
<br /> -- corrc�mptabd and wilt 6e seared to tfie seme exterit as H made on the d�te thb deed ot aust b ex�eut�d.
<br /> ' � CJ R�volv[tq IiM of credlt eproemet►t E�ted .with INtfd annual irrtenst rate of %•
<br /> -- s AII unouM�owed under this a reemem ue aeaued even thou0h ati*mouMS maY�ot Yet���.�ro°���s unQer
<br /> -T--- ---- th�ay�eemer�t are eoMen+pl�end wfti be sewred to the eams extent a if mad�on ths dste tfiis deed of trust is ezacutsd.
<br /> e1� 14 not A�td ee[ier.
<br /> ---= The nbove obifartion ts due tnd peyabte on
<br /> — The totai unpaid babnce secured by th�s deed of trust at an1►one tlms shatt not excaed a mawmum principat amouni ot, -
<br /> ---- ,.s ,��vn a�x�es� �rtaa suo ��/+nn DOIIMS 1�.4��' 6? '�7t 1.Plus iMetes4
<br /> __._ 9eaTV f22Y �+ �
<br /> � ���� ptus eny amour►ts dishursed under the terms vf thts dsed of truat to protaat the s°C+ritY of this deed of Vwt or to p�Aartn any of the
<br /> �„�,�.;��. covenerrts corrtained tn thla deed of truat.wlth IMerest on sucA dialwrsameMS.
<br /> - �:�.,,��.�A
<br /> �:;;,��.�•� ❑yp��yt�R�b;The irrterost rste on the oDiigatfon seeured by thia deed of auat may verN according to the tenrs of that obitaation.
<br /> �---••±��vl�iarsi F�i
<br /> _-;�= ❑A copy of the Ioan epreemeM comatning the te*ma under whieh the Irrcerest�ete may varlr ts et¢acl+ed to this deed of trust and
<br /> made+�pav[hereot.
<br /> -y�.��3.!
<br /> _'"',�=,�� RiDENB: �Commarcisl � •,^,•,•^•e"�,"• na u�rra �
<br />__'�•.•�:;�,. DESlQNA710N OF HOMEBTF�D °��� -
<br /> --;;;_-i';�t`�"", -
<br /> .G2
<br /> ___-.��:n �. PurBUant to tha Farm komeatead Proteedon Aat.deaianatian of homeatead ❑ u ettached to this deed of uuat and mnda a paR hereof
<br /> -�:'5=-�;'a__� ❑ Ane been dfsctalmed;the diaolalmer ia attecMd to this deed ot truet end msde a Dart Mreof.
<br />_ �..��:�p:., :,.
<br /> -.. � . SIOIMA7URE9:By sl�leD bNow.Borrow���ttu t�rtns�nd covenu�u cwnatn�d In tNs dMd of wsL tnciudinY thos�on pap�Z.and In =
<br />�"�``_�� ,��1�/�ll���,� _��'����.�,,,�..��� _
<br /> �
<br /> �Ae
<br />-=- Ri�.3y- RICHARD p NBWHOU88 reizt,i�YB V ADAAwvo v
<br /> - "S IL�: q ' � _
<br /> -_ _. . �- - � � COUtlty 88:
<br /> .. . ,. . • The foreQOing t�trument was ecknowlsdgad batoro mo on this� ��Rn day of e��, 19Q� _
<br /> _- py mueun
<br /> � c . ° �a�m.ot Corvorwm«v�uwtlVpl
<br /> CarDain a O}
<br /> . ' , Ae��s e � � � an behaH af the corPoration or partnorship.
<br /> _ �° ,�, . ,L My commt:ston exDtros: i�/19/96 --- �,�a��o�. � � aaw Pumkl
<br /> � � �&�1
<br /> TRIe{rotrument was Preparod by �pjq �bfa! �$�
<br />: m�ee��+x�nssra�a�NC..er.e►ouo.�+e+eeso�n�aooas�-�a�►wswoev�rtaNeenere+ A?PL# 00013452
<br /> CCDl1 0000000000
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