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<br /> � Inaumnoo prooeede tor repel�ar teptnoement ehatl be pleoed I�esorow with the Lender and dlaburoed by Lender during o�upon oompletton ot aoh
<br /> rep�lr or�eplaoement. If tho Lender eoqutres GGe to tM Property by oxoroisinp ite power of eate,toreo�osuro or othet��loe,In ouUafaoUon ot cho
<br /> irtdebtodnees secursd hereby,in whole or In part,then aft dpht,dde am!Intereat of the Borrower in and to euoh Inauronoe polloy or pollolos ehail paaa
<br /> to the Lor�dor. '
<br /> �, 4. ior eho purpooe of provtdinp e fund for the peyemnt of texaa,epeoia�aeaeasment�end inautanoe ptemiuma,Dorrower aheU depoelt with LeiMer,
<br /> on tAe datee that psymente ers due on tAe Note,en artaount eGusl ta the texe�,aesessmbnts end inaurenae ptemtuma next duo(dl ee estlmated by
<br /> the lender,leat amouMs dready deposited therefo�)dNidad by the�umber of psyrtient�on the Note thet wUt beoome dus ptlor to the date when�uoh
<br /> - taxet,aeaesamente nnd inauranoe prertdums wIA beoome due end payab�e. 9eld tundo wiU be hetd by the Lender in a non�intarost beadng osorow
<br /> aoeount for the purposes tet fortA above. It the emounts of the�e depoette ere not euffloient to pap texee,aaseaamente am!inauronoe promiums ae
<br /> � they beoome due,ths 9o�rowe�ehell upon�equest,p+Y Lender the amount neoeaeary to make up the defloienoy.
<br /> ^�;r� 5. Uniesa applioeble�aw provldea otherwiso,eilpaymentr reoelved by Lender urtder ths Note nn�paragreyhs t and 4 hereot aheti be ayplled by Lender
<br /> ' .;� tirot In payment of amounb payable to Lendsr by 8orcowlr unde�paragraph 4 hereot,then to interost payabie on the Note,then to the pdnoipet ot
<br /> .. the Note,and then to intereat and pdnolpN on any turthar srlvanaea or othet indebtedrtese se¢ured hereby.
<br /> 8. Boreower ehail ksep the Ptoperty in good repair end sheil not eommlt weete or permit impafrtnent or detedoratlon of the Property.
<br /> v 7. If the Bonower feils tot e)meintein ar pay the premlum+to►the requlred insuranoe ot ths Ptoperty,or b)pay tmcee before detlnquent,ar o)pay eny •
<br /> emount due under a prlor mottpage or truet doed betore dellnqueM,or d)maintain the P�opotty in Bood ropdr,or e)peNortn am►of the oovenants or ,
<br /> � agroemente of thle Ttuet Oeed,than Lender mey et Itt op�an pay euoh inauranoe promiums,texea,mortpege or trust deed paymeMS,or make repatn
<br /> • ��. end disburoe euoA eume end take auoh aotion ae it deenna neoeaeary to proteot ite i�terest without waiving or efteodng its right to deotare o�defauit
<br /> and eooeieraxe the debt seoured hereby beoeuae oi any euoh tailure ot the Bonower. Any emounts so disbureed by the lender efiall oonatitute
<br /> � addfdonal indebtedness of Borcower seoured by this Truet Deed and shoil bear intereet from the dete of disbureement at the rate payable under the
<br /> � Note, Nothinp oontained in tNa parogtaph sheA require t,ender to make any suoh dlaburseme�rts or take aoy aotlon whatsoever.
<br /> �� -� 8. lender mey tnake or oauee to be mede rearonabto ent�ea u�on end lnapeodon ot the Property.
<br /> S(
<br /> s 9. The prooeade of er�y sward or oiaim for damegee,direot or oonsoquemiel,in oonneotion with sny oondamnstlon or othet mking of the Property. �;�
<br /> ,. or part thoreof,or for oorneyenoe in ITeu of aondemnation,aro hereby aeaigned and sAatl be pnid to Lender to the extent of the tuli amount oi the
<br /> mmaining unpald Indebtedneae aeoured by this Truet Deed.
<br /> . � �`:�
<br /> „ If the P�operty ie ebaMoned by Bortowet,o�if,efter notloe by LerAer to @onower that tha oondemnor oHere to meke en ae.va►d or sattle a olaim for �`'
<br /> � damegea,Bor�ower tdta to respond to Lerder witfiin 30 dryo after the date suob noUoe fa malted,Lender ie authorized to oolleot and epply the prooeeds �•.i:S a
<br /> to the suma eeaured by thle Tntst Deed.
<br /> � � Condemnadon proeeeda ot swerdm ehail be orodited to the Ieat matudrtg Inatalimente of the indebtednos�seoured a�ehail not exaeed or poetpone �`°""
<br /> '�, tha due d�s of tRs lnsteliments reterred to i�paragreph�1 and 4 heroot or ohange tho emouM of suoh installmeMS. �;;--
<br /> , � 1 O.If che Lendet iasuea a pardN rolease of tNi Truet Oeed. tM proosedt rooeived therefor ehe116e oredited to the test matudng instetlmsMs ot tho �•'
<br /> i�debtedneas seourod hereby.
<br /> � : _ ° °_ .
<br /> 'f.
<br /> �• . • 11.If Lender either voluntediy or irnotuntedty beaottae aparty to eny sutt or Iegef prooeedinp reladng to the Property,Note or Mis Tntst Deed,tAen --
<br /> 8orrower wtll reimburse the Leoder tor dl ooab end,to the extent pomiltted by lew,roesoneble attomey fees Inoumd by the Lendsr roisttnp to suft ==
<br /> or leyal prooeedinpa and eatd suma aheil oonstltuts additlonat indebtedness seoured by thia Trust Oeed end beer tnterast at the rate paya6is under tM �_
<br /> ' � �`� Note,uMii pefid.
<br /> ' � 12.Ae add(donat eeourity,Bottower doas heroby as�ign,tranafer and aet wer to Lende►,In aase of detauit in the pertortnenae of sny of the tertns —
<br /> � or oonditlons of this Truet Oeed.the Note,or the terms of eny indebtedn�s seoured heroby,eIi of the roMa,tevenues snd eny ineome of nny type =_
<br /> ""' � v�hateoever to be dedved from the Property.Inol�ding land ooMraot psyments. Lender,In penon,by agent or by reoeivor,without rogatd to th� _
<br />-'� '"�+�°' '� � sotvenoy or insolvenoy of the Borrower or the wtue of th�P�operty,ehdl be eMltled u mke poaeeaeton of,ropdr,reM and manage the Propsrty ud -
<br />' . -„� to odteot the ronts,revenuee and inoome the►efrom end itmsy pey out of eaid inoome efl oxpenass ot ropait and ooat�Inoutred io�entleg erd manedng k`�-���
<br /> the Property and oolleoUn�rontati end tor payment ot inwrenae promiuma with er�y romaining botanoe to be epplted to the tast mstudny peym�nts �����
<br /> .�• - � ,-,�• of the debt seoured heroby. Upon pressnUng s oopy of W�Truit Oasd and demand to eny te�aee,tensnt or oontraot purohnsr ot ths Ptopmty.suoh �;;'�`
<br /> �, _ , peraon ahell pay all�eMe,paymeMe er�d profla eaorued a theroe t ter eoont ing to t he L e n der u M i l t u r t h er no t ioe irom t h e l.s n der. �_
<br /> l;��,����-;_,..-� 13.M eil or any part of the Property or arry iotaroat theroin(s daaded,soid by tand oo�raot or otherwtse oomreyed,aUenatsd or furthe�enoumbered r
<br /> -"°"-- ' eitAu vo�untadiy or involuntadly without Lendefs prbr wdtten aonsent,or if ths Tru�tor le e oorporaUon end there is s ohange tn owneroNp of 8096 ---
<br /> _��ra��. SL�K.:.".� . _—
<br />�,��_"� ._�-.�� or more of the eorporeUon'e etook,or If the Tmator te e parfisrohip and Mere le s ohange in the memberoNp o►�dissolutlon of tha parbtanhip, �.,.
<br /> -�;_y_:�-- excWding tef e aensfer by operatlon of taw upon the denh ot�jalnt terumt or(b)tM qront of uql I�asehold iMSrost not oo�ir8ng an opttoo to =
<br />---�-r.,y. ;;� purohese with e Uaas term of twa yean or lesr,or(o)ths oroation of the pumhase money seourity tnterost fn household applianoea.then Lendsr msy. ---
<br />_""f;�•. _ et ip option,dectaro atl auma seaurod by thia Truat Deed to be tmmedtatety dua e�payable. In the eveot the Lender oonssrna to amr such ohanpe -
<br /> '•�'' . . in ownerohip,oontroi or dt�sotudon or uenefer ot elt w atry pnR ot the Property,then Lerder may at ib opUon edjust the tnterost rate W ths prov�lUnp
<br /> - rate of[nterost that la aharged on�ew aeaurod Ioana of thetype�eoured by thla Truet Deed at the tlme of the ohnnge in ownerohfp,oontroi,dissoluUon -
<br /> - .., � of tronster orM may ohatge a tranater fee. °-
<br /> -—r�.;o;1,=`• • :�'_
<br /> - 14.Upon Bomwors brosoh oi amr oovenant or agroo�neM of Bonower tn thie Ttuet Daed,inolud(np the oovsnanM to psy when due any sums seourod
<br />-�`-°�"-'T�'`` � by tlds Tast Dsed,Lendsr et ka opUan mey deolaro att ot the eums eeourod by thi�7ruat Oesd to be tmmsdistely due end p�yable without funhsr �-
<br />� v s•. . � demertd and may tmroke the power of eaie endior amr other�anedtes permit4ed by apylioabts Isw indudinp the daht w forootoss tHs Trust Oeed In -
<br /> �`�� the manner provided by Iaw tor the forooioauro of mortgsgea on�eaf eatate. Lender�hnli be entided to ootieot etl roaaonablo oost�and e�enaee
<br /> �=-�� inourtsd In pumuf�g euoh romedies irteiuding,but not Il�nited to,ar�d to the extent pertn►tted by lsw,roasonable attomey fees. �
<br /> -.'µe;ar�'::"... ��.,
<br />` •-;���i.,,� If the powsr of eate ia irwokad,Troetee shdt reoord e no4loe ot defeutt in enoh oounty tn whSoh the PropeRy or some part theroof fe tooated nnd provfde -
<br /> • • � � notlae Meroof in the manner prosoribed by appdoable Iaw.ARer the Iapae ot suoh tlme ae mey be roqufrod by eppitoebts Isw.Tnistee�hdl�ve pubUo
<br />_ � noUce of eale to the persona end in the manner preacdbed by appltoabie taw. Truetee,or the attomey for the Truetee,without demand on Borrower. _--
<br /> shaU eeA the Property at publio auoUon to tha Ngheat bldder at the dme end piaoe end under the terma deetg�eted tn the naUos of aaie in one or moro _
<br /> - :+ parods end in auoh order aa Trustne may detemdne�T�urtee mey pos�one eate of att or any peroe!of the Roperiy by pubUo ennouncemeM et the -
<br /> r tlme and plaoe ot em►prevtoun�y eoheduied sde. Lender or LendeY�deaignee may purohaee the propeny et any sate.
<br />- ° � Upon reoeipt ot payment of the pdoe btd,Truatee ehdl detiver to the puroheser e Truatee's Dead,witAout warranq,oorrveytng the Property add.The
<br />_= reettais in the Trustee'e Deed ahall be pdma taole evidenoe ot the troth of the etetemente►nede theroin. Troetee ehall auppiy the prooeeda of Ne sde
<br />- in tAe foflowing order. a>to all►eaaonable aoats end expensea of the snte�inoluding,but rtot Iimked to,Truetee'e fees of not moro than Five Hundred '''
<br /> and No/100 t8500.00f ptua 1!2 of 196 of the e�nouM seaured heroby end romeining unpeid,end ooate of UUe evidenoe;b)w eil suma seourod by this .
<br /> - Trun Deed;and o)the exoeae,if any,to the parson or pemona tega�ly entltled theroto.
<br /> ,.-.- 15. Any torbearartee by Lendar in exeroising any tlght or►emedy hereunder,or othorwise atforded by e�plioable�ew,shail not be a walver ot ot `
<br /> __-_ • proclude the ezeroise oi any auoh dght or romedy in the aver�t of oontir►uing or tuturo broaohea 6y the Borrower.
<br /> = 18.AII romodioa provided in thie Truat Deed ere disUnot and eumutative to any other dght or�emedy undor thie Trust Deed or efforded by law or equity,
<br /> anAmey bo exorofaed oonouneMly,l�ependen8y orwoaessiveiy. It Borrower hae g(ven Lender a ohattet mortgage,or aeourity egreement on poraonai
<br /> ,U property es edditlonel seaudty tor the debt seoured hereby,in tho evont of defauli hereu�Mer or therounder.Lender ehati heve the dght and optlon to
<br /> firet fo�eclose on eaid pereonai propeny wfthout prepdioe to ite�ight to theroaftor selt or torootoae the Property or to pursuo eti aeourlty et the eame
<br /> tlme or to pursue the peroonal property aker the sele or foreotosure o!the Property. '
<br />—_ .� .� 17.Upon paymeot of etl suma seoured Dy shia Truet Daed,Lendet eAell request Trustee to roaonvey the Proporty and shali surronder this Truat Deed
<br />__ and eil notes evtdertoing indebtednesa seaurod by tNs TNet Oeed to Trueteo. Truscee ehnit r000nvey the Propeny without wottaMy to the peroon or
<br /> po�eona tegally endded thereto. 8vah peraon or pereona oha��pay all aoste ot reoordaUon,it any.
<br /> 18.Lender,at londe�'s opdon,may from tlme to tMrto romove Trustea and appoint a suooeasor trusteo to any Truetee eppoirNed heraunder by en
<br /> �� inswment reeorded in Me County In wNoh tNf Truat Daed ia r000rded. Wkhout eorneyanao of the Property,the suooesaor trustee shatl suaoeed to
<br /> ° ' ap Wle.power and duUea coMerrod upon the Truatee hereln and by epplioable taw. •
<br /> CC 2085 IRev.1/86) j
<br />